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1、山西省部分学校 2022-2023学年高三上学期 12 月联考试题含答案(五科试卷)目录1.山西省部分学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 12 月联考理科综合试题含答案2.数学山西省部分学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 12 月联考理科综合试题含答案3.山西省部分学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 12 月联考文科综合试题含答案4.山西省部分学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 12 月联考英语试题含答案5.山西省部分学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 12 月联考语文试题含答案山西省部分学校山西省部分学校高中试卷君山西省部分学校山西省部分学校山西省部分学校202

2、2-2023学年山西省部分学校2022-2023学年学科网(北京)股份有限公司高三文科综合试题参考答案1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.A 17.B18.D19.C20.D21.C22.B23.D24.B25.C26.D27.C28.B29.C30.A31.A 32.D33.B34.C35.B36.(1)画图(如下图)。(4 分)(2)山谷西坡(地)地面偏黑,白天地面对太阳辐射的吸收作用强,地面升温快;近地面大气吸收的地面辐射多,大气受热快,气温高;热气流膨胀上升,使近地面气压降低,形成热低

3、压,高空形成热高压。山谷东坡(地)地面偏白,白天地面对太阳辐射的吸收作用弱,地面温度低;近地面大气吸收的地面辐射少,大气受热慢,气温低,气流下沉,近地面形成高压,高空形成低压。在近地面,气流由地流向地,高空气流由处流向处。(10分)(3)两侧气流顺山坡而下,形成山风,谷底气流上升。(4 分)37.(1)沙漠地区地基不坚固,增加施工难度,提高造价;风沙活动频繁,增加施工难度;防风沙、环保等工程量大,提高了造价;气候干旱,太阳辐射强,昼夜温差大,影响施工、维护人员的身体状况。(答出三点,6 分)(2)加大农业开发力度,增加农特产品输出;方便居民出行,促进社会交往;节约出行时间;提高产品调运量,互通

4、有无,降低物价,降低生活成本;增加就业机会,提高居民收入。(答出三点,6 分)(3)设置草方格、石方格沙障;营建防护林;搭建防风沙隧道;建设挡风墙、板。(答出三点,6 分)(4)合理布局西部路网;带动沿线经济发展;提高工业化、城镇化水平;维护国家安全;加强民族团结;利于抗灾救灾。(答出两点,4 分)38.(1)东部大分水岭山地隆起导致山地西侧焚风效应增强,降水减少,气候变干;气候变暖,冰川消退,海平面上升,淹没沿海陆地。(4 分)(2)所处纬度较低,全年气温高;东南信风经过东澳大利亚暖流上空,带来丰富的水汽;暖湿气流受大分水岭山地的抬升,多地形雨。(6 分)(3)海洋旅游资源丰富、旅游形式多样

5、;海洋环境容量大,自净能力强;沿海基础设施建设完善;地区接待能力强。(答出三点,6 分)39.(1)马克思主义传入中国并与中国国情及中国传统文化相结合,催生了中国化时代化的马克思主义,为我国踏上“人间正道”提供了思想理论基础。(2 分)中国共产党的成立为我国踏上“人间正道”提供了领导核心。(2 分)新中国的成立和三大改造的完成为我国踏上“人间正道”提供了根本政治前提和制度基础。(2 分)社会主义建设以及改革开放以来的巨大成就奠定了我国踏上“人间正道”的物质基础。(2 分)(考生如从中国选择社会主义道路的历史必然性角度组织答案,言之有理可酌情给分)(2)顺应时代要求,维护世界和平,促进共同发展。

6、(2 分)各国应当维护人类共同利益,反对霸权主义和强权政治,构建人类命运共同体,(3 分)推动世界的多极化和经济全球化,促进世界的和平与发展。(3 分)(考生如从国际关系民主化角度组织答案,言之有理可酌情给分)40,(1)价值判断和价值选择反映社会存在,人们在实践的基础上作出价值判断和价值选择。(2 分)红旗渠的修建是党带领人民立足当地实际,合理开发利用自然资源的成功实践,极大改善了林县的自然而貌和生态环境。(2 分)(2)正确的价值判断和价值选择要遵循社会发展的客观规律,要符合广大人民的根本利益。(3 分)红旗渠的修建有效解决了林县人民的生产生活用水问题,红旗渠精神所蕴含的尊重自然、顺应自然

7、、节约资源、保护环境等思想观念与坚持人与自然和谐共生的生态文明理念十分契合。(3 分)学科网(北京)股份有限公司41.(1)作为全国人大代表的鲁某是全国人大的组成人员,代表人民行使国家权力。(3 分)提出议案和建议是法律赋予人大代表的重要职责,是人大代表密切联系群众、执行代表职务的主要形式,能保证人民当家作主。(3 分)鲁某从人民群众的根本利益出发,经过深入调查研究,提出议案建议,将人民的利益和意志依法上升为国家意志。(4 分)(2)劳动是物质财富的源泉。(2 分)保护新业态从业者合法权益有利于激发劳动者的积极性,增加财富创造的动力;(2 分)有利于维护市场秩序,保障社会公平正义,促进劳资关系

8、和谐,推动经济新业态健康发展;(2 分)有利于完善社会保障制度;(2 分)有利于维护人民群众的合法权益,促进共同富裕目标的实现。(2 分)(3)答案示例:法治具有社会管理职能。立法机关要积极采纳金点子,并通过法定程序使之上升为国家意志,发挥法治的社会管理职能;政府部门要坚持民主集中制原则,按照国家权力机关的要求,依照法定程序履行法定职责,积极办理人大代表提出的金点子;司法机关要坚持司法为民的理念,独立行使司法权,积极维护人民群众的合法权益,要加强法治宣传和法治教育,建设法治社会,提供更加完善的法律服务,增强劳动者的维权能力,推动平台守法经营。评分等级量表:等级水平等级要求水平 4(56 分)观

9、点鲜明,能明确表达自己的见解;紧扣主题,全面展开论述;知识运用准确、贴切;逻辑严密,条理清晰水平 3(34 分)观点比较明确,能表达自己的见解;能扣住主题展开论述;知识运用比较准确、贴切;逻辑性较强,有条理水平 2(12 分)观点不明确;论述不能集中指向主题,罗列知识;知识运用不准确;论述缺乏逻辑,条理性差水平 1(0 分)应答与试题无关,或重复试题内容,或没有应答42.(1)特点:由政府主导;地方政府分级组织并负责;依赖县级官员的落实;人治色彩突出;缺乏制度保障;组织化程度低。(6 分,答出三点即可)原因:大一统国家的区域差异;小农经济的分散性、封闭性;官员素质存在差异;交通及通信条件的制约

10、。(6 分,答出三点即可,其他答案言之有理亦可)(2)措施:设立专门的防疫领导组织,建立专职防疫队伍;采用中西医结合及改善公共卫生等科学方法;详定章程规则,规范程序操作;上下级政府紧密沟通信息;密切与其他区域的沟通。(8 分,答出四点即可)高中试卷君(3)评价:保定防疫体制制度化、组织化、程序化程度较高;保定防疫成功是科学防疫的胜利;为近现代公共卫生管理积累了宝贵经验。(5 分,答出两点给 4 分,三点给 5 分)43.示例论题:近代欧美资本主义政治制度是政治、经济、文化合力的产物。(2 分)论述:从经济上看,中世纪后期,商品经济的发展催生了意大利的资本主义萌芽;新航路的开辟造成了商业革命和价

11、格革命,加速了欧洲封建制度的解体和资本主义的兴起。工业革命使欧美资本主义制度进一步拓展、深化。从文化上看,古希腊罗马的文化遗存和理性主义及功利主义一起引发了文艺复兴、科学革命和宗教改革。随之而来的启蒙运动明确了资本主义制度的架构,对欧美资本主义政治制度的建立和发展影响深远。从政治上看,在殖民扩张过程中不同区域间不同民族的文明交流、共生,对欧洲政治制度发展产生了一定程度的影响。尼德兰革命和英国革命后,资产阶级政体得以确立。此后美国独立战争、法国大革命等推动了欧美资本主义制度的拓展。(8 分)由此可知,近代欧美资本主义政治制度的产生和发展是一定时期社会经济发展的产物,并受到政治、经济、文化因素的影

12、响。(2 分)(“示例”仅供参考,不作为评分的唯一依据)44.(1)本质不同:“绍兴和议”属于民族政权之间的“盟约”,晚清“不平等条约”属于国际性法律文件。(4 分)历史条件:条约自身不平等性的显露;民族资本主义的产生和初步发展;西方政治思想的传入;民族危机的加深;进步人士对救国道路的探索。(5 分,答出两点给 4 分,三点给 5 分)(2)“中国智慧”:参与起草和签署联合国宪章;提出和平共处五项原则;指出和平与发学科网(北京)股份有限公司展是当今世界的时代主题;发起“一带一路”倡议;提出人类命运共同体理念。(6 分,答出三点即可,其他答案言之有理亦可)学科网(北京)股份有限公司高三英语试题注

13、意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。更多试题与答案,关注微信公众号:三晋高中指南3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C

14、 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15.B.9.18.C.9.15.答案是 C。1.What does the womans husband probably do?A.A salesman.B.An engineer.C.A professor.2.What are the speakers doing?A.Having a meeting.B.Listening to music.C.Listening to a lecture.3.How does t

15、he woman feel about the candlelight?A.It looks good.B.Its not bright enough.C.Its better than electric light.4.Where are the speakers?A.In a classroom.B.In a bookstore.C.In a library.5.Why does the man fix the car himself?A.He wants to save money.B.He is good at repairing cars.C.It is easy for him t

16、o repair it.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6.What are the speakers preparing for?A.A performance.B.A camp.C.A baseball game.7.How do the speakers feel?A.Excited.B.An

17、noyed.C.Nervous.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8.How long will the mans friend be staying in the apartment?A.Another month or more.B.At least two months.C.Less than a month.9.What does the woman want the mans friend to do?A.Move out.B.Find a job in a month.C.Share the household expenses.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。1

18、0.What did the woman do during the weekend?山西省部分学校2022-2023学年学科网(北京)股份有限公司A.She had dinner in a restaurant.B.She watched a movie in a cinema.C.She celebrated her mothers birthday.11.What does the woman think of the movie?A.It is boring.B.It is great.C.It is confusing.12.What will the speakers do on

19、Saturday?A.Buy a birthday present.B.Visit some friends.C.Hold a party.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Husband and wife.B.Father and daughter.C.Teacher and student.14.How much will the man pay for four tickets if the promotion is still available?A.$5

20、00.B.$1,500.C.$2,000.15.What will the woman be responsible for?A.Hiring a car.B.Booking hotels.C.Planning the sightseeing.16.What does the man require the woman to do?A.Take one suitcase.B.Take a lot of clothes.C.Pack her suitcase herself.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。教用补材练习教材17.Which flights have been ca

21、nceled?A.Ones to Northern Europe.B.Ones to Western Europe.C.Ones to Eastern Europe.18.When might the canceled flights be rescheduled to take off?A.After the wind clears the air.B.After the big rainstorm stops.C.After the firefighters control smoke.19.What does the airport provide the affected passen

22、gers with tonight?A.A quiet zone with chairs.B.Hotel rooms for sleeping.C.Paid cupboards for storing their luggage.20.What does the speaker ask some passengers to pay attention to?A.Radio announcements.B.Website updates.C.Text messages.第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)更多试题与答案,关注微信公众号:三晋高中指南第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满

23、分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。ADo you know that you can save money by planning well ahead and booking an advance trainticket?Plus,wed recommend booking travel before you get to the station,as this will shortenyour time spent there.For safe,contact-less travel,choose a digital ticket whe

24、re possible.What is an advance train ticket?Advance train tickets are fares that go on sale well before the day of travel.Theyre onlyavailable as single tickets and are non-refundable(不可退款的).Perfect for those who like toplan their journeys well ahead of time,advance tickets are the best way to be or

25、ganized when itcomes to travel.Why book train tickets in advance?Booking train tickets in advance on our app can help you save time at the station.Digitaltickets offer you contact-less travel as you scan them directly from your phone,so theres no need学科网(北京)股份有限公司to touch ticket machines either.Alth

26、ough not all train services will let you reserve a seat,youllstand a better chance of getting one when booking in advance.Advance train tickets may also beavailable for first class travel,meaning you can enjoy all the perks(特殊待遇)of a higherstandard of train travel at a good price.When do advance tra

27、in tickets become available?Typically,train companies release their advance tickets 12 weeks before the departuredate,although some go on sale as far as 24 weeks in advance!Only a limited number of ticketswill be available,so be quick to secure yours as the fare can rise as the date of travel gets n

28、earer,21.What can be learn about the advance train ticket?A.It can be used as a return ticket.B.It guarantees ticket holders a seat.C.It is easily available upon release.D.It is time-saving and cost-effective.22.Who are the text intended for?A.Ticket sellers.B.Train drivers.C.Travel enthusiasts.D.Ap

29、p developers.23.In which section of a newspaper can the text be found?A.Tourism.B.Economy.C.Science.D.Health.BAfter he received the China Youth May Fourth Medal,Yang Yongxiu felt a greater sense ofresponsibility.Born in a rural family in Shangqiu,Henan Province,the first vehicle he drove was a tract

30、or(拖拉机).“When I was a child,my father drove me to the farm during farming season,he said.Yangdreamed of making cars when he grew up.“During primary school,I often went to see the buseson the road near my village,he said.They made a deep impression on me.”In 2007,he took gaokao,or Chinas national col

31、lege entrance examination,and scored morethan he needed to get into an undergraduate program.To fulfill his dream,he chose to studynumerical control technology at the Changchun Automobile Industry Institute,which has a longhistory of training workers for the automotive industry.Alter graduation,Yang

32、 joined theresearch and development department at FAW.Since then,the now 35-year-old has specializedin numerical control technology and has mastered the skill of making engine cylinders(气缸)thatmeet extremely high standards.So far,Yang has been granted 18 national pa-tents,solved aseries of productio

33、n-related problems and helped increase the groups revenue(税收)by 12million yuan.At the beginning of 2020,Yang became a trainer.He is now responsible for teaching youngworkers and coaching them for competitions.He has trained about 700 people,some of whomhave won awards,including 23 at the national le

34、vel.I am happy to have been able to set up such a young team,”he said.“We have an aver-ageage of 29,and I believe this will help us come up with more ideas and energize the industry,inaddition to developing a spirit of craftsmanship.Looking ahead,Yang said he has more work todo to bring in more youn

35、g talents.“I will continue to promote technical ability,”he said.“I hopewe can write a new chapter through the power of youth in the future.”24.What led to Yangs receiving the China Youth May Fourth Medal?A.His inspiring childhood experiences.B.His great contributions in his field.C.His passion for

36、the automotive industry.D.His outstanding performance in his college.25.Why did Yang choose to study at the Changchun Automobile Industry Institute?学科网(北京)股份有限公司A.To learn how to make cars.B.To meet his fathers will.C.To save Chinas car industry.D.To find a good job after graduation.26.What can we i

37、nfer from the last paragraph?A.The youths will make a big difference in the future.B.China places more emphasis on automobile industry.C.The youths have made many achievements in many fields.D.Yangs future work is to further research teaching techniques.27.What is the text?A.A book review.B.A scienc

38、e story.C.A news report.D.A personal diary.CEarth is lighted up by bioluminescence(生物发光)but,for many of us,seeing the naturalphenomenon is a rare treat:Catching the glow(光)of a firefly or witnessing a dolphin swimmingthrough electric blue waters is a thrill.Researchers are currently engineering glow

39、ing flowers and decorative plants that can cast agreen light onto our living rooms.Observing plants health via its glow can be a way to instantlymeasure its health,and the side effect is anybody who wants a healthy glowing plant in theirliving room can have one.A study published on Monday in Nature

40、Biotechnology shows that this goal is well on its wayto being a reality.The study authors announce theyve created a method that causes plants toglow much brighter,and for a longer period of time,than previous efforts.Plants adapted by thismethod should be available for purchase within a few years.Th

41、e research was conducted through a teamwork between three scientific institutions andPlant,a biotech startup in Moscow.When this team examined a poisonous mushroom,theydiscovered that caffeic acid is responsible for its bioluminescence.In this new study,the teamemployed that information and inserted

42、(嵌入)enzymes(酶)-which are specific to themushroom-into the DNA of tobacco plants.In turn,the enzymes were able to interact with thecaffeic acid in the tobacco plants,and cause them to glow both in the dark and in the daylight.This method,the scientists claimed,made the plants 10 times brighter than p

43、revious effortsand the continuous light production didnt harm the health of the plants.Interestingly,the lightdecreased as the leaves agedbut it also increased when the leaves were damaged.In turn,theteam suggested this method could also help other researchers monitor plant responses tovarious press

44、ures and changes in the environment.If a plant is short of water or a hungry sheepis harming a plant,bioluminescence could warn of this damage before its too late.28.How can people quickly identify a decorative flowers health condition?A.By monitoring its glow.B.By making it greener.C.By testing the

45、 chemicals in it.D.By putting it in the living room.29.What can we expect of the adapted glowing plants?A.They may take the place of lamps.B.They will appear on the market.C.They can light up a whole living room.D.They glow less bright than previous efforts.30.What did the team do with the mushroom

46、in the new study?A.They inserted caffeic acid into it.B.They made it give out brighter light.C.They grew it on the tobacco plants farm.D.They put its enzymes into the tobacco plants.31.What is the last paragraph mainly about?A.Warning of potential damage from glowing plants.学科网(北京)股份有限公司B.Increasing

47、 light when glowing plants receive damage.C.Effects of continuous light production on the glowing plants.D.Benefits of combining specific enzymes with caffeic acid in plants.DPeople who frequently eat fruit are more likely to report greater positive mental well beingand are less likely to report sym

48、ptoms of depression than those who do not,according to newresearch from the College of Health and Life Sciences,Aston University.The team also found thatpeople who eat savoury(咸味的)snacks such as crisps(薯片),which are low in nutrients,aremore likely to report greater levels of anxiety.Published in the

49、 British Journal of Nutrition,the study surveyed 428 adults from across theUK and looked at the relationship between their consumption of fruit,vegetables,sweet andsavoury snacks,and their psychological health.The research found that both nutrient-rich fruitand nutrient-poor savoury snacks appeared

50、to be linked to psychological health.They also foundthat there was no direct association between eating vegetables and psychological health.Basedon the survey,the more often people ate fruit,the lower they scored for depression and thehigher for mental well being,independent of the overall quantity


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