1、2020年泉州市初中毕业、升学考试说明英语一、命题依据英语科考试以国家教育部制订的义务教育英语课程标准(2020年版)(以下简称课程标准)和福建省教育厅颁发的2020年福建省初中学业考试大纲(英语)为依据,结合我市初中英语教学 实际情况进行命题。二、命题原则命题严格按照国家教育部制订的课程标准中“五级目标”的要求和本市的英语教学实际, 贯彻教育部基础教育司对中考改革的指导意见中的“中考命题要切实体现素质教育的要求,加强与社会实际和学生生活实际的联系,重视对学生运用所学的知识和技能分析问题、解决问题能力的考察,有 助于学生创造性的发挥”和“外语考试应着重考查学生理解,运用语言的能力,要重视对听力
2、的考查,要降低 对语法的要求,不出偏、难的语法试题。”的精神。努力做到两个面 向,四个有利,即:有利于贯彻国家的教育方针,推进中小学实施素质教育;有利于体现九年义务教育的性 质,全面提高教学质量;有利于中小学课程改革,培养学生的创新意识和实践能力;有利于建立科学的初中毕 业、升学考试管理制度,减轻学生过重的负担,促进学生生动活泼,主动的学习。三、适用范围全日制义务教育九年级学生英语学业考试。四、考试范围以国家教育部制订的课程标准中所规定的九年级结束时应达到的“五级目标”的基本要求作为考 试的 范围。五、内容和目标要求在确定具体考试内容和标准时,主要以教育部颁发的课程标准中的“五级目标”规定的教
3、学要求为依 据。在突出学科特点的同时,体现贯彻新课程标准的理念,侧重考查学生的语言技能、语言知识、跨文化意 识、跨文化交际能力和语言的综合运用能力,即听、说、读、写的四项 基本技能。同时注重渗透思想品德教 育、注重联系学生生活实际和学生创新思维能力的考查。有利于考生展示实际水平,有利于促进中小学教学改 革,突出改革意识,有利于学生的终身学习。六、考试形式考试形式包括两部分内容:听力部分(20%)和笔试部分(80%),(因今年暂不具备试条件,仍然在笔试部 分中考查“口语应用”,占全卷10%)。试卷采取书面作答,闭卷考试的方式。听力部分测试基本语句理解,初 步交际运用和短文理解等。笔试部分测试词汇
4、,语法,日常交际用语,英语知识的综合运用,阅读理解和书面表 达等。英语试卷分为第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。因今年仍采用网上集中评卷,考生必须按要求规范操作。答第一卷时,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑, 若有改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答第二卷时,考生必须将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上, 不能将答案写在试卷上。注意书写规范、答题卡整洁。七、试卷难度试卷难度值控制在0.8左右;容易题、中等难度题和稍难题的比例约为8: 1: U八、试卷结构on thebedroom door open when you re back. Don t be m
5、ad when they see what you re 5 Internet. Invite your fr iends 6 your house to meet your parents.When you do 7 wrong, i t canbreak trust. Its easy to f i nd some reasons not toteI I your parents what you veteI I your parents what you vedone wrong. For examp Ie, you dont want them to be 8with you and
6、The Ii st can go on and on. But if they f ind thewith you and The Ii st can go on and on. But if they f ind the11 be i n hotBroken trust takes Iong he Ip yourBroken trust takes Iong he Ip yourwater.gradua I I y (逐地)to1. A. rea I I y2. A. many3. A. him4. A. know5. A. I ook i ng for6. A. on7. A. somet
7、h i ng8. A. happy9. A. truth10. A. or(Key 1 -5 CBCAB 6-10time to recover (parents be Ii eve i n you aga i n.B. final I ymoreherto knowB.B.B.RBABAC)B. Iook i ng throughB. toB. anyth i ngB. angryC. reason,标售、i n you can do thingsC. espec i a I I yD. mostC. themC. knowingC. going throughC. fromC. every
8、th i ngC. p I easedC. wayC. buteg:eg:第三全:根据内容,从 后的中出能填入空白的最佳Mike: Mayuse your car, Jane?Jane: Yes, of course,Mike: Just one or two hours.Jane: OK.By the way,Mike: I m going to the train station to meetof mine.Jane: Can you do someth i ng for me?Mike:Jane: Wi I I you buy some appIes for me on your wa
9、y? Mike:A. Certa inly, what i s i t?B. But for how long?C. Here i s the key.D. Where are you goi ng?=E-A11 r i ghi,Suu you laier.fr i end(Key: B C D A E)第三部分理解eg:PI ants are very important Ii v i ng th i ngs. Life couId not go i f there were no pI ants.Th i s i s because pI ants can produce food fro
10、m the a i r, water and sun Ii ght. Animals andman cannot produce food from the a i r, water and sun Ii ght as pI ants do. Animals getthe i rfood by eat i ng pI ants or other animals wh i ch eat pI ants. So animals and man need pI ants i n order to live.If you Iook carefuI Iy at the pI ants around yo
11、u,you wi I I find that there are twok i ndsof pI ants: fIower i ng pI ants and non-fIower i ng ones.FI ower i ng p I ants can make seeds. The seeds are protected by the f ru i ts. Some f ru i ts have one seed. Some have two, three or four. Some have many. But a few fruits have no seeds at all. An ex
12、amp Ie of a fru i t without seeds i s the banana.Most non-f I ower i ng p I ants don t grow from seeds. They grow from spores(抱子). Sporesare very, very smaI I. Some spores are so smaI I and Ii ght that they can float i n the a i r.We may say that spores are qu i te the same as the seeds. When these
13、spores fa I I on wet and shady pI aces, they usuaI Iy grow i nto new p I ants.根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,对的涂( A),错的涂(B) oPI ants are very important to Ii fe.1. Both animals and pI ants can produce food from the a i r, water and sun I ight.2. Banana is a fruit that does not have seeds.3. Al I the fIower i ng
14、pI ants have many seeds.4. Spores can grow i nto new pI ants where ver they fall.(Key: I. A 2. B 3. A4. B 5, B)根据短文内容,从每小题 A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。There are many unusuaI hoteIs around the worId. In Green I and, there i s a hoteI made out of i ce, open between Apr iI and December every year. In Turkey, th
15、ere is a cave hoteI with a tele vis ion, turniture, and a bathroom in each room. And i n Boli v i a, there i s the Salt Pa I ace HoteI.Thousands of years ago, the area around the Sa 11 Pa I ace Hote I was a I arge I ake. But over time, a I I the water d i sappeared. Today, the area has on Iy two sma
16、I I Iakes and two saIt deserts.The larger of the two deserts, the Uyuni saIt desert, i s 12,000 square k iIometers.Dur i ng the day, the desert i s br i ght wh i te because of the sa11. There are no roads across the Uyun i desert, so I oca I peopIe must show guests the way to the hoteI.In the early
17、1990s, a man named Juan Quesada built the hoteI. He cut big blocks (块)of salt from the desert and used the blocks to build it. Everyth i ng in the hoteI i s made out of salt: the waI Is, the roof; the tab Ies, the cha i rs, the beds, and the hoteI s bar.The sun heats the walls and roof dur i ng the
18、day. At n i ght the desert i s very co Id, but the rooms stay warm. The hoteI has 12 rooms. A single room costs$40 a n i ght, and adoubIe room costs $ 60.A sign on the hoteI s waI I tells guests, “ Please don t I ick the walls - it doesn t taste good!1. PeopIe can go toto vi s it the ice hoteI i n A
19、pr iI.A. Green I andB. TurkeyC. Bol i v i aThe Sa 11 Pa I ace HoteI i s unusuaI because.A. it has a long historyB. its made out of saltC. the rooms staycold a I I dayWhere did the salt used for the hoteI come from?A. A sa 11 foctory.B. The desert.C. The I akes.2. The under I i ned word I i ck means
20、i n Ch i nese.A.摸B.踢C.舔The best title for the passage i sA. UnusuaI HoteIsB. Salt DesertC. A Story of Juan Quesad(Key: 1 5 ABBCA)阅读下列短文,把AE五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。Its not just womenwho wear sk i rts.1 Ir Scot I and, men wear a k i nd of ski rt cal leda ki It (短褶裙).The kilt i s the i r nat i ona I dres
21、s and an important part of the i r culture.2 It has d i fferent co Iors. Each fomi ly i n Scot I and has i ts own co Iors.3 One i s that the kilt was madeWhy d i d peopIe i n Scot I and start to wear k iIts?i n the 1720s by an Eng Ii sh factory owner cal led Thomas Raw Ii nson. He had a number of wo
22、rkers from Scot I and i n h i s factory and he thought thei r long cIothes got i n the way of thei r work. 4Later, a I I men there began to wear them.Later, a I I men there began to wear them.In the old days, soldiers i n Scot I and wore ki Its.celebrations. 5 But they n。longer wear them to fight.So
23、ldiers a I so wear themToday, most men i n Scot I and on Iy wear kiIts on spec i a I occas i ons, i n importantThey still use ki Its as thei r dress uniform.A. A kilt is a skirt reaching down to the knee.B. So he cut them i nto shorter sk i rts.C. Men can wear them, too.D. There are many stor i es.(
24、Key: 1 5 DBECA)第二卷(非选择题)(答案做在答题卡上)任务型阅读eg :形式一:根据文章内容完成要求。How to Make Fr i ends1. Its hard to make fr i ends i f you stay home a I one a I I the time.Get out of thehouse and do things that wiI I put you in touch with other peopIe. Join a cIub or playa sport. Attend meet ings or other groups. Its eas
25、ier to make fr iends when you have sim i lar interests.2. Learn from peopIe who seem to have Iots of fr i ends.Watch carefuI Iy how they makeand keep fr i ends. Don t copy a I I of the th i ngs they do, but try to not i ce what they do.Then try some of those things yourseIf.3. Don t be afra i d to s
26、how peopIe what you re reaI Iy good at. Ta Ik about the th i ngsyou Iike and do best. Don t hide your strong points. PeopIe wi I I be interested in you if there i s something i nterest i ng about you.4. Plan th i ngs to taIk about with peopIe. Find out what s i n the newspaper head Ii nes, Ii sten t
27、o CDs, I earn about what s new with your favor ite TV or movie star. The more you have to say, the more peopIe wi I I be i nterested in having a conversation with you5. Look peopIe in the eye when you taIk to them.That way, they 11 f ind it easierto taIk to you. Its very difficult to have a conversa
28、tion with people whose eyes are looking to the I eft, to the r ight, or at the fIoor. PeopIe may th i nk you re not interested in them and may stop bei ng i nterested i n you.6. Be a good Ii stener. Let peopIe taIk about themseIves before talking aboutme,me, me. Ask Iots of quest i ons and show an i
29、 nterest i n the i r answers.根据描述为下列人物选择应该借鉴文章中的哪条建议(将相应数字序号填在横线上)4 a. Tony i s never sure what to taIk about when he meets peopIe.b. Rose wants to know why her cI assmate, C i ndy, i s so good at mak i ng fr i ends.c. Adam stays home every weekend and watches videos.d. Benson i s a very good dancer
30、, but he never tells anyone about i t.e. Martha doesn t care for others. She a Iwa y s taIks about herseIf.f. When Pedro fee Is uncomfortabIe talking to someone, he starts to look away.a 4 ; b.; c. ; d. ; e. ; f.(Key: 42 1 36 5 )形式二:根据文章内容完成表格Nowadays parents and the i rchiIdrenare spend i ng I esst
31、imetogether. As a resuIt, many chi Idren aregett i ng I essIove than the i r parentsonce got. Howto he Ip parentsand thei r chi Idrenstayconnected? Below i s a list of he Ip fillt i ps for fami Iy Ii fe.Eat and chatShar ing a meaI together lets parentsand the i r ch iIdren have t ime to taIkabout ea
32、chother s Ii ves. Th i s i s a I so a time forparents to Ii sten to and gi ve adv iceto the i rchi Idren.the books are about.with the i r school work. A Read often cu 11 i vates ( 培养 )an i nterest for knowledge. It a I so he Ips thei r attent i on Iast Ionger.Look for books that your ch iIdren Ii ke
33、 read i ng. After the i r read i ng, ask quest i ons about what Plan an outingSomet imes gett i ng out of the house i s important. Jump i nto the fomi ly car and go fora tr i p to the beach. Also a visit to a zoo, a park or a museumwi I I Iead to a long d i scuss i on.He Ip with school workA great w
34、ay to spend more time with ch iIdren and Iight a f i re of I earn i ng i s to he Ip chi Idren parent s help will cause a child to become more i nterested i n school and to improve h i s or her grades.T i ps for better1 1 i feEat and chat Share a mea1 together. Talk ab out each other s 1ives. Listen
35、to chi1dren and2 them advice.Read often Read to chi Idren so that they wi 1 1 become iinterested in knowledge. Look for books that chi Idren prefer to 3 . Ask chi Idren questions about4 the books areabout.P1 an an out i ng Get out of the house to visit some 5 .He Ip with 6 Spend more time helping ch
36、i Idren with thei r studies.fami ly 2. give 3. read 4. what 5. places 6. schoo I work )第四部分语后知识运用填写题第一节词汇运用形式一:选择括号内恰当的单词或词组填入空白处,使句意完整、正确。1 . -(Whose / Which) bag i s thi s?-I guess its Jack s.-3. -What s the.-3. -What s the(pr ice / color) of your new shi rt?-One hundred yuan.3.-Could you teI I me
37、 how to bea greener?-No prob Iem. We should save(money / water) in our daily I ife.4.As we know, Engli sh i s(wide/widely) used around the worId.5.-It s snowing heavi ly at themoment, isn t it?-Yes. We d better(put on / take off ) more cIothes before start i ng.(Key: Whose, pr ice, water, widely , p
38、ut on)形式二:根据首字母提示,补全单词,使句意完整、正确。1. - Could you teI I me what colour does Jane I ike?_ I th i nk she Ii kes r - Why are you i n such ah?- Because I am goi ng to have a meet i ng in f i ve minutes.2. The girl i s so sthat she i s afra i d of speak i ng i n pub Ii c.3. Jack i s much sthan before becaus
39、e he exerc i ses every day.4. If we othe traffic ruIes, we may get a fine and even be in danger.(Key: red, hurry, shy, stronger, obey,)形式三:根据中文提示写出单词或词组,使句意完整、正确。1. - How many(由 口票)have you col lected?-More than 500.2. - Excuse me. How many times have you ever been to Europe?3. We shouId try our bes
40、t to保护)the wi Id animal s.4. There areThe rad i o)5000 workersi n that factory.(发明)by Gugl ielmo Marconi in 1895.(Key: stamps, twice, protect, at I east, was i nvented )形式四:根据音标提示写出单词,使句意完整、正确。ld。晨 t ,藤mook jhere in the room!2. This* | - 11 go to the countryside.3. Tom said the TV set was too jk S-p
41、CHSI V第二节遣词造句:请根据每题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写一个与图画情景相符的句子。make, i nwhen, knock(答案略)第三节综合填空阅读下面短文,根据短文大意和语境选择方框内的单词,并用其正确的形式填入空白处,使补全后的短文意 思通顺,语法正确,结构完整。send expens i ve waste prob Iem coo IDear headmaster,I m a student of Grade 9. I want to teI I you something. In our schooI, many students have mobiIe phones. T
42、hey think it P sto have a mob i Ie phone. Yes, the phones Iet students taIk with the i r parents and fr i ends at any time. But I don t think it s good for students to use th 2m at school. Ma students spend Iots of time i n 2 messages by mobi Ie phone, some students even use them to pI ay games in c
43、lass or cheat (作弊)in the exams. Some students a Iwa y s hope to buy the new or 3 mob i Ie phones and th i s wi I I 4 the i r parents money. And my father tells me that most mobi Ie phones can cause (弓 |起) many he a 1th 5 CouId you do something to stop;t?YoursSoph i a(Key: 1. cool 2. send i ng 3. exp
44、ens i ve 4. waste 5. prob I ems)第五部分书面表达A假如你是泉州清源山风景区的管理人员,请你用英语为游客订出一些规章制度,内容包括:、树木保护、人身安全等,至少5句。环境卫生保护、森林防火安全、舌L涂乱亥lj (crave)Not i ce to the Tour i sts1.参考答案:1. PI ease keep the pI ace cIean and t i dy.2. Don t throw rubbish onto the ground.3. No smok i ngi s a I I owed.4. Dontusef i re
45、on the mounta i ns.5. Dontcutdownthe treesDontcrave onthe trees.PleasebecarefuI when you climb up and downthe mounta i ns.)B.在学习生活中,每个人都要面对各种困难。如何应对这些困难呢?请你根据以下思维导图 所提供的信息,以U How to De a 1 with Difficulties i n Learning”为题,写一篇90词左右的英语短文。参考词汇:参考书reference book温馨提示:短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。(参考答案:How to D
46、e a 1 with Difficulties in LearningAs students, we may meet a I I k i nds of difficulties i n I earn i ng. Everyone has h i s ownd like to share mine.d like to share mine.way to deaI with them. He re IWhenever I meet a difficulty, I 11 Iook up in reference books or search for an answer on Ii ne. Ho
47、we ver, when it s someth i ng too hard for me, I usuaI Iy turn to my cI assmates or teachers, and sometimes I ask my parents for adv i ce. As a resu11, I have made great progress i n my stud i es.By do i ng th i s, we can not on Iy improve our stud i es but a I so deveI op our ab iIi t i es to overcome difficult!es.C.人人都应该会做一些家务,你会做些什么家务呢?今年暑假,你将帮家里做些什么,并谈谈做家务会带来什么益处?请你以Help with Some Housework ”为题,写一篇90词左右的英语短文。温馨提示:短文中请勿使用真实姓名