1、论商务英语会谈中模糊语言的功能特点【摘要】:p :本文从语用学角度讨论商务英语会谈中的模糊语言现象,分析p 模糊语言在商务英语会谈中常见的表现形式及其交际功能。关键(转载自:.BdfQy. 千 叶帆 文摘:论商务英语会谈中模糊语言的功能特点)词:商务会谈;模糊语言中图分类号:G640文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-285120_-07-0214-02商务会谈就是以协商的方式谈妥协的条件。而要协商,会谈双方就必须保持一种良好的工作关系,营造一种友好的会谈气氛。在语言表达上,会谈人员必须做到既委婉礼貌又含蓄灵敏,因此会谈者经常使用模糊语言。一、商务英语会谈中模糊语言的形式与功能一构造型模糊语言
2、构造型模糊语言是指会谈人员为了语言表达的委婉、含蓄而变换句型构造,它主要包括两种句型构造:被动构造和否认构造。1.被动构造。会谈中,涉及到对方义务时,说话人为了模糊行为主体而采用被动句,防止直接提及对方应该做什幺,或还没有做什幺,以弱化语气。如:1Wed like to remind you that the payment for last shipment has not been made yet2We shall not be held responsible for late shipment or non shipment of the goods due to force maj
3、eure例(1)中,主动构造“You havent paid off the last shipment yet”,显带有责备的语气,且对象明确指向“you”。例2改为被动构造,将“我方不应负有责任”改为主动应为“你方不应使我方负有责任”,隐去动作主体,语气变得委婉。2.否认构造。由I am afraid,I think,I hope,I am sure等类似构造模糊限制语变为否认构造I am afraid(not),I hope(not),I dont think,I am not sure等后所形成的否认性的模糊构造。例如:3Well,Im not sure whether our fac
4、tory can rearrange its production schedule4Im afraid we cant meet your request and reduce the price to that e_tent在否认构造中加上一些表示程度的模糊限制语如really,always,quite,too,particularly等。比方:5Since it is the first time Im doing business with you。Im afraid Im not quite clear on the arbitration6Frankly,I really dont
5、 know much about your carpetsCould you tell me something about them?否认型模糊构造语气委婉,语义含蓄。二模糊限制语模糊限制语可分为变动型和缓和型两大类。1.变动型模糊限制语。变动型模糊限制语可以改变话语原意,或据实对原话意义做某种程度的修正,或给原话定出一个变动的范围。在言语交际中,这类限制语可以防止说话武断,使话语听起来更具有客观性。根据商品交换和商务会谈的特点,变动型模糊限制语可分为如下四种类型:1商品质量模糊型限制语。这类限制语主要是指会谈人员在表述商品质量时所用的good,high,superior,top等模糊语。比
6、方:7If the quality is up to our e_pectation,we shall send further orders in the near future8We ordered goods of average quality,but you have sent us inferior merchandise在例(7)中,“up to our e_pectation”就是对“the quality”的限制,但并非确切的表达。例(8)中的“average”和“inferior”都是对商品品质的模糊描绘。2商品价格模糊型限制语。这类限制语指在表述商品价格时使用的限制语如(
7、most)favorable,workable,attractive,betterbest,lowerlowest,good,highhigher,reasonable,keen,practical,petitive,cheep,rockbottom等。例如:9Im sure you11 find our prices are very petitiveHardware has gone up a lot in recent years,but our prices havent changed much10The price we offered you is very practical,
8、so we are sorry to say that your counter offer is unacceptable例(9)中的“very petitive”,“a lot”,“much”以及例(10)中的“very practical”,“unacceptable”等都是价格的模糊限制语。3时间性模糊限制语。主要指表示交货期限等的模糊限制语。如:11We are glad to have filled your order after a long delay,and trust that the goods will reach you in time to meet your urgent need and that they will turnout to your plete satisfaction第 5 页 共 5 页