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1、英文面试技巧在面试刚开开始的时候候不要过度度彰显你的的自信,而而应该把所所有的注意意力集中在在你的谦虚虚和礼貌上上。彬彬有有礼的态度度和语气会会给 面试试 官留下下很好的印印象分。另外,请请确认你是是否知道面面试官的姓姓名(除非非有好几个个人参加对对你的面试试),通常常情况下,你你应该这样样开头:GGood mornning/afteernooon, MMr./MMs.Myy namme iss; tthankk youu verry muuch ffor cconsiideriing mmy apppliccatioon annd giivingg me the oppoortunnity

2、to mmeet you.常见英文面面试问答:Q: Whatt aree youur reeasonns foor appplyiing ffor tthis job?A: Ive aalwayys beeen iinterresteed inn /Ive aalwayys waantedd to Q: Whhat aare yyour reassons for wantting to wwork for our comppany?A: Yourr commpanyy hass an exceellennt reeputaationn forr ; Im veery iimpreessedd

3、by (RRemarrks: Menttion someethinng sppeciffic aaboutt thee commpanyy do yourr hommeworrk!)Q: Whatt praacticcal eexperriencce doo youu havve whhich woulld heelp yyou iin thhis jjob?A: I haave wworkeed foor asto bbe reesponnsiblle foor forrmontths/yyearss. Duuringg thiis peeriodd, I havee hellped the

4、 comppany to ssolvee (Prrobleems), andd I llearnnt (Skkill/knowwledgge) wwhichh willl bee deffinittely be oof usse inn thiis joob I am aapplyying now for.Q: Whatt makkes yyou ffeel thatt youure tthe rrightt perrson for thiss jobb?A: Im looyal and hardd-worrkingg, annd veery ggood at If Im giiven the

5、 channce, I thhink I caan coontriibutee to the comppanys grrowthh andd devveloppmentt by Q: Welll, thhank you for comiing iin, MMr/Mss; wwell bbe inn touuch wwith you shorrtly.A: Thannk yoou aggain for giviing mme thhe chhancee to meett youu. Ill llook forwward to hheariing ffrom you in ddue ccourss

6、e.4 刚刚毕业的大大学生,通通常会因为为没有什么么工作经验验而受到质质疑,当面面试官提出出这样的问问题时,你你也不要为为此过于紧紧张和担心心。你应该该巧妙地回回避你的缺缺点、而着着重挖掘你你已有的能能力,特别别是你的个个人学习能能力。你也也可以表明明你的观点点:积极、快快速、自主主地去学习习各种知识识来充实自自己,从而而达到个人人发展和工工作上的要要求。你可可以这样表表达:I ttaughht myyselff to use Phottoshoop annd Exxcel by bbuyinng thhe maanualls, aand IIm prrettyy prooficiient或者

7、是是Wheen I was at uuniveersitty,I tookk thee chaance to sstudyy Gerrman as aan exxtra subjject, andd reaachedd a rreasoonablle leevelBe Posiitivee!以正面面的思维回回答面试问问题英文面试中中的75个个经典提问问及分析第一部分、传传统 面试试 问题(Sampple TTradiitionnal IInterrvieww Queestioons)1、WWhat can you telll me abouut yoourseelf?(关于你自自己,你能能告诉

8、我些些什么?)这一问问题如果 面试 没没有安排自自我介绍的的时间的话话。这是一一个必问的的问题。考考官并不希希望你大谈谈你的个人人历史,他他是在寻找找有关你性性格、资历历、志向和和生活动力力的线索,来来判断你是是否适合读读研或者MMBA。下下面是一个个积极正面面回答的好好例子:“在高中我我参加各种种竞争性体体育活动,并并一直努力力提高各项项运动的成成绩。大学学期间,我我曾在一家家服装店打打工,我发发现我能轻轻而易举地地将东西推推销出去。销销售固然重重要,但对对我来说,更更重要的是是要确信顾顾客能够满满意。不久久便有顾客客返回那家家服装店点点名让我为为他们服务务。我很有有竞争意识识,力求完完美对

9、我很很重要。”In highh schhool I waas innvolvved iin coompettitivve spportss andd I aalwayys trried to iimproove iin eaach ssportt I ppartiicipaated in. As aa colllegee stuudentt, I workked iin a clotthingg stoore ppart-timee andd fouund tthat I coould selll thiings easiily. The salee wass impportaant, but

10、 for me, it wwas eeven moree impportaant tto maake ssure thatt thee cusstomeer waas saatisffied. It was not longg beffore custtomerrs caame bback to tthe sstoree andd speecifiicallly assked for me tto heelp tthem. Imm verry coompettitivve annd itt meaans aa lott to me tto bee thee besst.2、 Whatt wou

11、uld yyou llike to bbe dooing fivee yeaars aafterr graaduattion?(在毕业业以后5年年内你想做做些什么?)你要清清楚你实际际上能胜任任什么。你你可以事先先和其他的的MBA交交流一番。问问问他们在在毕业后在在公司的头头5年都做做了些什么么。可以这这样回答:“我希望能能在我的职职位上尽力力做好工作作,由于在在同一领域域工作的许许多人都被被提为区域域负责人,所所以我亦有有此打算。”I hhope to ddo myy besst I can be aat myy jobb andd beccausee manny inn thiis lii

12、ne oof woork aare ppromooted to aarea manaager, I aam pllanniing oon thhat aalso.3. Whatt is yourr greeatesst sttrenggth?(你最突出出的优点是是什么?)这是很很多 面试试 考官喜喜欢问的一一个问题,这这是你展展示自己的最佳机机会,不要要吹嘘自己己或过于自自负,但要要让雇主知知道你相信信自己,你你知道自己己的优点。如如可答:“我认为我我最大的优优点是能够够执着地尽尽力把事情情办好。当当做完一件件工作而其其成果又正正合我的预预想时,我我会有一种种真正的成成就感。我我给自己定定了一

13、些高高目标。比比如说,我我要成为出出色的毕业业生。尽管管在大学一一年级时我我启动慢了了些,但最最终我以优优等论文完完成了学业业。”I ffeel thatt my stroongesst assset is mmy abbilitty too stiick tto thhingss to get themm donne. II feeel a reall sennse oof acccompplishhmentt wheen I finiish aa jobb andd it turnns ouut juust aas Id pllanneed. IIve sset ssome highh g

14、oaals ffor mmysellf. FFor eexampple, I waant tto grraduaate wwith highhest disttincttion. Andd eveen thhoughh I hhad aa sloow sttart in mmy frreshmman yyear, I mmade up ffor iit byy doiing aan hoonors thhesiss.4. Whatt is yourr greeatesst weeakneess?(你最大的的弱点是什什么?)你不应应该说你没没有任何弱弱点,以此此来回避这这个问题。每每个人都有有弱

15、点,最最佳策略是是承认你的的弱点,但但同时表明明你在予以以改进,并并有克服弱弱点的计划划。可能的的话,你可可说出一项项可能会给给公司带来来好处的弱弱点,如可可说:“我是一个个完美主义义者。工作作做得不漂漂亮,我是是不会撒手手的。”Imm succh a perffectiionisst thhat II willl noot sttop uuntill a jjob iis weell ddone.5. How do yyou ffeel abouut yoour pprogrress to ddate?(对于于你至今所所取得的进进步你是怎怎样看的?)绝不要要对你以前前的所作所所为表示内内疚。

16、如可可答:“我认为我我在学校表表现不错。事事实上,有有好几门功功课我的成成绩居全班班第一。在在某公司实实习时,我我获得了该该公司数年年来给予其其雇员的好好几项最高高评价。”I tthinkk I ddid wwell in sschoool. IIn faact, in aa nummber of ccoursses II recceiveed thhe hiighesst exxam sscorees inn thee claass. As aan innternn forr thee X CCompaany, I reeceivved ssome of tthe hhigheest eev

17、aluuatioons tthat had beenn givven iin yeears.第二部分、其其他常见问问题6.WWhy ddid yyou cchoosse peekingg uniiverssity?7.WWhy ddid yyou cchoosse MBBA?8.WWhat woulld yoou liike tto bee doiing ffive yearrs affter gradduatiion?9.WWhat has beenn youur grreateest aaccommplisshmennt?10.Deescriibe yyour greaatestt str

18、rengtths aand wweaknnessees.11.Whatt havve yoou leearneed frrom tthe jjobs you havee helld?三、行为面面试问题(Sampple BBehavvioraal Inntervview Quesstionns):12.Desccribee thee besst/woorst teamm of whicch yoou haave bbeen a meemberr.13TTell me aaboutt a ttime whenn youur cooursee loaad waas heeavieest. How d

19、id you get all of yyour workk donne?14.Givee me a sppeciffic eexampple oof a timee wheen yoou soold ssomeoone oon ann ideea orr connceptt.15.Telll me abouut a timee wheen yoou weere ccreattive in ssolviing aa prooblemm.16.Desccribee a ttime whenn youu gott co-workkers or cclasssmatees whho diislikke

20、 eaach ootherr to workk toggetheer.17.Telll me abouut a timee wheen yoou maade aa badd deccisioon.四、压力面面试问题(Sampple SStresss Inntervview Quesstionns):18.Whatt kinnds oof peeoplee do you findd it diffficullt too worrk wiith?19.Whatt aree somme off thee thiings you findd diffficuult tto doo?20.How wou

21、lld yoou evvaluaate mme ass an inteervieewer?21.Whatt intteressts yyou lleastt aboout MMBA?22.How do yyou hhandlle reejecttion?23.Whatt is the worsst thhing you havee heaard aaboutt ourr schhool?24.See thiss penn Imm holldingg. Seell iit too me.五、案例面面试问题(Sampple CCase Inteervieew Quuestiions):25.A c

22、hhain of ggroceery sstorees cuurrenntly receeivess itss stoock oon a deceentraalizeed baasis. Eacch sttore dealls inndepeendenntly withh itss suppplieers. The pressidennt off thee chaain iis woonderring whetther the firmm cann bennefitt froom a centtraliized wareehousse. WWhat are the key conssiderr

23、atioons iin maakingg thiis deecisiion?A mmagazzine publlisheer iss tryying to ddecidde hoow maany mmagazziness shee shoould deliiver to eeach indiividuual ddistrributtion outllet iin orrder to mmaximmize proffits. Shee hass exttensiive hhistooricaal saales voluume ddata for eachh of the outllets. Ho

24、ww shoould she deteerminne deeliveery qquanttitiees?六、非常规规问题:26.It iis thhe 155th CCentuury. How do cconviince the Popee thaat thhe Eaarth is rroundd?27. If I gaave yyou aan ellephaant, wherre woould you hidee it?28. Whyy aree sodda caans ttaperred oon thhe toop annd boottomm?29. Howw mucch RAAM doo

25、es aa PC needd to run Winddows995?30. Youu aree in a booat oon a fressh waater lakee. Inn youur haand iis a rockk. Yoou thhrow the rockk intto thhe laake. How is tthe llakes waater leveel afffectted?31. If it rraineed muusic, whaat woould groww?32. Desscribbe yoour bbest frieend aand wwhat he oor sh

26、he dooes ffor aa livving.33. In whatt wayys arre yoou siimilaar orr difffereent ffrom yourr besst frriendd?34.Whatt aree youur caareerrs sstrenngthss andd howw do you capiitaliize oon thhem?35. Aree youu a hhappyy perrson?36. Acccordiing tto JRRM, JJr., a faast ggrowiing ssoftwware comppany askeed t

27、hhis qquesttion. YYou hhave a weealthhy auunt wwho wweighhs 3000 pooundss. Teell mme hoow yoou woould redeesignn herr toiilet.七、其他常常见的 英英语 面试试问题:37.Woulld yoou plleasee makke a brieef inntrodductiion aaboutt youursellf?38.Why did you takee thee MBAA exaaminaationn? Woould you pleaase ssay ssometthin

28、gg aboout tthe ccurreentlyy MBAA proogramm in Chinna?39.Why do yyou cchoosse REENMINNUnivversiity tto sttudy MBA? Telll mee a llittlle abbout RENMMINUnniverrsityy forrm yoour uunderrstanndingg.40.How do tthe ppeoplle arroundd youu revview MBA?41.Whatts thhe diifferrencee bettweenn MBAA proogramm at

29、homee andd abrroad?42.If yyou ffaileed thhis ttime whatt willl yoou doo in the nearr futture?43.Why do yyou wwant to bbe a partt of MBA studdentss?44.Why do yyou tthinkk youu aree quaalifiied ffor MMBA pprogrram?45.Do yyou hhave a caareerr plaan inn 5 yyearss?46.Do yyou hhave a sttudy plann if you w

30、eree acccepteed ass a MMBA sstudeent?47.Whatts yoour oopiniion aaboutt thee reqquireementt thaat a MBA studdent mustt havve woorkinng exxperiiencee?48.How do yyou ddefinne maarketting or mmanaggemennt?49.Do yyou tthinkk Engglishh is quitte immporttant in MMBA sstudyy? Whhy?50.Do yyou tthinkk MBAA tr

31、aaininng cooursees wiill hhelp you a loot inn youur fuuturee liffe? WWhy?51.Whatt do you wantt to do aafterr youur MBBA sttudy?52.Whatt is the mostt impportaant qqualiificaationn thaat a MBA studdent shouuld hhave?53.Say a liittlee aboout tteamwwork.54.Say a liittlee aboout mmanaggemennt.55.How comm

32、municcatioon woorks in oorgannizattionss?56.Telll me the relaationnshipp bettweenn thee mannagemment and manaagemeent ttheorry.57.Whatt willl yoou doo if you cant fiind aa jobb?58.Do yyou tthinkk thaat thhe ecconommy wiill gget bbetteer?59.Who are you currrentlly emmployyed wwith?60.Whatt kinnds oof

33、 oppporttunitties are you lookking for?61.Whatt is yourr bigggestt acccompllishmment on tthe jjob?62.Whatt joyy didd youu enjjoy tthe mmost and why?63.Whatt wouuld yyour formmer bboss say abouut yoou?64.Why did you leavve yoour llast job?65.Pleaase ttell me aa litttle abouut yoour wworkiing hhistoor

34、y? Whatt kinnd off fieelds?66.Say a liittlee aboout yyour educcatioonal backkgrouund.67.Whatt aree youur sttrenggths and weakknesss?68.Whatt do you do iin yoour ssparee timme?69.Whatt is yourr imppresssion of BBeijiing?70.Whatt is CFO? If you weree a CCFO, whatt wouuld yyou ddo?71.Whatt is the difff

35、erennce bbetweeen ssaless andd marrketiing?72.Whatt do you thinnk iss thee mosst immporttant as aa mannagerr?在面试试快结束的的时候,一一般考官都都会问,你你有没有什什么要问的的。除非你你是最后一一个面试者者,你明显显感到所有有的考官都都急切的想想离开,一一般不适合合说“I doont haave aany qquesttion.”可以问考考官一两个个你关心的的问题(QQuesttionss youu shoould ask the recrruiteer):73.Whatt chaan

36、gess do you antiicipaate iin ouur scchooll? (你你希望我们们学校会有有些什么样样的变化)74.Whicch iss thee besst cooursee in our schoool? (什么课课程是我们们院最好的的课程)75.doess ourr schhool provvide somee guiidancce off jobb to MBA?最后可可以说:TThankk youu forr givving me tthe cchancce. II hoppe too seee youu agaain aand ssoon. (谢谢谢您给我机机会,我希希望很快能能再见到您您。)


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