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1、浅谈礼仪在商务谈判中的作用IntrooducttionEtiquuettee is the proccess and meanns too shoow reespecct too eacch otther in iinterrperssonall rellatioonshiip byy cerrtainn, coommonn prooceduures. Thee Etiiquettte ccan bbe saaid tto bee a ppersoons exteernall apppearaance of iinwarrd cuultivvatioon annd quualitty. FFi

2、rsttly, it ccan hhelp peopple rraisee theeir sself-culttivattion. Seccondlly, iit wiill ppromoote ssociaal innteraactioon annd immprovve peeoplees iinterrperssonall rellatioonshiip. IIt allso ccan ppuriffy thhe soocietty. SSincee difffereent ccounttriess havve diifferrentppolitticall, coonomiical hi

3、sttoriccal aand ccultuural backkgrouunds, as welll as diffferennt waays oof deeveloopingg, thhere are a loot off difffereencess in etiqquetttes iin maany ffieldds annd maany aaspeccts, espeeciallly ssometthingg rellatedd to culttturaal baackgrroundd. Thhe goood uunderrstanndingg of diffferennt etiiq

4、uetttes bettweenn thee Eassternn annd thhe Weesterrn coountrries are becoomingg abssoluttely neceessarry annd poopulaar.Negottoaottion playys a virttual partt in busiinesss acttivitties. Neggotiaationn bettweenn thee selller and the buyeer noormallly ccoverrs asspectts innculdding quallity, quaantit

5、ty, ppackiing, pricce, sshippping, inssurannce, paymment, commplattintss, annd arrbitrratioon. TTo reeach an aagreeementt or to ssign a coontraact, apprropriiate negootiattion tacttics and etiqquetttes sshalll be adoppted. IIn moodernn soccietyy, itt seeems tthat the worlld iss getttingg smaallerr a

6、ndd smaallerr, peeoplee aree verry acctivee witth frrequeent eexchaangess. Maany ccounttriess aree payying greaat atttenttion to tthe ccombiinatiion oof iinterrnatiionall etiiquetttes and natiionall etiiquetttes. So we sshoulld ennrichh ourr crooss- cultture awarrenesss annd hoold aa chaanginng attt

7、ituude ttowarrd alll kiind oof eqquetttes. Etiqquetttes are tthe ccultuure wwealtth off humman bbeingg.This papeer exxplorres tthe ddiffeerentt etiiquetttes in ddiffeerentt couuntriies iin thhe innternnatioonal busiinesss neggotiaationn setttinggs, sso ass to makee it posssiblee forr futture succces

8、sfful nnegottiatiions. I Diifferrent Conceepts Refleectedd froom Negottiatiion EEtiquuettees inn thee Easst annd thhe Weest.The ccultuural variietiees maake tthe wworldd spllendiid. In orrder to ddo buusineess aactivvely and succcessffullyy. Itt is neceessarry foor thhe buusineessmeen too havve thhe

9、 knnowleedgemment and the requuiredd skiills in iinterrcultture commmuniccatioon annd ennhancce baasic skillls in uusingg difffereent ccultuures in nnegottionss. 1.1 SSeen the Negottiatiion EEtiquuettees frrom IIntrooducttionDiffeerentt peoople showw difffereent aappriiciattion of eetiquuettees inn

10、neggotiaationns beecausse off thee difffereencess of racees, reggionss andd chaaractterisstic featturess. Generrallyy speeakinng, tthe wwesteern ppeoplle arre poositiive aand aagresssivee in negootiattionss, thhe Eaasterrn peeoplee shoow thhe coonserrvatiive aand ppassiive ccharaacterristiic feeatur

11、res. Thesee difffereencess roooted in the induuviduual ccultuure cconceepts. The mmost disttinguushedd reppreseentivve off thee Wessternn couuntriies iis Ammericca, The mmost disttinguushedd reppreseentivve off thee Eassternn couuntriies iis Jaapan. Let ssee tthe ddiffeerentt cullturee connceptts re

12、efleccted in nnegottiatiions Firstt, Ammericcan cconceepts seenn froom neegotiiatioons. Amerrcianns arre ouutgoiing and goodd at exprressiing tthemsselvees, annd moost AAmerccian speaak diirecttly.TThey ofteen hoold ssuspeectioon too neggotioon whho saay soomethhing indrriecttly aand iimpliicitlly.

13、Theirr neggotiaationn styyles are as ffolloowConfiidentt andd possitivve Direcct annd sttrateegic forrestaall ooness oppponennt byy a sshow of sstrenngth Clearr atttitudde toowardds aggreemment and disaagreeementt . Varioous wways of nnegottiatiions Cheriish ttime and pay speccial atteentioon too de

14、aadlinne Esp. Proffitabble Stronng seense of llaws and conttactss Keen on ppackaage ddeal. Stronng raace ssuperrioriity, hardd to makee conncesssion An Ammericcan bbusinnessmman wwanteed too selll a new prodduct to aa Jappanesse buusineessmaan, tthey agreee too meeet. At ttheirr firrst mmeetiing, th

15、e Amerricann bussinesssmann wassted no ttime. He intrroducced hhis pproduuct aand aafterr hiss inttroduuctioon, hhe waaitedd forr queestioons iin whhat hhe haad saaid. To hhis ssurprrise, thee Jappanesse buusineessmaan shhowedd no inteerestt in whatt hadd saiid, Insttead, thee Jappanesse buusineessm

16、aan assked abouut thhe weeatheer annd hoolidaays iin thheir two counntriees. The Amerricann bussinesssmann fellt frrustrratedd andd eveen annnoyeed. HHe cooncluuded thatt thee Jappanesse waas iimpollite, annd diid noot knnow hhow tto doo bussinesss. FFurthhermoore, he ddecidded, the Japaanesee diddn

17、t likee himm, whhich expllaineed evverytthingg.Anaiyyze tthe ssituaationn andd deccide whatt wennt wrrong? In factt, thhe Ammerciian bbusinnessmman wwas iignorrant of JJapannese cultture. He did not undeerstaand tthat befoore aa bussinesss reelatiionshhip ccan bbe esstabllisheed wiith tthe JJapneese

18、, he mmust firsst deeveloop a goodd perrsonaal reelatiionshhip wwith him. He shouuld ttake the timee to culttivatte a closser rrelattionsship withh thee Jappanesse buusineessmaan, aand tthen, takking abouut thhis ccompaanyprodduct.Introoducttionss aree impportaant aaspeccts oof ouur daaily lifee. ho

19、weever, feww peoople knoww howw to makee theem prroperrly. In bbusinness, therre arre twwo ruules to bbe obbservved. Firsst, the persson oof leesserr impportaance, regaardleess oof geenderr, is iintrooduceed too thee perrson of ggreatter iimporrtancce. Secoond, the namee of the moree impportaant ppe

20、rsoon iss menntionned bbeforre thhe naame oof thhe leess iimporrtantt perrson.1.2 SSeen the Negottiatiion EEtiquuettees frrom Eye ContaactEye iis ann impportaant aaspecct off boddy laanguaage. The Chinnese sayiing: the eye is tthe wwindoow off thee souul”. A lyyric goess : “ yourr lipps teell mme no

21、o, buut thhere yess, yees inn youur eyyes ”. Eyees caan sppeak in iinterrperssonall commmuniicatiion .All cultturess havve thheir uniqque ssociaal ruules goveerninng thheir eye conttact and thesse diifferrencees caan maake ppeoplle feeel uuncommforttablee witthoutt beiing awarre off whyy theey arre

22、unncomffortaable .Eye ccontaact sshowss truustwoorthiinesss, annd inntegrrity(= hoonestt). Onne dooes t annythiing tto hiide. Whenn greeetinng annd coonverrsingg witth ottherss , ddirecct eyye coontacct iss higghly valuued bby peeoplee of thesse coountrries. Peoople expeect tthe ppersoon thhey aare

23、iinterractiing wwith to “ lookk theem inn thee eyee” . Not doinng soo imppliess borredomm or disiinterrestiing . Avooidinng thhe paartneers eye coulld diiscouuragee himm froom gooing on . Thee eyee, hooweveer, iis noot stteadyy, itt is mainntainned ffor aa seccond or ttwo, movee awaay quuicklly, sst

24、ariing at ssomeooness eyee whiile ttalkiing iis noot poolitee. In Noortheern AAmeriican and Nortthernn Eurropeaan cuulturres U.S. perssons are veryy unccomfoortabble wwith prollongeed eyye coontacct. What are thee rulles ffor eeye ccontaact aaccorrdingg to the Chinnese custtom If yoou arre sppeakiin

25、g iin puublicc, do you lookk at yourr auddiencce frrequeentlyy, orr youu burry yoour nnose in yyour manuuscriipt iion tto reead yyour speeech aall tthe ttime Therre iss no writtten rulees foor eyye coontacct inn Chiina, but itss obsserveed thhat CChineese ppeoplle ussu. llowerr ourr eyees ass a ssig

26、n of ddeferrencee, buut thhese diffferennces can leadd to misccommuunicaationn in the multticullturaal woorkpllace. The eeyes can be vvery reveealinng duuringg neggotiaationn. Thhe puupilss of the eyess conntracct orr dillate in rrespoonse to eemotiions. Welll-trraineed neegotiiatorrs wiill wwatchh

27、thee puppils for signns thhat yyou aare wwilliing tto maake cconceessioons. Becauuse ppeoplle off thee Midddle Eastt knoow thhey mmay ggive awayy howw theey feeel wwith nonvverbaal eyye meessagges, theyy mayy weaar daark gglassses tto hiide ssuch messsagess. II Reespecct Diffeerentt Cultuures and Ma

28、kiing GGood Use of EEtiquuetteesIn innternnatioonal tradde, vvisittors shouuld aact iin acccorddancee witth loocal busiinss etiqquttee.Theeir iis a commman ssayinng“Doo as Romaans ddo”,iin chhinaaare sshow thiss priincipple.WWhen you get to aa plaace, you shouuld oobey the prinnciplle off loccal ppe

29、oplle buut too havve yoour oown ccharaacterristiics.OOf cooursee to havee youu ownn chaaractterissticss shooule incllude to kknow the senssitivve toopic of llocall peoople,to rrespeect tthe ccustooms oof loocal peopple and cultture. In tthe ffolloowingg passsagee we willl disscusss mattterss neeedin

30、gg afffectiion bby ussing in tthe iinterrnatiionall as exammple.2.1 Know Abouut Diifferrent Negottiatiion Tabooo annd StyleeTabooo is a bann or an iinhibbitioon reesultting fromm soccial custtom oor emmotioonal averrsionn andd thaat iss a kkind of ccultuure. An oobjecct, aa worrd, oor ann actt proot

31、ectted bby suuch aa proohibiitionn.Amerccian Tabooo: “13” annd “ Friiday” “ bllack cat” Disliike 蝙蝙蝠“ bbat” , haate aany pproduuct aand ppackaagingg witth baat deesignn.-badd lucck. Pay sspeciial aattenntionn to privvacy Avoidd larrgessse annd maake-uup, pperfuume aand cclothhes tto wooman. Keep app

32、rropriiate disttancee .For eexampple, a Brritissh maangaggerweent tto ann Araab coountrry foor a busiinesss meeetingg witth hiis Arrab ccountterpaart. Disccussiions wentt smooothlly annd booth ssidess fellt plleaseed.Durinng a breaak, bboth stoood taalkinng caasuallly. The Arabb mannagerr, thhinkiin

33、g tthey now kneww eacch otther quitte weell, feltt theey shhouldd staand ccloseer toogethher tto shhow tthe ccloseenesss of theiir biilateeral relaationnshipp. Soo he moveed neearerr to the Brittish manaager. Thee Briitishh mannagerr wass surrprissed bby thhis mmove, butt thooughtt thee acttion was

34、uninntenttion on tthe AArba manaagers paart. He ssteppped bback a biit too keeep thhe diistannce bbetweeen tthem.The AArab manaager, in his turnn, waas suurpriise bby hiis Brritissh coounteerparrts stteppiing bback. He tookk it as aa siggn thhat tthe BBritiish mmanagger wwas iignorrant of hhis ggood

35、 inteentioons aand aagainn deccidedd to movee forrwardd to showw hiss goood inntenttionss andd deccidedd to movee forrwardd to showw hiss sinnceriity. Thiss furrtherr movve, oon thhe paart oof thhe Arrab mmanagger, madee thee Briitishh mannagerr feeel unncomffortaable and evenn unhhappyy. Booth ffel

36、t frusstratted bby thhe siituattion, andd neiitherr of themm unddersttood why the otheer peersonn fellt thhe neeed tto allter the disttancee bettweenn theem.In thhe arrena of iinterrnatiionall bussinesss coommunnicattion, thee morre yoou knnow oof thhe cuulturre off thee couuntryy youu aree deaaling

37、g witth,thhe leess llikelly yoou arre geet innto ddiffiicultt. Featuures of iinterrnatiionall neggotiaationn Not oonly sharre siimilaar feeaturres wwith natiionall neggotiaationns buut allso hhave speccificc feaaturees Politticall andd dipplomaatic Interrnatiionall Riskyy Compllicatted Wide- rannged

38、 Knowlledgee andd Skiills Requuiremmentss Propeer atttituude ttowarrds nnegottiatiion Good prepparattion Awareenesss of crosss-cuulturre Gettiing ffamilliar witth poolicyy andd intternaationnal rruless andd lawws. Good commmand of fforeiign llanguuagess. Ameriican featturess in negootiattion Charaac

39、terr: eaasy- goinng , out-goinng (in ggenerral ) Negottiatiion sstylee: Confiidentt andd possitivve Direcct annd sttrateegic foresstalll onees oopponnent by aa shoow off strrengtth Clearr atttitudde toowardds aggreemment and disaagreeementt . Varioous wways of nnegottiatiions Cheriish ttime and pay

40、speccial atteentioon too deaadlinne Esp. Proffitabble Stronng seense of llaws and conttactss Keen on ppackaage ddeal. Stronng raace ssuperrioriity, hardd to makee conncesssion Vary fromm plaace tto pllace (3 mmajorr areeas)Threee majjor aarea1. Eaast oof Ammericca, eesp. peopple ffrom the citiies aa

41、rounnd thhe ceenterr of Nettworkk in the norttheasst .Featuures: mastter aall kkindss of econnomicc dynnamiccs inn thee worrld aat anny tiime, stroong aactivvity, do busiinesss acccordiing tto innternnatioonal custtom aand iinterrnatiionall convventiions, theey arre quuick-mindded aand sskillled aat

42、 baargaiiningg and proffitabble, at tthe ssame timee theey haave aa goood coommannd off bussinesss trrade knowwledgge annd skkillss. 2. Miid-eaast oof USSA.Featuure: Peopple aare kkind, commmuniicatiive, easyy-goiing , theey hoonor the conttractt andd keeepingg onees wword. Do bbusinness and purccha

43、siing fromm Sepp. too Novv. eaach yyear. 3. Soouth AmerricannFeatuure: treaatingg othhers withh sinnceriity, nicee butt hott-temmpereed, ppay sspeciial aattenntionn to lettter/ writting and creddit . The ffinall staage oof buusineess nnegottiatiions invoolvess conncesssion makiing aand bbuildding to

44、waard aagreeementt. Neegotiiatioon reequirres ccomprromisse. UUsuallly, bothh siddes ggive up ssometthingg to get evenn morre. HHowevver, the apprroachhes uused to gget tthe ccomprromisse diifferr on the two sidees. AAmeriicanss andd othher wwesteern bbusinness execcutivves ttend to ttake a seequenn

45、tiall appproacch too sollvingg commplexx prooblemms. TThat is, “lets disscusss andd setttle quanntityy, thhen ppricee, thhen ddelivvery, theen affter-salee serrvicee” andd so on. Alterrnatiivelyy, thhe Assian apprroachh is moree hollistiic-loookinng att alll isssues simuultanneoussly aand nnot aagre

46、eeing on aany ssinglle isssue untiil thhe ennd. AAmeriicanss oftten aare vvery upseet byy succh diifferrencees inn styyle oof cooncesssionn makking. Ameericaan maanageers rreporrt grreat diffficullty iin meeasurring proggresss. “AAfterr alll, inn Ameericaa youu aree hallf doone wwhen halff thee isss

47、ues are setttled.” In Jappan, nothhing seemms too gett setttledd. Frrequeentlyy, immpatiient Amerricanns maake uunneccessaary cconceessioons rrightt beffore agreeemennts aare aannouuncedd by the Japaanesee. In thhe Ammericcan vview, a bbusinness negootiattion is aa prooblemm soolvinng acctiviity aand tthe ssoluttion is aa deaal thhat ssuitss botth paartiees. FFrom the stanndpoi


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