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2、gMaan 编辑辑)Emaill Marrketiing SStrattegy(19999-11-28)1.ObjjectiivesEmaill is not onlyy a uusefuul toool ffor ccommuunicaationn on the Inteernett butt alsso a veryy impportaant mmarkeetingg toool onn thee Intterneet. Howw do web markketerrs usse emmailss to markket ttheirr bussinessses on tthe IInterr
3、net? How impoortannt iss succh emmail markketinng too webb bussinessses?How effeectivve iss emaail mmarkeetingg in branndingg, buuildiing rrelattionsship and sellling prodductss or servvicess? Whaat arre thhe efffecttive emaiil maarketting straategiies? How to ddevellop yyour own emaiil maarketting
4、straategiies? Thesee aree thee queestioons ccurreentlyy witth noo ansswerss. Buut weeb maarketters are waitting for the answwers. Thiis EEmaill Marrketiing SStrattegy surrvey was desiignedd to answwer tthesee queestioons.2.Surrvey proccessAs a reseearchh proojectt in the web markketinng reesearrch s
5、seriees: EExplooringg thee Webb Bussinesss Maarketts, LLinkEExchaange Dailly Diigestt andd WebbCMO condducteed a survvey aaboutt emaail mmarkeetingg strrateggy beetweeen Appril and Junee of 19999. Thhe suurveyy annnounccemennt waas poostedd on LinkkExchhangee Daiily DDigesst annd WeebCMOO Jouurnall
6、of Web Markketinng Reesearrch. Therre weere ttotall of 372 respponsees too thee surrvey. Aftter rremovving the dupllicattes aand uunquaalifiied oobserrvatiions, theere wwere 346 leftt in the anallysiss.3. Maajor finddingssThe aanalyysis has geneerateed maany iinterrestiing rresullts:a. Emmail mailli
7、ng listts arre poopulaar ammong web busiinessses. Moree thaan 688% suurveyyed ssaid theiir weeb buusineessess havve att leaast oone eemaill maiilingg lisst; b.Mosst maailinng liists are smalll inn nummberss. Abbout 70% web markketerrs saaid ttheirr emaail mmailiing llistss havve leess tthan 10000 su
8、bbscriiberss;c. Geeneraatingg revvenuee (7%) annd brrandiing (7%) are not the primmary purpposess of mainntainning an eemaill maiilingg lisst. TThe ttop tthreee priimaryy purrposees arre: ppromootingg prooductts/seervicces (32%), buuildiing ccommuunityy (233%) aand ccommuunicaationn (211%);d.89% of
9、the emaiil maailinng liists havee op-in ppoliccy whhile 84% havee op-out poliicy;e. Emmail newsslettter iis moore eeffecctivee in builldingg cusstomeer reelatiionshhip. Withh an 1 too 5 sscalee ratting, (whhere 1 meeans verry inneffeectivve aand 55 meaans veryy efffectiive ), tthe aaveraage rratinng
10、s aare:buildding custtomerr rellatioonshiip (33.8),builldingg a ccommuunityy (3.6), prommotinng prroduccts/sserviices (3.55),brrandiing (3.5)and geneeratiing rrevennues (2.88); f.Aboout 557% oof thhe reesponnses saidd thaat emmail markketinng iss impportaant oor veery iimporrtantt to theiir weeb buu
11、sineessess. Hooweveer att thee samme tiime, abouut 644% thhoughht thhey ddid nnot ddevotte ennoughh efffortss to deveelop and execcute theiir emmail markketinng sttrateegiess; g.To publlish the emaiil neewsleetterrs frrequeentlyy, too commmuniicatee witth thhe suubscrriberrs annd too meeet reeaderrs
12、 nneedss aree thee keyy driiverss to deveelop a suuccesssfull emaail mmailiing llist.4. Deetailled ffindiingsIn thhis ssurveey deesignn, wee tryy to undeerstaand eeach aspeect oof deeveloopingg an emaiil maailinng liist ffor aa webb bussinesss. Wheen too staart tto buuild an eemaill maiilingg lisstW
13、e fiirst askeed thhe suurveyy ressponddentss aboout tthe hhistoory oof thheir web busiinessses aand tthen abouut thhe hiistorry off theeir eemaill maiilingg lisst. Hoow loong hhas yyour busiinesss beeen onn thee Intterneet? Less thann 6 mmonthhs 22%6-12 montths20%13-244 monnths 18%25-366 monnths 19%
14、More thann 3 yyearss20%. Hoow loong hhave you beenn pubblishhing yourr emaail nnewslletteer(s)?Less thann 6 mmonthhs 54% 6-12 montths 21% 13-244 monnths15% 25-366 monnths 5%More thann 3 yyearss 5%Althoough thesse twwo grroupss of numbbers wont teell uus exxactlly onn aveeragee wheen a web busiinesss
15、 staarts to bbuildd itss emaail mmailiing llist, we see the disccrepaancy betwween the two grouups. Manyy webb bussinessses starrted to bbuildd theeir eemaill maiilingg lissts llong timee aftter tthey starrted theiir weeb buusineessess. Annd maany wweb bbusinnessees evven hhavennt sstartted tto buui
16、ld theiir emmail mailling listts yeet. Is itt nott impportaant tto buuild an eemaill maiilingg lisst? OOr soome wweb mmarkeeterss havventt reaalizeed thhe immporttancee of emaiil maarketting? If yoou doont havee youur owwn emmail mailling listt, itt migght bbe thhe tiime tto sttart to bbuildd youurs
17、. Sizee of emaiil maailinng liistsThe ssize of eemaill maiilingg lissts ddeterrminees hoow efffecttive yourr emaail mmarkeetingg strrateggies are. Hoow maany mmailiing llistss doees yoour wweb bbusinness currrentlly haave?0 32% 134% 2 14%37%4-56%More thann 58%. Hoow maany ssubsccribeers ddoes yourr
18、emaail nnewslletteer haave?Less thann 500055%500-11000 14% 1001-200004%2001-50000 10%5001-100000 5%100011-200000 1%200011-500000 4%More thann 500000 6%Most emaiil maailinng liists are relaativeely ssmalll: abbout 69% are lesss thaan 10000 ssubsccribeers. Onlyy aboout 110% oof thhe emmail mailling li
19、stts haave mmore 10,0000 ssubsccribeers. The sizee of yourr emaail mmailiing llist is aalso deteerminned bby whhat bbusinness you are in: if yyou aare iin a b-too-b bbusinness, youu aree lesss liikelyy to get a biig suubscrriptiion nnumbeer. Dynnamiccs off emaail mmailiing llistss The iinforrmatiion
20、 aaboutt wheen too staart aan emmail mailling listt andd thee sizze off an mailling listt dissclosses oonly the stattic sstatuus off an emaiil maailinng liist. Heree we intrroducce soome nnumbeer too desscribbe thhe dyynamiic grrowthh of a maailinng liist. Onn aveeragee howw manny neew suubscrriberr
21、s dooes yyour emaiil neewsleetterr gett EACCH WEEEK? Less thann 536%5-10 24% 11-200 11% 21-500 9% 51-1000 9%More thann 100010%. Onn aveeragee, hoow maany ssubsccribeers uunsubbscriibe yyour emaiil neewsleetterr(s) duriing eeach publlicattion?Less thann 5 77%5-10 14% 11-200 4%21-500 3%More thann 50 3
22、%. Onn aveeragee whaat peercenntagee of the emaiil adddressses in yyour mailling listt(s) is oobsollete or iinvallid ddurinng eaach ppubliicatiion? Less thann 0.11%40% 0.1-00.5% 22% 0.5-11% 10%1-2% 14%2-5%10%More thann 5% 5% Thesee nummberss givve uss a ggenerral ppictuure oof thhe grrowthh of emaii
23、l maailinng liists. Usuuallyy youu wonnt eexpecct a fastt groowth of yyour emaiil maailinng liist. Onlyy aboout 110% oof thhe emmail mailling listts haave mmore thann 1000 neww subbscriiberss eacch weeek. Thatt is abouut 5,000 new subsscribbers eachh yeaar. HHowevver, you havee to fighht frrequeentl
24、yy agaainstt thee nummberss of unsuubscrriptiion aand oobsollete emaiil adddressses. Usuuallyy youu losse moore ssubsccribeers wwith obsooletee emaail aaddreessess thaan wiith uunsubbscriiptioons. Proomotiions The ggenerral mmarkeetingg rulle apppliees too emaail mmailiing llist: if you dont prromot
25、te, yyou aare lless likeely tto grrow. Lets seee hoow weeb maarketters prommote theiir emmail mailling listts. . Howw do you attrract new subsscribbers for yourr emaail nnewslletteer(s)? Promootionn 48% Sweeppstakke 9%Op-inn subbscriiptioon73% Op-ouut maailinng liist (unsooliciited emaiil) 11%. If y
26、ou prommote, howw do you prommote yourr emaail nnewslletteer(s)?1. Coontriibutiion tto onnlinee disscusssionss/pubblicaationns 322% 2. Recciproocal prommotioon wiith ootherr emaail nnewslletteers 117% 33. Addverttisinng/spponsoorshiip 233% (Notee: thhe abbove two quesstionns allloweed moore tthan on
27、e answwer.)The mmost popuular methhod tto geet neew suubscrriberrs iss onlline op-iin suubscrriptiion. Whille thhere are stilll abbout 11% web markketerrs ussing unsooliciited emaiil too groow thheir mailling listts. WWill thatt be a daangerrous gamee? Wee willl seee thhe annswerr latter. Objeectivv
28、es aand eeffecctiveenesss Peoplle crreatee emaail mmailiing llistss forr difffereent ppurpooses. Howw efffectiive iis emmail mailling listts too fullfil thesse obbjecttivess?. Whaat iss thee priimaryy purrposee of yourr emaail nnewslletteer(s)?Buildding commmunitty 23% Promootingg prooductts/seervic
29、ces32% Brandding 7%Commuunicaationn 21% Generratinng reevenuue 7%Publiishinng4% Otherr 7% . Commparee to otheer weeb maarketting toolls, hhow eeffecctivee is yourr emaail nnewslletteer(s) in builldingg a ccommuunityy?Very effeectivve 29%28% 26%9% Very inefffecttive 9%. Commparee to otheer weeb maark
30、etting toolls, hhow eeffecctivee is yourr emaail nnewslletteer(s) in prommotinng prroduccts/sserviices? Very effeectivve 20% 29%35% 12%Very inefffecttive 4% . Commparee to otheer weeb maarketting toolls, hhow eeffecctivee is yourr emaail nnewslletteer(s) in branndingg?Very effeectivve 23% 29%29% 13%
31、Very inefffecttive 7%. Commparee to otheer weeb maarketting toolls, hhow eeffecctivee is yourr emaail nnewslletteer(s) in builldingg cusstomeer reelatiionshhip?Very effeectivve 31%36% 23% 7% Very inefffecttive 4%. Commparee to otheer weeb maarketting toolls, hhow eeffecctivee is yourr emaail nnewsll
32、etteer(s) in geneeratiing rrevennues? Very effeectivve 13% 17%26% 28%Very inefffecttive 17%If yoou waant tto maake mmoneyy dirrectlly frrom yyour emaiil maailinng liist, it sseemss it is nnot tthe bbest ideaa. Innsteaad, iit iss a ttime and moneey coonsumming proccess. Thee datta shhow tthat an eema
33、ill maiilingg lisst iss mosst efffecttive in bbuildding commmunitties and relaationnshipp witth yoour ccustoomerss.5. Coosts of eemaill maiilingg lisstsMainttainiing aan emmail mailling listt is a tiime aand mmoneyy connsumiing ttask. Theerefoore bbeforre yoou crreatee a llist, youu neeed too knoow
34、whhat yyou aare ggoingg to pay for it. Howw oftten ddo yoou puublissh yoour eemaill newwslettter(s)?Dailyy 3% Severral ttimess a wweek6%Weeklly 24%Biweeekly 12%Monthhly 33%Quartterlyy 5% Irreggularrly 18%. On averrage how costtly iis itt to mainntainn youur emmail newsslettter(ss)?$0 peer moonth 41%
35、$1-$110 peer moonth 14%$11-$20 pper mmonthh 10% $21-$50 pper mmonthh 13%$51-$100 per montth 6% More thann $1000 peer moonth17% . On averrage how manyy houurs ddo yoou (oor yoour sstafff) neeed tto maaintaain aand ppubliish yyour emaiil neewsleetterr(s) eachh weeek?Less thann 5 hhourss 64%5-10 hourrs
36、 23% 11-155 houurs 4%15-200 houurs 5%More thann 20 hourrs 5%No paains, no gainns. IIf yoou waant tto puublissh a goodd emaail nnewslletteer, yyou nneed to iinvesst a conssiderrablee amoount of ttime in iit. AAs weell, if yyou wwant to mmainttain a laarge emaiil maailinng liist eefficcienttly, a gooo
37、d mmailiing llist hostt serrvicee is wortth off thee monney yyou ppay.As wee willl diiscusss laater, to publlish yourr emaail nnewslletteer frrequeentlyy andd to mainntainn goood coommunnicattionss witth yoour rreadeers aare tthe kkey ddriveers tto suuccesss. AAll tthesee neeed yoour iinvesstmennt o
38、ff timme annd mooney.6. Immporttancee andd efffortss Is ann emaail mmailiing llist impoortannt too a wweb bbusinness? Havve weeb maarketters devooted enouugh eefforrts tto thhis mmarkeetingg toool? . Howw impportaant iis yoour eemaill newwslettter in tthe ddevellopmeent oof yoour wweb bbusinness? Ve
39、ry impoortannt 34%23% 26%9% Very unimmporttant 9% Compaare tto thhe immporttancee of yourr emaail nnewslletteer(s) in yourr webb bussinesss deeveloopmennt, hhave you devooted enouugh eefforrts tto deeveloop annd exxecutte yoour eemaill marrketiing sstrattegy? More thann enoough 4%14% 18%30%Far ffrom
40、 enouugh 34%The bbasicc marrketiing ddecission rulee is: to put yourr efffortss on the mostt impportaant ffactoors tthat inflluencce yoour wweb bbusinnessees. IIf yoou thhink it iis immporttant to mmainttain yourr ownn emaail mmailiing llist, youu havve too devvote enouugh eefforrts iin itt.To usse
41、ann emaail mmailiing llist to bbuildd an onliine ccommuunityy andd to builld reelatiionshhips withh youur cuustommers willl be moree efffectiive aand lless costtly tthan otheer meethodds.7. PooliciiesHere we aanalyyze tthe ddiffeerentt polliciees addopteed byy webb marrketeers iin thheir emaiil maai
42、linng liists. Doees yoour eemaill newwslettter havee an op-iin poolicyy? Yes 889% NNo 111% . Doees yoour eemaill newwslettter havee an op-oout ppoliccy?Yes 884%Noo 16% . Do you knoww thee demmograaphicc infformaationn aboout yyour emaiil neewsleetterr(s) subsscribbers? Yes 449% NNo 511% . Do you cus
43、ttomizze yoour eemaill newwslettter to mmeet indiividuual ssubsccribeers needds? Yes 223% NNo 777% . Do you provvide HTMLL verrsionn emaail nnewslletteer(s)?Yes 227% NNo 733% . If you provvide HTMLL verrsionn emaail nnewslletteer(s), whhat pperceentagge off youur suubscrriberrs suubscrribe HTMLL ver
44、rsionn emaail nnewslletteer(s)?Less thann 5% 18%5-10% 23%10-200% 11% 20-300% 11%30-500% 11%More thann 50% 25%Most emaiil maailinng liists adoppt thhe baasic op-iin annd opp-outt rulle. AAboutt hallf off thee maiilingg lissts cclaimm thaat thhey kknow the demoograpphic infoormattion abouut thheir sub
45、sscribbers. We did not dig furtther to ffind out how theyy obttain thatt infformaationn. HTML verssion emaiil maailinng liist iis ann intteresstingg isssue. Abouut a quarrter web markketerrs prrovidde HTTML vversiion eemaill newwslettterss. Thhe suubscrriptiion tto HTTML vversiion nnewslletteer iss sommewhaat too ourr surrprisse: aaboutt 15% saiid thheir HTMLL verrsionn subbscriiberss excceed 50%. Butt we shalll bee cauutiouus wiith tthesee nummberss beccausee we havee