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1、 XX年全国国MBA联联考英语预预测试卷及及答案Secctionn I:LListeeningg Commprehhensiion (20 ppointts)Dirrectiions: Thiis Seectioon iss dessigneed too tesst yoour aabiliity tto unndersstandd spooken Engllish. Youu willl heear aa sellectiion oof reecordded mmaterrialss andd youu musst annswerr thee quees tionss thaat accco

2、mppany themm. Thhere are threee paarts in tthis secttion, Parrt A, Parrt B and Partt C. Remmembeer, wwhilee youu aree doiing tthe ttest, youu shoould firsst puut doown yyour answwers in yyour testt boooklett. Att thee endd of the listteninng coompreehenssion secttion, youu willl haave 55 minnutess t

3、o trannsferr alll youur annswerrs frrom yyour testt boooklett to ANSWWER SSHEETT 1. (20 poinnts)Noww loook att Parrt A in yyour testt boooklett.Parrt ADirrectiions: Forr Queestioons 115, yyou wwill hearr a ttalk abouut Ammericcan eeducaationn. Whhile you listten, filll outt thee tabble wwith the inf

4、oormattion youve hheardd. Soome oof thhe innformmatioon haas beeen ggivenn to you in tthe ttablee. Wrrite onlyy 1 wword or nnumbeer inn eacch nuumberred bbox. You willl heaar thhe reecordding twicce. YYou nnow hhave 25 sseconnds tto reead tthe ttablee bellow. (5 ppointts)Ameericaan Edducattionschhoo

5、lss orgganizzed bby1gennerall commpulssory educcatioon coontinnues to_ (yyearss oldd)2thee agee forrmal schoool bbeginns_ (yeears old)3thee lenngth of ttime in hhigh schoool iin ruural areaas_ (yeears)4thee aimm of US eeducaationnprovvide equaal _ foor alll5Parrt BDirrectiions: Forr queestioons 6610

6、, you willl heaar a talkk aboout aa traavel on tthe AAngelles MMounttainss. Whhile you listten, comppletee thee senntencces oor annswerr thee queestioons. Use not moree thaan 3 wordds foor eaach aansweer. YYou wwill hearr thee reccordiing ttwicee. Yoou noow haave 225 seecondds too reaad thhe seenten

7、nces and quesstionns beelow. (5 poinnts)Thee grooup oof peeoplee lefft Loos Anngelees onn6Thee peoople weree loookingg forrwardd to a weeek oof7Thee peaak off thee nexxt moountaain wwas ccoverred8Theey coould onlyy traavel a feew miiles an hhour becaause of tthe9Theey sppent a woonderrful day110Parr

8、t CDirrectiions: Youu willl heear tthreee pieeces of rrecorrded mateeriall. Beeforee lissteniing tto eaach oone, you willl havve tiime tto reead tthe qquesttionss rellatedd to it. Whille liistenning, ansswer eachh queestioon byy chooosinng A, B, C orr D. Afteer liistenning, youu willl haave ttime to

9、 ccheckk youur annswerrs. YYou wwill hearr eacch piiece oncee onlly. (10 ppointts)Queestioons 11113 aare bbasedd on the folllowinng moonoloogue. Youu noww havve 155 seccondss to readd Queestioons 11113.11. Thee twoo asppectss of musiic meentiooned in tthe ttalk are _.A. sedaativee-stiimulaativee mus

10、sicB. stiimulaativee-rocck muusicC. stimmulattive-jumppy muusicDD. seedatiive-ssmootth muusic12. A ssynonnym ffor “stimmulatte” in thiss tallk iss _.A. sedaateB. callmC. enerrgizeeD. rraisee13. Whaat kiind oof muusic woulld thhe sppeakeer reecommmend for a neervouus peersonn?A. Rockk andd rolll muus

11、ic.B. IIrreggularr harrmoniies.C. Repeeatedd rhyythmss.D. Disjjunctt mellodiees.Queestioons 11416 aare bbasedd on the folllowinng moonoloogue. Youu noww havve 155 seccondss to readd Queestioons 11416.14. Whyy donnt thhe peeoplee in somee rurral aareass gett thee newws annd innformmatioon byy raddio?

12、A. Becaause it iis tooo exxpenssive to llisteen too thee raddio.B. Becaause somee rurral ppartss of the worlld haave nno ellectrricitty.C. Becaause the newss or infoormattion fromm thee outtsidee worrld iis noot immporttant.D. Becaause theyy donnt ennjoy it.15. Whaats thhe trroublle foor thhe pooor

13、ppeoplle?A. Battteriees arre veery eexpennsivee.B. Battteriees arrent avvailaable.C. Battteriees arre noot coonvennientt.D. Theyy cannt afffordd thee eleectriicityy.16. Howw lonng wiill tthe cclockkworkk raddio pplay?A. For an hhour and a haalf.BB. Foor ann houur.C. For two hourrs.D. Forr hallf ann

14、houur.Queestioons 11720 aare bbasedd on the folllowinng moonoloogue. Youu noww havve 200 seccondss to readd Queestioons 11720.17. Whaat iss thee purrposee of the broaadcasst?A. To mmake recoommenndatiions on ssensiible dietting.B. To rreporrt thhe laatestt advvancees inn phyysicaal thherappy.C. To r

15、relatte ann expperimment combbininng slleep and exerrcisee.D. To oofferr advvice abouut slleepiing pprobllems.18. Acccordiing tto thhe sppeakeer, wwhat happpens whenn youu tosss annd tuurn tto geet coomforrtablle?A. Yourr heaart rrate is llowerred.BB. Itt beccomess harrder to rrelaxx.C. You becoome

16、ttoo ttiredd to sleeep.D. Sleeep rrhythhms aare ddisruuptedd.19. Acccordiing tto thhe sppeakeer, wwhat someetimees caausess peoople to hhave trouuble sleeepingg?A. Faillure to rrest duriing tthe dday.BB. Laack oof slleep on wweekeends.C. Vigoorouss exeercisse inn thee eveeningg.D. Eatiing ccheesse b

17、eeforee goiing tto beed.20. Whaat dooes tthe sspeakker ssay aaboutt sleeepinng piills?A. Theyy migght eeventtuallly caause you to cclosee sleeep.B. Theyy hellp prroducce a neurrotraansmiitterr in the braiin.C. You mustt nott driink mmilk if yyou ttake themm.D. Theyy makke itt unnnecesssaryy to takee

18、 napps.Youu noww havve 5 minuutes to ttranssfer all yourr ansswerss froom yoour ttest bookklet to AANSWEER SHHEET.THIIS ISS THEE ENDD OF SECTTION ISecctionn II: Voccabullary and Struucturre (110 poointss)Dirrectiions: Theere aare 220 inncomppletee senntencces iin thhis ssectiion. For eachh senntencc

19、e thhere are fourr chooicess marrked A, BB, C and D. CChoosse thhe ONNE annswerr thaat beest ccomplletess thee senntencce. TThen blaccken the corrrespoondinng leetterr on the ANSWWER SSHEETT 1 wwith a peencill.21. Mosst peeoplee choose hhim aas onne off _ stattesmeen off thaat yeear.A. popuularBB. f

20、aavoreedC. favooriteeD. ffavorrablee22. He soonn recceiveed prromottion, forr hiss supperioors rrealiized thatt he was a maan off connsideerablle _.A. abillityBB. fuuturee C. posssibillityDD. oppporttunitty23. Thee commplieer _ thee artticlee to makee it fit the spacce avvailaable in aa maggazinne.A

21、. turnns doown BB. cuuts ddownCC. puulls downnD. rruns downn24. Thee bannk exxtendds loong-tterm _ aat faavoraable ratee to foreeign buyeers, thuss finnanciing tthe ppurchhase of UUS gooods and servvicess. A. morttgagees B. seccuritties C. lloanss D. insuurancces25. He trieed too _ his invoolvemment

22、 in tthis scheeme bbut hhe fiinallly gaave iin annd coonfesssed.A. decllineBB. reejectt C. refuuseD. denny26. Thrroughh teaachinng, mman iis abble tto buuild his basiic abbilitties intoo neww andd morre _ skiills.A. compplicaated B. ccompllex CC. coonfussedD. connfineed27. Thoose ttwo wwill neveer c

23、oo-opeeratee whiile ttherees suuch aa bassic _ off intteresst beetweeen thhem.A. conffusioonB. conttradiictioon C. conntrasstD. confflictt28. Alll Im trryingg to do iis too _ why yourr connditiion hhas nnot bbeen imprrovedd.A. lookk forrB. ffind outCC. seearchh forrD. gget iin29. My brotther likees

24、eaatingg verry muuch bbut hhe issnt veery _ abbout the foodd he eatss.A. speccialBB. peeculiiarC. parrticuularDD. unnusuaal30. Thee dettectiive hhad ffoundd a ffew _ toowardds thhe muurderr, buut sttill, he had no iidea who the murddererr wass.A. guiddesB. inddicattionssC. ccluessD. hhintss31. It is

25、 nnot aalwayys poossibble tto fooreseee thhe obbstaccles _ yyour way towaards an aambittiouss goaal.A. blocckedBB. bllockiing CC. too bloockD. to blacckingg32. We can sharre whhat wwe knnow, _, withh sommeonee whoo hass neeed off thaat knnowleedge or sskilll.A. howeever litttle iit miight beB. thoou

26、gh litttle iit miight beC. howeever it mmightt be litttleD. as litttle iit miight be33. It is ttime the natiions of tthe wworldd _ a haalt tto thhe maanufaacturres oof nuucleaar weeaponns.A. woulld caallB. calllC. callledD. willl caall34. Thee teaacherr saiid thhe esssayss werre moostlyy verry goood

27、, but _ oof Jaanes annd Tooms thhere was muchh rooom foor immprovvemennt.A. in ccaseBB. foor thhe saake oof C. in ordeerD. in tthe ccase35. Alll thee tassks _ ahhead of ttime, theey deecideed too go on hholidday ffor aa weeek.A. had beenn fullfillledB. werre fuulfillledC. haviing bbeen fulffilleedD.

28、 beenn fullfillled36. No one is ssure _ ddamagge thhe coosmicc rayys caan doo to a huuman beinng, bbut sscienntistts feeel tthat brieef exxposuure iis prrobabbly nnot vvery harmmful.A. thatt B. whattC. wwhethherD. whiich37. Sommeonee of us hhad ttold Smitth abbout _ aa leccturee thee folllowiing dda

29、y.A. therre beeingBB. thhere be CC. thhere woulld beeD. ttheree wass38. Onee invvestiigatiion sshoweed thhat ffortyy perrcentt of thosse kiilledd in autoo acccidennts _ iff theey haad beeen wweariing sseat beltt.A. woulld haave bbeen saveedB. coulld haave bbeen saveedC. shouuld hhave beenn savvedD.

30、migght hhave beenn savved39. Thee preessurre off a ggas pplayss _ impoortannt a partt thaan thhat oof a liquuid.A. no llessBB. noone llessCC. noone tthe llessDD. noot thhe leess40. Manny a timee _ me ggood adviice, but I reefuseed too folllow it.A. my tteachher hhas ggivennB. hhas mmy teeacheer giiv

31、enC. my tteachher hhad ggivennD. hhad mmy teeacheer giivenSecctionn IIII: Clloze (5 ppointts)Dirrectiions: Forr eacch nuumberred bblankk in the folllowinng paassagge, ttheree aree fouur chhoicees maarkedd A, B, CC, annd D. Chooose the bestt onee andd marrk yoour aansweer onn thee ANSSWER SHEEET 1.En

32、eergy equaals mmass timees thhe sppeed of llightt squuaredd. Thhis iis thhe faamouss equuatioon off Albbert Einssteinn. Itt 41 to tthe ccateggory of tthe ttheorry off rellativvity, andd it equaates enerrgy wwith masss. Alll thhingss aree madde upp of atomms. WWhen 42 oof ann atoom trravells att almm

33、ost the speeed off ligght, and we pput mmore enerrgy iinto it tto 433 thee speeed, it bbeginns too inccreasse inn masss. TThe eenerggy thhat mmakess it travvel ffast cannnot mmake it ttraveel beeyondd thee speeed oof liightnothhing 44 llightt cann traavel thatt fasstsoo thee eneergy goess intto thhe

34、 thhing itseelf aand iincreeasess itss masss. EEnerggy 455 intto maass.Whyy is the theoory ccalleed thhe thheoryy of relaativiity? A thhing thatt is relaativee deppendss upoon soomethhing elsee to idenntifyy it or tto deefinee it. In relaativiity ttheorry wee ideentiffy orr deffine masss, tiime, and

35、 lenggth 446 too thee speeed oof liight.Wheen soomethhing is aat reest, it llookss orddinarry inn lenngth. Howweverr, whhen iit trravells att almmost the speeed off ligght, it bbecommes 447 . Timee alsso chhangees. HHowevver, the channge iin tiime iis 488 to the channge iin leengthh. Thhe leengthh o

36、f a thhing becoomes shorrt buut tiime bbecommes llong. If you wantt to 49 yyoungg, reelatiive tto a frieend, takee a ttrio in aa spaaceshhip tthat travvels at aalmosst thhe sppeed of llightt. Annd, aalthoough timee andd heaartbeeat 550 orrdinaary tto yoou inn thee spaaceshhip, whenn youu retturn, lo

37、ook att youur frriendd: Reelatiive tto yoou, hhe orr shee is old.41. A. preffersBB. reelateesC. beloongsDD. addherees42. A. parttB. fformCC. poortioonD. fracctionn43. A. incrreaseeB. rreducceC. decrreaseeD. sshrinnk44. A. thattB. wwhichhC. bbutD. thuus45. A. channgesBB. beecomeesC. shifftsD. turrns4

38、6. A. relaatedBB. reelatiionC. rellativveD. relaationnshipp47. A. low B. sshorttC. wwideDD. loong48. A. equaalB. simiilarCC. oppposiiteD. subbjectt49. A. keeppB. sstayCC. reemainnD. rreserrve50. A. takeeB. sshowCC. apppearrD. sseemSecctionn IV: Reaadingg Commprehhensiion (40 ppointts)Parrt ADirrecti

39、ions: Theere aare 44 passsagees inn thiis paart. Eachh passsagee is folllowedd by somee queestioons oor unnfiniishedd staatemeents. Forr eacch off theem thhere are for choiices markked AA, B, C, and D. YYou sshoulld deecidee on the bestt chooice and blaccken the corrrespoondinng leetterr on the ANSW

40、WER SSHEETT 1 wwith a peencill.Queestioons 551 too 54 are baseed onn thee folllowiing ppassaage:Ricch orr pooor, wwe alll haave pprobllems: thaat unnfaitthfull matte, tthat irriitatiing ccolleeaguee, thhat ppersiistennt diiseasse, tthe iinvesstmennt thhat iis tuurninng innto aa hugge looss.Howw do w

41、e rremaiin caalm, posiitivee andd eveen ellegannt inn thee facce off alll theese ddiffiicultties of llife ?Thee folllowiing ssuggeestioons mmay hhelp.It comees wiith tthe ppay. I haave aa friiend who usedd to compplainn aboout hher ddead-end job and unreeasonnablee bosss. SSoundd fammiliaar? OOne dd

42、ay II tolld heer, “Lookk at it tthis way. Youu aree getttingg paiid foor thhe annnoyaance as wwell as tthe wwork. It comees wiith tthe ppay.”Thiis haas beecomee my favooritee sayying for workk-rellatedd fruustraationns. “Takee eveery dday aas a bonuus.” Wheen wee leaarn tto trreasuure eeveryy mommen

43、t of wwhat we hhave, we begiin too seee liffe inn a wwholee neww perrspecctivee.Its alll inn thee minnd. SSure, thee psyychollogissts ttell us iit iss impportaant wwe woork aat reesolvving probblemss. Buut thhey aalso say if yyou ttry tto reesolvve a probblem thatt wouuld nnot ggo awway, it wwouldd

44、onlly coompouund tthe ffrusttratiion.If you telll youursellf thhere isnt a probblem, theere wwont bee onee. Itts alll inn thee minnd.Stoop thhinkiing aaboutt youur owwn prrobleemhelpp othhers insttead. A llady who is ccombaatingg a llife-threeatenning diseease reveealedd shee copped wwith her illnness by mmakinng heersellf ussefull, byy offferinng heelp tto ottherss in a siimilaar siituattion.Shee hass spooken to aat leeast fivee othher wwomenn witth br


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