1、The first summarizeToday,internal sample of liquid dielectric in the oiltank is performed by ISO3170(GB/T4756-1998)Petrol liquid product handicraft sample law.It is impossibly to control accurately sample process. Usually the sample will not be exact.Performing personnels will feel tired as usual be
2、cause of hardwork.When rain or snow, climb oiltank that is a very dangerous job.When getting a sample at top of oiltank,easily volatile and noxious dielectric will injure someones,at one time,it will not be in favour of environment and the medium of oiltank will be polluted by other things from envi
3、ronment.For solving these problem, we have developed ” The auto control getting sample from oiltank” that according to ISO3170(GB/T4756-1998 criterion,it has achieved that liquid sample at different level of oiltank will be sampled. The machine operation is very simply、very accurate、excellently repe
4、ated,its structure is simple and it will be install very easily. It will not pollute the environment too. The sample machine has been awarded nationalpatent and the second prize of the sino petrol & chemical industry automation vocation 2010 year. The auto control getting sample from oiltank , its s
5、tructure is sample, it will be install very easily、its operation is very simply、very accurate and it will not pollute the environment. At present, its technology has been take the lead in the like product.We haave gotttenn byy thhe aautoo coontrrol getttinng ssampple froom ooilttankk thhe ppateentss
6、 annd tthe creeditts tthatt arre:( 1 ) Thhe lliquuid sammplee deeviccmennt ffromm oiiltaank, thhe nnumbber of parrentt iss ZLL 02220882333.6.( 2 ) Thhe lliquuid sammplee frrom oilltannk MMulttilaayerr frramee meeanss exxpannsioon oof ttypee off zeero graavitty, thee nuumbeer oof ppareent is ZL 20008
7、20002999655.3( 3 )Thee saamplle ddeviicmeent of Mullti-dimmenssionnal sammpliing vallve, thhe nnumbber of parrentt iss ZLL 2000622007793663.XX( 4 )Thee muultiichaanneel ttwo gloobe vallvess, tthe nummberr off paarennt iis ZZL 2200772000323338.0( 5 ) Thhe nnatiionaalpaatennt aand thee seeconnd pprizz
8、e oof tthe sinno ppetrrol & cchemmicaal iinduustrry aautoomattionn voocattionn 20010 yeaarPatennteees decclarratiion:Aboutt thhe ppateentss off oiil ttankk saampller:( 1 ) Thhe lliquuid sammplee deeviccmennt ffromm oiiltaank, thhe nnumbber of parrentt iss ZLL 02220882333.6.( 2 ) Thhe lliquuid sammpl
9、ee frrom oilltannk MMulttilaayerr frramee meeanss exxpannsioon oof ttypee off zeero graavitty, thee nuumbeer oof ppareent is ZL 2000820002999655.3( 3 )Thee saamplle ddeviicmeent of Mullti-dimmenssionnal sammpliing vallve, thhe nnumbber of parrentt iss ZLL 2000622007793663.XX( 4 )Thee muultiichaannee
10、l ttwo gloobe vallvess, tthe nummberr off paarennt iis ZZL 2200772000323338.0The 44 ittemsss usiing rigght hass beeen awaardeed tto LLan zhoou GGuKee chhemiicall pllantt & appparaatuss Coo.,LLtd by pattenttee forr maanuffactturee annd ssalee. IIf ootheers willl mmanuufaccturre aand selll tthemm ,tth
11、eyy wiill breeak thee laaw, thee paatennteee wiill inqquirre ttheiir rrespponssibiilitty oof llaw andd caall forr ecconoomiccs ccomppenssatiion.The ppateenteeess siignaaturre:The ddesiignsskettch in facct:The ssecoond saampller tecchnoologgy pparaametter:itemparammeteerCarriied staandaardISO31170 GB
12、B/T 47556-119988Thee peetrooleuum lliquuid hanndiccrafft ssampple metthoddUsuall saamplle ddotdistrribuutioon ssetttinggUpperr sammplee、midddlees aamplle、lowwer sammplee、uppper midddlees llowees 1:11:1 uniiforrm commbinnatiion sammplee annd bbotttomss ammplee、exiits sammplees、uppper sammplee(reffere
13、encee)Multiilayyer fraame meanss exxpannsioon samplle aalloowabblehighttReachhingg too thhe bbotttom of oilltannk iis 6600-250000mmmAppliicabble meddiummGas、kkeroosenne、dieesell、sollvennt ooil、napphthha、pettrolleumm arromaaticcs、parrafffinddesttilllat、ressiduual oill、heaavy oill、cruude oill、bittumee
14、n aand so onSamplle hhighht llocaatioonerrrorr20mmmOiltaank connnecctinng sspoool iinsttalllionnal llocaatioonReachh too thhe bbotttom of oilltannk iis 5500-8000mm(connvenniennt hhighht ffor sammpleeopeerattionn)HandppumppGear pummpSpeedd inncreeasiing rattio3:1Flow2.25LL/miinDelivveryylifft50mDispl
15、laceemennt ppumpp Speedd inncreeasiing rattio1:1Flow2.98LL/miinDelivveryylifft85mPneummatiic ppumppGear pummpComprresssed airr prresssuree0.6-00.8MMPaComprresssed airr maaxlooss0.9m33/miinSpeedd reeduccingg raatioo30:1Pneummatiic mmotoor ttorqque55N-mmPneummatiic ppumpp deelivveryylifft32mPneummatii
16、c ppumpp fllow7.5L/minnDispllaceemennt ppumpp Comprresssed airr prresssuree0.3-00.8MMPaComprresssed airr maaxlooss0.0055m3/miinSpeedd reeduccingg raatioo1:1Pneummatiic mmotoor ttorqque102N-mPneummatiic ppumpp deelivveryylifft65mPneummatiic ppumpp fllow3.98LL/miinHeat carrrieerElecttricc trraciing ba
17、nndVoltaage AC2220VVTotall poowerr Norrmall 4000WWaterr vaapouurPresssuree0.3-00.6MMPaTempeeratturee 1300-1660Operaatioon bbox conntouursize 380x3320xx1800(mmm).Main matteriialUsuall suupplly sstattus 3044 staainllesss stteell (opttionn:3166、3166L、2011、2022 annd sso oon)Produuctiion inttegrral liffe
18、 15 yyearrThe tthirrd ttypee off saamplle GKTT-G / FS / QQ samplle ffromm oiltaankquanttityyvaultt caansFloattinggroof tannkhandppumppPneummatiic ppumppoiltaank higght(m)The ffourrth apppliccablle rranggeThe sselff-tuuninng ooil tannk ssampplerr iss apppliicabble to liqquidd meediuum oof ooilttankk
19、inn thhe ppetrroleeum andd chhemiicall inndusstryy annd sso oon.(foor eexammplee: gass、keerossenee、diieseel、wwhitte ooil、naphtha、crude oil、all kinds of residuum、slops、asphalt、petroleum aromatics、various solvent、thick vitriol、organic acid、lye、beer and so on)s upper sample、middles ample、lower sample、u
20、pper middles lowes 1:1:1 uniform combination sample and bottoms ample、exits samples、upper sample and so on.Setting sample at the especial location by userss require.Can setting 9 point for maxize.The ffiveeth Thhe sselff-tuuninng ooil tannk ssampplerrs chaaraccterristtic andd viirtuue1. Accurratee s
21、aamplle llocaatioonThe ssampplerr usses thee paatennt ttechhnollogyy” TThe liqquidd saamplle ffromm oiiltaank Mulltillayeer fframme mmeanns eexpaansiion of typpe oof zzeroo grraviity, thhe nnumbber of parrentt iss ZLL 2000822002299665.33”.Wee esstabblissh tthe dattabaase of mulltillayeer fframme mme
22、anns eexpaansiion mannufaactuure parrameeterr byy moore andd moore tesst. We cann asssurre tthatt ouur mmulttilaayerr frramee meeanss exxpannsioon ccan connqueer cconnnatuurall weeak poiint thaat ccan nott goo upp annd ddownn inn raatioo off eqquallityy byy ottherrs. Asssuree evveryy saamplle cconnn
23、ecttionn thhat beeen sset in mulltillayeer fframme mmeanns eexpaansiion cann auutommatiicallly go up andd doown in rattio of equualiity witth lliquuid levvel, too leet iit tto ttrueely geet uuppeer ssampple、mmidddless ammplee、loowerr saamplle、uuppeer mmidddless loowes 11:1:1 uunifformm coombiinattio
24、nn saamplle. If mulltillayeer fframme mmeanns eexpaansiion cann goo upp annd ddownn inn raatioo off eqquallityy thhat willl ddeciide eveery connnecctioonss deefinnitiion of sammplee.For tthe draawinng-11:the ddrawwingg-12. Inndeppenddencce oof ssampple meddiummThe ssampplerr usses thee paatennt ttec
25、hhnollogyy” TThe sammplee deeviccmennt oof MMultti-ddimeensiionaal ssampplinng vvalvve, thee nuumbeer oof ppareent is ZL 2000620007993633.X” thaat iis iindeepenndennt sshunntinng pplannt oof mmulttilaayerr saamplle iin tthe vallve. Itt caan ttakee saamplle oof eeverry llocaatioon iindeepenndenntlyy
26、shhuntt too looftiing vallve andd caan mmix uppper sammplee、miiddlles ampple、lloweer ssampple by thee raate of 1:11:1 andd taake it to lofftinng vvalvve, sammplee peersoonneel ccan gett evveryy inndeppenddentt saamplle aand 1:11:1 uniiforrm ccombbinaatioon ssampple froom llofttingg vaalvee exxit.3、S
27、eccuriity andd reeliaabillityy A) Thee seelf-tunningg oiil ttankk saampller usees tthe pattentt teechnnoloogy” Thee muultiichaanneel ttwo gloobe vallvess, tthe nummberr off paarennt iis ZZL 2200772000323338.0” thhat cann faast cutt offf tthe commmunnicaatioon oof gguittar pippe aand pippe oof ooutss
28、idee, mmakee suure thaat mmediium of oilltannk wwilll noot lleakk ouut.TThe gloobe vallvesss butttonn ruun rreliiablly aand acccuraatelly, its ooperratiion is simmplee andd coonveenieent B) TThe sammpleer oonlyy neeed be opeeratted on thee grrounnd, andd opperaatioonerr neeed nott cllimbb too thhe t
29、top of oilltannk tto ssampple. Ellimiinatte tthe danngerr off cllimbbingg inn thhe rrainn orr snnow. Ellimiinatte tthe danngerr whhen getttinng aa saamplle aat ttop of oilltannk,eeasiily vollatiile andd nooxioous dieelecctriic wwilll innjurre ssomeeonees. Takke hhumaanizzed andd reeliaablee ennvirro
30、nmmenttal sammplee coome truue.4. Reeasoonabble strructturee annd ssimpple opeerattionnThe ssampplerr usses thee paatennt ttechhnollogyy” TThe sammplee deeviccmennt oof MMultti-ddimeensiionaal ssampplinng vvalvve, thee nuumbeer oof ppareent is ZL 2000620007993633.X ” tthatt taake mulltillayeer ssamp
31、ple oill piipess sccienntifficaallyy annd pposssiblly ccombbinee innto onee off ciircuularr opperaatioon hhandd-acctuaatedd whheell. OOperratee thhe rrateed hhandd-acctuaatedd whheell too chhoicce ssampple poiint. Taake commpleex ooperratiion proocesss tto ssimpple acttionn.For ddrawwingg-2 DDrawwin
32、gg-25. Hees-cclinng sstruuctuure andd liittlle lleakkingg poointtSciennce andd reeasoonabble Thee seelf-tunningg oiil ttankk saampller strructturee, CCan thee DuuoGee saampllingg ouutpuut llinee annd aa ciircuulattionn reeturrn ppipee rooad higgh ooil chiips in cluusteer. Makke DDuoGGe iindeepennden
33、nt ssampple linne ccomppactt frrom a ttookk ovver, thhe ooutpput to tannk tthrooughh wiithiin tthe opeerattionn off thhe DDuoWWei sammpliing vallve ,Thhis commpacct sstruuctuure telll tthe DuooGe lofftinng, thuus ggreaatlyy reeduccingg vaalvee seealiing thee nuumbeer oof ppoinnts. Inn noormaal ccond
34、ditiionss ussingg zeero leaakagge .For ddrawwingg-3For ddrawwingg-36.Sammplee piipe roaad hhas revversse wwashh fuuncttionn: The sselff-tuuninng ooil tannk ssampplerr taake SKCC-HFF sttruccturre ccircculaatinng ppumpp Buut tthrooughh thhe ccyclle oof tthe pummp vvalvve oor rreveersee rootattionn oii
35、l cchannge reaalizze ttankk Saamplle ppipee rooad, reeverrse thrrouggh mmediia TThuss wiill CaiiYanngGuuan wayy orr taank sammpliing injjecttor messh oon tthe pluuggiing of dirrt rreveersee waash to tannks, att anny ttimee too saampllingg thhe ppipeelinne tthe cleeaniing 7. Reeplaacemmentt olld wway
36、 of thee opperaatioon iis ssimpple:The sselff-tuuninng ooil tannk ssampplerr ussed speeciaallyy deevellopeed ffor sammpliing connvenniennt aand speeciaal ttwo teee looftiing vallve, Maade witth aa coonveersiion bettweeen llofttingg cyyclee iss veery simmplee, jjustt prresss thhe vvalvve ffor thee ar
37、rrowws sspinn ann Annglee sttartt affterr ciircuulattingg puump cann. 8. Coonveenieent insstalllattionn: The ssampplerr caan bbe sset up speeciaal ssteaam hheattingg deevicce, oill taank extternnal sammpleer ccompponeentss haave strraigght heaat ccondducttionn heeat traacinng oof. Forr drrawiing-4 U
38、Use eleectrric heaatinng, in thee vaalvee boody sammpleer eexcllusiivelly eelecctriic ttraccingg baand thrrouggh tthe heaatinng cchannnell, tthe heaatinng eeffeect ideeal. A heaatinng ddeviice cann bee ussed forr thhe ssampplerr assphaalt, annd sso eeasyy ass thhe mmediium tannk. For ddrawwingg-49.
39、Meeet of thee meediuum tto ssampplinng The ssampplerr caan bbe sset up speeciaal ssteaam hheattingg deevicce, oill taank extternnal sammpleer oompoonennts havve sstraaighht hheatt coonduuctiion heaat ttraccingg off. UUse eleectrric heaatinng, in thee vaalvee boody sammpleer eexcllusiivelly eelecctri
40、ic ttraccingg baand thrrouggh tthe heaatinng cchannnell, tthe heaatinng eeffeect ideeal. A heaatinng ddeviice cann bee ussed forr thhe ssampplerr assphaalt, annd sso eeasyy ass thhe mmediium tannk.The ssixtth The sellf-ttuniing thee coompoosittionn off thhe ooil tannk ssampplerr The sselff-tuuninng
41、ooil tannk ssampplerr Thhe ccompposiitioon oof tthe oill taank sammpleer aas sshowwn iin ffiguure 5 sshowws 1, exxtenndabble fraame; 2, flloatt grroupp; 33, ccircculaatinng ppumpp 【 mannuall puump, pnneummatiic ppumpp 】; 4, saampllingg coombiinattionn tuube; 5, saampllingg diistrribuutioon ddeviice;
42、 6, thhe iinteegraatedd oiil, a cchoiice of thee diirecctioonall coontrrol vallve, vaalvee, ssampple commbinnatiion disstriibuttionn onn a stoop vvalvve, no droop lleakk looftiing vallve commbinnatiion toggethher; 7, opperaatioon bbox; 8, addjusstabble beaarinng; undder thee pllanee 9, smmalll tuube
43、 ressisttancce mmetaal hhosee Forr drrawiing-5The sseveenthh wworkkingg prrincciplle The sselff-tuuninng ooil tannk ssampplerr iss thhrouugh thee flloatt grroupp inn thhe eexpaansiion sett drrivee taank witth ooil levvel witthinn thhe ttrusss aand sammplee, tthe uppper or lowwer, miiddlle kkindd, ss
44、amppless annd ttop sammplees (opttionnal) saampllingg moouthh alll ffixeed iin tteleescoopicc raack, teelesscoppic fraame in liqquidd iss acccorrdinng tto tthe prooporrtioon oof ssampplinng, enssuree thhat camme oout of thee poosittionn acccurracyy. TThe sammpliing loccatiion is dettermmineed aaccoo
45、rdiing to thee ISSO31170 (GBB/T447555 19998) ooil liqquidd prroduuct mannuall saampllingg meethood reggulaatioon oof ssampplinng llocaatioon oof tthe dessignn. FFor draawinng-66 shhowssFor ddrawwingg-6Diffeerennt ssampple possitiion of thee piipellinee iss inndeppenddentt saamplle tthrooughh saampll
46、ingg coombiinattionn tuube traansffer to oill chhipss, aagaiin tthrooughh thhe DDuoWWei revverssingg vaalvee haandwwheeel cconttroll off thheirr reespeectiive inddepeendeent leaads to thee vaalvee, aagaiin bby llofttingg looftiing vallve conntrool llofttingg orr cyyclee wiill turrn tto ccyclle tthe vallve, sttartt looftiing cirrcullatiion pummp ccan turrn nnumbber aftter thee paart of thee olld wway of pippeliine to thee boottoom oof tthe