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1、外文出处:Springeer-Linnk电子期刊刊附件1:外文资料翻译译文SJA1000 独立的CAN控制器应用指南1 介绍SJA10000是一个独立立的CAN控制器器,它在汽车车和普通的工工业应用上有有先进的特征征。由于它和和PCA82CC200 在硬硬件和软件都都兼容,因此此它将会替代代PCA82CC200。SJA10000有一系系列先进的功功能适合于多多种应用,特特别在系统优优化、诊断和和维护方面非非常重要。本文是要指导用用户设计基于于SJA10000 的完完整的CANN节点。同时时本文还提供供典型的应用用电路图和编编程的流程图图。2 概述SJA10000 独立的CANN控制器有2个不同

2、的操操作模式:BasicCAAN模式(和和PCA82CC200)兼容PeliCANN模式BasicCAAN模式是上上电后默认的的操作模式。因因此,用PCCA82C2000开发的已有有硬件和软件件可以直接在在SJA10000上使用用,而不用作作任何修改。PeliCANN模式是新的的操作模式,它它能够处理所所有CAN22.0B 规规范的帧类型型。而且它还还提供一些增增强功能使SSJA10000能应用于于更宽的领域域。2.1 CANN 节点结构构通常,每个CAAN 模块能能够被分成不不同的功能块块。SJA11000使用3 4 55最优化的的CAN收发器器连接到CAAN 。收发发器控制从CCAN控制器

3、器到总线物理理层或相反的的逻辑电平信信号。上面一层是一个个CAN 控制制器,它执行行在CAN规范8里规定定的完整的CCAN协议。它它通常用于报报文缓冲和验验收滤波,而所有这些些CAN功能,都都由一个模块块控制器控制制它负责执行行应用的功能能。例如,控控制执行器、读读传感器和处处理人机接口口(MMI)。如图1所示,SSJA10000独立的CANN控制器通常常位于微型控控制器和收发发器之间,大大多数情况下下这个控制器器是一个集成成电路。图1 CANN模块装置2.2 结构图图下图是SJA11000 的结构图图2 SJAA1000的的结构图根据CAN规范范,CAN核心模模块控制CAAN帧的发送送和接收

4、。接口管理逻辑负负责连接外部部主控制器,该该控制器可以以是微型控制制器或任何其其他器件。经经过SJA11000复用用的地址/数据总线访访问寄存器和和控制读/写选通信号号都在这里处处理。另外,除除了PCA82CC200已有的的BasiccCAN功能能,还加入了了一个新的PPeliCAAN 功能。因因此,附加的的寄存器和逻逻辑电路主要要在这块里生生效。SJA10000的发送缓冲冲器能够存储储一个完整的的报文(扩展展的或标准的的)。当主控控制器初始化化发送,接口口管理逻辑会会使CAN 核心模模块从发送缓缓冲器读CAAN 报文。当收到一个报文文时,CANN核心模块将将串行位流转转换成用于验验收滤波器的

5、的并行数据。通通过这个可编编程的滤波器器SJA10000 能确确定主控制器器要接收哪些些报文。所有收到的报文文由验收滤波波器验收并存存储在接收FFIFO。储存报文的的多少由工作作模式决定,而而最多能存储储32个报文。因因为数据超载载可能性被大大大降低,这这使用户能更更灵活地指定定中断服务和和中断优先级级。3 系统为了连接到主控控制器,SJJA10000提供一个复复用的地址/数据总线和和附加的读/写控制信号号。SJA11000可以以作为主控制制器外围存储储器映射的II/O器件。3.1 SJAA1000 的应用SJA10000 的寄存器器和管脚配置置使它可以使使用各种各样样集成或分立立的CAN收发

6、器器。由于有不不同的微控制制器接口,应应用可以使用用不同的微控控制器。图3所示是一个个包括80CC51微型控制制器和PCAA82C2511收发器的典典型SJA11000应用用。CAN 控制器功能能像是一个时时钟源,复位位信号由外部部复位电路产产生。在这个个例子里,SSJA10000 的片选选由微控制器器的P2.77口控制。否否则,这个片片选输入必须须接到VSSS。它也可以通通过地址译码码器控制,例例如,当地址址/数据总线用用于其他外围围器件的时侯侯。图3 典型的SSJA10000应用3.2 电源SJA10000有三对电源源引脚,用于于CAN 控制制器内部不同同的数字和模模拟模块。VDD1/VS

7、SS1:内部逻辑 (数字)VDD2/VSSS2:输入比较器器 (模拟)VDD3/VSSS3: 输出驱动器器 (模拟)为了有更好的EEME性能,电电源应该分隔隔开来。例如如为了抑制比比较器的噪声声,VDD22 可以用一一个RC滤波器来来退耦。3.3 复位为了使SJA11000正确确复位,CAAN控制器的的XTAL11管脚必须连连接一个稳定定的振荡器时时钟(见3.4)节。引脚177的外部复位位信号要同步步并被内部延延长到15个tXTALL。这保证了SJJA10000 所有寄存存器能够正确确复位(见1 )。要注意的的是上电后的的振荡器的起起振时间必须须要考虑。3.4 振荡器器和时钟策略略SJA100

8、00能用片内振振荡器或片外外时钟源工作作。另外CLLKOUT管管脚可被使能能,向主控制制器输出时钟钟频率。图44显示了SJAA1000应应用的四个不不同的定时原原理。如果不不需要CLKKOUT信号号,可以通过过置位时钟分分频寄存器(Clock Off=1)关断。这将改善CAN节点的EME性能。CLKOUT信号的频率可以通过时钟分频寄存器改变:fCLKOUTT = fXXTAL / 时钟分频频因子(1,2,4,6,8 ,10 ,12 ,14)。上电或硬件复位位后,时钟分分频因子的默默认值由所选选的接口模式式(引脚111)决定。如果果使用16MMHz的晶振振,Inteel 模式下下CLKOUUT

9、的频率率是8 MHHz, Motoorola 模式中复位位后的时钟分分频因子是112,这种情况CLLKOUT会会产生1.333MHz的的频率。图4 时钟策略略3.4.1 睡睡眠和唤醒置位命令寄存器器的进入睡眠眠位(BassicCANN )模式或模式式寄存器(PPeliCAAN模式)的的睡眠模式位位后,如果没没有总线活动动和中断等待待,SJA11000就会会进入睡眠模模式。振荡器器在15个CAN位时间间内保持运行行状态。此时时,微型控制制器用CLKKOUT频率率来计时,进进入自己的低低功耗模式。如如果出现三个个唤醒条件之之中的一个1,振荡器会再再次启动并产产生一个唤醒醒中断。振荡荡器稳定后,CL

10、KOUT频率被激活。3.5 CPUU接口SJA10000支持直接连连接到两个著著名的微型控控制器系列:80C51和68xx。通过SJA11000的MODE引脚脚可选择接口口模式: Intel模式式: MODE 高Motorolla模式: MODE 低地址/数据总线线和读/写控制信号号在Inteel模式和Mottorolaa模式的连接接如图5所示。Phiilips基基于80C51系列的8位微控制器器和XA结构的16位微型控控制器都使用用Intell 模式。为了和其他控制制器的地址数数据总线和控控制信号匹配配,必须要附附加逻辑电路路。但是必须须确保在上电电期间不产生生写脉冲。另另一个方法在在这个时

11、候使使片选输入是是高电平,禁禁能CAN 控制器。图5 SJA11000的CCPU时钟接接口3.6 物理层层接口为了和PCA882C2000兼容,SJAA1000包包括一个模拟拟接收输入比比较器电路。如如果收发器的的功能由分立立元件实现,就就要用到这个集成的的比较器。图6 SJA11000的接收输入入比较器如果使用外部集集成收发器电电路,而且没没有在时钟分分频寄存器里里使能比较器器旁路功能,RRX1输出要要被连接到22.5V 的的参考电压(现有的收发发器电路参考考电压输出)。图6显示了两种种设置的相应应电路:CBP=激激活和CBPP=非激活另另外唤醒信号号的通道被下下拉对于使用用集成的收发发器电

12、路的所所有新应用我我们建议激活活(使用)SJAA1000的的比较器旁路路功能(图7)。如果这这个功能被使使能,施密特触发发器的输入有有效,内部的传播延迟tD2比比接收比较器器的延迟tDD1要小得多多。它对最大的的总线长度6有正面面的影响。另外,休眠模式的的电流将显著著降低。图7 带有集成成收发器电路路的标准应用用附件2:外文原原文(复印件件)SJA10000 Stannd-aloone CAAN conntrolller1. INTRRODUCTTIONThe SJAA1000 is a standd-alonne CANN Conttrolleer prooduct with advannc

13、ed ffeaturres foor usee in aautomootive and ggeneraal inddustriial appplicaationss. It is inntendeed to replaace thhe PCAA82C2000 becaause iit is hardwware aand sooftwarre commpatibble. DDue too an eenhancced seet of functtions this devicce is well suiteed forr manyy appllicatiions eespeciially when

14、 systeem opttimizaation, diaggnosiss and mainttenancce aree impoortantt.This reeport is inntendeed to guidee the user in deesigniing coomplette CANN nodees bassed onn the SJA10000. TThe reeport proviides ttypicaal appplicattion ccircuiit diaagramss and flow chartts forr proggrammiing.2. OVERRVIEWThe

15、 staand-allone CCAN coontrolller SSJA10000 1 has two ddifferrent MModes of Opperatiion:- BasiccCAN MMode (PCA822C200 compaatiblee)- PeliCCAN MoodeUpon Poower-uup thee BasiicCAN Mode is thhe deffault mode of opperatiion. CConseqquentlly, exxistinng harrdwaree and softwware ddevelooped ffor thhe PCAA8

16、2C2000 can be ussed wiithoutt any changge. Inn addiition to thhe funnctionns knoown frrom thhe PCAA82C2000 7, somme exttra feeaturees havve beeen impplemennted iin thiis modde whiich maake thhe devvice mmore aattracctive. Howeever, they do noot inffluencce thee comppatibiility to thhe PCAA82C2000.Th

17、e PelliCAN Mode is a new mmode oof opeeratioon whiich iss ablee to hhandlee all framee typees acccordinng to CAN sspecifficatiion 2.0B 8. Furrthermmore iit proovidess a coouple of ennhanceed feaaturess whicch makkes thhe SJAA1000 suitaable ffor a wide rangee of aappliccationns.2.1 CANN Nodee Archhit

18、ecttureGenerallly eaach CAAN moddule ccan bee diviided iinto ddifferrent ffunctiional blockks. Thhe connnectiion too the CAN bbus liines iis usuually builtt withh a CAAN Traansceiiver ooptimiized ffor thhe appplicattions 3, 4, 5. Thee trannsceivver coontrolls thee logiic levvel siignalss fromm the C

19、AN ccontrooller into the pphysiccal leevels on thhe buss and vice versaa.The nexxt uppper leevel iis a CCAN Coontrolller wwhich impleementss the compllete CCAN prrotocool deffined in thhe CANN Speccificaation 8. Oftten itt alsoo coveers meessagee buffferingg and accepptancee filtteringg.All theese C

20、AAN funnctionns aree conttrolleed by a Moddule CControoller whichh perfforms the ffunctiionaliity off the appliicatioon. Foor exaample, it ccontrools acctuatoors, rreads sensoors annd hanndles the mman-maachinee inteerfacee (MMII).As showwn in Figurre 1 tthe SJJA10000 stannd-aloone CAAN conntrolller

21、 iss alwaays loocatedd betwween aa micrroconttrolleer andd the transsceiveer, whhich iis an integgratedd circcuit iin mosst casses. 2.2 Bloock DiiagrammThe folllowinng figgure sshows the bblock diagrram off the SJA10000.The CANN Coree Blocck conntrolss the transsmissiion annd recceptioon of CAN ffra

22、mess accoordingg to tthe CAAN speecificcationn.The Intterfacce Mannagemeent Loogic bblock perfoorms aa linkk to tthe exxternaal hosst conntrolller whhich ccan bee a miicrocoontrolller oor anyy otheer devvice. Everyy regiister accesss viaa the SJA10000 muultipllexed addreess/daata buus andd conttroll

23、iing off the read/writee stroobes iis hanndled in thhis unnit. AAdditiionallly to the BBasicCCAN fuunctioons knnown ffrom tthe PCCA82C2000, neww PeliiCAN ffeaturres haave beeen addded. As a conseequencce of this, addiitionaal reggisterrs andd logiic havve beeen impplemennted mmainlyy in tthis bblock

24、.The Traansmitt Bufffer off the SJA10000 iss ablee to sstore one ccompleete meessagee (Exttendedd or SStandaard). Wheneever aa trannsmisssion iis iniitiateed by the hhost ccontrooller the IInterfface MManageement Logicc forcces thhe CANN Coree Blocck to read the CCAN meessagee fromm the Transsmit BB

25、ufferr.When reeceiviing a messaage, tthe CAAN Corre Bloock coonvertts thee seriial biit strream iinto pparalllel daata foor thee Acceeptancce Fillter. With this progrrammabble fiilter the SSJA10000 deccides whichh messsages actuaally aare reeceiveed by the hhost ccontrooller.All recceivedd messsages

26、 acceppted bby thee acceeptancce fillter aare sttored withiin a RReceivve FIFFO. Deependiing onn the mode of opperatiion annd thee dataa lenggth upp to 332 messsagess can be sttored. Thiss enabbles tthe usser too be mmore fflexibble whhen sppecifyying iinterrrupt sservicces annd intterruppt priiorit

27、iies foor thee systtem beecausee the probaabilitty of data overrrun coonditiions iis redduced extreemely. 3. SYSTTEMFor connnectiion too the host contrrollerr, thee SJA11000 pproviddes a multiiplexeed adddress/data bus aand addditioonal rread/wwrite contrrol siignalss. Thee SJA11000 ccould be seeen

28、ass a peeripheeral mmemoryy mappped I/O devvice ffor thhe hosst conntrolller.3.1 SJAA1000 AppliicatioonConfiguuratioon Reggisterrs andd pinss of tthe SJJA10000 alloow to use aall kiinds oof inttegratted orr disccrete CAN ttranscceiverrs. Duue to the fflexibble miicrocoontrolller iinterfface aapplicc

29、ationns witth diffferennt miccroconntrolllers aare poossiblle.In Figuure 3 a typpical SJA10000 appplicaation diagrram inncludiing 800C51 mmicroccontrooller and PPCA82CC251 ttranscceiverr is sshown. The CAN ccontrooller functtions as a clockk sourrce annd thee reseet siggnal iis gennerateed by an exx

30、ternaal resset ciircuittry. IIn thiis exaample the cchip sselectt of tthe SJJA10000 is ccontroolled by thhe miccroconntrolller poort fuunctioon P2.7. Innsteadd of tthis, the cchip sselectt inpuut couuld bee tiedd to VVSS. CControol viaa an aaddresss deccoder is poossiblle, e.g., wwhen tthe adddresss

31、/dataa bus is ussed foor othher peeripheerals.3.2 Powwer SuupplyThe SJAA1000 has tthree pairss of vvoltagge suppply ppins wwhich are uused ffor diiffereent diigitall and analoog intternall bloccks off the CAN ccontrooller.VDD1 / VSS1: inteernal logicc (diggital)VDD2 / VSS2: inpuut commparattor (aana

32、logg)VDD3 / VSS3: outpput drriver (anallog)The suppply hhas beeen seeparatted foor bettter EEME beehavioour. FFor innstancce thee VDD22 can be dee-couppled vvia ann RC3.3 RessetFor a pproperr reseet of the SSJA10000 a sstablee osciillatoor cloock haas to be prrovideed at XTAL11 of tthe CAAN conntrol

33、ller, ssee allso chhapterr 3.4. An eexternnal reeset oon pinn 17 iis synnchronnized and iinternnally lengtthenedd to 115 . Thiss guarranteees a ccorrecct resset off all SJA10000 reegisteers (ssee 1). Noote thhat ann osciillatoor staart-upp timee has to bee takeen intto acccount upon powerr-up.3.4 Os

34、ccillattor annd Cloockingg StraategyThe SJAA1000 can ooperatte witth thee on-cchip ooscilllator or wiith exxternaal cloock soourcess. Addditionnally the CCLK OUUT pinn can be ennabledd to ooutputt the clockk freqquencyy for the hhost ccontrooller. Figuure 4 showss fourr diffferentt cloccking princci

35、pless for appliicatioons wiith thhe SJAA1000. If tthe CLLK OUTT signnal iss not needeed, itt can be swwitcheed offf withh the Clockk Diviider rregistter (CClock Off = 1). This will improove thhe EMEE perfformannce off the CAN nnode.The freequenccy of the CCLK OUUT siggnal ccan bee channged wwith tth

36、e Cllock DDivideer Reggisterr:f = f / Clocck Divvider factoor (1,2,4,66,8,100,12,114).Upon poower uup or hardwware rreset the ddefaullt vallue foor thee Clocck Divvider factoor deppends on thhe sellectedd inteerfacee modee (pinn 11). If aa 16 MMHz crrystall is uused iin Inttel moode, tthe frrequennc

37、y att CLK OUT iis 8 MMHz. IIn Mottorolaa modee a Cllock DDivideer facctor oof 12 is ussed uppon reeset wwhich resullts inn 1,333 MHz in thhis caase. 3.4.1 SSleep and WWake-uupUpon seettingg the Go Too Sleeep bitt in tthe Coommandd Regiister (BasiicCAN mode) or tthe Slleep MMode bbit inn the Mode Reg

38、isster (PeliCCAN moode) tthe SJJA10000 willl enteer Sleeep Moode iff therre is no buus acttivityy and no innterruupt iss pendding. The ooscilllator keepss on rrunninng unttil 155 CAN bit ttimes have been passeed. Thhis alllows a miccroconntrolller cllockedd withh the CLK OOUT frrequenncy too enteer

39、itss own low ppower consuumptioon modde.If one of thhree ppossibble waake-upp condditionns 1 occuurs thhe osccillattor iss starrted aagain and aa Wakee-up iinterrrupt iis gennerateed. Ass soonn as tthe osscillaator iis staable tthe CLLK OUTT freqquencyy is aactivee.3.5 CPUU InteerfaceeThe SJAA1000 s

40、uppoorts tthe diirect conneectionn to ttwo faamous microocontrrollerr famiilies: 80C51 and 668xx. With the MMODE ppin off the SJA10000 thhe intterfacce modde is seleccted.Intel MMode: MODE = higghMotorolla Modde: MOODE = lowThe connnectiion foor thee addrress/ddata bbus annd thee readd/writte conntr

41、ol signaals inn bothh Inteel andd Motoorola mode is shhown iin Figgure 55. Forr Phillips 88-bit microocontrrollerrs bassed onn the 80C51 familly andd the 16-biit miccroconntrolllers wwith XXA arcchiteccture the IIntel Mode is ussed.For othher coontrolllers addittionall gluee logiic is necesssary for

42、 aadaptaation of thhe adddress/data bus aand thhe conntrol signaals. HHoweveer, itt has to bee madee suree thatt no wwrite pulsees aree geneeratedd duriing poower-uup. Annotherr posssibiliity iss to ddisablle thee CAN contrrollerr withh a hiigh-leevel oon thee chipp seleect innput iin thiis timme.3.

43、6 Phyysicall Layeer IntterfacceFor commpatibbilityy purpposes with the PPCA82CC200, the SSJA10000 inccludess an aanalogg receeive iinput compaaratorr circuuit. TThis iintegrrated compaaratorr can be ussed iff the transsceiveer funnctionn is rrealizzed wiith diiscrette commponennts.If an eexternnal i

44、nntegraated ttranscceiverr circcuit iis useed andd the compaaratorr bypaass fuunctioon is not eenableed in the Clockk Diviider RRegistter, tthe RXX1 inpput haas to be coonnectted too a reeferennce vooltagee of 22.5V (referrence voltaage outpuut of existting ttranscceiverr circcuits). Figgure 66 show

45、ws thee equiivalennt cirrcuitss for both confiigurattions: CBP = actiive annd CBPP = innactivve. Addditioonallyy the path for tthe waake-upp signnal iss drawwn. For aall neew appplicattions wheree an iintegrrated transsceiveer cirrcuit is ussed, iit is recommmendeed to activvate tthe coomparaator by

46、passs funnctionn of tthe SJJA10000 (Figgure 77). Iff thiss funcction is ennabledd, a sschmittt-triigger inputt is uused aand the iinternnal prropagaation delayy tD2 is muuch shhorterr as tthe deelay ttD1. oof thee receeive ccomparrator. Thiss has a possitivee impacct on the mmaximuum buss lenggth 66. Addditioonallyy, it will reducce thee suppply cuurrentt in ssleep mode signiificanntly.20


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