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1、目 录绪论.111、选题的的目的和意意义.112、本文的的研究内容容、思路和和方法.11第一章 川川维厂物流流发展战略略定位.31、川维厂厂储运系统统简介.332、川维厂厂储运系统统目前存在在的问题.63、川维厂厂物流发展展的机遇与与挑战.994、川维厂厂物流发展展战略定位位.155第二章 物物流信息化化与物流流流程重组.1171、物流流流程重组原原理及分析析.1772、物流信信息系统的的完善.2003、物流流流程重组.2553.1组织织一体化改改造.2553.2物流流运作.288第三章 川川维厂物流流竞争策略略、服务理理念.3301、川维厂厂物流竞争争策略.3001.1物流流市场结构构.33

2、01.2竞争争策略.3321.3川维维厂物流改改革绩效.4402、川维厂厂物流服务务理念.4772.1以“客客户为中心心”的物流流精神.472.2以“降降低客户经经营成本”为为根本的服服务目标482.3以“伙伴式、双双赢策略”为准则的的物流模式式.482.4以“服务社会会,服务国国家”为价值取取向的物流流宗旨.48第四章 川川维厂物流流发展方向向.4491、第三方方物流是川川维厂物流流发展的选选择.491.1发展展第三方物流流的条件.491.2川维维厂储运公公司的历史史和现状表表明它具有有实施第三方物流流的条件.500 1.33第三方物物流业务的的开展5522、第四方方物流川维维厂物流发发展方

3、向522.1第四四方物流的的特点.5222.2开展展第四方物物流的条件件.5332.3第四四方物流是是川维厂物物流发展方方向543、川维厂厂物流网络络化经营.5553.1石化化储运企业业现状分析析.5553.2石化化储运企业业网络化经经营的基础础.5773.3物流流信息网络络化.5993.4物流流组织网络络化.655第五章 结结论.771致谢.773参考文献.774摘 要川维厂是中中国石油化化工集团公公司下属的的一家以天天然气为主主要原料的的大型石化化企业,其其主要产品品有甲醇、聚聚乙烯醇、醋醋酸、VAAE等。其其产品、原原料的储转转运主要由由自己的物物流储运系系统完成,与与物流运作作有关的二






9、率低下下、库存高高、信息不不能共享、信信息不及时时、准确等等缺陷。为为此必须进进行物流信信息系统改改造,根据据“可得性(aavaillabillity)精确性(aaccurracy):及时性性(timmelinness)灵活性(flexxibillity) 适当形形式化(aapproopriaate fformaat)”等原理进进行物流信信息系统设设计。完成成物流信息息化改造后后,川维厂厂物流所涉涉及的资源源紧密地结结合起来,提提高了资源源利用率;通过整合合使业务各各环节资源源的利用效效率得到提提高;市场场预测和计计划准确性性的提高,使使库存降低低;各个部部门之间关关系更加密密切,流程程更畅通





14、物流服务务。第三方物流流、第四方方物流是川川维厂物流流发展的选选择。川维维厂储运公公司的历史史和现状表表明它具有有开展第三三方物流的的有利条件件。分析石石化储运企企业现状分分析,整个个石化储运运企业应通通过形成战战略联盟,进行网络络化经营,利用现代代信息技术术手段,整整合现有的的资源,形形成物流企企业联盟。最最后介绍了了物流企业业联盟的运运作方式及及其信息平平台的搭建建。关键词:物物流、市场场分析、发发展策略AbstrractSINOPPEC SSichuuan VVinyllon WWorkss (heereinnafteer reeferrred tto ass SVWW) iss a l

15、largee pettrochhemiccal eenterrprisse wiith nnaturral ggas aas itts maajor raw mateeriall undder tthe jjurissdicttion of CChinaa Pettro-cchemiical Corpporattion (SINNOPECC). IIts mmain prodductss inccludee metthanool, ppolyvvinyll alccoholl, acceticc aciid annd VAAE ettc. TThe sstoraage aand ttranss

16、it oof thhe prroduccts aand rraw mmaterrialss is mainnly aaccommplisshed by iits oown llogissticss stooragee & ttranssit ssysteem. TThe sseconnd-leevel depaartmeents relaated to llogissticss opeeratiion mmainlly inncludde: tthe TTranssportt Commpanyy, thhe Saales Comppany, thee Proocureementt Commpa

17、nyy andd thee Traansitt Staationn. Thhe maain ffuncttion of tthe TTranssportt Commpanyy is respponsiible for trannsporrtatiion oof alll thhe gooods in SSVW bby laand aand wwaterr(by trucck & carggo shhip); thee Salles CCompaany iis maainlyy ressponssiblee forr prooductt stooragee andd worrkingg outt

18、 prooductt disspatcch pllan; the Trannsit Stattion is mmainlly reesponnsiblle foor thhe sttoragge annd trransiit off thee prooductt andd raww matteriaal onn raiilwayy traanspoort; the Proccuremment Comppany is mmainlly reesponnsiblle foor thhe sttoragge annd diispattch oof raaw maateriials.For ssome

19、 histtoriccal rreasoons, the storrage and trannsit systtem oof SVVW innvolvved ffour mainn seccond-leveel deeparttmentt, thheir funcctionns ovverlaappedd, reesourrces dispperseed, wwhichh forrmed multti-heead mmanaggemennt, aand tthe iinforrmatiion eexchaange is nnot ssmootth. AAll tthis inteerferre

20、d wwith the salees off prooductt andd thee purrchasse off thee raww matteriaals, incrreaseed thhe coost oof sttoragge, aand mmade the logiisticcs coost kkeep highh. Thhis ddirecctly resttrictted tthe mmanaggemennt annd deeveloopmennt off SVWW andd intterfeered in the inteegrall bennefitt of SVW.The

21、sstatee enccouraaged to ddevellop llogissticss inddustrry, tthe uutiliizatiion oof innformmatioon neet teechniiquess enssuress thee devveloppmentt of logiisticcs onn tecchniqque, Chinna haavingg entteredd intto WTTO annd thhe laarge inlaand llogissticss marrket, offfer aan oppporttunitty foor thhe l

22、oogisttics induustryy devvelopping. In a woord, the inlaand llogissticss devveloppmentt is justt in a veery ggood periiod aat prresennt. TThe hhigh speeed deeveloopmennt off Choongqiing eeconoomy aand uuniquue geeograaphiccal pposittion offeer a deveelopiing oopporrtuniity tto SVVW loogisttics, thee

23、 reggion layoout oof thhe sttoragge & trannsit enteerpriise aand eenvirronmeent ssuperrioriity eensurred tthe ddevellopmeent oof SVVW loogisttics, thee reiign ssuperrioriity oof SVVW loogisttics deveelopmment and the logiisticcs buusineess ccontiinuedd to incrreasee staably lay a goood ffounddatioon

24、 foor thhe deeveloopingg of the thirrd paarty logiisticcs. OOf cooursee, thhere are stilll chhalleengess on the deveelopmment of SVW logiisticcs: OOur nnatioonal logiisticcs inndusttry iis faaced withh thee chaallennge aaboutt connsoliidatiion aand rrestrructuuringg; SVVW owwn ruunninng loogisttics

25、stylle iss facced wwith greaat chhalleenge; SVWW madde noo loggistiics pprogrram aand ddesiggn onn oveeralll layyout; thee sepparattion of tthe ccurreent llogissticss madde thhe inntegrral ooptimmizattion impoossibble; Backkwardd in logiisticcs innformmatioon neet, pphysiical joinnt beetweeen thhe s

26、oociall loggistiics aand eenterrprisse onne iss irrratioonal, thee loggistiics iinfraastruucturre iss impperfeect, the techhnoloogicaal eqquipmment is bbackwward and alsoo thee loggistiics oorgannizattion struucturre off SVWW is not apprropriiate to tthe rrequiiremeent oof loogisttics deveelopmment.

27、Each depaartmeent iin SVVW loogisttics systtem hhad rrich expeeriennce oof thhe sttoragge annd trranspport for chemmicall danngeroous ggoodss by carrryingg outt stooragee andd traanspoort oof peetrocchemiical goodds foor loong-tterm. Thee stooragee andd traanspoort eequippmentt forr cheemicaal daang

28、errous goodds iss faiirly comppletee, alll kiinds of ssafetty meeasurres aand mmanaggemennt reegulaationns arre peerfecct, tto haave aa battch oof quualiffied manaagerss whoo aree prooficiient in pprofeessioonal workk, alll thhose creaated condditioons ffor ddevellopinng soophissticaated proffessiio

29、nall cheemicaal loogisttics. Esppeciaally, froom 19998, the storrage and trannsporrt syystemm of SVW starrted to pproviide llogissticss serrvicee forr thee thiird ppartyy, YAARACOO, thhe loogisttics manaagemeent llevell is imprrovedd quiite hhigh, andd acccumullatedd cerrtainn expperieence of oopera

30、atingg thee thiird ppartyy loggistiics. Accoordinng too anaalyziing tthe oopporrtuniity aand cchalllengee of SVW deveelopiing llogissticss andd thee worrk caarrieed ouut att preesentt, SVVW loogisttics shouuld bbe orrientted tto buuildiing aa larrge, sophhistiicateed annd prrofesssionnal llogisstics

31、s commpanyy. Baasingg upoon SVVW, pproviidingg goood seervicce foor SVVW, BBeingg geearedd to the needds off soccietyy, maakingg usee of the goodd repputattion on ggood servvice for YARAACO aactivvely to ccarryy outt thee extternaal loogisttics tradde, mmakinng usse off thhe goood oopporrtuniity oof

32、 Chhongqqing muniicipaalityy buuildiing cchemiical parkk, too proovidee thee thiird ppartyys loogisttics servvice.It iss thee mattrix charrt off entterprrise achiievemment appeearannce aand tthe iimporrtancce off thee proocesss to custtomerr, whhich is aa verry siimplee andd useeful meanns too chooo

33、se BPR poinnt off conntactt. SVVW Sttoragge annd Trransiit Coompanny laaunchhed mmarkeet innvesttigattion intoo 18 custtomerrs, iit iss fouund tthat the folllowinng iss thee proocesss thaat thhe cuustommers attaachedd impportaance to bbut tthe eenterrprisse shhowedd worrse:Logissticss is in ssectiio

34、nall opeeratiion, low logiisticcs innformmatioon leevel, loww serrvicee mannagemment leveel.The iimporrtancce off a pproceess aand hhow mmany resoourcees neeededd forr reccreatting the proccess, dettermiines if tthe pproceess iis too be recrreateed orr nott. Acccordding to iinvesstigaationn andd ana

35、alysiis, wwe wiill cchangge thhe loogisttics secttionaal opperattion, to regaard tthe llogissticss orgganizzatioon inntegrralizzatioon reeformmatioon ass thee firrst ttype of llogissticss proocesss reccreattion, to be ggivenn priioritty; tto taake pperfeectinng thhe loogisttics infoormattion systtem

36、 aand iincreeasinng thhe trransiit effficiiencyy of logiisticcs innformmatioon foor thhe seecondd typpe, tto caarry out thiss kinnd off proocesss in a pllanneed waay annd taake iit ass efffectiive mmeanss to incrreasee thee cusstomeers saatisffactiion.The llinkss bettweenn thee cusstomeer, tthe ssup

37、pllier, thee Salles CCompaany, the Proccuremment Comppany and the prodductiion uunit, thee traansitt uniit iss thrroughh tellephoone tto coommunnicatte wiith eeach otheer, aand tto coompleete aall kkindss of workk by submmittiing pplan, matteriaal-taakingg lisst, ddispaatch listt etcc. Thhere are ma

38、nyy deffectss, suuch aas loow effficiiencyy, laarge storrage, infformaationn cann nott shaare aand iis noot tiimelyy andd acccuratte ettc. SSo thhe trransfformaationn to logiisticcs innformmatioon syystemm musst bee donne. AAccorrdingg to the prinnciplle off “avaiilabiilityy”, “acccuraccy”, “timeeli

39、neess”, “flexxibillity” andd “apprropriiate formmat”, too dessign the logiisticcs innformmatioon syystemm. Affter the logiisticcs trransfformaationn, thhe reesourrces relaated to SSVW llogissticss willl bee commbineed tiightlly, aand tthe uutiliizatiion rratioo of resoourcees wiill bbe inncreaased.

40、Thrroughh recctifiicatiion aand ccombiinatiion, to iincreease the utillizattion ratiio off thee ressourcces iin eaach ttradee secctionn. Thhe inncreaase oof acccuraacy oon thhe maarketting foreecastt andd plaan rreducced tthe sstoraage. The relaationns beetweeen eaach ddeparrtmennt arre clloserr, th

41、he prrocesss iss morre smmoothh, annd thhe effficiiencyy of operratioon beecomees hiigherr. Tiimelyy andd dynnamicc-staate iinforrmatiion pproviide bbasiss forr thee deccisioon maade bby leeaderr, annd prrovidde fooundaationn forr anaalyziing.If soomeonne waant tto caarry out logiisticcs ceentraaliz

42、eed maanageementt, fiirst of aall, the inteegrallity trannsforrmatiion tto thhe loogisttics orgaanizaationn musst bee donne. IIn faact, orgaanizaationn inttegraalityy is justt to inteegratte thhe orriginnal ddispeerse logiisticcs sttyle, theen too esttabliish iinteggratiive llogissticss sysstem. In

43、Nov, 20002, SSVW eestabblishhed tthe SStoraage aand TTranssit CCompaany wwith the Trannsit Stattion and the Trannsporrtatiion CCompaany aas thhe maain uunit, andd asssigneed alll thhe waarehoousess whiich bbelonnged to tthe SSaless Commpanyy, thhe Prrocurremennt Coompanny annd otther secoond-llevell

44、 deppartmmentss to the Storrage and Trannsit Comppany. Witth reegardd to the concceptiion oof esstabllishiing mmoderrn loogisttic eenterrprisse, tto maake ssysteem reeformmatioon too thee whoole llogissticss orgganizzatioon. TThrouugh iinteggratiing aand rreforrmingg thee ressourcces oof “manppowerr

45、, trranspport capaacityy andd stooragee” to comppletee thee inttegraal esstabllishmment of tthe oorgannizattion struucturre foor thhe laarge enteerpriise. The mainn purrposee of refoorminng thhe orriginnal llogissticss orgganizzatioon iss to reduuce tthe mmanaggemennt laayerss in the courrse oof opperattion, to shorrten the disttancee bettweenn loggistiics sserviice aand mmarke


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