4、有有超强的影影响力:华华杰85%以上的学学生为老学学员介绍而而来,华杰杰也是众多多院校指定定考前辅导导机构;更更重要的是是我们拥有有绝大多数数培训机构构根本不可可能拥有的的人脉网络络与相应关关系,与招招生及调剂剂的几十所所院校有着着良好的合合作关系在在更大的平平台中为广广大考生服服务。华杰备考标标准化丛书书编委会华华杰中央研研发部 荣誉推出出指导:曹其其军 王王式安主编:张凯凯编委: 王若若平 查查国生 顾越 茹慧等 袁进 刘智 朱伟 张仁等 史先进 赵鑫全全 熊仁仁 杜海海 张也也等法律声明:华杰所有讲讲义、书籍籍、资料的的相关版权权及衍生权权利归华杰杰教育所有有。非经书书面许可,任任何组织
5、、个个人请勿以以任何形式式对上述材材料的任何何内容进行行使用,侵侵权必究。您的需要 我的的努力 您的成成功 我的服务务2013年年1月全国国硕士研究究生入学统统一考试管管理类专业业学位联考考英语真题 SSectiion II Usse off EngglishhDirecctionns: RRead the folllowinng teext. Chooose tthe bbest wordd(s) for eachh nummbereed bllank and markk A, B, CC or D onn thee ANSSWER SHEEET . (10 poinnts) Giveen
6、thhe addvanttagess of elecctronnic mmoneyy, you mighht thhink thatt we woulld moove qquickkly tto thhe caashleess ssocieety iin whhich all paymmentss aree madde ellectrroniccallyy. 11 , a trrue ccashlless sociiety is pprobaably not arouund tthe ccorneer. IIndeeed, pprediictioons hhave beenn 2 forr t
7、wo decaades but havee nott yett comme too fruuitioon. For eexampple, Busiinesss Weeek preddicteed inn 19775 thhat eelecttroniic meeans of ppaymeent wwouldd sooonreevoluutionnize the veryy 3 of moneey ittselff, oonly to 4 itseelf sseverral yyearss latter. Why has the moveementt to a caashleess ssocie
8、ety beenn so 5 in ccominng? Althhoughh eleectroonic meanns off payymentt mayy be moree effficieent tthan a paaymennts ssysteem baased on ppaperr, seeveraal faactorrs woork 6 tthe disaappeaarancce off thee papper ssysteem. FFirstt, itt is veryy 7 to set up tthe ccompuuter, carrd reeaderr, annd teelec
9、oommunnicattionss nettworkks neecesssary to makee eleectroonic moneey thhe 88 foorm oof paaymennt. Secoond, papeer chheckss havve thhe advaantagge thhat tthey 9 receeiptss, soomethhing thatt manny coonsummers are unwiillinng too 100 . TThirdd, thhe usse off papper ccheckks giives conssumerrs seevera
10、al daays oof ffloatt it takees seeveraal daays 11 a checck iss casshed and fundds arre 112 ffrom the issuuerss acccountt, whhich meanns thhat tthe writter oof thhe chheck can earnn intteresst onn thee funnds iin thhe meeantiime. 13 elecctronnic ppaymeents are immmediaate, theyy eliiminaate tthe fflo
11、att forr thee conssumerr. FFourtth, eelecttroniic meeans of ppaymeent mmay 14 ssecurrity and privvacy conccernss. Wee oftten hhear mediia reeportts thhat aan unauuthorrizedd haccker has beenn ablle too acccess a coomputter ddatabbase and to aalterr infoormattion 15 theere. The factt thaat thhis iis
12、noot ann 16 occuurrennce mmeanss thaat diishonnest perssons mighht bee ablle too acccess bankk acccountts in eelecttroniic paaymennts ssysteems aand 117 ffrom someeone elsees aaccouunts.The 18 of tthis typee of frauud iss no easyy tassk, aand aa neww fieeld oof coomputter scieence is ddevellopinng t
13、oo 19 seccuritty issuues. A fuurtheer cooncerrn iss thaat thhe usse off electtroniic meeans of ppaymeent leavves aan ellectrronicc 200 thhat ccontaains a laarge amouunt oof peersonnal dataa. Thhere are conccernss thaat goovernnmentt, emmployyers, andd marrketeers mmightt be ablee to acceess tthesee
14、datta, tthereeby vviolaatingg ourr priivacyy. 1.AA Hooweveer B Moreeoverr C Therreforre D Otheerwisse 2.AA offf B backk C overr D arouund 3.AA poower B conccept Chhistoory D rolee 4.AA reewardd B resiist C resuume D reveerse 5.AA siilentt B suddden C sloww D steaady 6.AA foor B agaiinst C withh D on
15、 7.AA immaginnativve B expeensivve C senssitivve D prodductiive 8.AA siimilaar B origginall C tempporarry D domiinantt 9.AA coollecct B provvide C copyy D prinnt 10.A ggive up B takee oveer C brinng baack Dppass downn 11.A bbeforre B afteer C sincce D whenn 12.A kkept B borrrowedd C releeasedd D wit
16、hhdrawwn 13.A UUnlesss B Untiil C Becaause D Thouugh 14.A hhide B exprress C raisse Deease 15.A aanalyyzed B sharred C storred Dddispllayedd 16.A uunsaffe B unnaaturaal Cuuncommmon D uncllear 17.A ssteall B chooose C beneefit D retuurn 18.A cconsiideraationnB prevventiion C maniipulaationn D justtif
17、iccatioon 19.A ccope withh B fighht aggainsst Caadaptt to D calll forr 20.A cchunkk B chipp C pathh D traiilSectiion III Readding ComppreheensioonPart ADirecctionns: RRead the folllowinng foour ttextss. Annswerr thee queestioons aafterr eacch teext bby chhoosiing AA, B, C oor D. Marrk yoour aansweer
18、s oon thhe ANNSWERR SHEEET . (400 poinnts) Textt 1In an eessayy, enntitlled “MMakinng Itt in Amerrica,” inn thee lattest issuue off Thee Atllantiic, tthe aauthoor Addam DDaviddson relaates a jooke ffrom cottton ccounttry aaboutt jusst hoow muuch aa moddern texttile milll hass beeen auutomaated: Thee
19、 aveeragee milll haas onnly ttwo eemplooyeess todday, “a mman aand aa dogg. Thhe maan iss theere tto feeed tthe ddog, and the dog is ttheree to keepp thee mann awaay frrom tthe mmachiines.”Davvidsoons artiicle is oone oof a numbber oof piiecess thaat haave rrecenntly appeearedd makking the poinnt th
20、hat tthe rreasoon wee havve suuch sstubbbornlly hiigh uunempploymment and saggging midddle-cclasss inccomess todday iis laargelly beecausse off thee bigg droop inn demmand becaause of tthe GGreatt Reccessiion, but it iis allso bbecauuse oof thhe quuantuum addvancces iin booth gglobaalizaationn andd
21、thee infformaationn tecchnollogy revoolutiion, whicch arre moore rrapiddly tthan everr repplaciing llaborr witth maachinnes oor fooreiggn woorkerrs.In the pastt, woorkerrs wiith aaveraage sskillls, ddoingg an averrage job, couuld eearn an aaveraage llifesstylee. Buut, ttodayy, avveragge iss offficia
22、ally overr. Beeing averrage justt wonnt eearn you whatt it usedd to. It cant whhen sso maany mmore emplloyerrs haave sso muuch mmore acceess tto soo mucch moore aabovee aveeragee cheeap fforeiign llaborr, chheap robooticss, chheap softtwaree, chheap autoomatiion aand ccheapp gennius. Theerefoore, ev
23、erryonee neeeds tto fiind ttheirr exttra theeir uuniquue vaalue conttribuutionn thaat maakes themm staand oout iin whhatevver iis thheir fielld off empploymment. Aveeragee is overr.Yess, neew teechnoologyy hass beeen eaatingg jobbs fooreveer, aand aalwayys wiill. As tthey say, if horsses ccouldd hav
24、ve vooted, theere nneverr wouuld hhave beenn carrs. BBut ttherees bbeen an aaccellerattion. As Daviidsonn nottes, “In the 10 yyearss endding in 22009, U.SS. faactorries shedd worrkerss so fastt thaat thhey eeraseed allmostt alll thee gaiins oof thhe prrevioous 770 yeears; rouughlyy onee outt of ever
25、ry thhree manuufactturinng joobs aboout 66 milllionn in totaal disaappeaared.” TTheree willl allwayss be channge neww jobbs, nnew pproduucts, neww serrvicees. BBut tthe oone tthingg we knoww forr surre iss thaat wiith eeach advaance in gglobaalizaationn andd thee I.TT. reevoluutionn, thhe beest jjob
26、s willl reqquiree worrkerss to havee morre annd beetterr eduucatiion tto maake tthemsselvees abbove averrage. IIn a worlld whhere averrage is oofficciallly ovver, therre arre maany tthinggs wee neeed too do to bbuttrress emplloymeent, but nothhing woulld bee morre immporttant thann passsingg somme k
27、iind oof G.I. BBill for the 21stt cennturyy thaat ennsurees thhat eeveryy Ameericaan haas acccesss to postt-higgh scchooll eduucatiion.21. The jjoke in PParaggraphh 1iss useed too illlustrrate_.A. TThe iimpacct off tecchnollogiccal aadvanncesB.thee allleviaationn of job presssureeC.thee shrrinkaage
28、oof teextille miillsD.thee decclinee of midddle- classs inncomees22. Accorrdingg to paraagrapph 3, to be aa succcesssful emplloyeee, onne haas too_.A. adoptt an averrage lifeestylleB. Work on ccheapp sofftwarreC. Contrributte soomethhing uniqqueD. Ask ffor aa modderatte saalaryy23. The qquotaationn
29、in Paraagrapph 4 expllainss thaat_.A. gainss of techhnoloogy hhave beenn eraasedB. Job oopporrtuniitiess aree dissappeearinng att a hhigh speeedC. Factooriess aree makking lesss monney tthan befooreD. New jjobs and servvicess havve beeen oofferred24. Accorrdingg to the authhor, to rreducce unnempllo
30、ymeent tthe mmost impoortannt iss _.A. to accceleeratee thee I.TT. ReevoluutionnB. to ennsuree morre edducattion for peopple C. to addvancce ecconommic gglobaalizaationnD. to paass mmore billls inn thee 21sst ceenturry25. Whichh of the folllowinng woould be tthe mmost apprropriiate titlle foor thhe
31、teext?A. Technnologgy Gooes CCheapp B、Neew Laaw taakes effecctC、Reccessiion iis baad D、Average is over. Textt 2 AA cennturyy agoo, thhe immmigrrantss froom accrosss thee Atllantiic inncludded ssettllers and sojoourneers. Alonng wiith tthe mmany folkks loookinng too makke a permmanennt hoome iin thhe
32、 Unnitedd Staates camee thoose wwho hhad nno inntenttion to sstay, andd whoo wouuld mmake somee monney aand tthen go hhome. Bettweenn 19008 annd 19915, abouut 7 milllion peopple aarrivved wwhilee aboout 22 milllionn depparteed. AAboutt a qquartter oof alll Ittaliaan immmigrrantss, foor exxamplle, ee
33、venttuallly reeturnned tto Ittaly for goodd. Thhey eeven had an aaffecctionnate nickknamee, uuccellli ddi paassagggio, biirds of ppassaage. TTodayy, wee aree mucch moore rrigidd aboout iimmiggrantts. WWe diividee newwcomeers iinto two cateegoriies: legaal orr illlegall, goood oor baad. WWe haail tth
34、em as AAmeriicanss in the makiing, or bbrandd theem ass aliiens fit for depoortattion. Thaat frammeworrk haas coontriibuteed miightiily tto ouur brrokenn immmigraationn sysstem and the longg polliticcal pparallysiss oveer hoow too fixx it. CCrop pickkers, viooliniists, connstruuctioon woorkerrs, een
35、treeprenneurss, enngineeers, homme heealthh-carre aiides and partticlee phyysiciists are amonng toodays biirds of ppassaage. Theyy aree eneergettic ppartiicipaants in aa gloobal econnomy drivven bby thhe fllow oof woork, moneey annd iddeas. Theey prreferr to comee andd go as oopporrtuniity ccallss t
36、heem. TThey can manaage tto haave aa jobb in one placce annd a famiily iin annotheer.Witth orr witthoutt perrmisssion, theey sttradddle llaws, jurrisdiictioons aand iidenttitiees wiith eease. We needd theem too imaaginee thee Uniited Stattes aas a placce whhere theyy cann be prodductiive ffor aa whi
37、ile wwithoout ccommiittinng thhemseelvess to stayying foreever. We needd theem too feeel thhat hhome can be bboth heree andd theere aand tthat theyy cann bellong to ttwo nnatioons hhonorrablyy. AAccommmodaatingg thiis neew woorld of ppeoplle inn mottion willl reqquiree neww atttituddes oon booth ssi
38、dess of the immiigrattion batttle. Lookking beyoond tthe ccultuure wwar llogicc of righht orr wroong mmeanss opeeningg up the midddle ggrounnd annd unndersstandding thatt mannaginng immmigrratioon tooday requuiress mulltiplle paaths and multtiplee outtcomees, iincluudingg somme thhat aare nnot eeasy
39、 to aaccommplissh leegallly inn thee exiistinng syystemm.26.BBirdss of passsagerefeers tto thhose who_Afiind ppermaanentt jobbs ovverseeasBBleaave ttheirr homme coountrries for gooddCiimmiggratee acrross the AtlaanticcDsstay in aa forreignn couuntryy temmporaarilyy27.Itt is impllied in PParaggraphh
40、2 tthat the currrent immiigrattion systtem iin thhe USS_.Anneedss neww immmigraant ccateggorieesBhas loossenedd conntroll oveer immmigrrantssCsshoulld bee adaaptedd to meett chaallenngesDhaas beeen ffixedd viaa polliticcal mmeanss28.Acccordding to tthe aauthoor,toodays biirds of ppassaage wwant_.Aff
41、inannciall inccentiivesBa globbal rrecoggnitiionCCoppportuunitiies tto geet reegulaar joobsDDthee freeedomm to stayy andd leaave29.Thhe auuthorr sugggestts thhat tthe bbirdss of passsage todaay shhouldd be treaated_.Aaas faaithfful ppartnnersBwiith llegall tollerannceCCwitth ecconommic ffavorrsDas m
42、mightty riivalss30.Thhe moost aapproopriaate ttitlee forr thiis teext wwouldd be_.ACCome and Go:BBig MMistaakeBBLivving and Thriivingg:Greeat RRiskCLeegal or IIlleggal:BBig MMistaakeDDWitth orr Witthoutt:Greeat RRisk Texxt 3 Scieentissts hhave founnd thhat aalthoough we aare ppronee to snapp oveerre
43、aactioons, if wwe taake aa momment and thinnk abbout how we aare llikelly too reaact, we ccan rreducce orr eveen elliminnate the negaativee efffectss of our quicck, hhard-wireed reesponnses. Snnap ddecissionss cann be impoortannt deefensse meechannismss; iff we are judgging whetther someeone is ddan
44、geerouss, ouur brrainss andd boddies are hardd-wirred tto reeact veryy quiicklyy, wiithinn millliseecondds. BBut wwe neeed mmore timee to asseess ootherr facctorss. Too acccurattely telll wheetherr sommeonee is sociiablee, sttudiees shhow, we nneed at lleastt a mminutte, pprefeerablly fiive. It ttakess a wwhilee to judgge coompleex asspectts off perrsonaalityy, liike nneurooticiism oor oppen-mmindeednesss. BBut ssnap deciisionns inn reaactioon too rappid, evenn subblimiinal stimmuli arennt eexcluusivee to the