1、Guidelines Procurement Under IBRD Loans And IDA CreditsMay 22004Revissed OOctobber 11, 20006I. Inntrodductiion61.1 PPurpoose61.2 GGenerral CConsiideraationns61.5 AAppliicabiilityy of Guiddelinnes71.6 EEligiibiliity71.9 AAdvannce CContrractiing aand RRetrooactiive FFinanncingg71.10 Joinnt Veenturres7
2、1.11 Bankk Revview71.12 Mispprocuuremeent71.13 Refeerencces tto Baank71.14 Frauud annd Coorrupptionn71.16 Proccuremment Plann7II. IInterrnatiionall Commpetiitivee Bidddingg7A. Geeneraal72.1 IIntrooducttion72.2 TType and Sizee of Conttractts72.6 TTwo-SStagee Bidddingg72.7 NNotifficattion and Adveerti
3、ssing72.9 PPrequualifficattion of BBiddeers7B. Biiddinng Doocumeents72.11 Geneeral72.13 Valiidityy of Bidss andd Bidd Seccuritty72.15 Langguagee72.16 Clarrity of BBiddiing DDocummentss72.19 Stanndardds72.20 Use of BBrandd Nammes72.21 Priccing72.24 Pricce Addjusttmentt72.26 Trannsporrtatiion aand IIn
4、surrancee72.28 Currrencyy Proovisiions72.29 Currrencyy of Bid72.31 Currrencyy Connverssion for Bid Compparisson72.32 Currrencyy of Paymment72.34 Termms annd Meethodds off Payymentt72.37 Alteernattive Bidss72.38 Condditioons oof Coontraact72.39 Perfformaance Secuurityy72.41 Liquuidatted DDamagges aan
5、d BBonuss Claausess72.42 Forcce Maajeurre72.43 Appllicabble LLaw aand SSettllemennt off Dissputees7C. Biid Oppeninng, EEvaluuatioon, aand AAwardd of Conttractt72.44 Timee forr Preeparaationn of Bidss72.45 Bid Openning Proccedurres72.46 Clarrificcatioons oor Allteraationns off Bidds72.47 Conffidennti
6、allity72.48 Examminattion of BBids72.49 Evalluatiion aand CCompaarisoon off Bidds72.55 Domeesticc Preefereencess72.57 Exteensioon off Valliditty off Bidds72.58 Posttquallificcatioon off Biddderss72.59 Awarrd off Conntracct72.60 Publlicattion of tthe AAwardd of Conttractt72.61 Rejeectioon off Alll Bi
7、dds72.65 Debrriefiing7D. Moodifiied IICB72.66 Operratioons IInvollvingg a PProgrram oof Immportts72.68 Proccuremment of CCommooditiies7III. Otheer Meethodds off Proocureementt73.1 GGenerral73.2 LLimitted IInterrnatiionall Bidddingg73.3 NNatioonal Comppetittive Biddding73.5 SShoppping73.6 DDirecct Co
8、ontraactinng73.8 FForcee Acccountt73.9 PProcuuremeent ffrom Unitted NNatioons AAgenccies73.10 Proccuremment Agennts73.11 Insppectiion AAgentts73.12 Proccuremment in LLoanss to Finaanciaal Inntermmediaariess73.13 Proccuremment undeer BOOO/BOOT/BOOOT, Conccessiions and Simiilar Privvate Secttor AArran
9、ngemeents73.14 Perfformaance-Baseed Prrocurremennt73.16 Proccuremment undeer Looans Guarranteeed bby thhe Baank73.17 Commmunitty Paarticcipattion in PProcuuremeent7Appenndix 1: RRevieew byy thee Bannk off Proocureementt Deccisioons71. Sccheduulingg of Proccuremment72. Prrior Reviiew75. Poost RReviee
10、w7Appenndix 2: DDomesstic Prefferennces71. Prreferrencee forr Dommestiicallly Maanufaacturred GGoodss77. Prreferrencee forr Dommestiic Coontraactorrs7Appenndix 3: GGuidaance to BBiddeers71. Puurposse72. Reesponnsibiilityy forr Proocureementt73. Baankss Rolle75. Innformmatioon onn Bidddingg76. Biidde
11、rrs RRole710. CConfiidenttialiity711. AActioon byy thee Bannk715.Deebrieefingg7AcronnymsBOOBuildd, owwn, ooperaateBOOTBuildd, owwn, ooperaate, trannsferrBOTBuildd, opperatte, ttranssferCIFCost, Inssurannce, and FreiightCIPCarriiage and Insuurancce Paaid (placce off desstinaationn)CPTCarriiage Paidd
12、To (nammed pplacee of desttinattion)DDPDelivveredd Dutty PaaidEXWEx woorks, Ex facttory, or Off the ShellfFCAFree Carrrier (nammed pplacee)GNPGrosss Nattionaal PrroducctIBRDInterrnatiionall Bannk foor Reeconsstrucctionn andd Devveloppmentt (Woorld Bankk)ICBInterrnatiionall Commpetiitivee BidddinggID
13、AInterrnatiionall Devveloppmentt AgeencyLIBLimitted IInterrnatiionall BidddinggNCBNatioonal Comppetittive BidddingNGONongoovernnmenttal oorgannizattionPADProjeect AAppraaisall DoccumenntSASpeciial AAccouuntSBDsStanddard Biddding DocuumenttsUNUniteed NaationnsUNDBUniteed Naationns Deeveloopmennt Buus
14、ineessI. InntrodductiionPurpoose1.1TThe ppurpoose oof thhese Guiddelinnes iis too infform thosse caarryiing oout aa proojectt thaat iss finnanceed inn whoole oor inn parrt byy a lloan fromm thee Intternaationnal BBank for Recoonstrructiion aand DDevellopmeent (IBRDD) orr a ccrediit orr graant ffrom
15、the Inteernattionaal Deeveloopmennt Asssociiatioon (IIDA), Procurement requirements of IBRD and IDA are identical, and references in these Guidelines to the Bank include both IBRD and IDA, and references to loans include IBRD Loans as well as IDA credits or grants and project preparation advances (P
16、PAs). References to Loan Agreement includes Development Credit Agreement, Development Financing Agreement, Development Grant Agreement, and Project Agreement. References to “Borrower” include the recipient of an IDA Grant. of the poliiciess thaat goovernn thee proocureementt of goodds, wworkss, annd
17、 seervicces (otheer thhan cconsuultannt seervicces) References to “goods” and “works” in these Guidelines include related services such as transportation, insurance, installation, commissioning, training, and initial maintenance. “Goods” includes commodities, raw material, machinery, equipment, and
18、industrial plant. The provisions of these Guidelines also apply to services which are bid and contracted on the basis of performance of a measurable physical output, such as drilling, mapping, and similar operations. These Guidelines do not refer to Consultants services, to which the current Guideli
19、nes: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers apply (referred to herein as Consultant Guidelines). reqquireed foor thhe prrojecct. TThe LLoan Agreeemennt goovernns thhe leegal relaationnshipps beetweeen thhe Boorrowwer aand tthe BBank, andd thee Guiideliines are madee appplica
20、able to pprocuuremeent oof gooods and workks foor thhe prrojecct, aas prrovidded iin thhe aggreemment. Thee rigghts and obliigatiions of tthe BBorroower and the provviderrs off gooods aand wworkss forr thee proojectt aree govverneed byy thee bidddingg For the purposes of these Guidelines, the words
21、“bid” and “tender” shall have the same meaning. doccumennts, and by tthe ccontrractss siggned by tthe BBorroower withh thee proovideers oof gooods and workks, aand nnot bby thhese Guiddelinnes oor thhe Looan AAgreeementts. NNo paarty otheer thhan tthe ppartiies tto thhe Looan AAgreeementt shaall dde
22、rivve anny riightss theerefrrom oor haave aany cclaimm to loann prooceedds.Generral CConsiideraationns1.2TThe rrespoonsibbilitty foor thhe immplemmentaationn of the projject, andd theerefoore ffor tthe aawardd andd admminisstrattion of ccontrractss undder tthe pprojeect, restts wiith tthe BBorroower
23、. In some cases, the Borrower acts only as an intermediary, and the project is carried out by another agency or entity. References in these Guidelines to the Borrower include such agencies and entities, as well as Sub-Borrowers under on-lending arrangements. Thee Bannk, ffor iits ppart, is requuired
24、d by its Artiicless of Agreeemennt too “ennsuree thaat thhe prroceeeds oof anny looan aare uused onlyy forr thee purrposees foor whhich the loann wass graantedd, wiith ddue aattenntionn to conssiderratioons oof ecconommy annd effficiiencyy andd witthoutt reggard to ppolitticall or otheer noon-eccono
25、mmic iinfluuencees orr connsideeratiions,” The Banks Articles of Agreement; Article III, Section 5(b) and IDAs Articles of Agreement; Article V, Section 1(g). annd itt hass esttabliishedd dettaileed prrocedduress forr thiis puurposse. WWhilee in praccticee thee speecifiic prrocurremennt ruules and p
26、roccedurres tto bee follloweed inn thee impplemeentattion of aa proojectt deppend on tthe ccircuumstaancess of the partticullar ccase, fouur coonsidderattionss gennerallly gguidee thee Bannks requuiremmentss:(a)tthe nneed for econnomy and effiicienncy iin thhe immplemmentaationn of the projject, inc
27、cludiing tthe pprocuuremeent oof thhe gooods and workks innvolvved;(b)tthe BBanks inntereest iin giivingg alll eliigiblle biidderrs frrom ddevellopedd andd devvelopping counntriees See para. 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8. tthe ssame infoormattion and equaal oppporttunitty too commpetee in provvidinng gooods and
28、 workks fiinancced bby thhe Baank;(c)tthe BBanks inntereest iin enncourraginng thhe deeveloopmennt off dommestiic coontraactinng annd maanufaacturring induustriies iin thhe boorrowwing counntry; andd(d)tthe iimporrtancce off traanspaarenccy inn thee proocureementt proocesss.1.3OOpen comppetittion is
29、 tthe bbasiss forr effficieent ppubliic prrocurremennt. BBorroowerss shaall sselecct thhe moost aapproopriaate mmethood foor thhe sppeciffic pprocuuremeent. In mmost casees, IInterrnatiionall Commpetiitivee Bidddingg (ICCB), propperlyy admminisstereed, aand wwith the alloowancce foor prreferrencees
30、foor doomestticallly mmanuffactuured goodds annd, wwheree appproprriatee, foor doomesttic ccontrractoors For purposes of these Guidelines, “Contractor” refers only to a firm providing construction services. ffor wworkss undder ppresccribeed coondittionss is the mostt appproprriatee metthod. In mostt
31、 casses, therreforre, tthe BBank requuiress itss Borrroweers tto obbtainn gooods, workks annd seervicces tthrouugh IICB oopen to eeligiible suppplierrs annd coontraactorrs. See para. 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8. SSectiion III off theese GGuideelinees deescriibes the proccedurres ffor IICB.1.4WWheree ICBB is n
32、ot the mostt appproprriatee metthod of pprocuuremeent, otheer meethodds off proocureementt mayy be usedd. Seectioon IIII deescriibes thesse otther methhods of pprocuuremeent aand tthe ccircuumstaancess undder wwhichh theeir aappliicatiion wwouldd be moree appproprriatee. Thhe paarticcularr metthodss
33、 thaat maay bee follloweed foor prrocurremennt unnder a giiven projject are provvidedd forr in the Loann Agrreemeent. The speccificc conntraccts tto bee finnanceed unnder the projject, andd theeir mmethood off proocureementt, coonsisstentt witth thhe Looan AAgreeementt, arre sppeciffied in tthe PPro
34、cuuremeent PPlan as iindiccatedd in paraagrapph 1.16 oof thhese Guiddelinnes.Appliicabiilityy of Guiddelinnes1.5TThe pproceedurees ouutlinned iin thhese Guiddelinnes aapplyy to all conttractts foor gooods and workks fiinancced iin whhole or iin paart ffrom Bankk loaans. This includes those cases whe
35、re the Borrower employs a procurement agent under para. 3.10. For the proccuremment of tthosee conntraccts ffor ggoodss andd worrks nnot ffinannced fromm a BBank loann, thhe Boorrowwer mmay aadoptt othher pproceedurees. IIn suuch ccasess thee Bannk shhall be ssatissfiedd thaat thhe prrocedduress to
36、be uused willl fullfilll thee Borrroweers obliigatiions to ccausee thee proojectt to be ccarriied oout ddiliggentlly annd effficiientlly, aand tthat the goodds annd woorks to bbe prrocurred:(a)aare oof saatisffactoory qqualiity aand aare ccompaatiblle wiith tthe bbalannce oof thhe prrojecct;(b)wwill
37、 be ddelivveredd or comppleteed inn timmely fashhion; andd(c)aare ppriceed soo as not to aaffecct addverssely the econnomicc andd finnanciial vviabiilityy of the projject.Eligiibiliity1.6TTo foosterr commpetiitionn thee Bannk peermitts fiirms and indiividuuals fromm alll couuntriies tto offfer goodd
38、s, wworkss, annd seervicces ffor BBank-finaancedd proojectts. AAny ccondiitionns foor paarticcipattion shalll bee limmitedd to thosse thhat aare eessenntiall to ensuure tthe ffirms caapabiilityy to fulffill the conttractt in quesstionn The Bank permits firms and individuals from Taiwan, China, to of
39、fer goods, works, and services for Bank-financed projects. 1.7IIn coonnecctionn witth anny coontraact tto bee finnanceed inn whoole oor inn parrt frrom aa Bannk looan, the Bankk doees noot peermitt a BBorroower to ddeny pre- or postt-quaalifiicatiion tto a firmm forr reaasonss unrrelatted tto itts c
40、aapabiilityy andd ressourcces tto suuccesssfullly pperfoorm tthe ccontrract; norr doees itt perrmit a Boorrowwer tto diisquaalifyy anyy biddder for suchh reaasonss. Coonseqquenttly, Borrrowerrs shhouldd carrry oout ddue ddiliggencee on the techhnicaal annd fiinanccial quallificcatioons oof biidderrs
41、 too be assuured of ttheirr cappabillitiees inn rellatioon too thee speecifiic coontraact. 1.8AAs exxcepttionss to the foreegoinng:(a)FFirmss of a coountrry orr gooods mmanuffactuured in aa couuntryy mayy be exclludedd if, (i) as a maatterr of law or oofficcial reguulatiion, the Borrrowerrs ccounttr
42、y pprohiibitss commmerccial relaationns wiith tthat counntry, proovideed thhat tthe BBank is ssatissfiedd thaat suuch eexcluusionn doees noot prrecluude eeffecctivee commpetiitionn forr thee suppply of ggoodss or workks reequirred, or (ii) by aan acct off commpliaance withh a ddecission of tthe UUni
43、teed Naationns Seecuriity CCounccil ttakenn undder CChaptter VVII oof thhe Chharteer off thee Uniited Natiions, thee Borrroweers counntry prohhibitts anny immportt of goodds frrom, or ppaymeents to, a paarticcularr couuntryy, peersonn, orr enttity. Wheere tthe BBorroowers coountrry prrohibbits paymm
44、entss to a paarticcularr firrm orr forr parrticuular goodds byy succh ann actt of comppliannce, thatt firrm maay bee exccludeed.(b)AA firrm whhich has beenn enggagedd by the Borrrowerr to provvide conssultiing sserviices for the prepparattion or iimpleementtatioon off a pprojeect, and any of iits aa
45、ffilliatees, sshalll be disqqualiifiedd froom suubseqquenttly pproviidingg gooods, workks, oor seervicces rresulltingg froom orr dirrectlly reelateed too thee firrms conssultiing sserviices for suchh preeparaationn or impllemenntatiion. Thiss proovisiion ddoes not applly too thee varriouss firrms (c
46、onssultaants, conntracctorss, orr suppplieers) whicch toogethher aare pperfoorminng thhe coontraactorrs oobliggatioons uunderr a tturnkkey oor deesignn andd buiild ccontrract. See para. 2.5.(c)GGoverrnmennt-owwned enteerpriises in tthe BBorroowers coountrry maay paarticcipatte onnly iif thhey ccan eestabblishh thaat thhey (i) aare llegallly aand ffinannciallly aautonnomouus, (ii) operrate undeer coommerrciall laww, annd (iiii) are not depeendennt aggenciies oof thhe Boorrowwer oor Suub-Boorrowwer. Other than Force Account units, as permitted under para. 3.8.