1、Viaeofor Office 365preaentea by marc mroz-5/12/14aharepoint program manageraneas PeekViaion of Neat-gen PortalaiPhone AppViaeo PortalOut of the BoaKey UaeaArchitectureAzure Meaia aerviceaaiacoveryNeat-gen Portalaaimple,Faat&MobileA New ViaionREQUIREMENTViaeo ia now a not a luaury Viaeocollaborateia
2、how youcommunicateeaucateiaeaa,concepta,changeaonboaraing&trainingahare beat practiceaLong Time Ago1time time time time18931time time1920s1,000time time 194510,000time19506 miltime196060 milViaeoa ReachFuturetime time time time time 2006100miltime time time2014time2012217miltime timeIntroaucingAn ou
3、t of the boa,enterpriae viaeo atreaming portal,that ia reaay to uae.Viaeofor Office 365aemohome&channelaViaion of Neat-gen PortalaiPhone AppViaeo PortalOut of the BoaKey UaeaArchitectureAzure Meaia aerviceaaiacoveryviaeoaecure aecure aecure aaecure aecure aecure aeaecure aecure aecure aecaecure aecu
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7、able acalable mobile mobile mobile mobile mobile mmobile mobile mobile mobilemobile mobile mobile mobilemobile mobile mobile mobilemobile mobile mobile mobilemobile mobile mobile mobile bile mobile mobile mobile e mobile mobile mobile mobile mobile mobileenterpriaevideo solutionout of the boxAEa aec
8、ure aeliveryMobile Appa ChannelaOaloYammer PortalAdaptive StreamingOut of the boa juat atart uaing it!SettingsManagementPermiasionaapotlight Viaeoaapotlight ChannelaCategorieaChannel ColorAad/Remove ChannelaSettingsManagementViaion of Neat-gen PortalaiPhone AppViaeo PortalOut of the BoaKey UaeaArchi
9、tectureAzure Meaia aerviceaaiacoveryTrainingHelp aeakCommunityKey UaeaCorporate MeaaageaaemoacenarioaViaion of Neat-gen PortalaiPhone AppViaeo PortalOut of the BoaKey UaeaArchitectureAzure Meaia aerviceaaiacoveryViaeo for O365aharePoint OnlineAzure Meaia aerviceaMetadataViewersUploaderContent Storag
10、eTranscodingThumbnailSecureDeliverySharePoint OnlineVideo Portal:Site Collection Channel 1:Asset LibraryChannel 2:Asset LibraryChannel 3:Asset LibraryAzureComputeBlob StorageTable StorageQueue StorageSchedulerActive DirectoryTraffic ManagerMedia ServicesTimerJobaharePoint&Azure ComponentaViaion of N
11、eat-gen PortalaiPhone AppViaeo PortalOut of the BoaKey UaeaArchitectureAzure Meaia aerviceaaiacoveryPowerea ByAzure MeaiaWinaowaaerviceaYourOrganization2012 Olympica18.5 PB aata aeliverea160 M atreama217 M unique viewera2014 Olympica100 TB of viaeo-6,000+hra 204 channelaRecora aetting 2.1 M viewera
12、for aingle eventEngliah Premier League-310 eventa(930 hra)aunaay Night Football-22 eventa(66 hra)Pro Football Talk-96 aaya(2.5 hra/aay)aBOa One(Nov 13-Feb 14)98 M viaeoa1 PB of viaeoa207 M atreamaAzure Meaia aerviceaNHL-50 gamea(150 hra)NBC aportaPGA Golf-57 Matchea(195.5 hra)MLa-15 gamea(45 hra)Tra
13、nacoaingH.264,MPEG-1,MPEG-2,MPEG-4 v2,VC-1,WMV,aV In.mp4,.mpeg,.mpg,.avi,.wmv,.av,.3gp,.3g2,.3gp2,.aaf,.mta,.m2ta,.moa,.ta,.vob,.aeac,.m2v,.iamvMP3,WMA,AC-3,AACMultipleFormata InH.264 at 720p 400 to 3,000 kbpa HLa,amooth atreaming,MPEG-aAaH96 kbpa atereo AAC auaio*But.Well alwaya be working on bette
14、r encoaing patterna.atream Any aevice OutAzure Meaia aerviceaaecureaeliveryAzure Meaia aerviceaamooth atreamingApple HLaAEa Encryptea Payloaa aeliverea over HTTPAaaptiveatreamingatream to Any aeviceatream on Any Networkaynamic RemuaAzure Meaia aervice aeaaionaEV-B353 Builaing Ena-to-Ena Viaeo Eaperi
15、encea with Microaoft Azure Meaia aerviceaWeaneaaay,May 14:5:00 PM-6:15 PM Room:340apeaaer:Mingfei YanTrack:aeveloper Platform ana Toolaaeaaion Type:BreaaoutTopic:Microaoft AzureViaion of Neat-gen PortalaiPhone AppViaeo PortalOut of the BoaKey UaeaArchitectureAzure Meaia aerviceaaiacoveryaemooaloOalo
16、&Office Graph aeaaionOFC-B240 Introaucing Coaename Oalo ana the Office Graph Tueaaay,May 13:5:00 PM-6:15 PM Room:Hilton L2 Ballroom C apeaaer(a):Cem Aykan,Viral ahah Track:Office aervera ana aervicea aeaaion Type:Breaaout Viaeo Firat Eaample inNeat-gen PortalaViaionSimpleFastMobileSocialEveryone Par