1、Global Report 227-market global data margin of error:General population+/-0.6%(n=31,050);half-sample global general online population+/-0.8%(n=15,525).Country-specific data margin of error:General population+/-2.9%(n=1,150);half-sample+/-4.1%(n=575).Methodology2022 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER Annual onl
2、ine survey in its 22ndyearFieldwork conducted:Nov 1 Nov 24,202128 36,000+1,150+countriesrespondentsrespondents/countryArgentinaAustraliaBrazilCanadaChinaColombiaFranceGermanyIndiaIndonesiaIrelandItalyJapanKenyaMalaysiaMexicoNigeriaRussiaSaudi ArabiaSingaporeS.AfricaS.KoreaSpainThailandThe Netherland
3、sUAEUKU.S.GLOBAL AVERAGES vary based on the number of countries surveyed each year:GLOBAL 27 does not include Nigeria*GLOBAL 22 does not include Colombia,Kenya,Nigeria,Saudi Arabia,S.Africa and Thailandthe sensitive nature of the question prevented this data from being collected in these marketsOthe
4、r global averages detailed in technical appendix*To prevent skewing the global results,Nigeria is not included in any global averages because the online population is not representative of the true populationGLOBAL 24 Not asked in China,Russia,Thailand322 YEARS OF TRUST 0102030405060708091011Rising
5、Influence of NGOsFall of the Celebrity CEOEarned Media More Credible Than AdvertisingU.S.Companies in Europe Suffer Trust DiscountTrust Shifts from“Authorities”to PeersA“Person Like Me”Emerges as Credible SpokespersonBusiness More Trusted Than Government and MediaYoung People Have More Trust in Busi
6、nessTrust in Business PlummetsPerformance and Transparency Essential to TrustBusiness Must Partner With Government to Regain Trust1213141516171819202122Fall of GovernmentCrisis of LeadershipBusiness to Lead the Debate for ChangeTrust is Essential to InnovationGrowing Inequality of TrustTrust in Cris
7、isThe Battle for TruthTrust at WorkTrust:Competenceand EthicsBusiness Most TrustedThe Cycle of DistrustGOVERNMENT AND MEDIA FUEL A CYCLE OF DISTRUST561595250BusinessNGOsGovernmentMediaPercent trust TRUST DECLINES FOR GOVERNMENT AND MEDIA;BUSINESS STILL ONLY TRUSTED INSTITUTION 2022 Edelman Trust Bar
8、ometer.TRU_INS.Below is a list of institutions.For each one,please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right.9-point scale;top 4 box,trust.General population,27-mkt avg.2020 Edelman Trust Barometer Spring Update.TRU_INS.Below is a list of institutions.For each one,please indic
9、ate how much you trust that institution to do what is right.9-point scale;top 4 box,trust.General population,11-mkt avg.Change,2021 to 2022-0+0+2-1-1Global 2765626256Government BusinessNGOsMediaIN MAY 2020,GOVERNMENT MOST TRUSTEDGlobal 11Distrust(1-49)Neutral(50-59)Trust(60-100)6Percent who sayGOVER
10、NMENT AND MEDIA SEEN AS DIVISIVE2022 Edelman Trust Barometer.INS_PER_DIM.In thinking about why you do or do not trust institution,please specify where you think they fall on the scale between the two opposing descriptions.11-point scale;top 5 box,positive;bottom 5 box,negative.Questions asked of hal
11、f of the sample.General population,24-mkt avg.Data not collected in China,Russia and Thailand.4846312936354550GovernmentMediaBusinessNGOsadividingforce in societyaunifying force in society-12pts-11pts14pts21ptsGap,difference between unifying force vs.dividing forceThese institutions areGLOBAL 24 Not
12、 asked in China,Russia,Thailand759574337Search enginesTraditional mediaOwned mediaSocial mediaPercent trust NEWS SOURCES FAIL TO FIX THEIR TRUST PROBLEM 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer.COM_MCL.When looking for general news and information,how much would you trust each type of source for general news an
13、d information?9-point scale;top 4 box,trust.Question asked of half of the sample.General population,22-mkt avg.*From 2012-2015,“Online Search Engines”were included as a media type.In 2016,this was changed to“Search Engines.”Global 22DistrustNeutralTrustChange,2012 to 2022-0+-3-5+1-8Change,2012 to 20
14、22Least-trusting countriesfor each sourceU.S.Australia Japan454747RussiaJapanS.Korea,U.S.353943S.KoreaRussiaU.S.242828FranceGermanyCanada1920218Percent who agreeFAKE NEWS CONCERNS AT ALL-TIME HIGHS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer.ATT_MED_AGR.Below is a list of statements.For each one,please rate how mu
15、ch you agree or disagree with that statement using a nine-point scale where one means“strongly disagree”and nine means“strongly agree”.9-point scale;top 4 box,agree.Question asked of half the sample.General population,27-mkt avg.*Nigeria is not included in the global averageI worry about false infor
16、mation or fake news being used as a weapon76%Global 278483 8382 82 82 8281 81 8180 807978 7876 7675 7574737271676564 6463+4 pts+3+9+7+5+3+2+20+2+10+9 n/a+4+4+5+18+2+3+2+2-2+8+3+4+1-1+5+2Change,2021 to 2022-0+All-time high in 13 of 27 countries95565555745484442Percent who say each is a strength of in
17、stitutions GOVERNMENT NOT SEEN AS ABLE TO SOLVE SOCIETAL PROBLEMS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer.CMP_ARE_INS.Thinking about institution as they are today,please indicate whether you consider each of the following dimensions to be one of their areas of strength or weakness.5-point scale;top 2 box,stren
18、gth.Question asked of half of the sample.General population,24-mkt avg.Data not collected in China,Russia and Thailand.Business NGOsMediaGovernment50%Majority do not see as strengthBusiness NGOsMediaGovernmentTake a leadership roleCoordinate cross-institutional efforts to solve societal problemsGet
19、resultsSuccessfully execute plans and strategies that yield results GLOBAL 24 Not asked in China,Russia,Thailand10SPRING 2021:INSTITUTIONS FAILING TO ADDRESS EXISTENTIAL CHALLENGES2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Spring Update:A World in Trauma.PER_INS.How well do you feel institution is currently doing
20、 each of the following?5-point scale;1-3,99,not doing well.Question asked of half of the sample.General population,13-mkt avg.Data not collected in China.climate change solutions2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Spring Update:A World in TraumaPercent who say57606058BusinessNGOsGovernmentMediaGlobal 13696
21、56866BusinessNGOsGovernmentMedia50%Majority say each is not doing wellInstitutions are notdoing well on their pandemic responseNot asked in China11Percent who worry aboutSOCIETAL FEARS ON THE RISE2022 Edelman Trust Barometer.POP_EMO.Some people say they worry about many things while others say they
22、have few concerns.We are interested in what you worry about.Specifically,how much do you worry about each of the following?9-point scale;top 4 box,worry.Non-job loss attributes shown to half of the sample.General population,27-mkt avg.Job loss asked of those who are an employee of an organization(Q4
23、3/1).Job loss is a net of attributes 1-3,5,and 22-24.8575716557Job loss(net)ClimatechangeHackers andcyber-attacksLosing myfreedoms asa citizenExperiencingprejudice orracism+1+3+3+4+6Change,2021 to 2022-0+12CYCLE OF DISTRUST THREATENS SOCIETAL STABILITYSOCIETALINSTABILITYMEDIAGOVERNMENTBUSINESS NGOsC
24、limate changeJob lossDiscriminationIncome inequalityGovernment and media feed cycle of division and disinformation for votes and clicksNGOs and business pressured to take on societal problems beyond their abilitiesFAILURE OF LEADERSHIP MAKES DISTRUST THE DEFAULT14Percent trustSOCIETAL LEADERS NOT TR
25、USTED 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer.TRU_PEP.Below is a list of groups of people.For each one,please indicate how much you trust that group of people to do what is right using a 9-point scale where one means that you“do not trust them at all”and nine means that you“trust them a great deal”.9-point sca
26、le;top 4 box,trust.Some attributes asked of half the sample.General population,27-mkt avg.“My coworkers”and“my CEO”only shown to those who are an employee of an organization(Q43/1).424649586263667475GovernmentleadersJournalistsCEOsCitizens ofmy countryPeople in mylocal communityNational healthauthor
27、itiesMy CEOMy coworkersScientistsDistrustNeutralTrustChange,2021 to 2022-0+1+1+100+3+3n/a+2Scientists and employers most trusted 15Percent who worryMORE CONVINCED WERE BEING LIED TO BY SOCIETAL LEADERS2022 Edelman Trust Barometer.POP_EMO.Some people say they worry about many things while others say
28、they have few concerns.We are interested in what you worry about.Specifically,how much do you worry about each of the following?9-point scale;top 4 box,worry.Attributes shown to half of the sample.General population,27-mkt avg.Journalists and reportersMy countrys government leaders67%+8 pts66%+9 pts
29、Business leaders63%+7 ptsare purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerationsChange,2021 to 2022-0+162022 Edelman Trust Barometer.The Trust Index is the average percent trust in NGOs,business,government and media.TRU_INS.Below is a list of institutions.F
30、or each one,please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right.9-point scale;top 4 box,trust.General population,22-mkt avg.,by income.Trust IndexRECORD TRUST GAP BETWEEN HIGH AND LOW INCOME 49596061626243444648484720122013201420152016201720182019202020212022DistrustNeutralTrustH
31、igh income(Top 25%)Low(Bottom 25%)Trust gap,high vs.low income15ptsCountries with the greatest income-based trust inequality ThailandSaudi ArabiaUKIrelandGermanyThe Netherlands27pts25pts23pts21pts36ptsGlobal 2221pts174838292455575355Percent trustU.S.POLITICAL CHASM WIDENS 2022 Edelman Trust Baromete
32、r.The Trust Index is the average percent trust in NGOs,business,government and media.TRU_INS.Below is a list of institutions.For each one,please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right.9-point scale;top 4 box,trust.General population,U.S.,by political affiliation.DistrustNeu
33、tralTrustChange,2021 to 2022-0+35TRUST INDEXDemocratsRepublicansTrust gap,Democrats vs.Republicans55TRUST INDEX+10+6-5l l-12-11-20-130 pts-14 ptsBusinessNGOsGovernmentMedia1920ptss72431For the first time,business distrusted among Republicans182022 Edelman Trust Barometer.PAN_MRE_LSS.For each of the
34、following,please indicate whether life during the pandemic has decreased this,increased this,or has had no effect?3-point scale;code 1,decreased;code 2,increased.General population,27-mkt avg.Percent who say each has increased or decreased during the pandemicCIRCLES OF TRUST BECOME MORE LOCALLESS TR
35、UST FOR OUTSIDERSCLOSER BONDS WITH NEIGHBORS AND CO-WORKERSHow close I feel Net changeincreaseddecreasedto my neighbors+72821to my co-workers+62519My trust inNet changeincreaseddecreasedpeople from other countries-81826people who live in other states,provinces,or regions-2202219DISTRUST IS THE DEFAU
36、LT:NO BASIS FOR PEACEFUL DEBATE2022 Edelman Trust Barometer.TRU_CHOICE.You are about to see two choices.We want you to choose the one that best describes you and your beliefs.Question asked of half of the sample.POP_MDC.Below is a list of statements.For each one,please rate how true you believe that
37、 statement is using a nine-point scale where one means it is“not at all true”and nine means it is“completely true”.9-point scale;top 4 box,true.Question asked of half of the sample.General population,27-mkt avg.Which are you more likely to believe?VS.My tendency is to distrustuntil I see evidence th
38、at something is trustworthyMy tendency is to trust until I see evidence that something is untrustworthy59%Percent who agreePeople in this country lack the ability to have constructive and civil debatesabout issues they disagree on64%Majority in 27 countriesMajority in 24 countriesCOLLAPSE OF TRUST I
39、N DEMOCRACIES2156Global 2783China76UAE75Indonesia74India72Saudi Arabia66Malaysia66Singapore66Thailand60Kenya59Mexico57The Netherlands54Canada53Australia53Italy51Brazil51Ireland50France48Colombia48S.Africa46Germany45Argentina45Spain44UK43U.S.42S.Korea40Japan32RussiaTrust IndexTRUST FALLS IN DEMOCRACI
40、ES 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer.The Trust Index is the average percent trust in NGOs,business,government and media.TRU_INS.Below is a list of institutions.For each one,please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right.9-point scale;top 4 box,trust.General population,27-mkt avg.
41、2021General population2022General populationDistrust(1-49)Neutral(50-59)Trust(60-100)Change,2021 to 2022-0+56Global 2777India72China72Indonesia69Saudi Arabia68Singapore67UAE66Malaysia63The Netherlands61Thailand59Australia59Kenya59Mexico56Canada53Germany52Italy51Brazil50Ireland48Colombia48France48S.A
42、frica48U.S.47Argentina47S.Korea45Spain45UK40Japan31RussiaBiggest gainers:ChinaUAEThailandBiggest losers:GermanyAustraliaThe NetherlandsS.KoreaU.S.+11+9+5-6-6-5-7U.S.Trust Index has declined 10 pts since 2017-52215182227293031343639404142435560606466687373788081838791Percent who believe they and thei
43、r families will be better off in five years timeDEVELOPED COUNTRIES LACK ECONOMIC OPTIMISM 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer.CNG_FUT.Thinking about the economic prospects for yourself and your family,how do you think you and your family will be doing in five years time?5-point scale;top 2 box,better off.
44、General population,27-mkt avg.*Nigeria is not included in the global average0 pts-2-1-20-1+2+1-1+1+6-6-2-1-10-2-2-8-2-100+60+11-1n/a-251%Global 27Change,2021 to 2022-0+My family and I will be better off in five years time9 countries at all-time lowsDeveloped countries23Percent who agreeQUESTIONS ABO
45、UT TODAYS CAPITALISM 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer.TMA_SIE_SHV.Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.9-point scale;top 4 box,agree.Question asked of half of the sample.General population,27-mkt avg.,and among 21-mkt avg consisting of democratic countries.Central
46、ly-managed economies do a better job than free-market economies 33%Capitalismas it exists today does more harm than good in the world52%Among respondents in 21 democratic countriesGlobal 272484779180Percent trust,within each country CHINA-U.S.TRUST DIVERGENCE WIDENS TO ALL-TIME HIGH 2022 Edelman Tru
47、st Barometer.The Trust Index is the average percent trust in NGOs,business,government and media.TRU_INS.Below is a list of institutions.For each one,please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right.9-point scale;top 4 box,trust.General population,China and U.S.TRU_NAT.Now we w
48、ould like to focus on global companies headquartered in specific markets.Please indicate how much you trust global companies headquartered in the following markets to do what is right.9-point scale;top 4 box,trust.Question asked of half of the sample.General population,26-mkt avg.*does not include h
49、ome country rating.DistrustNeutralTrustChange,2021 to 2022-0+83TRUST INDEXTrust difference+14+12+9+10+11ptsBusinessNGOsGovernmentMedia3240pts3552414945393943TRUST INDEX-5 pts-5-5-3-6ChinaU.S.DIVERGING TRUST IN BRAND CHINA VS BRAND U.S.ABROADPercent trust,26-market averages*31%trust companies headqua
50、rtered in China(-3pts)53%trust companies headquartered in the U.S.(+2pts)SOCIETAL LEADERSHIP NOW A CORE BUSINESS FUNCTION26Percent who agreeALL STAKEHOLDERS HOLD BUSINESS ACCOUNTABLE2022 Edelman Trust Barometer.Belief-driven consumer,employee,and investor segments.General population,27-mkt avg.Emplo