1、Part one: Answeer: 1160A,B,DD,D,CC/ D,A,B,A,D/ A,A,D,D,B/ C,C,B,D,CD A BB D BB/ A C B C D/ C DD C DD A/ B,A,C,A,D B,C,CC,B,AA/ D,A,B,D,D/ A,A,D,D,B/ C,C,A,D,CC11. Hawthhornees mmasteerpieece, one of tthe ggreattest noveels oof thhe woorld is Thhe Sccarleet Leetterr.2. Emerssonss firrst sstarttlingg
2、boook iss Natture. 3. Ralphh Walldo EEmersson is tthe cchieff spookesmman oof thhis sspiriituall movvemennt off Traansceendenntaliism.4. Washiingtoon Irrvingg is wortth thhe hoonor of bbeingg “foor hiis liiteraary ccrafttsmannshipp forr hiss litterarry crraftssmansship.5. The ccolonnial inflluencce
3、ovver AAmeriican Romaanticcism madee Ameericaan Roomanttic wwriteers mmore moraalizee thaan thheir Engllish counnter-partts.6. The iimpacct off Darrwins evvoluttionaary ttheorry onn thee Ameericaan thhoughht annd thhe innflueence of tthe 119th centtury Frennch lliterraturre onn thee Ameericaan meen
4、off lettterss gavve riise tto annotheer scchooll of reallism: Ameericaan Naaturaalismm.7. In thhe fiirst partt of the 20thh cennturyy, appart fromm Darrwiniism, therre weere ttwo tthinkkers the Germman KKarl Marxx andd thee Ausstriaan Siigmunnd Frreud, whoose iideass hadd thee greeatesst immpactt on
5、 the periiod.8. IIn hiis pooetryy, Roobertt Froost mmade the collloquiial New Englland speeech iinto a pooeticc exppresssion.The tthemee of retuurninng too natture coulld bee reaad inn Leaatherr-Stoockinng Taales by CCoopeer.10. Abouut thhe noovel The Scarrlet Lettter, whicch off thee folllowiing ss
6、tateementts iss nott truue? DD AA. Itts vvery hardd to say thatt it is aa lovve sttory or aa stoory oof siin. B. Its a highhly ssymboolic storry annd thhe auuthorr is a maasterr of symbbolissm. CC. Itts mmainlly abbout the moraal, eemotiionall andd psyychollogiccal eeffeccts oof thhe siin uppon tthe
7、 mmain chaaractters and the peopple iin geeneraal. D. In it tthe lletteer A takees thhe saame ssymboolic meanning throoughoout tthe nnovell.11. EEzra Pounnd shhowedd greeat iinterrest in CChineese lliterraturre annd trransllatedd thee poeetry of LLi Baai innto EEngliish. 12. EEliotts ffirstt majjor
8、ppoem (19117 The Lovee Sonng off J. Alfrred PPrufrrock , haas beeen ccalleed thhe fiirst mastterpiiece of mmoderrnismm in Engllish. 13. TThe FFitzggeralld liived so eextraavagaantlyy thaat thhey ffrequuentlly sppent moree monney tthan Fitzzgeraald eearneed foor paartiees, lliquoor, eenterrtainning t
9、heiir frriendds annd trravelling. It was thiss livving stylle thhat nnicknnamedd thee deccade of tthe 11920ss as The Roarring Twenntiess,The Jazzz agee anddThe Dolllar DDecadde. 14. HHeminngwayy wass baddly wwoundded iin Ittaly and sentt to a hoospittal wwheree he felll in lovee witth a nursse. TThe
10、see twoo perrsonss latter bbecamme thhe chharaccterss of his noveel A Fareewelll to Armss15. TThe GGrapees off Wraath ttellss thee Joaad faamilyys llife fromm thee timme thhey wwere eviccted fromm theeir ffarm in OOklahhoma untiil thheir firsst wiinterr in Caliifornnia. 16. FFaulkkner wrotte abbout
11、the sociiety in tthe SSouthh by inveentinng faamiliies wwhichh reppreseentedd difffereent ssociaal foorcess: thhe olld deecayiing uupperr claass; the risiing, ambiitiouus, uunscrrupullous classs off thee “pooor WWhitees”; and the Negrroes who laboouredd forr botth off theem. 17. IIn Faaulknnerss The
12、e Souund aand tthe FFury, he usedd a ttechnniquee callled streeam oof coonsciiousnness , inn whiich tthe wwholee stoory wwas ttold throough the thouughtss of fourr chaaractters. 18. FFaulkkners noovel The Sounnd annd thhe Fuury ddescrribess thee deccay aand ddownffall of aan olld sooutheern aaristto
13、craatic famiily, symbbolizzing the old sociial oorderr, toold ffrom fourr difffereent ppointts off vieew. 19. TTo Faaulknner, the primmary dutyy of a wrriterr wass to expllore and reprresennt thhe innfiniite ppossiibiliitiess inhherennt inn humman llife. Theerefoore aa wriiter shouuld oobserrve wwit
14、h no jjudgmment whattsoevver aand rreducce auuthorrial intrrusioon too thee lowwest miniimum.20. WWhichh of the folllowinng iss rigght aaboutt Ameericaan fiictioon frrom 11945 onwaards? A ggroupp of new writters who survvivedd thee warr wroote aaboutt theeir iidealls wiithinn thee arttistiic fiield.
15、1. Thhe Beeat GGenerratioon iss a llargee grooup iincluudingg Sann Fraancissco wwriteers, the namee refferreed siimulttaneoouslyy_, thrroughh druugs, and alcoohol. A. too theeir ssensee thaat soocietty waas woorn oout B. too theeir iinterrest in nnew fformss of expeeriennce C. too thee rhyythm of jj
16、azz 2. Inn thee Deppresssion Age, Johnn Steeinbeeck iis thhe faamouss lefftistt forr hiss symmpathheticc stoory aaboutt driiftinng faarm llaborrers and facttory workkers. 3. Thhe 19940s saw the flouurishhing of aa neww conntinggent of wwriteers, inclludinng R. P. Warrren, A. MMilleer, TT. Wiilliaams
17、, K. AA. Poorterr andd E. Weltty. AAll bbut MMilleer weere ffrom the Soutth4. Thhe Grreat God Browwn fusees syymbollism, poeetry, andd thee afffirmaationn of a paagan ideaalismm to showw howw matteriaalisttic ccivillizattion deniies tthe llifegiviing iimpullses to aand ddestrructiion oof thhe geenui
18、nne arrt. 5. The reallistiic scchoolls leed byy Marrk Twwain and Henrry Jaames difffer iin thheir undeerstaandinng off thee truuth6. Elliots fiirst majoor pooem (19177) hass beeen caalledd thee firrst mmasteerpieece oof moodernnism in EEngliish. A. Thhe Loove SSong of JJ. Allfredd Pruufrocck B. Thhe
19、 Waaste LanddC. Foour QQuarttets D. Prreluddes 7. Whhich storry iss Willliamm Deaan Hoowellls massterppiecee on the Amerricann spiirit of tthe sself-madee mann?A. A Modeern IInstaance B. Thhe Luuck oof Rooarinng Caamp C. Thhe Riise oof Siilas LaphhamD. A Womaans Reeasonn 8. Whhich of tthe ffolloowin
20、gg is depiictedd as the mythhicall couunty in WWilliiam FFaulkkners noovelss?A. Cambbridgge. BB. Yooknappatawwpha C. MMissiissipppi. DD.Taggliammentoo9. “TThe aapparritioon off theese ffacess in the crowwd; PPetalls onn a wwet, blacck boough.” This linee is the shorrtestt poeem wrritteen byy _. A. T
21、. S. Elioot B. RRoberrt Frrost C. Ezzra PPoundd D. EE. E. Cummminggs 10. WWhichh couuple of tthe ffolloowingg aree nott wriittenn by Henrry Jaames? AA. Thhe Poortraait oof A Ladyy andd Thee Eurropeaans B. The Winggs off thee Dovve annd Thhe Ammbasssadorrs C. WWhat Maissie KKnowss andd Thee Bosstonii
22、ans D. Thee Gennius and The Gildded AAge11. _ iss saiid too be a “histtoriccal nnovell” by Faullknerr.A. Goo Dowwn, MMosess B. Liight in AAugusstC. Abbsaloom, AAbsallom D. Thhe Soound and the Furyy12. WWhichh of the folllowinng iss saiid off thee Ameericaan naaturaalistts?A. Thhey pprefeerredd to ha
23、vee theeir oown rregioon annd peeoplee at the foreefronnt off thee stooriess.B. Thheir charracteeristtic ssettiing iis ussuallly ann isoolateed toown.C. Huuman shouuld bbe unnitedd beccausee theey haad too adaapt tthemsselvees too chaanginng haarsh eenvirronmeent.D. Thheir charracteers wwere conccei
24、veed moore oor leess ccompllex ccombiinatiions of iinherritedd atttribuutes, theeir hhabitts coondittioneed byy soccial and econnomicc forrces.13. TThe ggreatt seaa advventuure sstoryy Mobby-Diick iis ussuallly coonsidderedd_. A. a ssymboolic voyaage oof thhe miind iin quuest of tthe aartisstic trut
25、th annd beeautyy BB. ann advventuurouss expploraationn intto maans relaationnshipp witth naaturee CC. a symbbolicc voyyage of tthe mmind in qquestt of the trutth annd knnowleedge of tthe uuniveerse DD. a simpple wwhaliing ttale or ssea aadvennturee14. TThe AAmeriican 30s lastted ffrom the Crassh, tt
26、hrouugh tthe eensuiing GGreatt Deppresssion, unttil tthe ooutbrreak of tthe 22nd Woorld War 19399. Thhis wwas aa perriod of _. A. a nnew ssociaal coonsciiousnness B. bbleakknesss C. immporttant sociial mmovemmentss D. AAll aabovee 15. AAs too thee greeat AAmeriican poett Ezrra Poound, whiich oof thh
27、e foollowwing stattemennts iis noot trrue?A. Hiis laanguaage iis ussuallly obbliquue yeet maarvellouslly coompreessedd andd hiss poeetry is ddensee witth peersonnal, liteeraryy, annd hiistorricall alllusioons.B. Hiis arrtisttic ttalennts aare oon fuull ddispllay iin thhe hiistorry off thee Imaagistt
28、 Movvemennt. C. Frrom hhis aanalyysis of tthe CChineese iideoggram Pounnd leearneed too ancchor his poettic llanguuage in cconcrrete, perrcepttual reallity, andd to orgaanizee imaages intoo larrger pattternss thrroughh juxxtapoositiion.D. Foor hee wass polliticcallyy conntrovversiial aand nnotorriou
29、ss forr whaat hee didd in the warttime, hiss litterarry acchievvemennt annd innflueence are someewhatt redducedd.16. SSincllair Lewiis BBabbiitt ppreseents a doocumeentarry piicturre off thee narrrow and limiited _. A. up-classs miind B. midddle-cclasss minnd C. pproleetariian D. orddinarry peeoplee
30、17. IIn A Roose ffor EEmilyy, Faaulknner mmakess besst usse off _ deviices in nnarraationn. A. rommantiic B. reallistiic C. ggothiic D. modderniist18. AAmeriican dicttion in tthe 11960ss andd 19770s pprovees too be diffferennt frrom iits ppredeecesssors. It is aalwayys reeferrred tto ass “_”. A. Ima
31、agismm B. bblackk hummor CC. neew fiictioon D. thee Beaat Geeneraationn19. AAs ann auttobioograpphicaal pllay, ONeeills _ (19951) has gainned iits sstatuus ass a wworldd claassicc andd simmultaaneouusly markks thhe cllimaxx of his liteeraryy carreer and the comiing oof agge off Ameericaan drrama.A.
32、Loong DDayss Jouurneyy intto Niight B. Thhe Haairy ApeC. Deesiree undder tthe EElms D. Thhe Iccemann Commeth20. TTendeer Iss thee Nigght iis a _ bby Fiitzgeeraldd. A. shoort sstoryy B. noveella C. ppoem D. noovel1. Whhich of tthe ffolloowingg nottionss is not of lliterraturre? A. loccal ccolorr BB.
33、suub-conssciouusnesss C. sttreamm of conssciouusnesss D. natuuraliism 2. Ass Fittzgerralds wrritinng sttyle is cconceernedd, whhich of tthe ffolloowingg is truee?A. The authhor ddroppped ooff tthe ddevicce off havving evennts oobserrved by aa “ceentraal coonsciiousnness”. B. His inteervenning passsa
34、gess of narrratioon leeave the tediious proccess of ttranssitioon too thee autthors immaginnatioon.C. Hiss dicctionn andd mettaphoors aare ppartiiallyy oriiginaal annd deetaills acccuraate.D. Thhe sccenicc metthodss aree empployeed, eeach of wwhichh connsistts off onee or moree draamatiic scceness.3
35、. Thhe Agge off Reaalismm in the liteeraryy hisstoryy of the U. SS. reeferss to the periiod ffrom _ tto _. A. 1866119914 B. 1186319188 C. 1866519914 D. 11865194554. _ is not the reprresenntatiive wwriteer inn thee Agee of Reallism in tthe lliterrary histtory of tthe UU.S. A. Hennry JJamess B. Emilly
36、 Diickinnson C. Wiilliaam Deean HHowellls D. Markk Twainn5. _ expplorees thhe sccrupuulouss inddividdualiism iin a worlld off fanntasttic sspecuulatiion aand uunstaable valuues, and givees itts naame tto thhe geet-riich-qquickk yeaars oof thhe poost CCivill Warr eraa. A. Innnocennts AAbroaad B. TThe
37、 GGildeed Agge C. Rooughiing IIt D. The Midddle YYearss6. Thhe immpactt of Darwwins evvoluttionaary ttheorry onn thee Ameericaan thhoughht annd thhe innflueence of tthe 119th ceenturry Frrenchh litteratture and tthe AAmeriican men of lletteers ggave risee to anotther poweerfull schhool of rrealiism
38、oof Amerricann litteratture: Ameericaan _. A. Rommantiicismm B. TTransscenddentaalismm C. The Lostt GennerattionD. NNaturralissm7. Inn thee firrst ppart of tthe 220th ceenturry, aapartt froom Daarwinnism, theere wwere two impoortannt thhinkeers, _, whosse iddeas had the greaatestt imppact on tthe ww
39、ritiing oof Ammericcan mmoderrnistt perriod.A. tthe GGermaan Kaarl MMarx and the Austtriann Siggmundd FreeudB. thee Gerrman Karll Marrx annd thhe Ammericcan SSigmuund FFreuddC. tthe SSwisss Carrl Juung aand tthe AAmeriican Willliam JameesD. the Austtriann Karrl Maarx aand tthe GGermaan Siigmunnd Frr
40、eud 8. IIn hiis pooetryy, Roobertt Froost mmade the collloquiial _ sppeechh intto a poettic eexpreessioon.A. EngglanddB. New Englland C. PlyymoutthD. Bosston9. Ass thee theeme oof Neew Ennglannd Trransccendeentallism, retturniing tto naaturee couuld bbe reead iin Waaldenn by _.A. Coooperr BB. Twwain
41、 C. Irvving D. Thorreau110. AAboutt thee novvel TThe SScarllet LLetteer, wwhichh of the folllowinng sttatemmentss is not truee? A. IIts veery hhard to ssay tthat it iis a lovee stoory oor a storry off sinn. B. Its a highhly ssymboolic storry annd thhe auuthorr is a maasterr of symbbolissm. C. Its ma
42、ainlyy aboout tthe mmorall, emmotioonal and psyccholoogicaal efffectts off thee sinn upoon thhe maain ccharaacterrs annd thhe peeoplee in geneeral. D. IIn itt thee lettter A takkes tthe ssame symbbolicc meaaningg thrroughhout the noveel.11. _ showwed ggreatt intteresst inn Chiinesee litteratture and
43、 trannslatted tthe ppoetrry off Li Bai intoo Engglishh. A. Ezzra PPoundd BB. Robeert FFrostt C. T. S. Elioot D. E. EE. Cuumminngs12. PPsychhologgicall reaalistts taake tthe ppsychhologgist vieww thaat _ shhapess up the sociial llife.A. suubconnscioous iinstiinct BB. inntuittive and selff-rellianttC.
44、 evvil iin huuman hearrt D. the circcumsttancee of no ffreeddom oof chhoicee13. TThe FFitzggeralld liived so eextraavagaantlyy thaat thhey ffrequuentlly sppent moree monney tthan Fitzzgeraald eearneed foor paartiees, lliquoor, eenterrtainning theiir frriendds annd trravelling. It is thhis llivinng sttyle thatt niccknammed tthe ddecadde off thee 19220s aas . A.Thhe Rooarinng Twwentiies B.The Jazzz agee C.Thhe Doollarr Deccade D.All of aabovee14. HHeminngwayy wass baddly wwoundded iin Ittaly and sentt to a hoospittal wwheree he felll in lovee witth a nursse. TThey lateer beec