1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.绕口令练口语发音(1)a writter nnamedd wriight was 包含uctiing hhis llittlle soon hoow too wrii te wrigght rrightt. hee saiid: it iis noot riight to wwritee wriight as rit etry to wwritee wriight arigght! 2ann sentt anddy teen heens aand aandy
2、 sentt annn tenn penns. 3cannners can can whatt theey caan caan buut caan noot caan thhingss cann t be ccanneed. 4goodd 小甜饼s coould be ccookeed byy a ggood cookk if a goood ccook co uuld ccook goodd 小甜饼s. 5jennny annd jiimmy wentt to jamaaica and germmany in jjanuaary, but j oaan annd joohn wwent to
3、 jjordaan annd jaapan in jjune and julyy. 6a crrickeet crriticcallyy criickedd at a crriticcal ccrickket mmatchh, annd soo thiis crrickeet quuitteed thhe crrickeet maatch quicckly. 7billls bbig bbrothher iis buuildiing aa beaautifful bbuildding betwween t woo bigg briick bblockks. 8therre arre thhir
4、tyy thoousannd feeatheers oon thhat tthrusshs throoat. 9a fllea aand aa flyy werre trrappeed inn a fflue, andd theey trried to ffl eee forr theeir llife. thee fleea saaid tto thhe flly llets fllee! andd thee flyy saiid too thee fleealeets fly!.finnallyy botth thhe fllea aand ffly mman aaged to fflee
5、 throough a fllaw iin thhe fllue. 10peteer piiper pickked aa pecck off piccket prepparedd by his pareents and put themm in a biig paaper platte. 11the rat-catccher cant caatch caugght rrats. (12six sillly siisterrs seell ssilk to ssix ssicklly seeniorr cittizenns. 13ten tinyy torrtoisses ttriedd to
6、talkk to twennty ttimidd toaads. 14how manyy cucckooss couuld aa goood coook ccook if aa coook coould cookk cucckooss? 15threee thhumpiing ttigerrs arre tiickliing ttroutt. 16sheeep shhoulddnt sleeep inn shaaky sshackks, sshoulld thhey? 17a sppoileed booy deestrooyed a tooy foor jooy. 18nickk hadd a
7、 bbig ppig wwith thicck sttickyy skiin. 19cat, catt, caatch thatt fatt ratt! 20somee sayy sweeet-sscentted sshaviing ssoap sootthes soree skiin. 21big bluee ballloonns boounceed byy billlyss broown bbike. 22fivee finne fuunny froggs frrowneed onn furrry ffurniituree. 23the nursses iin skkirtss wassh
8、ed thirrty ddirtyy shiirts. 24if aa choow chhews shoees, hhow ddoes he cchoosse whhich shoees too chee w? 25litttle wwilliies woodden wwhisttle wwoulddnt whisstle. 26bettter bbeat a biit off buttter to mmake a beetterr battter. 27lotss of litttle llondoon laampliighteers llightt lonndons loots oof l
9、ii ttlle laamps. 28shaddows shadde thhe shhelteered shalllowss. 29his shirrt sooon sshrannk inn thee sudds. 30as tthe rroariing rrockeet roose, the resttlesss rooosterrs roolliccked. 31the nextt nummber is nneithher nnine nor nineeteenn. 32sallly suue saat saadly sayiing ssixtyy-sixx sylllablles tto
10、 siilly sandd y. 33the frozzen ffisheermenn thrrew ttheirr froozen fishh bacck inn agaain. 34an eelevaator on eevereest iis ann eveerestt eleevatoor. 35swann, swwim oover the sea. swiim, sswan, swiim!swwan, swimm bacck agg ainn. weell sswum, swaan! 36i seee seeven seaggullss soaaringg souuthwaards s
11、ileentlyy. 37tommmy tyye trried to ttie hhis ttie bbut ttuggiing ttoo ttightt torre hii s ttie. 38the dudee drooppedd in at tthe ddewdrrop iinn ffor aa droop off driink. 39mrs snelllinggs sselliing ssix ssick six-shilllingg sheeep. 40tinyy tommmy ttortooise talkked tto teessiee turrtle on ttelepphon
12、ee tenn timmes ttodayy. 41sixtty-seeven sackks off sallt siittinng siide bby siide. 42can chriistmaas coome ttwicee?if chriistmaas caan coome ttwicee, whhen ee lsee cann chrristmmas ccome? 43withh onee hannd heer huusbannd hiit heer haat innto aa higgh hoole. 44mrs clatton ccolleects cocoonut 小甜饼s a
13、nnd crrunchhes wwhilee shees ccountting cruttchess. 45the man withh faiir haair ddare not repaair ttheirr chaairs therre bee cauuse ttheree is a beear ttheree. 46mastter ccarl askss hiss claass nnot tto goo to the parkks too plaay caa rdss. 47whenn a ddoctoor dooctorrs annotheer dooctorr, dooes hhe
14、dooctorr thee docc torred ddoctoor thhe waay thhe dooctorred ddoctoor waants to bbe dooctorred oor d oes he ddoctoor thhe dooctorred ddoctoor thhe waay thhe dooctorring docttor wwan tts too docctor the docttor? 48how muchh woood woould a wooodcuutterr cutt if a wooodcuutterr couuld cc ut woodd? heed
15、 ccut aas muuch wwood as aa wooodcuttter coulld iff a wwood cut ter coulld cuut woood. 49ninaa neeeds nnine knitttingg neeedless to knitt nauughtyy nittas knicc kerrs niicelyy. 50i doont knoww whyy joaan shhowedd a yyelloow cooat tto thhe gooat iin thh e ssnow. 51i sllit aa sheeet, a shheet i sllit.
16、 uponn thee sliittedd sliittedd shee et, i ssit! 52a biig bllack bug bit a biig bllack bearr.wheeress thee bigg blaack bb earr thee bigg blaack bbug bbit? 53beggging for the bacttine and clammouriing ffor ccalammine! 54mosees suupposses hhis ttoesees arre rooses, butt mosses ssuppooses erroo neoousl
17、yy. foor mooses, he knowwses his toesses aarent rooses as mmosess su pposses hhis ttoesees too be! 55the sixtth shheiks siixth sheeeps sickk. 56peteer piiper pickked aa pecck off picckle pepppers. a ppeck of ppickll e ppeppeers ppeterr pipper ppickeed. iif peeter pipeer piickedd a ppeck of ppick le
18、ppeppeers, wherre iss thee pecck off picckle pepppers peteer piiper pickked (57)nneithher ffatheer noor mootherr likkes tthis weatther. (58)aa skuunk ssat oon a stummp annd thhunk the stummp sttunk,but the stu mp tthunkk thee skuunk sstunkk. (59)bbettyy bottter had somee buttter,butt, sshe ssaid, th
19、his bbutteer ss bittter. if i baake tthis bittter bbutteer,itt wouuld mmake my bbatteer biitterr.butt a bbit oof beetterr buttter-thaat woould makee my battter bbetteer. (60)sso shhe booughtt a bbit oof buutterr,bettter thann herr bittter buttte r,and she bakeed itt in her battter,aand tthe bbatteer
20、 waas noot biitterr.so twaas beetterr bettty bbotteer booughtt a bbit oof beetterr buttter. (61)ssix tthickk thiistlee stiicks. sixx thiick tthisttles sticck. (62)sshe ssellss seaa sheells by tthe ssea sshoree.thee sheells she sellls arre suurelyy seaashellls.sso iff shee sellls sshellls onn thee se
21、aashorre,im s ure she sellls seeashoore sshellls. (63)sureely ssylviia swwims! shhriekked ssammyy, suurpriised.sommeonee shoould showw syllvia somee strrokess so she shalll noot siink. (64)aa finnnishh fissher nameed fiisherr faiiled to ffish any fishh onee friiday afteernooon annd fiinallly hee fou
22、und oout aa bigg fisssuree in his fis hingg-nett. (65)wwheree is the watcch i put in mmy poockett to takee to the shopp beccausee it had stoppped? (66)bbob bboughht a big bag of bbuns to bbait the bearrs bbabiees (67)aa snoow-whhite swann swiiftlyy to catcch a slowwly-sswimmming snakke inn a llake. (68)mmr. ccook saidd to a coook: loook att thiis coook-bbook. its veer y goodd. sso thhe coook ttook the adviice oof mrr. coook aand bboughht thhe boo ok.