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1、NOKIAA手机工程程模式的说说明书简介: NOKIAA移动电话的工工程模式名名称为“Net moniitor分组画面面为改锥、铁铁锤和手机机,诺基亚亚的工程模模式启动后后可以通过过命令开启启或关闭。前前面的画面面显示系统统网络的功功能,后面面则以介绍绍手机内软软硬件资料料为主。 载频号码、在GSM系统的范围是1-124; Carriier nnumbeer. TThe rrangee in GSM is 11-1244 移动台接收收电平(dBM值); MS RXX levvel iin dBBM 接收信号等等级,在GSM系统的范范围是0-7; Receiived signnal qquali

2、ity. The rangge inn GSM is 00-7 移动台发射射功率等级级,在GSM系统的范范围是5-15级; MS TXX powwer llevell. Thhe raange in GGSM iis 5-15 C1(多径径衰耗标准准); C1 (ppath losss criiteriion, usedd forr celll seelecttion and reseelecttion, thee rannge iin GSSM iss -999.999) RLT(音音频超时) RLT (Radiio Liink TTimeoout) 时隙,在GGSM系统的范范围是0-7;

3、Timesslot. The rangge inn GSMM is 0-7 发射转态指指示; Indiccatioon off thee traansmiitterr staatus 网络信息; Inforrmatiion oof thhe neetworrk paarameeterees TMSI(临时移动动电话识别别码); TMSI (temmporaary MMobille Suubscrriberr Ideentitty) 小区ID; Cell Idenntifiicatiion (Celll ID, nummber of tthe uused celll) 国家码; MCC (Mob

4、iile CCounttry CCode) 网络码; MNC (Mobiile NNetwoork CCode) 本地区域码码; LAC (Locaationn Areea Coode) 地区码; Cipheeringg (onn/offf) 调频; Hoppiing (on/ooff) 调频; DTX (on/ooff) 自动功率控控制 Discaardinng ceell bbarreed innformmatioon工程模式介介绍按左边确认认键即可进进入工程模模式菜单菜单 100-1| 16 -55 xxx | | CH Rx1 Pwrr |0 1 x xxxxx | | TS TTA

5、RLLT xxxxx| 551 51 | | QQ1 Q1 | CCCHH | | xxCCH |16- 表示 BCCCH 载频号码码;meanns BCCCH ccarriier nnumbeer-55- 表示接收 功率值 ;meanns RXX levvel (in ddBm)xxx- Pwrr表示 发射功率率等级;Pwr meanns TXX powwer llevell0- 时时隙;TS (Timee Sloot)1- 时时间前置量量;显示手手机和基站站的距离,乘乘以500以公尺计计算;TA - Timming Advaancex- RRLT - Raddio LLink Timeeo

6、utxxxx- 不详;51(C11)- 多径衰耗耗标准,本本人英语和和基站知识识不灵光,大大伙自己体体会吧C1 (pathh losss crriterrion, usedd forr celll seelecttion and reseelecttion, thee rannge iin GSSM iss -999.999)CCCH- 载频类型型之一;(xxCCH) ttype of ccurreent cchannnel:AGCH -(Acccesss Graant CChannnel)允许连接接频道由网网络到手机机的单向频频道,安排排专用控制制信道以完完成连接上上网; * SDCCC -

7、(SDCCCH:Sttand-alonne Deedicaated Conttrol Channnel)独立专用用控制信道道; * TFRR -(TTCH:Trafffic Channnelss)业务信道道; * BCCCH -(Broaadcasst Coontrool Chhanneel)广播控制制信道; *SEARRCH-手机正在在搜索的网网络信号; * NSPPS -(No SServiice & Powwer SSave),无网络服服务,手机机正处于省省电模式; 通话中CHHT项变化:AGCCH-SSDCC-TFRR-挂断电话-CCCCH 开开机时CHT项变化:AGCCH-SSDCC

8、-BCCCH-CCCCH AGCH - Acccesss Graant CChannnel - is the answer to RRACH. Its ussed tto asssignn a mmobille a Stannd-allone Dediicateed Coontrool Chhanneel (SSDCCHH). IIts downnlinkk andd poiint tto pooint channnel. SDCC - (SSDCCHH) Sttand-alonne Deedicaated Conttrol Channnel - Itts uused for systtem

9、ssygnaallinng: ccell set-up, authhentiicatiion, locaation updaate, assiigmennt too traafficc chaannells annd trransmmissiion oof shhort messsagess TFR - (TCCH) TTrafffic CChannnels - Phhysiccal cchannnels alsoo traansfeer usser ddata, whiich ccan bbe eiitherr in the formm of Halff Ratte trraffiic (6

10、6.5kbbit/ss) orr Fulll Raate (13kbbit/ss). AAnothher fform of trraffiic chhanneel iss thee Enhhanceed Fuull RRate (EFRR) Trraffiich CChannnel. The speeech ccodinng inn EFRR is stilll doona aat 133kbitt/s, but the codiing mmechaanismm is diffferennt thhan tthat usedd forr norrmal fulll ratte trraffii

11、c. EEFR ccodinng giives bettter sspeecch quualitty thhan nnormaal fuull rrate. Traafficc chaannells caan trransmmit bboth speeech aand ddata. theese aare bbi-diirecttionaal chhanneels. BCCH - Brroadccast Conttrol Channnel conttainss dettaileed neetworrk annd ceell sspeciific infoormattion suchh as:

12、o Frequuenciies uused in tthe ppartiiculaar ceell. o Frequuencyy hopppingg seqquencce. o Channnel CCombiinatiion. In tthe GGSM ttheree aree eleeven logiical channnelss. Deependding on tthe nnumbeer off freequennciess useed inn a ccell, thee nummber of pphysiical channnelss avaailabble iis eiight tim

13、ees thhe nummber of uused freqqueciies. mostt of thesse phhysiccal cchannnels havee to be aalloccatedd forr traafficc purrposees. TTheree aree morre thhan oone wways in tthesee aleeven logiical channnelss aree mappped on tthe aavaillablee phyysicaal chhanneels. How theyy aree mappped variies ffrom c

14、elll to celll deppendiing oon a numbber oof caategooriess. Chhanneel coombinnatioon teells abouut thhe maappinng meethodd useed inn thee parrticuular celll o Paginng grroupss. Noormallly iin onne ceell ttheree aree morre thhan oone ppaginng chhanneels. To ppreveent aa mobbile to llisteeningg to all

15、the pagiing cchannnels for a paagingg messsagee, thhe paagingg chaannells arre diivideed suuch tthat, a ggroupp of mobiile sstatiions listten tto a partticullar ppaginng chhanneel onnly. o Inforrmatiion oon suurrouundinng ceells. A mmobille sttatioon haas too knoow whhat aare tthe ccellss surrrounnd

16、ingg thee preesentt celll annd whhat ffrequuenciies aare bbeingg brooadcaast oon thhem. Thiss is neceessarry iff, foor exxamplle, tthe uuser inittiatees a convversaationn in the currrent celll, annd thhen ddeciddes tto moove oon. TThe MMS haas meeasurre thhe siignall strrengtth annd quualitty off th

17、ee surrrounndingg cellls aand rreporrt too thee basse sttatioon coontroollerr. SEARCCH Moobilee Staationn is searrchinng foor siignall. NSPS (No Servv Powwer SSave)菜单 10-2| NO 7 BB49 | 166 x | | |B49 - 蜂窝阻塞 (参考菜单 10-19)16- 信道号x- 发发射是为 - 0,待机时时为-1菜单 100-3, 10-44, 100-5|16 550 -556 500| |188 19 -87 19

18、| |29 13 -93 113| |xxxx cccc vvvv cccc|90 332 -774 322| |200 18 -88 18| |xx xx xx xxx| |. |17-999 -880-999| |833 15 -89 15| |xx xx xx xxx| |. | NN NN | | N N N | | NN xx xxx | | AA AA AA |xxx- meaans BBCCH carrrier numbber oof thhe seervinng ceell iin deecimaal innsteaad off BCCCH caarrieer nuumberr

19、 DCHH caarrieer nuumberr willl bee dessplayyed iin acctiv modee.ccc- meaans CC1 vaalue of tthe nneighhbourr inssteadd of C1 vvaluee leetterr B andd BSIIC vaalue willl be despplayeed inn acttiv mmode.vvv- 表示接收收功率等级级(dBm)AA- 普通小区(N), 阻塞小区 (B).菜单 100-3 NNumbeer off serrvingg celll, aand 22 neiigbouurs.

20、菜单 100-4 NNext 3 neeigboours.菜单 100-5 NNext 3.菜单 100-6|260002 266202|410440 266001|C9E000 xxxxxx|213003 xxxxxx|看过一些测测试项就可可看到如下下显示:|260002 266202|000000 266001|111111 xxxxxx|333333 xxxxxx|屏幕左边是是予存网络络列表, Nookia 61100手机无法法进行编辑辑,而老的的Alcattel HHC 10000可以编辑辑;262 002- 目前注册册使用中的的网络代码码 D2 Privvat nnetwoork c

21、code.260 001- 曾经尝试试登录被禁禁用网络代代码 Pluss GSMM nettwor codee.Menu 10-77|E A H C I BRR|1 1 0 1 0 000| | |E: 系统统是否支持持紧急求救救电话即112: 1为支持、0为不支持持;A: atttachh-dettach程序,1为支持,0为不支持持;H: 是否否支持半速速率编码,1为支持,0为不支持;C: C22值广播,1为支持,0为不支持持;I: 系统统第7、8信息广播播,1为支持,为为不支持;B: 系统统广播,1为支持,0为不支持持;R: ree-esttabliishmeent.11为支持,0为不支持

22、持;Menu 10-110|TMSII 162201011B|T3211 : 1 /330|PRP :6 15 990| - 22 116|TMSI- 临时移动动台识别码码:Tempporarry Moobilee Subbscriiber IdenntityyT321- Coounteer (mmin 11, maax 2440, wwheree 1 mmeanss 6 mmin ttime beetweeen loocatiion uupdattes aand 2240 mmeanss 2400*6miin=244h beetweeen loocatiion uupdattes).PRP-

23、 Pagging Repeeat PPeriood (rrangee is 2-9, wheen paagingg is in evvery secoond mmultiiframme, mmobille taakes moree currrentt thaat iff it weree inn eveery 99th mmultiiframme).16 inn thee lasst liine iis nuumberr of servving celll chaannell.菜单10-11|CC:2260 NC:002| LAAC:24419 | CHH : 16 | CIID:5DDE9

24、|CC- (MCCC)移动国家家码; Mobbile Counntry Codee (2660 - Plannd)NC- (MNCC) 移动网络络码Mobiile NNetwoork CCode (02 - Erra GSSM)LAC- 本地区域域识别码 Loccatioon Arrea CCodeCH- 使用中载载频号码 Serrvingg celll chhanneel nuumberrCID- 基站编号号(Celll ID) Celll Iddentiifierr菜单 100-12|CIPHHER :OFFF |HOPPPINNGG:OFFF |DTX : ONN |IMSII : ON

25、N |CIPHEER- ciipherring valuue A551, AA52 oor OFFFHOPPIING- 跳频值 Hopppingg vallue - ON/OFFDTX- Dissconttinuoos Trransmmissiion (Mechhanissm)ONN/OFFFIMSI- Innternnatioonal Mobiile SSubsccribeer Iddentiity菜单10-13| NOTTALLOOWED | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | DTXX(DEFF) :OON | | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | DTXX(BS) :UUSE|

26、| zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz | | | |With thiss dissplayy is posssiblee to channge MMS too usee DTXX or not if BBS alllowss MS to ddecidde itt.To chhangee DTXX staate, You mustt acttivatte thhis ddispllay ffrom MENUU. Whhen MMENU is nnot aactivve annd thhe usser iis sccrolllinngg fieeld ttest dispplayss witth N

27、EEXT aand PPREVIIOUS, thee DTXX staate wwill not channge xxxxxxxxxxxxx iis sttatuss of swittchedd modde. TThe vvaluees arre: o DTX OON (MMS usse DTTX) o DTX OOFF (MS nnot uuse DDTX) o DTX DDEF (MS uuse ddefauult sstatee of DTX Defiined in MMS_PAAR.H) o NOTALLLOWEED (BBS noot alllowss MS to ddecidde

28、iff it usess DTXX or not) yyyyyyyyyyyyyy is ddefauult sstatee of DTX, deffinneed inn MS_PAR.H. VValuees arre: o MS DEEF: OON o MS DEEF: OOFF zzzzzzzzzzzzzz is DDTX vvaluee froom BSS. Thhe vaaluess aree: o MS MAAY USSE (BBS alllowss MS to ddecidde iff it usess dtxx or not on uuplinnk o SHALLL USEE (B

29、SS conntrolls MSS to use dtx (on upliink) SHALLL NOTT (BSS conntrolls MSS nott to use dtx (on upliink)Menu 10-117| BBTS TTEST | OFFF | | |BTS TTEST 状态开关 :Switth BTTS TEEST sstatuusIf ONN - MMobille iss serrchinng onnly oone ffrequuencyy. Neeigboour mmesurremennts aare nnot ddoneIf OFFF - Mobiile iis

30、 beehaviing nnornaally. Neiigbouur meesureementts arre dooneTo chhangee staatus fromm OFFF to ON wwritee to SIM memoory #33 cchannnel nnumbeer, ggo too mennu 100-17, turrn POOWER OFF and agaiin ONN. Noow Yoou haave aactivve BTTS TEEST!Menu 10-119| CEELL BBARR | | CELLL BARRR | | CELLL BARRR | ACCCEP

31、TTED | | REVEERSE | | DISCCARD | | | | | | | | | | |只在无阻塞塞小区使用用 只在阻塞小小区使用 在阻塞和和非阻塞小小区使用 Onlyy nonn-barrred Onlly baarreeed ceells Barrred and non-barrredcellss aree useed are usedd cellls arre ussedThis testt is meannt too be usedd wheen soome ccellss aree tessted prioor taakingg theem innto ccommee

32、rciaal usse. BBy seettinng thhe baarrinng onn in the basee staationn norrmal GSM phonnes wwill not try to rregisster thesse baarredd cellls. By sselecctingg celll baarrinng reeverssed, the MS wwill onlyy usee thee cellls tto bee tessted. Howweverr, iff at the samee timme itt is wantted tthat MS wwil

33、l be ccapabble tto usse noormall nettworkk celll baarrinng iggnoreed caan bee sett.This testt cann be actiivateed onnly ffrom the MENUU sellectiing iitem fielld teest, or wwith shorrtcutt mennu-100-19. Wheen MEENU iis noot acctivee andd thee useer iss scrrolliing ffieldd tesst diisplaay wiith NNEXT and PREVVIOUSS, diisplaay 199 wonnt bbe acctivaated.菜单 100-20| 3877 xxxxxxxxx| |4033 FFastCC |T+277 0| |T+227 11 |C 00 W 0| |C 0 W2555 |10111 0| |10111 00 |普通状态 充充电状态 Normaall Charrgingg菜单 100-88


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