1、 Exercises Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Structure of the Text Structure of the TextUnit 3:ExercisesExercises Vocabulary Vocabulary Cloze Cloze Translation TranslationUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension1.1.According According to to the the first first three three paragrap
2、hs,paragraphs,why why did did the the author author resolve to“sail off into the sunset”?resolve to“sail off into the sunset”?Because Because he he lost lost almost almost everything everything in in life life and and became became hopeless.hopeless.ReferenceReferenceEx.I,p.372.2.What does“desert ex
3、perience”in paragraph 5 mean?What does“desert experience”in paragraph 5 mean?It It means means that that you you feel feel completely completely isolated,isolated,at at loss loss and and out out of hope.of hope.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension3.3.How did Donna resp
4、ond to the death of her son?How did Donna respond to the death of her son?At At first first she she was was numbed numbed by by the the tragedy tragedy and and couldnt couldnt make make any any response.response.Several Several weeks weeks later,later,she she felt felt relieved relieved from from he
5、r suffering when her grief had been expressed.her suffering when her grief had been expressed.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension4.4.What made Candace Bracken quit her idea of giving up?What made Candace Bracken quit her idea of giving up?When When she she was was tol
6、d told she she could could not not raise raise her her own own child,child,she she was was so so shocked shocked and and angry angry that that she she realized realized that that she she had had every every reason reason to to fight fight for for her her life life and and not not to to surrender sur
7、render to to the destiny.the destiny.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension5.5.What What did did Jankowski Jankowski mean mean when when he he said said“Admitting“Admitting failure failure was was the the toughest toughest part part but but I I had had to to before befor
8、e I I could could get get on on with my life”?with my life”?He He meant meant if if he he wanted wanted to to go go on on with with his his life,life,he he had had to to admit admit his his failure failure and and face face up up to to his his situation,situation,although although it it was very dif
9、ficult to do so.was very difficult to do so.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension6.6.According According to to the the text,text,who who was was the the right right person person with with whom whom one can have a conversation while in trouble?one can have a conversatio
10、n while in trouble?Those who have also experienced sufferings.Those who have also experienced sufferings.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension7.7.According According to to paragraph paragraph 25,25,why why is is physical physical activity activity very very therapeutic?
11、therapeutic?Because Because physical physical activity activity can can make make people people concentrate concentrate on on their bodies and distract them from their sufferings.their bodies and distract them from their sufferings.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension8
12、.8.According According to to paragraphs paragraphs 28 28 and and 29,29,what what did did the the author author decide to do when he arrived at his destination?decide to do when he arrived at his destination?Although Although he he was was still still hurting,hurting,he he regained regained confidenc
13、e confidence and and decided to build a new life.decided to build a new life.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehensionEx.II,pp.371.1.Introduction(Introduction(ParasParas.15).15)2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.627).627)3.3.Conclusion(Conclusion(ParasParas.2829).2829)Text OutlineTex
14、t OutlineUnit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the text1.1.Introduction(Introduction(ParasParas.15).15)When When I I was was to to end end my my life life after after suffering suffering a a series series of of heavy heavy losses losses in in life,life,I I came came to to realize realize that tha
15、t everyone everyone might might have have some some miserable miserable experiences experiences in in life,life,but but what what made made sense _.sense _.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the textwas to face up to his troubles and build a new lifewas to face up to hi
16、s troubles and build a new life2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.627).627)Here is a practical guide to bouncing back.Here is a practical guide to bouncing back.Text OutlineText Outline1)1)Let yourself grieve(Let yourself grieve(ParasParas.610).610)Donna Donna Kelb Kelb _._.didnt begin her healing process unt
17、il shedidnt begin her healing process until sheexpressed her grieve when she suffered the loss of a sonexpressed her grieve when she suffered the loss of a sonUnit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the text2)2)Understand your anger(Understand your anger(ParasParas.1113).1113)Candace Bracken _Canda
18、ce Bracken _._.shifted her anger to a motivation toshifted her anger to a motivation tofight for her lifefight for her life2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.627).627)Here is a practical guide to bouncing back.Here is a practical guide to bouncing back.Text OutlineText Outline3)3)_.(_.(ParasParas.1417).1417)T
19、he case of John Jankowski sets a good example.The case of John Jankowski sets a good example.Face the ChallengeFace the ChallengeUnit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the text2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.627).627)Text OutlineText Outline4)4)Get out and do(Para.18)Get out and do(Para.18)A.A._.(Para.19
20、)_.(Para.19)B.B._.(Para.20)_.(Para.20)C.C._.(Para.21)_.(Para.21)D.D._.(Para.22)_.(Para.22)E.E._.(Para.23)_.(Para.23)F.F._.(Para.24)_.(Para.24)G.G._.(Para.25)_.(Para.25)Join a support groupJoin a support groupReadReadKeep a journalKeep a journalUnit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the textPlan ev
21、entsPlan eventsLearn new skillsLearn new skillsReward yourselfReward yourselfExerciseExercise2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.627).627)Text OutlineText Outline5)5)Be patient with yourself(Be patient with yourself(ParasParas.2627).2627)Unit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the textText OutlineText Outline
22、3.3.Conclusion(Conclusion(ParasParas.2829).2829)What What I I have have got got in in the the trip trip _._.Unit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the textencouraged me to embark on a new lifeencouraged me to embark on a new lifePart A,Ex.V,p.39Complete Complete the the sentences sentences with wi
23、th words words given given below,below,making making sure that each word is used in the right form.sure that each word is used in the right form.1.1.As As house house prices prices _,_,the the new new breed breed of of renters renters escape escape the the danger danger of of falling falling into in
24、to debt debt traps traps and and save save their their spare spare cash for the future.cash for the future.plummetplummetUnit 3:VocabularyVocabularyimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfa
25、ceharrowingharrowing dauntdaunt2.2.Nothing Nothing could could _ _ me me and and I I talked talked to to everyone everyone with with the the same same message:message:“Cancer“Cancer was was absolutely absolutely great great because because it it put you in touch with yourself and the world”.put you
26、in touch with yourself and the world”.imminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3:VocabularyVocabularyharrowingharrowing3.3.The The 19-year-old 19-year-old model mo
27、del Saffron Saffron DominiDomini needed needed little little persuasion persuasion to to appear appear in in a a _ _ film film about about racism racism and and violence.violence.imminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplumm
28、etplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary4.4.Carefree Carefree and and full full of of youthful youthful enthusiasm,enthusiasm,his his happy happy _ attracted whites and Indians alike._ attracted whites and Indians alike.dispositiondispositionimminent imminent d
29、auntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary 5.5.In In British British political political life life of of the the previous previous twenty twenty years,years,late
30、nt latent anti-Jewish anti-Jewish feeling feeling had had been been apt apt to to _ _ in in response response to to particular events.particular events.surfacesurfaceimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrin
31、ebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary 6.6.With With standards standards often often being being poor,poor,unregulated,unregulated,and and uncontrolled,disaster seems _.uncontrolled,disaster seems _.imminentimminentimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegob
32、blewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary 7.7.After After walking walking for for an an hour,hour,she she wasnt wasnt sweating,sweating,but but there there was a pleasurable sense of _.was a pleasur
33、able sense of _.exertionexertionimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary 8.8.Particularly Particularly worrisome worrisome were were the the
34、 fruit fruit drinks,drinks,which which projected projected a a _ _ image image while while containing containing sugar sugar in in some form or another.some form or another.wholesomewholesomeimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertione
35、xertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary 9.9.With With the the rising rising tide tide and and bad bad conditions conditions it it was was possible possible that that the the _ _ man man might might not not survive survive until until the the lifebo
36、at lifeboat arrived.arrived.strandedstrandedimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary 10.10.One One study study estimates estimates that that
37、 the the headquarters headquarters and and related related functions functions of of big big American American companies companies _ _ up up almost almost a a fifth of their annual profits.fifth of their annual profits.Part Bgobblegobbleimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewho
38、lesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary Part B,Ex.V,pp.39-40Choose Choose the the word word or or phrase phrase that that best best completes completes each each sentence.sentence.1.1.With With a(n)a(n)
39、_ _ network network of of committees,committees,sports sports clubs clubs and and societies,societies,each each student student is is encouraged encouraged to to play a full part in this aspect of student life.play a full part in this aspect of student life.A.thriving A.thriving B.encouraging B.enco
40、uraging C.exciting C.exciting D.succeedingD.succeeding1.1.With With a(n)a(n)_ _ network network of of committees,committees,sports sports clubs clubs and and societies,societies,each each student student is is encouraged encouraged to to play a full part in this aspect of student life.play a full pa
41、rt in this aspect of student life.A.thrivingA.thriving B.encouraging B.encouraging C.exciting C.exciting D.succeedingD.succeedingUnit 3:VocabularyVocabulary2.2.They They may may pick pick up up ideas ideas almost almost at at random random from from skimming skimming journals,journals,ideas ideas th
42、at that may may _ _ new new trains of thought or fruitful new cross-connections.trains of thought or fruitful new cross-connections.A.steer A.steer B.pilot B.pilot C.spark C.spark D.leadD.lead2.2.They They may may pick pick up up ideas ideas almost almost at at random random from from skimming skimm
43、ing journals,journals,ideas ideas that that may may _ _ new new trains of thought or fruitful new cross-connections.trains of thought or fruitful new cross-connections.A.steer A.steer B.pilot B.pilot C.sparkC.spark D.leadD.leadUnit 3:VocabularyVocabulary3.3.Being Being a a good good listener listene
44、r is is not not only only useful useful because because you you will will hear hear what what others others miss,miss,but but you you will will find find that that people people will will tell tell you you things things that that they they _ _ others.others.A.shield on A.shield on B.shield from B.sh
45、ield from C.shield in C.shield in D.shield outD.shield out3.3.Being Being a a good good listener listener is is not not only only useful useful because because you you will will hear hear what what others others miss,miss,but but you you will will find find that that people people will will tell tel
46、l you you things things that that they they _ _ others.others.A.shield on A.shield on B.shield fromB.shield from C.shield in C.shield in D.shield outD.shield outUnit 3:VocabularyVocabulary4.4.What What right right did did he he have have to to come come back back into into her her life life like lik
47、e this,this,trying trying to to _ _ it it into into small small pieces pieces that that couldnt be put back together for a second time?couldnt be put back together for a second time?A.crash A.crash B.crush B.crush C.shatter C.shatter D.explodeD.explode4.4.What What right right did did he he have hav
48、e to to come come back back into into her her life life like like this,this,trying trying to to _ _ it it into into small small pieces pieces that that couldnt be put back together for a second time?couldnt be put back together for a second time?A.crash A.crash B.crush B.crush C.shatterC.shatter D.e
49、xplodeD.explodeUnit 3:VocabularyVocabulary5.5.In In many many areas areas local local services services were were provided provided by by numerous numerous different different authorities,authorities,which which often often gave gave rise rise to _ co-ordination problems.to _ co-ordination problems.
50、A.acute A.acute B.accurate B.accurate C.accusative C.accusative D.alternativeD.alternative5.5.In In many many areas areas local local services services were were provided provided by by numerous numerous different different authorities,authorities,which which often often gave gave rise rise to _ co-