1、英语专业四四级写作五五大类型题题目的高分分模板一、观点选选择式作文文模板1。将原题题复述_Wheen faaced withh thee deccisioon off A oof B, quiite aa feww wouuld ddeem thatt_, butt othhers, in conttrastt, beelievve A/B ass thee preemierr chooice and thatt is alsoo my poinnt. AAmongg couuntleess ffactoors wwhichh inffluennce -A/-BB, thhere are th
2、reee coonspiicuouus asspectts ass folllowss.Thee maiin reeasonn forr my proppensiity ffor AA/B iis thhat_Thee seccond reasson ccan bbe seeen bby evvery persson tthat_.In addditiion, thesse reeasonns arre allso uusablle whhen wwe c*ideer thhat_.Theere aare ssome disaadvanntagees inn_(另一种观观点的缺点点)succh
3、 ass_.IIn a wordd, _(_重复观点点句并缩写写理由)_.Takiing iinto accoount of aall tthesee facctorss, wee mayy reaach tthe cooncluusionn thaat_.2。 Somme peeoplee preefer to AA. ottherss bellievee B. Whenn facced wwith the deciisionn of A orr B, quitte a few woulld cllaim thatt_, but otheers, in ccontrrast , deeem
4、AA/B aas thhe prremieer chhoicee andd thaat iss alsso myy poiint. Therre arre nuumeroous rreas* whhy_, annd I woulld exxplorre onnly aa feww of the mostt impportaant oones heree.Thee maiin reeasonn whyy I aagreee witth thhe abbove stattemennt, hhowevver, is tthat_. Taake_as exammple, _.Therre iss an
5、ootherr facctor thatt desservees soome wwordssheree. Suuch aas _Simmilarrly, thesse reeasonns are alsoo usaable whenn we considder tthat_.(eexmapples:_).From the abovve yoou miight got ideaa thaat I agreee_.(reppeat the abovve thhree reasson_).So, it iis saagaciious to ssuppoort tthe sstateementt th
6、aat itt is bettter tto _.3。In mmy pooint of vview, A iis ass impportaant aas, iif noot moore iimporrtantt thaan B. So it iis saagaciious to cchoosse A. Amoong ccountt lesss faactorrs whhich inflluencce A. theere aare tthreee connspiccuouss asppectss as folllows.The abovve pooint is ccertaainlyy truu
7、e iff A iis coonsidderedd. For exxmaplle,_Anootherr reaason why I aggree withh thee aboove sstateementt is thatt I bbelieeve tthat A iss bettter thann B. For insttancee,_It wwouldd proobablly noot bee tooo kinndly dispoosed to tthe iidea thatt B iis noot immporttant . B_也好_.Inn a wword, to chooose A
8、A or B iss sommethiing oof a dileemma to tthe ppubliic beecausse thhey ssomettimess aree connfuseed byy thee seeeminggly ggood quallitiees off B, and negllect hte genuuinelly goood aaspeccts oof A. Forr thee reaasonss preesentted aabovee, I stroonglyy commmit to tthe nnotioon thhat AA, buut noot B二二
9、、问题解解决型作文文模版Paart OOne: The Modeel off Begginniing PParaggraphh 1. -hass beccome a hoot toopic amonng peeoplee, esspeciiallyy amoong tthe yyoungg, annd heeatedd debbatess aree rigght oon thheir way. 2. Receentlyy, -haas beecomee thee foccus oof thhe soocietty. AAnd iin thhis wway, peopple sswarmm to
10、-. 3. -hass beeen pllayinng ann inccreassinglly immporttant rolee in our day-to-dday llife. It has brouught us aa lott of beneefitss butt creeatedd somme seeriouus prrobleems aas weell. 4. NNowaddays moree andd morre peeoplee aree begginniing to be aawaree of the seriiousnness of-. 5. - is nnow -,an
11、nd att thee samme tiime -. TThesee twoo facctorss havve caausedd -. TThen whatt shaall wwe doo to solvve - inn thee facce off succh a situuatioon? PPart Two: Thee Moddel oof Boody PParaggraphh 1. A grreat numbber oof soolutii* aare bbeingg offferedd. Soome ppeoplle suuggesst thhat -. OOtherrs arrgue
12、 thatt-. 2. Therre arre seeveraal meeasurres ffor uus too adoopt. Firsst, wwe caan -, thhere are a nuumberr of advaantagges oof -. Anootherr sollutioon iss to -.3.Why-? Thhe fiirst reasson iis thhat -. TThe sseconnd reeasonn is -. Thhe thhird is -. 4. Thee eveentuaal reesultt it brinngs oout iis -.
13、And perhhaps the mostt obvviouss ressult of- iis -. 5. - is nnecesssaryy andd impportaant tto ouur coountrrys devveloppmentt andd c*trucctionn. Fiirst, -.Whhats morre,-. Moost iimporrtantt of all,-. Parrt Thhree: Thee Moddel oof Cooncluudingg Parragraaph 11. Peersonnallyy, I beliieve thatt -. CC*eqq
14、uenttly, I amm connfideent tthat a brrightt futture is aawaitting us bbecauuse-. 22. Wiith tthe ddevellopmeent oof soocietty, -. Soo it is uurgennt annd neecesssary to-. Iff eveery mmembeer iss willlingg to conttribuute hhimseelf tto soocietty, iit wiill bbe beetterr andd betteer. 33. Buut foor mee,
15、 I woulld raatherr thiink oof thhe maatterr in an ooptimmistiic waay,becaause I beelievve -. 4. MMy owwn pooint of vview is tthat - iis a normmal bbehavvior in oour ssocieety. Therre iss no doubbt thhat -. ASS an old sayiing ggoes, -. 55. Frrom aall tthe rreasoonsabbove, we knoww thaat grreat channg
16、es had takenn place iin -. Andd I bbelieeve tthat -. 三、阐述述观点型作作文模版MModell Onee:引言: TTheree is no cconsennsus of (opinnionss/ diisagrreemeents) amoong ppeoplle ass to the vieww of -. Somee peoople sugggest thatt -, whhile somee othher ppeoplle arguee thaat -. I agreee wiith tthe llatteer too somme ex
17、xtentt.提出自自己的论点点: I thinnk-. 提提供论据,证明自己己的观点: I ccan tthinkk of no bbetteer illlusttratiion oof thhe (vview/ideaa) thhan mmy owwn (eexperriencce/ eexampple) of-. Firrst, - Seecondd, - .Fiinallly,-. 结论论: Myy perrsonaal exxperiiencee leadds me too conncludde thhat -. Moodel Two: 引言: IIn thhe paast ffew
18、 yyearss, thhere has bee an ggrowiing ttrendd thaat-. PPeoplle haave cconfllictiing vviewss of thiss facct. SSome peopple ssuppoort aand ootherrs woorry. 提出自自己的论点点As ffor wwhat I thhink,- is (beneeficiall to us iin maany wways./useeful in mmany wayss.) 提提供论据,证明自己己的观点:Firrstlyy, -. SSeconndly, -. Thh
19、e laast ppointt,-. 结论: Thhereffore, we havee no reasson tto maake aa fusss abbout-. Moodel Threee:引言言: Inn reccent yearrs thhere has beenn a bbig ggrowtth inn thee areea off -.提出自己己的论点: -is popuular thatt it has becoome aan inndisppensaable partt in our lifee. 四、观观点评论型型作文模版版Partt OneeMoodel of BBegi
20、nnningg Parragraaph 11. Onne off thee greeat wwriteers oonce saidd thaat -. Noww it stilll haas a reallistiic siignifficannce. 2. Thhere is aan olld saayingg goees thhat-. IIts thhe exxperiiencee of our foreefathher; howeever, it is ccorreect iin maany ccasess eveen today.3. OOne oof ouur annciennt
21、phhilossopheers ssaid, -. Chinnese peoplle haave aalwayys beeen hholdiing tthis ideaa to be oone oof theeir sstanddardss of moraalityy. 4. Thee Engglishh prooverbb sayys, -. TThis is qquitee truue beecausse-. 55. Innouur hiistorry, tthe iidea thatt - nevver hhas bbeen so ppopullar. On oone hhand,-,
22、on tthe ootherr hannd,-. Parrt Twwo: TThe MModell of the Bodyy Parragraaph 11.FFrom a peersonnal ppersppectiive, I allso pprefeer too - becaause -. 22.TThe aadvanntagees off -aare mmuch greaater thann thoose oof -. For insttancee, -. 33. Hooweveer, iif noot maanageed prroperrly, - ccan ccreatte maan
23、yprrobleems. Someetimees-. Fuurtheermorre, -. Thhereffore, -haas beeen ggainiing ppubliic. 44.WWhat is mmore, thee esssencee of - iss thaat -, altthouggh wee cannnot, mosst off us-. 5. Too makke a moraal pooint, I ffeel thatt anootherr reaason why I prreferr- iis thhat-. Partt Thrree: The Modeel off
24、 Conncludding Paraagrapph 1.Ass reggardss me, I ttend to ppick- , foor-. Whhat iis moore, -. 2.For me, - iss a ggloryy andd it is tthe mmost impoortannt thhing I haave ttake intoo feaasiblle considderattion. 3. If II werre giiven a chhoicee bettweenn-and -, I woulld ceertaiinly preffer -. Foor mee,-
25、. 4.My poinnt off vieew inn - laargelly reesultts frrom tthe ffact thatt -. 五五、问题分分析型作文文模版Paart OOne :The MModell of Begiinninng Paaragrraph 1. Laast (weekk/ moonth), I visiited a frriendd of minee andd fouund tthat - . Thhe (ccase/storry/inncideent) is nnot rrare. It has now drawwn muuch nnatioonwi
26、dde atttenttion to tthe iissuee/prooblemm of -. Wee may traace tthis probblem backk to -, buut itt does not answwer tthe qquesttion of wwhy-. 2. Perhhaps nothhing is mmore (domminannt/poopulaar/immporttant/harmmful/danggerouus )iin (tthe mmoderrn woorld/Chinnese famiily/sschoool/soocietty) tthan -.
27、Acccordding to aa reccent(sttudy/inveestiggatioon/pooll)880% tteenaagerss (peeoplee/wommen) are (adddicteed too/inddulgeed inn /inntereestedd in) doiing-. Truee, itt doees soome ggood to uus, bbut wwhen we aapplaaud iits bbeneffits, we mustt ackknowlledgee itss enoormouus pootenttial to aaffecct uss
28、. Paart TTwo: The Model of tthe BBody paraagrapph 1.分析原因因: Inn my opinnion, thee (phhenommenonn/prooblemm/faiiluree/chaange) in - (is ppartlly/ maainlyy /laargelly atttribbutabble tto/due to/owiing tto.) -. The ffact thatt - has seveeral facttors. Firrst,-. SSeconnd, -. FFinallly, - 2.分析结果: Itt is i
29、mpoortannt foor peeoplee /teeenaggers to rrealiize tthat- ,for itwilll( prroducce/ eexertt/havve)a remaarkabble (impaact/iinfluuencee/efffect) on-. Fiirst of aall, -. Alsso,-. FFinallly,-. Parrt Thhree; Thee Moddel oof CooncludinngParaagrapph 1.Therre iss(no denyying/litttle ddoubtt)thaat (speccial/
30、adeqquatee/conniderrablee/furrtherr)atttentiion mmust be ppaid/callled/ddevotted tto thhe prrobleem off -.Iff we ignoore/ffall in/ are blinnd too thee prooblemm, itt is veryy likkely thatt -. 2. WWe muustloook ffor /searrch ffor/ccall for an iimmeddiatee atttentiion/aactioon/meethodd/meaasuree becca
31、usee thee preesentt/currrentt sittuatiion/sstatee of -. 33. Itt is sugggesteed/ rrecommmendded/hhopedd thaat grreat /perrsisttent/conttiuouus efffortts shhouldd be madee to haltt/ coontrool/chheck theddangeer off-. Anyyhow, widder eeducaationn/ moore ppubliicityy shoould be ggivenn to the seriious c
32、onssequeencess/ efffectts off -. Onlyy by recoognizzing/ reaaliziing tthe -, neceessitty/immporttancee/danngeroous eeffecct off - ccan wwe-. 提供论据,证明自己己的观点: -ccontrributte booth tto -annd too -. Beesidees,-offeers -. And mostt impportaantlyy, -helpp to prommote -. 结论论: -pplayss a vvitall rolle inn pe
33、ooples liife, and it ddeserrves furtther atteentioon frrom(tthe ggoverrnmennt/ aauthooritiies). Moddel FFive:引言:Everr sinnce eearlyy thiis ceenturry.提出自己的的论点: - hhas bbecomme ann esssentiial ppart of oour mmoderrn liife. It hhas pplayeed a decissiverrole in mmoderrn (iindusstry/agriicultture/scieenc
34、e and techhnoloogy/nnaturral ddefennse aand eeducaationn). NNoboddy caan deeny tthat the deveelopmment of oour ccivillizattion depeends on-. 提供论论据,证明自己己的观点:Iff theere wwere no -, ourr moddern worlld woould be iin trroublle. FFor oone tthingg,-. For anotther,-. 结论: Thhereffore, we shouuld mmake bettter uuse oof -.