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1、Logistics Glossary Version 1.2 Revission Histtory Date Issuee Descrriptiion Authoor 23/Maar/20001 V1.0 初始创建,参参考了Exxe(全球球领先的仓仓库管理系系统软件供供应商)的的物流术语语表Luke 20/Seep/20001 V1.1 增补了国家家标准物流流术语GBB/T18835420011 的部分分内容Luke Tablee of Conttentss 1. Inntrodductiion 66 2. Deefiniitionns 7 2.1 AAdvannced Plannningg

2、andd Schhedulling (APSS) 7 2.2 AAdvannced Shipp Nottice (ASNN) 7 2.3 AAutommatedd Stooragee andd Rettrievval SSysteem (AAS/RSS) 7 2.4 BBack Ordeer 7 2.5 BBatchh Picckingg (Baatch Seleectioon) 77 2.6 BBill of LLadinng 7 2.7 CCarriier 77 2.8 CCart 8 2.9 CCase 8 2.10 Casee Pacck 8 2.11 Codee-Datted 88

3、2.12 Conssoliddatioon 9 2.13 Convveyorr 9 2.14 Crosss Doockinng 9 2.15 Disttribuutionn 9 2.16 DisttribuutionnCentter 99 2.17 Disttribuutionn Chaannell 10 2.18 Disttribuutionn loggistiics 110 2.19 Disttribuutionn Plaanninng 100 2.20 Disttribuutionn Proocesssing 10 2.21 Disttribuutionn reqquireementt

4、plaanninng(DRP)10 2.22 Disttribuutionn ressourcce pllanniing(DRP)10 2.23 Disttribuutor 10 2.24 Dockk 10 2.25 Dockk Dooor 111 2.26 Dry Groccery 11 2.27 Dunnnage 11 2.28 ECR(Effiiciennt Cuustommer RRespoonse) 11 2.29 EDI(Elecctronnic DData Inteerchaange) 11 2.30 Enteerpriise rresouurce plannningg(ERP)

5、11 2.31 FIFOO(Firrst IIn Fiirst Out) 11 2.32 Fixeed Sllot 111 2.33 Floaatingg Sloot 122 2.34 Flooor Sllot 112 2.35 Floww Thrru 122 2.36 ForkkLiftt 12 2.37 Forwward Locaationn 12 2.38 Freiight Charrges 12 2.39 Fulll Palllet Seleect 113 2.40 Gravvity-Floww Racck 133 2.41 Handdlingg/carrryinng 133 2.42

6、 Handdlingg Uniit 133 2.43 Harmmonizzed TTarifff Coode 113 2.44 Haraardouus Cllass/Indiicatoor 133 2.45 Inboound 13 2.46 Inneer Paack 113 2.47 Inveentorry 144 2.48 Inveentorry Addjusttmentt 14 2.49 Inveentorry Coontrool 144 2.50 Inveentorry Deetaill 14 2.51 Invooice 14 2.52 Justt in timee(JITT) 144

7、2.53 JIT Deliiveryy Sysstem 14 2.54 Labeel 155 2.55 Leadd Timme 155 2.56 LTL(Lesss-Thaan-Trrucklload) 15 2.57 Let Downn(Reppleniishmeent) 15 2.58 Liceense Platte 155 2.59 Loadding and unlooadinng 155 2.60 Logiisticcs 155 2.61 Logiisticcs ceenterr 16 2.62 Lot NNumbeer 166 2.63 Mateeriall reqquireemen

8、tts pllanniing(MRP)16 2.64 Manuufactturinng reesourrce pplannning(MRP)16 2.65 Miniimum Ordeer Reequirremennts 116 2.66 Mixeed Looad 116 2.67 Narrrow AAislee 17 2.68 Numbberinng Syystemm 17 2.69 Ordeer piickinng 177 2.70 Ordeer Seelecttion 17 2.71 Out-Of-SStockk 17 2.72 Outbboundd 17 2.73 Packkage/pa

9、ckkaginng 177 2.74 Palllet 117 2.75 Palllet CCube 18 2.76 Physsicall Invventoory 118 2.77 Pickk Ratte 188 2.78 Prodductiion DDetaiil 188 2.79 Prodductiion IID 188 2.80 Prodductiion llogissticss 18 2.81 Purcchasee Ordder 118 2.82 Put-awayy 18 2.83 Quicck reesponnse(QR)19 2.84 Rackk 19 2.85 RackkBay 1

10、19 2.86 Receeivinng 199 2.87 Repllenisshmennt 199 2.88 Repllenisshmennt Leevel 19 2.89 Retaail UUnit 19 2.90 RF UUnit 19 2.91 Safeety SStockk 20 2.92 Salees Orrder 20 2.93 Servvice Leveel 200 2.94 Shipppingg 20 2.95 Shipppingg Uniit/Shhippiing CCase 20 2.96 Slott(Loccatioon) 220 2.97 Sortting 20 2.9

11、8 Spliit-Caase(BBrokeen-Caase) 21 2.99 Stagging Areaa 21 2.1000 Steereosscopiic waarehoouse 21 22.1011 SKUU(Stoock KKeepiing UUnit) 21 2.1022 Stooragee andd Reppleniishmeent 221 2.1033 Stooringg 21 2.1044 Stooragee 21 2.1055 Strraighht Looad 221 2.1066 Suppplieer(Veendorr) 222 2.1077 Suppply Chaiin

12、222 2.1088 SCEE(Suppply Chaiin Exxecuttion) 22 2.1099 Supply CChainn Invventoory VVisibbilitty 222 2.1100 SCMM(Supply CChainn Mannagemment) 23 2.1111 SCPP(Suppply Chaiin Pllanniing) 23 2.1122 Suppply logiisticcs 233 2.1133 Traanspoortattion 23 2.1144 Thiird PPartyy Loggistiics(TTPL) 24 2.1155 TMSS(T

13、raanspooratiion MManaggemennt Syystemm) 244 2.1166 Traanspoortattion Plannningg andd Schhedulling 24 2.1177 UPCC(Uniiverssal PProduuct CCode) 24 2.1188 Virrtuall loggistiics 224 2.1199 VMII(Venndor-Manaaged Inveentorry) 224 2.1200 Warrehouuse 224 2.1211 WMSS(Warrehouuse MManaggemennt Syystemm) 255 2

14、.1222 Warrehouuse PPointt 25 2.1233 Zerro-innventtory techhnoloogy 225 2.1244 25 2.1255 25 2.1266 25 2.1277 25 2.1288 25 2.1299 25 2.1300 25 2.1311 25 2.1322 26 2.1333 26 2.1344 26 2.1355 26 2.1366 26 2.1377 26 2.1388 26 2.1399 26 2.1400 26 Logissticss Gloossarry 1. Inntrodductiion 本文档定义义了物流领领域中的一一些

15、术语。人人们在沟通通中出现的的很多障碍碍或误解往往往是由于于对于一些些基本概念念没有统一一认识而造造成的,因因此术语的的标准化是是非常重要要的,术语语标准化是是有效沟通通的基础。本本文档采用用中英文对对照的形式式,本人依依据原文并结合自自己的理解解进行了意译,期望使用本本文档的同同事能对文文档内容进进行勘误和丰富,以便更好好的为大家的工作带带来方便。. 2. Deefiniitionns本文档定义义了物流领领域中的一一些术语. 2.1 AAdvannced Plannningg andd Schhedulling (APSS) 高级计划和和调度A subbcompponennt off sup

16、pply chaiin pllanniing, typiicallly coontexxtuallly ddescrribinng maanufaacturring plannningg andd schhedulling. 供应链计划划的子模块,典型的包括了制造计划和调调度2.2 AAdvannced Shipp Nottice (ASNN) 提前到货通通知Electtroniic meessagge, iincluudingg eleectroonic dataa intterchhangee (EDDI) oor Exxtenssiblee Marrkup Langguagee (XMM

17、L), giviing nnotifficattion of pproduuct ddue ppriorr to receeipt. 以EDI 或XML 电子报文形形式发给仓库的的提前到货货通知,仓库将据据此安排收货货计划2.3 AAutommatedd Stooragee andd Rettrievval SSysteem (AAS/RSS) Compuuter-drivven hhighrrise systtem uused to sstoree andd sellect casees orr iteems aautommaticcallyy. A systtem ttypiccallyy

18、 connsistts off higghrisse shhelviing, multti-leevel convveyorrs, aand hhighrrise induustriial ttruckk equuipmeent. 2.4 BBack Ordeer The aautommaticc addditioon off thee outt-of-stoccks llisteed onn onee ordder tto annotheer shhipmeent bbeingg delliverred tto a retaail sstoree. Thhere are two typees

19、 off bacck orrderss: 1) recceiviing comiing ffrom a suuppliier oor veendorr (thhe baack oorderr is sentt witth thhe neext oorderr), aand 22) shhippiing goiing tto a custtomerr (seend tthe bback ordeer wiith tthe nnext ordeer). The pproceess aa commpanyy usees whhen aa cusstomeer orrderss an itemm th

20、aat iss nott in inveentorry; tthe ccompaany ffillss thee ordder wwhen the itemm beccomess avaailabble. 2.5 BBatchh Picckingg (Baatch Seleectioon) 批量拣货A metthod of oorderr sellectiion iin whhich seveeral ordeers ffor ddiffeerentt cuss-tommers, or a bbatchh off theem, aare ppickeed toogethher. Geneera

21、llly, aa nummber of sselecctorss worrk att thee samme tiime iin diifferrent secttionss of the faciilityy to pickk thee battch. 拣货的一种种方法,具体指同同时拣取不不同客户的的若干张定单或一批定单2.6 BBill of LLadinng 提单A doccumennt isssuedd by a caarrieer thhat rrecorrds tthe rreceiipt oof gooods for shippmentt andd thee conntracct

22、teerms. It is nnot aan innvoicce. 由承运人签签发给委托托方记录货货物收到及运运输合同条条款的单证,提单是有价证券券,可转让、抵抵押,但不是商业发票2.7 CCarriier 承运人Any iindivviduaal, ccompaany, or ccorpooratiion eengagged iin trranspportiing ggoodss. 从事货物运运输的个人或公司2.8 CCart 手推车A mannuallly puushedd or pullled pplatfform thatt hass a hhandlle annd foour wwh

23、eells. IIt iss useed too movve meerchaandisse inn thee faccilitty. 具有把手和和四轮可手工推拉的平台,用于于在仓库中中移动货物2.9 CCase 箱The sstoraage ccase thatt is takeen inn at receeivinng. TThis can varyy froom a ven-dor casee wheen itt is spliit duuringg recceiviing. The coluumn iin a tablle reepre-sentts thhe nuumberr of r

24、etaail uunitss in a caase. Exampple: Produuct: 12 ooz. CCola canss Case: 24 canss in a maasterr casse Innerr Pacck: 66 canns tiied ttogetther withh plaasticc (a six-packk) Retaiil Unnit: A siinglee cann In thhis eexampple, if tthe ccustoomer ordeers bby siix-paacks, thee shiippinng unnit wwouldd be

25、set to 66. Iff thee cusstomeer orrderss by the casee, thhe shhippiing uunit woulld bee sett to 24. If tthe ccustoomer ordeers bby thhe reetaill uniit, tthe sshippping unitt wouuld bbe seet too 1. Notee: Thhis iis onnly oone eexampple oof thhe maany ddiffeerentt wayys thhat aa prooductt cann be set u

26、p. A siinglee prooductts sshippping unitt cann be set diffferenntly on ddiffeerentt prooductt dettailss. 收货时的存存储容器,因供应应商而异,例如:产产品:可乐箱:244 罐/主箱内包装:6 罐用塑料膜捆捆起来(6 罐包)零售单位:1 罐在上面的例子中,如果客户按6 罐包来定,则发运单位将设置为6,若客户按箱箱来定,则发运单位设置为244,假如客户按零售售单位来定,则发运单位设设置为1 2.10 Casee Pacck The nnumbeer off selllingg uniits ii

27、n a shipppingg casse. 2.11 Codee-Datted 日期编码Merchhandiise bbeariing aa datte coode iindiccatinng whhen aa prooductt wass pacck-agged, placced oon diisplaay, oor shhouldd be soldd. Coode ddatess faccilittate rotaationn andd hellp prrevennt thhe saale oof offf-quualitty ittems. 每件货品给给一个日期编码表示何时被包装、展示、

28、应该被销售售,应用日期编码可防止销售售已经变质质的商品2.12 Conssoliddatioon 集货The aact oof asssembblingg lesss-thhan-ttruckkloadd (LTTL) sshipmmentss intto trruck-loadd (TLL) shhipmeents. 将不够一个个整车或整柜的货拼成一个整车车或整柜,目前海、陆、空、铁都有集货操作2.13 Convveyorr 传送带A fleexiblle baand oor beelt uused to ttranssportt casses oor prroduccts ffrom on

29、e placce inn a ffacillity to aanothher. 仓储中用来来传送箱子或产品的带子2.14 Crosss Doockinng 越库管理Produuct (usuaally in ppalleet quuantiitiess) iss dessignaated for certtain custtomerrs beeforee or at tthe ttime of ddelivvery. Thee prooductt is takeen diirecttly ffrom the inboound dockk to the outbboundd docck. NNo

30、te: Thee recceiveed quuantiity iis noot addded intoo thee invventoory. 货物从入口口站台收货货后,直接运到出口站台装装车出运(收到的数量不计入库存)2.15 Disttribuutionn 配送、分销销The mmovemment of pproduucts fromm wheere tthey are madee to wherre thhey aare uused. Theere aare ffour leveels oof foood sstoree disstribbutioon: mmanuffactuuringg

31、, whholessalinng, rretaiilingg, annd coonsumming. 在经济合理理区域范围内,根据用户要求,对物品进行拣选、加工、包装、分割、组配等作业,并按时送达指定地点的物流流活动。(GB/T183354-22001)2.16 Disttribuutionn Cennter 配送中心Wholeesalee faccilitty off a cchainn-stoore ccompaany oor diistriibutoor. (GB/TT183554-20001)从事配送业务的物流场所所或组织,应符合下列要求:a)主要为特定的用户服务b)配送功能健全c)完善

32、的信息网络络d)辐射范围小e)多品种种、小批量f)以配送为主,储存为辅2.17 Disttribuutionn Chaannell 分销渠道The sselliing cchannnels suppporteed byy an enteerpriise. Thesse maay inncludde reetaill salles, disttribuutionn parrtnerr (e.g., whollesalle) ssaless, orriginnal eequippmentt mannufacctureer (OOEM) salees, IInterrnet exchhangee o

33、r markketpllace salees, aand IInterrnet aucttion or rreverrse aauctiions salees. 2.18 Disttribuutionn loggistiics 销售物流(GBB/T188354-20011)生产企业、流通企业出售商品时,物品在供方与需方之间的实体流动。2.19 Disttribuutionn Plaanninng 配送计划The aabiliity tto asssesss wheere pproduucts and servvicess shoould be ddeplooyed and deteerminn

34、e thhe sttock-keepping unitt/loccatioon-leevel repllenisshmennt pllan. 决定在多仓仓库环境下下每个仓库的的补货计划划2.20 Disttribuutionn Proocesssing 流通加工(GB/TT183554-20001)物物品在从生产地到使用地的过程中,根据需要施加包装、分割、计量、分分拣、刷标志、栓标签、组装等简单作业的总称。2.21 Disttribuutionn reqquireementt plaanninng(DRP)配送需求计计划(GB/TT183554-20001)一一种既保证有效地满足足市场需要要,

35、又能使得物流资源配置费用最省的计划方法法,是MRPP 原理与方法在物品配送送中的运用。2.22 Disttribuutionn ressourcce pllanniing(DRP)配送资源计计划(GB/TT183554-20001)一一种企业内物品配送送计划系统管管理模式。是在在DRP 的基础上提高各环节节的物流能力,达到系统优化运行的目的。2.23 Disttribuutor 分销商Generrallyy reffers to aa whoolesaaler. Howweverr, itt alsso reeferss to a sppeciaalizeed whholessalerr wh

36、oo hanndless onee braand oor caategoory oof prroducct (ee.g., apppliannces, auttomottivess, annd gllasswware). 通常指批发发商,有时也指经营某一品牌或某一类产品(如汽车、玻璃制品等)的专业批发商2.24 Dockk 码头、站台台A colllecttion of ddock doorrs whhere truccks oor raail ccars are loadded (shipppingg) orr unlloadeed (rreceiivingg). 卡车或火车车可进行装卸货作

37、业的场所,有很很多门2.25 Dockk Dooor 站台门Used to lload or uunloaad trraileers oor vaans. Eachh docck dooor iis iddentiifiedd inddividduallly wiithinn thee sysstem. 用于车辆装装卸,在系统统中将会标识每一个门2.26 Dry Groccery 干货Non-pperisshablle, uunreffrigeerateed paackagged pproduucts founnd inn foood sttoress 非易腐的、非冷冻的包装产品2.27 Du

38、nnnage Loosee matteriaal ussed aarounnd caargo to ppreveent ddamagge 包在货物周周围用于防止破损的疏松材料2.28 ECR(Effiiciennt Cuustommer RRespoonse) 快速客户反反应A connsumeer gooods (priimariily ggroceery) inittiatiive aaimedd at reduucingg ineefficcientt praacticces aand wwastee in the suppply cchainn 2.29 EDI(Elecctronni

39、c DData Inteerchaange) 电子数据交交换A commputeer syystemm devvelopped iin 19982 tthat enabbles comppaniees too commmuniicatee eleectroonicaally usinng Unniforrm Coommunnicattionss Staandarrds (UCS). EDDI caan bee useed foor orrder entrry, iinvoiices, andd corrresppondeence whicch elliminnatess thee neeed

40、foor tyypewrritteen doocumeents. 2.30 Enteerpriise rresouurce plannningg(ERP)企业资源计计划(GB/T1183544-20001)在MRPP基础上,通过前馈的物流和反馈的信息流、资金流,把客户需求和企业内部的生产经营活动以及供应商商的资源整合在一起,体现完全按用户需求进行经营管理的一一种全新的管理方法法。2.31 FIFOO(Firrst IIn Fiirst Out) 先进先出Usingg thee firrst-iin, ffirstt-outt (FIIFO) methhod tto sttock and sel

41、ll merrchann-disse; tthe ooldesst iss solld fiirst to eensurre quualitty annd frreshnness. Rottatioon iss oftten gguideed byy codde-daatingg 先进先出应应用于库存存管理和销售中,即先入库的商品应该先出库以保证质量和鲜度2.32 Fixeed Sllot 固定货槽A preeassiignedd andd perrmaneent llocattion on tthe sselecctionn linne foor a partticullar iitem o

42、r ccase(s) oof meerchaandisse. SSee aalso Floaatingg Sloot. 2.33 Floaatingg Sloot 流动货槽A ranndom locaationn on the seleectioon liine ffor aa parrticuular itemm or casee of mercchanddise. Inbboundd pallletss aree plaaced in tthe ffirstt avaailabble oopen slott (orr in seveeral diffferennt, nnon-aadjoi

43、iningg sloots). Seee alsso Fiixed Slott. 2.34 Flooor Sllot A loccatioon onn thee sellectiion lline thatt connsistts off flooor sspacee forr thee staackinng off merrchanndisee 2.35 Floww Thrru Generratess shiippinng innstruuctioons aat thhe pooint of rreceiipt, whicch elliminnatess thee neeed foor pr

44、roducct too be put-awayy in the wareehousse. IInsteead, the prodduct can be ddirecctly trannsferrred fromm an inboound traiiler direectlyy to an ooutboound traiiler 在收货时即即产生了发运指令,货物直接从入入口的车辆上转移到发运的车辆上,从而减少了产品入库的的需求,类似于Crosss Doockinng 2.36 ForkkLiftt 叉车A mecchaniical deviice uused to ttranssportt pa

45、lllet loadds too or fromm stooragee. 用于装卸卡卡板的一种机械设备2.37 Forwward Locaationn The pprimaary llocattion fromm whiich tthe sspeciifiedd prooductt is seleectedd (teemporrary, racck, ffloorr, drrive-in, floww, shhelf, belltpicck, oor piick-iin-reeservve). 2.38 Freiight Charrges 运费The ccost of ttranssportt

46、ing goodds frrom tthe sselleers wareehousse too thee buyyerss warrehouuse oor sttore. Preepaidd usuuallyy meaans ffreigght ccostss aree paiid byy thee selller who forwwardss no billl to the custtomerr. Fuull FFreigght AAllowwed uusuallly mmeanss thaat thhe seellerr willl ulltimaatelyy payy freeightt cossts; howee


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