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1、 .简简介(2) .日常常用语 (3) . 业业务用语 (8) .附附录一:国国际音标 (118) .附附录二:专专业名词 (221).附录二:数词及其其他常用词词 (223) 本手册根据据煤炭码头头外轮装船船作业的需需要,针对对日照港煤煤码头作业业工艺,设设备性能,环环境条件,人人员状况等等特点,收收集了包括括日常用语语,业务用用语,英语语发音,专专业词汇等等几方面内内容,供装装船作业人人员使用以以及学习培培训。您好!(见面打招招呼)How do yyou ddo ?(How are you ?)Helllo!Hi!非常高兴见见到您。Nicee to meett youu !I amm ve

2、rry gllad tto meeet yyou!早上好! Goood moorninng!下午好! Goood affternnoon!晚上好! Good evenning!欢迎您来到到日照港!Welccome you to RRIZHAAO poort!你来自哪个个国家?Whatts yyour natiionallity?我是大副,我我来自巴拿拿马。Im chieef offficer,Im fromm Panamma 请帮我个忙忙好吗?Woulld yoou plleasee do me aa favvour?请跟我来。Folllow mme,plleasee.对不起,请请您再说一一遍

3、。(I bbeg yyour) Parrdon.对不起,请请等一会儿儿!Sorrry,plleasee waiit a momeent!对不起,让让您久等了了!Sorrry,I havee keppt yoou waaitinng foor a longg timme.今天的天气气如何?How is tthe wweathher ttodayy?今天的天气气很好。Itss a ffine day todaay.今天非常冷冷。Itss quiite ccold todaay.现在下雨,晚晚上可能转转晴。It iis raaininng noow, iit wiill pprobaably cle

4、aar upp thiis evveninng.明天的天气气怎样?Whatt willl thhe weeatheer bee likke toomorrrow?明天将下雨雨。Itss goiing tto raain ttomorrrow.今天的温度度有多高?Whatts tthe ttempeeratuure ttodayy?大约摄氏三三十度。Itss aboout tthirtty deegreees ceentiggradee.你怎么回事事?Whatts tthe mmatteer wiith yyou?我在楼梯上上摔倒了,在在流血。I sllippeed onn thee staai

5、rs and felll dowwn. IIts bleeedingg.我病了。I amm sicck.我希望你很很快就好起起来。I hoope yyoulll bee welll sooon.你认为如何何?那样对对吗?How do yyou tthinkk aboout iit? Is it riight?当然啦,关关于那方面面你是绝对对对的。Certtainlly, yyourre abbsoluutelyy rigght aaboutt it.我认为你在在那方面是是弄错了。I thhink youre mmistaaken abouut itt.非常感谢!Thannk yoou veer

6、y mmuch!不客气!My ppleassure.You are welccome.Pleaase mmake yourrselff at homee!请原谅!Excuuse mme!没关系Thatts aall rrightt!我可以进来来吗?May I coome iin ?请进!Comee in ,pleease!现在几点了了?Whatt timme iss it?两点过几分分。Itss twoo occlockk对不起,你你能告诉我我准确的时时间吗?Excuuse mme, ccan yyou ttell me tthe eexactt timme?不,我不能能,我不知知道现在几几点

7、钟。Sorrry, II cannt. I doont knoww thee exaact ttime.一定是三点点半左右。It mmust be aaboutt thrree ppast thirrty.你会讲英语语吗?Can you speaak Ennglissh?是的,会一一点儿。Yes, a llittlle祝您旅途愉愉快!A plleasaant ttrip to yyou !希望再见到到你。I loook fforwaard tto seeeingg youu agaain!I hoope tto seee yoou aggain!欢迎再来!welccome you (be he

8、ree) aggain!准备作业过过程:欢迎来来到,我是是码头调度度,代表港港方负责指指导装船作作业,希望望得到你们们的支持与与配合,谢谢谢!Welcoome yyou tto . Imm forremann, wee aree in charrge oof looadinng caargo. We hopee we can obtaain yyour suppport and coopperattion.Thannk yoou.请问值值班驾驶员员是谁?Excusse mee ,whho iss on dutyy, plleasee?大副。Chieff offficerr.请问船船上办公室室在

9、哪里?Excusse mee, whhere is ttheshhipss offfice?请找一一下大副?Excusse mee, whhere is cchieff offficerr?大副,我我是码头调调度,我需需要船舶配配载图和装装船顺序。Chieff offficerr, Im fooremaan. II neeed sttowagge pllan aand tthe lloadiing ssequeence.大副,我我接到通知知,货物需需要分三轮轮装货,第第一轮50000吨,第第二轮60000吨,第第三轮50000吨,不不包括用调调水尺的货货物。Chieff offficerr,W

10、e are infoormedd thaat thhe caargo willl be shippped by tthreee timmes. The firsst iss 50000MT, thee seccond is 66000MMT,annd thhe thhird is 55000MMT ,nnot iincluudingg thee carrgo ffor ttrimmming.请问完完货吃水是是多少?Whats thhe deepartture (saiilingg) drraft?前吃水水、中吃水水、尾吃水水The fforeddraftt is xxx m, the midd

11、draftt is xxx m, the afteerdraaft iis xxxx m.请问压压舱水排放放多长时间间?How llong willl youu neeed foor deeballlastiing ?大约55小时300分。Aboutt fivve hoours and 30 mminuttes.请问再再装多少吨吨,停机排排水。How mmany tonss we can loadd beffore we sstop to ddeballlastt?大约需需要再装11万五千吨吨后排水。(或:装完完顺序6后后停机排水水)Its abouut 155 thoousannd meet

12、ricc tonns, tthen we sstop and debaallasst.We caan sttop aafterr thee no.6 caargo is ccomplletedd.我能用用两台装船船机同时作作业吗?Can wwe usse twwo looaderrs att thee samme tiime?可以。(不不可以)Yes. (or No).请打开开四舱舱盖盖。(或请请把所有舱舱盖打开。)Pleasse oppen tthe hhatchh covver oof hhold no.44.(Pleaase oopen all the hatcch cooverss.)

13、因为我我们考核装装船效率,请请船方停机机调整吃水水一次即可可。Becauuse oof ouur reequirremennt off loaadingg effficieency, pleease ask the shipp to stopp loaadingg forr adjjustiing ddraftt onlly onnce.(船方方:)码头停停船在低潮潮时为多少少米,高潮潮时为多少少米?What is tthe llow ttide (or highh tidde) wwhen shipp is alonngsidde tthe bberthh?A(BB、5#)泊泊在高潮时时深1

14、7米米,低潮时时深10米米。Its 17 mmeterrs inn higgh tiide aand 110 meeterss in low tidee.请问船船方是否可可以装货?Captaain, can we sstartt to loadd carrgo nnow?(船方方:)可以。(不不可以,因因为舱里有有水)Yes, (Noo, beecausse thhere are somee watter iin thhe hoold)(船方方:)为什么么还不开始始作业。Why nnot sstartt loaadingg?我们还还没有接到到货主的装装船通知单单。We haave nnot r

15、receiived the shipppers looadinng nooticee yett.请把吊吊杆调整好好。Pleasse addjustt youur deerriccks ppropeerly.请把百百吨吃水变变化表给我我。Pleasse giive mme thhe TPPC annd trrimmiing ttablee.请问船船上哪个位位置的倾斜斜仪准确?Wheree is the clinnometter? Whicch onne iss acccuratte?(船方方:)大副办办公室的Chieff offficerrs货物资资料请问货货主,我们们不清楚。Pleasse a

16、ssk shhippeer foor caargo detaails , whhich we ddontt knoow cllearlly.指导作业过过程:第一票票货完工后后需要商检检看水尺,请请做好准备备。It iss reqquireed foor suurveyyor tto chheck drafft affter comppletiion oof fiirst batcch off carrgo.现在的的船体太高高,装船机机的悬臂皮皮带只能在在零度以下下工作。因因此这个舱舱无法装货货,能不能能调整一下下装舱顺序序。The loadderss arrm bbelt can workk

17、onlly unnder zeroo deggree.Now tthe ffree boarrd iss tooo higgh too loaad inn thiis hoold. Can you addjustt youur looadinng seequennce?我先装装三舱,对对你的船体体有没有影影响?If wee loaad hoold NNo.3 firsst, iis itt saffe ennoughh forr youu?(船方方:)为什么么停止作业业?why wwas tthe lloadiing wwork stoppped?现在机机器有故障障,须停止止作业。Theree

18、s ssometthingg wroong wwith the loadder, so wwe haave tto suuspennd annd waait.因港方停电电。Powerr is cut off. 堆场货少,需需停装推垛垛。Theree is not muchh carrgo aat yaard, so iit iss reqquireed too stoop looadinng too pille.煤不够,需需等火车卸卸煤。Coal is nnot eenouggh , so wwe haave tto waait ffor mmore coall to be ddischhar

19、geed frrom ttrainn.海况、天气气不好,需需暂停作业业Sea ccondiitionn andd weaatherr beccome bad, so we nneed stopp worrkingg.(船方方:)大约多多长时间能能恢复作业业How llong do yyou nneed to rresumme woork?大约22小时后。Aboutt in two hourrs.请把悬悬梯固定一一下。pleasse faastenn thee acccommoodatiion lladdeer。请紧一一下横缆。Pleasse faastenn breeast linee。对不起

20、起,我们只只负责装船船,其他的的事情跟代代理联系!Sorryy, wee aree in charrge oof looadinng onnly, if ttherees aanythhing elsee, plleasee conntactt youur aggent.(船方方:)有事的的话,请到到大付的办办公室找我我。If annythiing cconceernedd, plleasee comme too finnd mee in chieef-offficeers roomm.有事的的话,请到到码头值班班室找我。If annythiing cconceernedd, plleasee

21、 loook foor mee in our offiice aat doock.如果按按您要求的的数量装货货,恐怕前前后的吃水水差要超过过50公分分。If wee loaad caargo in ffull comppliannce wwith yourrs, wwe woorry thatt triim off draaft wwouldd excceed 50 ccentiimetrres.请不要要担心,虽虽然现在船船体有点偏偏,但这个个舱完货前前,我会保保持船体平平衡。Dontt worrry, althhoughh thee shiip iss nott uprrightt noww

22、, wee cann mannage to mmake it aall rrightt beffore comppletiion oof looadinng thhis hhold.请给我我一个确切切的排水时时间,因为为我需要提提前检查设设备。Pleasse giive mme thhe exxact debaallasstingg timme, ssincee we needd to insppect equiipmennts.(船方方:)电子称称显示多少少吨,准确确吗?How mmany tonss is it bby shhore scalle? IIs thhat ffigurre a

23、cccuraate?我们的的电子称比比较准确,误误差不会超超过0.225%。Aboutt xxxxx MTT. Ouur shhore scalle woorks precciselly , the erroor neever exceeed 00.25%.中间的的水尺无法法看到,请请向前(向向后)调整整一下位置置。We caan noot seee thhe miiddlee draaft cclearrly, pleaase cchangge yoour pposittion.(船方方:)装船速速度是多少少?What is tthe lloadiing rrate?我们的的装船速度度是每小

24、时时40000吨。The lloadiing rrate is ffour thouusandd mettric tonss perr houur.货不足足,因此无无法达到您您的配载要要求。Cargoo is not enouugh ,so wwe caan noot meeet yyour stowwage plann.因为双双线作业,需需调整装舱舱顺序。Due tto twwo looaderrs att worrk, wwe neeed tto addjustt loaadingg seqquencce.海况、天天气不好,请请船方加缆缆并随时做做好离泊准准备。Sea ccondiitio

25、nn andd weaatherr is not goodd, plleasee infform shipp to taake mmore linees annd bee reaady ffor uunberrthinng att anyy timme.请把左左舷或右舷舷、船中处处,提前放放好软梯以以便看水尺尺。Pleasse puut doown ssoft laddders befoore hhand at pportsside and starrboarrd siide iin miiddlee of vesssel ffor ddraftt cheeckinng. 因舱容容不够,皮皮带

26、上有煤煤,需排到到别的舱口口。Sincee holld caapaciity iis noot ennoughh, thhe reest ccoal in tthe bbelt shouuld bbe seent iinto otheer hoolds.接港调调通知,先先装A泊的的船,你的的船临时不不装货,有有异议请与与外代联系系。Inforrmed by pport authhoritty, wwe wiill lload vesssel aat beerth A. so yourr vesssel is tto bee susspendded lloadiing. Any objeecti

27、oon, ppleasse coontacct yoour aagentt .现在左左倾(右倾倾),请问问大副水尺尺修正后是是多少。Now iit iss lisstingg to porttsidee/staarboaard sside. Whaat iss youur drraft afteer coorrecctionn?能否多多装xx吨吨再排水(或或将xx舱舱装完后再再排水)。Can yyou sstartt debballaastinng affter loadd xxxxxMT moree carrgo?(Can you starrt deeballlastiing aafterr

28、 commpletting loadding holdd NO.xx.)压舱水水是否排完完,还需要要多长时间间排完?Have you comppleteed deeballlastiing ? Howw lonng wiill iit taake tto coompleete ddeballlastting?(船方方:)还需要要4小时。Four hourrs(船方方:)5舱还还有几分钟钟煤?How mmany minuutes doess it takee to comppletee holld NOO.5?大约110分钟Aboutt tenn minnutess.请放下下梯子。Pleasse

29、 puut doown tthe lladdeer.请把货货灯放到船船方吃水位位置。Pleasse puut thhe liight arouund vvesseels drafft poositiion.(船方方:)船体不不平衡,为为什么只向向一侧抛料料?The sship is nnot iin thhe baalancce noow, wwhy aalwayys deeposiit att onlly onne siide?频繁旋旋转会引起起机器故障障。Frequuent rotaationn of the machhine willl cauuse pprobllems.结束作业过过程

30、:(船方方:)船什么么时候能完完货?Do yoou knnow wwhat timee thee loaadingg willl coompleete?十分钟钟后完货。Chieff offficerr ,thhe looadinng wiill bbe coompleeted in tten mminuttes. 外代让让您打开高高频16频频道。Agentt askk youu to keepp wattch oon VHHF16.你们到到达卸货港港所允许的的最大水尺尺是多少?What is tthe mmaximmum ddraftt alllowedd at discchargging p

31、ortt?前吃水水,中吃水水,尾吃水水foreddraftt is xx MM ,miiddraaft iis xxx M,aafterrdrafft iss xx M.(船方方:)船什么么时候离泊泊?Do yoou knnow tthe ddeparrturee timme?大约在在午夜.Your vesssel wwill go ssailiing aat miidnigght.(船方方:)什么时时候能够公公估?What timee forr thee draaft ssurveey?大约在在9点钟Maybee at ninee occlockk再见,欢欢迎再来!By-byy, weelc

32、omme too comme aggain!元音附录一:音标读 音 规规 则示例很象“衣”,舌面稍稍靠上,舌舌尖稍靠下下see不是短的i:,发发音位置介介于i:和ee之间,声声音靠近e嘴型型靠近ii:bit嘴自然张开开,发短的的“哎”音ten嘴张大,唇唇向两边拓拓宽,在口口腔中后部部发哎短音cap象“啊”,声声音要往口口腔后面靠靠dack这个音比它它的长圆音音嘴上下稍稍大,声音音往前靠bot嘴上下稍小小cord发音是避免免发出喉音音put发音是避免免发出喉音音too口腔前部发发短促的阿音cud这个音要读读得长而清清晰,发音音时嘴往两两边拓宽bert这个音要弱弱读but口腔从大到到小,设未未从低

33、到高高age注意结尾的的u不不要读得太太重bow口腔从大到到小,设未未从低到高高by注意结尾的的u不不要读得太太重nowt注意结尾的的i不不要读成了了i:boy前面一个元元音清楚而而且较长,后面一个个模糊而且且较短near前面一个元元音清楚而而且较长,后面一个个模糊而且且较短air前面一个元元音清楚而而且较长,后面一个个模糊而且且较短poor辅音音标读 音 规规 则示例结尾不要有有“哦”音pig结尾不要有有“哦”音beat 结尾不不要有“饿”音tap 结尾不不要有“饿”音deer 结尾不不要有“饿”音cab 结尾不不要有“饿”音get有点象汉语语里“拆”字的头音音,声带不不振动chairr有点


35、然张开开,舌抵住住上颚,使使所有气流流只能从鼻鼻腔出来,声声带振动no续上表音标读 音 规规 则示例鼻后腔音tank舌前轻抵上上牙根和上上颚之间,气气流从舌头头两旁流出出,声带振振动。let和汉语拼音音发音类似似,略噘嘴嘴rabbiit“也”字的的头音,单单独发音时时很轻,很很弱yet“我”字的的头音,单单独发音时时很轻,很很弱wet先噘嘴,再再放松,开开始嘴型象象“去”,声带不不振动try先噘嘴,再再放松,开开始嘴型象象“去”,声带振振动dreamm附录二:锚地:annchorrage 商检: draaft ssurveeyorss A泊位: berrth A 海关:Custtoms码头:

36、ddock 代理:agennt 靠泊:coome aalonggsidee边检:Immmigrratioon 开装:coommennce lloadiing 港监:Harbbour mastter装毕:coompleete lloadiing 货主主:thee shiipperr 离港:deepartture 大副:chieef offficeer 手续:foormallity 码头头调度:fforemman 水尺:drraft 完货货前调水尺尺:triim排空:puump oout 压舱水水:balllastt watter 装船顺序:loadding sequuencee 排压舱水水:de

37、bballaast 积载系数:stowwage facctor 搁浅:straandinng 装船速度: loaadingg raate 碰撞:coollission调整装船顺顺序:addjustt seqquencce意外事事故:coontinngenccy配载图:sstowaage pplan 提出抗议议:raiise aan obbjecttion倾斜仪:cclinoometeer 风风级:0级 caalm 1级 liight air淡水:frresh wateer 22级 liight breeeze 海水:saalt wwaterr 33级 geentlee breeeze满载吃水:

38、fulll loaad drraft 4级级modeeratee breeeze空载吃水:lighht looad ddraftt 55级 frresh breeeze甲板:deecks 6级 sttrongg breeeze船首:boow 7级 neear ggale船尾:sttern 8 级 gaale舱口:haatch 9 级级 sttrongg galle舱盖:haatch coveer 100级 sttorm射灯:liight 111级 viiolennt sttorm 手电筒:ttorchh望远镜:ttelesscopee对讲机/高高频:VHHF 中垂:saagginng船长:ca

39、aptaiin 中拱:hoggging大副:chhief offiicer 拱拱头:trrim bby heead二副:seecondd offficerr 电话:teelephhone三副:thhird offiicer 安全帽:helmmet船员:crrew 计算器器:callculaator轮机长:cchieff enggineeer 值班班水手:dduty offiicer装船机:lloadeer 引航员员:pillot甲板:deeck 木匠:carppenteer吊杆:deerricck 纸:papeer货舱:hoold 签名名:siggn货舱盖:hhold coveer 电子子称:shhore scalle水仓:taank停电电:ceaase ppowerr水尺标记:drafft maark出租租车:taaxi生活区尾尾楼acccommoodatiion 高潮潮:higgh tiide大副办公室室shipps oofficce 低潮:llow ttide舷梯:acccom


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