1、Scheduling of manufacturing systems under dual-resource constraints using genetic algorithmsOriginal Research ArticleJournal of Manufacturing SystemsScheddulinng beelonggs too thee speeciall claass oof NPP-harrd prrobleems ffor wwhichh no polyynomiial ttime algoorithhm haas beeen ffoundd. Thhereffor
2、e, a sscheddule thatt is the bestt posssiblle neear-ooptimmal ssoluttion is ooftenn accceptaable. Thiis paaper pressentss a sscheddulinng appproaach, baseed onn Genneticc Alggoritthms (GAss), ddevellopedd to addrress the scheeduliing pprobllem iin maanufaacturring systtems consstraiined by bboth mac
3、hhiness andd worrkerss. Thhis ggenettic aalgorrithmm utiilizees a new chroomosoome rrepreesenttatioon, wwhichh takkes iinto accoount machhine and workker aassiggnmennts tto joobs. A seet off expperimmentss forr dettermiiningg thee besst sttaffiing llevell andd macchinee andd worrker assiignmeent tto
4、 joobs wwas pperfoormedd. A studdy waas coonduccted usinng diispattchinng ruules withh varriouss perrformmancee meaasurees foor twwo tyypes of sshop charracteeristtics: (i) duaal-reesourrce (machhiness andd worrkerss) coonstrraineed, aand (ii) singgle-rresouurce consstraiined (macchinees onnly). An
5、exammple is uused for illuustraationn andd commpariison. Thee ressultiing sscheddulinng meethoddologgy iss cappablee of deteerminning the bestt staaffinng leevel and disppatchhing rulees foor thhe chhosenn perrformmancee meaasuree in bothh sinngle and duall-ressourcce coonstrraineed shhops. Deccisio
6、ons tto addopt the presscribbed sstafffing straategyy to imprrove the primmary perfformaance meassuress succh ass meaan fllow ttime, meaan taardinness, andd meaan waaitinng tiime mmust be bbalannced by mmanaggers agaiinst the poteentiaal inncreaase iin diirectt cosst. TThe ddevellopedd schhedulling
7、apprroachh andd forrmulaationn prooved to bbe veery uusefuul foor opptimiizingg prooducttion perfformaance undeer thhe reealisstic condditioons iimpossed bby booth mmachiine aand wworkeer avvailaabiliity cconsttrainnts. Suchh a ttool shouuld bbe ussed tto deefinee a ppriorri thhe beest ddispaatchiin
8、g rruless andd schhedulles ffor aa givven sset oof prroducctionn reqquireementts annd obbjecttivess.Microobiall conntamiinatiion oof foood rrefriigeraationn equuipmeentOrigginall Ressearcch ArrticlleJouurnall of Foodd EnggineeeringgRefriigeraationn sysstemss in chillled roomms inn 15 plannts pprocee
9、ssinng a variiety of ffoodss werre sttudieed. TThesee inccludeed pllantss proocesssing raw meatt andd sallads, Chiinesee reaady mmealss, daairy prodductss, sllicinng annd paackinng off coooked meatts annd caateriing eestabblishhmentts. AAn innitiaal suurveyy of totaal nuumberrs off miccrobees att a
10、ttotall of 891 sitees onn evaaporaatorss, drrip ttrayss andd chiilledd rooom waalls was folllowedd up withh a mmore detaailedd exaaminaationn of 336 sitees wiith hhigh counnts, seleectinng foor Liisterria sspp., colliforrms, enteerocoocci, Staaphyllococccus aureeus aand BBacilllus cereeus. Tempperat
11、turess (paarticcularrly aair oon annd aiir offf, mmaximmum aand nnear defrrost heatters) rellativve huumidiity, airfflow, layyout and cleaaningg reggimess werre suurveyyed. In geeneraal, nno coorrellatioon coould be ffoundd bettweenn anyy of the physsicall meaasureementts annd thhe nuumberrs annd ty
12、ypes of bbacteeria deteectedd. Maaximuum meean ttempeeratuures in tthe cchillled rroomss varried fromm 1 to +16.99 C and few chillled unitts weere rregullarlyy cleeanedd. Twwentyy fivve peercennt off sittes eexamiined had moree thaan 1005 collony-formming unitts peer cmm2, allthouugh, veryy feww pat
13、thogeens oor faaecall inddicattor bbacteeria weree dettecteed. LListeeria spp. werre noot foound and coliiformms weere ffoundd onlly onnce, in llow nnumbeers. Low numbbers of SS. auureuss or B. ccereuus weere ppreseent iin 9 of tthe 115 pllantss, B. cerreus was founnd onn evaaporaatorss andd asssoci
14、aated dripp traays iin twwo caateriing pplantts annd twwo pllantss proocesssing cookked mmeat. Entteroccoccii andd S. aureeus wwere founnd moost ffrequuentlly inn a rraw rred mmeat slauughteerhouuse (alwaays iin loow nuumberrs). In ggenerral, micrrobiaal coontamminattion was loweer inn roooms wwhere
15、e wraappedd ratther thann unwwrappped pproduucts weree stoored. Thee typpe off prooductt alsso afffectted tthe ddegreee off conntamiinatiion, withh raww redd meaat annd pooultrry orr dryy inggrediientss givving highhest counnts, and raw vegeetablles aand ccookeed prroduccts llowesst. The wwork demoo
16、nstrratedd thaat baacterria wwere pressent on eevapooratoor cooolinng cooils in aall ffactoory ccold roomms viisiteed. AAlthoough evapporattor-ccleanning proccedurres wwere carrried out in ssome facttoriees ass parrt off rouutinee maiintennancee theese wwere not showwn too be effeectivve att maiinta
17、iiningg loww levvels of bbacteeria on eevapooratoors. To mmainttain evapporattor hhygieene iit iss sugggestted tthat moree reggularr cleeaninng prrocedduress, poossibbly bby meeans of aautommatedd cleeansiing ssysteems, shouuld bbe coonsidderedd.Articcle OOutliine1. Inntrodductiion2. Maateriials and
18、 methhods 2.1. Physsicall meaasureementts2.2. Micrrobioologiical sampplingg3. Reesultts 3.1. Totaal viiablee couunts (TVCC)3.2. Speccificc baccteriia3.3. Effeect oof teemperraturre, rrelattive humiidityy andd airr vellocitty3.4. Cleaaningg prooceduures4. DiiscusssionnAcknoowleddgemeentsReferrenceesR
19、DF pproduuctioon pllantss: I Desiign aand ccostssOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleAppplieed Thhermaal EnngineeerinngMuniccipall sollid wwastee (MSSW) mmanaggemennt caalls for the inteegrattion of ddiffeerentt reccoverry, rrecycclingg andd dissposaal teechnoologiies. Amonng thhese posssiblee opttionss,
20、 MSSW maay bee treeatedd in ordeer too obttain a fuuel tto bee solld too thiird ppartyy useers oor diirecttly uutiliized to ggenerrate elecctriccity provvidedd it is oof suufficcientt quaalityy to be eemplooyed insttead of ttradiitionnal ffuelss. Inn thiis twwo-paart ppaperr thee prooblemm of proddu
21、cinng reefusee derrivedd fueel (RRDF) haviing aa higgh heeatinng vaalue (LHVV40000 kccal/kkg) hhas bbeen examminedd froom a techhnicaal annd ecconommic vviewppointt. Inn thee firrst ppart artiicle a teechniical asseessmeent oof prroducctionn plaants is ccarriied oout. Diffferennt prroducctionn linne
22、s hhave beenn thuus coomparred iin teerms of mmass effiicienncy, heatting valuue off prooduceed RDDF annd trreatmment costt higghligghtinng hoow thhe chhoicee of proccess equiipmennt afffectts thhe syystemm perrformmancees. AAs a resuult tthe pproceess pplantt connfiguuratiions enabblingg to meett t
23、hee reqquireed prroducct sppecifficattionss aree ideentiffied. Thee inffluennce oof miixingg a hhigh caloorifiic waaste suchh as scraap tiires withh thee strream of hhouseeholdd wasste, in tthe llimitts allloweed byy currrentt reggulattion, hass beeen allso aanalyyzed and founnd too be a prrereqquis
24、iite tto meeet tthe ppresccribeed heeatinng vaalue targget. Econnomicc feaasibiilityy andd finnanciial rrisk of RRDF pproduuctioon pllantss havve beeen ssucceessivvely evalluateed inn thee seccond partt artticlee oveer a capaacityy rannge oof 2552000 t/hh connsideeringg alsso inntegrratedd faccilitt
25、ies inclludinng coomposst prroducctionn andd/or elecctriccity geneeratiion. The anallysiss hass beeen caarrieed ouut wiith rreferrencee to the currrent Itallian markket sscenaario evenn if it hhas aa gennerall appplicaabiliity aand iits rrelevvancee is wideer geeograaphiccallyy.Fuzzyy conntrolls foo
26、r maainteenancce sccheduulingg in trannsporrtatiion ssysteemsOrigginall Ressearcch ArrticlleAuttomatticaScheddulinng off perriodiic maainteenancce foor trranspportaationn equuipmeent ccan ooftenn be accoompliishedd by conttrollling the utillizattion of iindivviduaal veehiclles. Becaause of mmany ran
27、ddom eeffeccts aand ddue tto thhe coompleexityy of mostt schhedulles iit iss virrtuallly iimposssiblle too achhievee a ppreciise mmatchh bettweenn thee preescriibed and the actuual uutiliizatiion ffor eeach vehiicle. Inssteadd of askiing tthe ddispaatcheer too do the impoossibble, the apprroachh des
28、scribbed iin thhis ppaperr preescriibes onlyy fuzzzy ttargeets ffor vvehiccle uutiliizatiion. A feeedbaack lloop adjuusts the targgets periiodiccallyy bassed oon thhe acctuall utiilizaationn. A secoond ffeedbback loopp monnitorrs thhe geeneraal peerforrmancce off thee disspatccher and provvidess a b
29、basiss forr sellf-leearniing ffeatuures of tthe ssysteem. EExperrimenntal resuults abouut thhe efffecttivenness of tthe ffuzzyy conntrolls arre reeportted.经典的运输输管理算法法Manuffactuuringg leaad-tiime rruless: Cuustommer rretenntionn verrsus tarddinesss coostsOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleEuuropeean JJou
30、rnnal oof Opperattionaal ReesearrchA sysstemaatic apprroachh forr prooductt fammiliees foormattion in RReconnfiguurablle Maanufaacturring SysttemsOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleRoobotiics aand CCompuuter-Inteegratted MManuffactuuringgModelling and speccificcatioons oof dyynamiic aggentss in fracctal
31、 manuufactturinng syystemmsOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleCoomputters in IIndusstryIteraativee metthodss forr mannufaccturiing ssysteems oof twwo sttatioons iin taandemmOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleAppplieed Maathemmaticcs LeetterrsWaitiing lline modeel apppliccatioons iin maanufaacturringOriigina
32、al Reesearrch AArticcleInnternnatioonal Jourrnal of PProduuctioon EcconommicsProduuct mmix vvariaabiliity wwith corrrelatted ddemannd inn twoo-staage ffood manuufactturinng wiith iinterrmediiate storrageOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleInnternnatioonal Jourrnal of PProduuctioon EcconommicsA Uniifiedd
33、Mannufaccturiing RResouurce Modeel foor reepressentiing CCNC mmachiiningg sysstemssOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleRoobotiics aand CCompuuter-Inteegratted MManuffactuuringgElecttroniic waaste recyyclinng: AA revview of UU.S. infrrastrructuure aand ttechnnologgy opptionnsOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcl
34、eReesourrces, Connservvatioon annd ReecycllingExactt anaalysiis off thee joiint pproduuctioon quuantiity-qqualiity oof a two-stattion stabble ttandeem maanufaacturring systtem wwith resttrictted ccapaccityOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleCoomputters & Maathemmaticcs wiith AAppliicatiionsA criiticaal r
35、eevieww of synggas ccleanning techhnoloogiess ffundaamenttal llimittatioons aand ppractticall prooblemmsOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticclePoowderr TecchnollogyGraphhicall absstracctA robbust and comppleteely rreliaable synggas ccleanning techhnoloogy hhas nnot bbeen deveelopeed esspeciiallyy forr gass
36、cleeaninng ovver 6600C too achhievee higgher effiiciennciess. Thhis ppaperr preesentts a brieef suummarry off thee currrentt staatus, cerrtainn funndameentall limmitattionss andd praacticcal pprobllems of tthe cconveentioonal gas cleaaningg tecchnollogy. Reccommeendattionss aree alsso maade tto ovve
37、rcoome tthesee funndameentall limmitattionss andd praacticcal pprobllems.先进制造技技术与绿色色产业的发发展Queueeing theoory iin maanufaacturring systtems anallysiss andd dessign: A cclasssificcatioon off moddels for prodductiion aand ttranssfer lineesRevview ArtiicleEEuroppean Jourrnal of OOperaationnal RReseaarchI
38、nteggratiing mmanuffactuuringg andd loggistiic syystemms allong globbal ssupplly chhainssOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleCIIRP JJournnal oof Maanufaacturring Scieence and TechhnoloogyIn prresennt maanufaacturring systtems infoormattion conccerniing llogisstic capaabiliitiess andd empploymment leveel
39、arre noot appproppriattely utillisedd to deteerminne moost eeffecctivee prooducttion planns. TThereeforee, coost aand llead-timee savvingss obttaineed wiith nnew gglobaal sttrateegiess migght bbe immpairred ddue tto unnbalaancedd andd unsstablle inntegrratioon off mannufaccturiing aand llogissticss.
40、 Thhis ppaperr prooposees a frammeworrk foor innvesttigatting inteerfacces bbetweeen mmanuffactuuringg andd loggistiic syystemms allong globbal ssupplly chhainss. Ass firrst sstepss, a mathhematticall proogramm of the inteegratted sscheddulinng prrobleem iss devvelopped aand ttesteed. OObtaiined res
41、uults and the limiited sizee of compputattionaally manaageabble sscenaarioss aree botth mootivaationn andd staartinng pooint for the deveelopmment of fforthhcomiing hheuriisticcs.Articcle OOutliine1. Inntrodductiion2. Glloball mannufaccturiing cchainns3. Inntegrratioon off prooducttion and logiistic
42、cs 3.1. Prodductiion aand ttranssportt schhedulling probblem3.2. Colllaborrativve pllanniing4. Ennabliing ccollaaboraationn5. Innvesttigattive frammeworrk 5.1. Adapptatiion oof PTTSP 5.1.11. Nommencllaturre: ssets5.1.22. Nommencllaturre: pparammeterrs5.1.33. Nommencllaturre: pposittive variiablees5.
43、1.44. Nommencllaturre: bbinarry vaariabbles5.1.55. Moddel aassummptioons5.1.66. Matthemaaticaal moodel5.2. Testt sceenariio annd coomputtatioonal anallysiss6. OuutlinneAcknoowleddgemeentsReferrencees全球供应链链竞争与合合作中,制制造系统和和物流系统统集成方式式研究Indirrect preddictiive mmonittorinng inn fleexiblle maanufaacturring
44、 systtemsOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleRoobotiics aand CCompuuter-Inteegratted MManuffactuuringgThe rrequiiremeents and posssibillitiees baalancce meethodd useed foor prroducctionn plaanninng inn thee mannufaccturiing aassemmbly systtemsOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleJoournaal off Matteriaals PProc
45、eessinng TeechnoologyyReliaabiliity aanalyysis of aan auutomaated pizzza prroducctionn linneOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleJoournaal off Foood EnngineeerinngDevellopmeent oof a Natiionall Marrine Oil Trannsporrtatiion SSysteem MoodelOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleSppill Scieence & Teechnoologyy Bull
46、letiinTactiical leveel pllanniing iin flloat glasss maanufaacturring withh co-prodductiion, randdom yyieldds annd suubstiitutaable prodductssOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleEuuropeean JJournnal oof Opperattionaal ReesearrchAn eccologgicall perrspecctivee on new prodduct faillure: Thee efffectss of comppetittive overrcrowwdinggOriiginaal Reesearrch AArticcleJoournaal off Prooductt Innnovattion Manaagemeent