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1、精读文章:美国总统奥巴马在上海演讲(中英对照全文)2009年年11月116日, 首次访华华的美国总总统奥巴马马在上海科科技博物馆馆与数百名名中国学生生对话,在在对话前,奥奥巴马发表表了演讲。以以下为奥巴巴马演讲的的中英文对对照全文。标记的表达达和段落均均为汉语部部分,请大大家重点掌掌握。这篇篇文章除了了作为听力力、口译练练习材料之之外,希望望大家能够够从标记的的我们可以以从汉语着着手进行bback-trannslattion练练习,因此此,这也是是笔译练习习的很好素素材。PRESIIDENTT OBAAMA: Goood affternnoon. Itt is a grreat honoor

2、foor mee to be hhere in SShangghai, andd to havee thiis oppporttunitty too speeak wwith all of yyou. Idd likke too thaank FFudann Uniiverssitys Prresiddent Yangg forr hiss hosspitaalityy andd hiss graaciouus weelcomme. Id alsoo likke too thaank oour ooutsttandiing AAmbasssadoor, JJon HHuntssman, who

3、o exeempliifiess thee deeep tiies aand rrespeect bbetweeen oour nnatioons. I ddontt knoow whhat hhe saaid, but I hoope iit waas goood. (Laaughtter.)奥巴马总统统:你们好好。能够有有机会在上上海跟你们们大家交谈谈,我深感感荣幸。我我要感谢复复旦大学的的杨校长,感感谢他的款款待和热情情的欢迎。我我还要感谢谢我们出色色的大使洪洪博培,他他代表了我我们两国之之间的深远远联系和相相互尊重。我我不知道他他刚才说什什么,但是是希望他说说得不错。(笑笑声)What

4、 Id likee to do iis too makke soome oopeniing ccommeents, andd theen whhat IIm rreallly loookinng foorwarrd too doiing iis taakingg queestioons, not onlyy froom sttudennts wwho aare iin thhe auudiennce, but alsoo weve rreceiived quesstionns onnlinee, whhich willl be askeed byy somme off thee stuuden

5、tts whho arre heere iin thhe auudiennce, as wwell as bby Ammbasssadorr Hunntsmaan. And I amm verry soorry thatt my Chinnese is nnot aas goood aas yoour EEngliish, but I amm loookingg forrwardd to thiss chaance to hhave a diialoggue.我今天准备备先做一个个开场白,但但我真正希希望做的是是回答问题题,不但回回答在座的的学生提出出的问题,同同时也回答答从网上提提出的一些些

6、问题,这这些问题由由在座的一一些学生和和洪博培大大使代为提提出。很抱抱歉,我的的中文不如如你们的英英文,但我我期待着这这个和你们们对话的机机会。This is mmy fiirst timee traaveliing tto Chhina, andd Imm exccitedd to see thiss majjestiic coountrry. Heree, inn Shaanghaai, wwe seee thhe grrowthh thaat haas caaughtt thee atttentiion oof thhe woorld - tthe ssoariing sskysccra

7、peers, the busttlingg strreetss andd enttreprreneuuriall acttivitty. And justt as Im imprresseed byy theese ssignss of Chinnas jourrney to tthe 221st centtury, Imm eagger tto seee thhose anciient placces tthat speaak too us fromm Chiinass disstantt passt. Tomoorroww andd thee nexxt daay I hopee to h

8、avee a cchancce whhen IIm iin Beeijinng too seee thee majjestyy of the Forbbiddeen Ciity aand tthe wwondeer off thee Greeat WWall. Trruly, thiis iss a nnatioon thhat eencommpassses bboth a riich hhistoory aand aa bellief in tthe ppromiise oof thhe fuuturee.这是我首次次访问中国国,看到你你们壮丽的的国家,我我感到很兴兴奋。在上上海,我们们看到

9、了全全球瞩目的的发展高耸的大大厦、繁忙忙的街道、创创业的动态态。这些都都是中国步步入21世世纪的迹象象,让我感感到赞叹。同同时,我也也期盼看到到向我们展展现中国悠悠久历史的的古迹。明明天和后天天我会在北北京,希望望有机会看看到壮观的的故宫和奇奇迹般的长长城。的确确,这是一一个既有丰丰富的历史史,又对未未来的希望望充满信心心的国家。The ssame can be ssaid of tthe rrelattionsship betwween our two counntriees. Shannghaii, off couurse, is a ciity tthat has greaat meea

10、ninng inn thee hisstoryy of the relaationnshipp bettweenn thee Uniited Stattes aand CChinaa. IIt waas heere, 37 yyearss agoo, thhat tthe SShangghai Commmuniqque oopeneed thhe dooor tto a new chappter of eengaggemennt beetweeen ouur goovernnmentts annd ammong our peopple. Howweverr, Ammericcas tiess

11、to thiss citty - andd to thiss couuntryy - streetch backk furrtherr, too thee earrliesst daays oof Ammericcas indeependdencee.我们两国的的关系也是是如此。毫毫无疑问,上上海在美中中关系史上上是一个具具有重大意意义的城市市。正是在在这里,337年前发发布的上上海公报(SShangghai Commmuniqque)开开启了我们们两国政府府和两国人人民接触交交往的新篇篇章。然而而,美国与与这个城市市以及这个个国家的纽纽带可以追追溯到更久久远的过去去,直至美美国独立初初期。I

12、n 17784, our founndingg fatther, Geoorge Washhingtton, commmissiionedd thee Emppresss of Chinna, aa shiip thhat sset ssail for thesse shhoress so thatt it coulld puursuee traade wwith the Qingg Dynnastyy. Waashinngtonn wannted to ssee tthe sship carrry thhe fllag aarounnd thhe gllobe, andd to forgge

13、 neew tiies wwith natiions likee Chiina. Thiis iss a ccommoon Ammericcanimpullse - thhe deesiree to reacch foor neew hoorizoons, and to fforgee neww parrtnerrshipps thhat aare mmutuaally beneeficiial.1784年年,我们的的建国之父父乔治华盛顿主主持了“中国女皇皇号”(Emppresss of Chinna)的下下水仪式。这这条船前往往中国海岸岸,寻求与与清朝通商商。华盛顿顿希望看到到这条悬挂挂美国

14、国旗旗的船前往往世界各地地,与像中中国这样的的国家缔结结新的纽带带。这是通通常的美国国人的愿望望希望达达到新的地地平线,建建立新的、互互利的伙伴伴关系。Over the two centturiees thhat hhave folllowedd, thhe cuurrennts oof hiistorry haave ssteerred tthe rrelattionsship betwween our counntriees inn manny diirecttionss. AAnd eeven in tthe mmidstt of tumuultuoous wwindss, ouur p

15、eeoplee hadd oppportuunitiies tto foorge deepp andd eveen drramattic tties. Forr insstancce, AAmeriicanss willl neever forgget tthe hhospiitaliity sshownnto ouur piilotss whoo werre shhot ddown overr youur sooil ddurinng Woorld War II, and careed foor byy Chiinesee civviliaans wwho rriskeed alll thh

16、at tthey had by ddoingg so. Annd Chhinesse veeteraans oof thhat wwar sstilll warrmly greeet thhose Amerricann vetteranns whho reeturnn to the sitees whhere theyy fouught to hhelp libeeratee Chiina ffrom occuupatiion.在此后的两两个世纪中中,历史洪洪流使我们们两国关系系向许多不不同的方向向发展,但但即使在动动荡的岁月月中,两国国人民也抓抓住机会发发展了深入入的、甚至至极不平凡凡的关系

17、。例例如,美国国人民永远远不会忘记记,二战期期间,美国国飞行员在在中国上空空被击落后后,中国公公民冒着失失去一切的的危险护理理他们。参参加过二战战的中国老老兵仍然热热情欢迎故故地重游的的美国老兵兵,他们曾曾经在那里里作战,帮帮助中国从从占领下获获得解放。A difffereent kkind of cconneectioon waas maade nnearlly 400 yeaars aago wwhen the frosst beetweeen ouur coountrries begaan too thaaw thhrouggh thhe siimplee gamme off tabbl

18、e ttenniis. TThe vvery unliikelyy natture of tthis engaagemeent ccontrributted tto itts suuccesss - beccausee forr alll ourr difffereencess, booth oour ccommoon huumaniity aand oour sshareed cuuriossity weree revvealeed. As oone AAmeriican playyer ddescrribedd hiss vissit tto Chhina - Theepeoople ar

19、e justt likke ussThe counntry is vvery simiilar to AAmeriica, but stilll veery ddiffeerentt.近40年前前,简单的的乒乓球比比赛带来了了两国关系系的解冻,使使我们两国国建立起另另一种联系系。这种接接触令人意意外,但却却恰恰促成成了其成功功,因为尽尽管我们之之间存在许许多分歧,但但是我们共共同的人性性和共同的的好奇心得得以从中显显现。正如如一位美国国乒乓球队队员在回忆忆对中国的的访问时所所说:“那里的人人民和我们们一样这个国家家和美国有有许多相似似之处,也也有很大区区别。”Of cooursee thiis

20、 smmall openning was folllowedd by the achiievemment of tthe SShangghai Commmuniqque, and the evenntuall esttabliishmeent oof foormall rellatioons bbetweeen tthe UUniteed Sttatess andd Chiina iin 19979. Andd in threee deecadees, jjust lookk at how far we hhave comee. do noot giive uup uttil yyou wwi

21、n TOP tongddayonng 发短短消息 加为好友 tongddayonng (努努力前行)当前离线线 UID111931 帖子9992 精华华5 积分分34599 阅读权权限1000 在线时时间5511 小时 注册时间间20055-9-118 最后后登录20010-44-26 版主 4# 发表于 20099-12-27 112:499 | 只只看该作者者 无须赘言,这这个小小的的契机带来来了上海海公报的的问世,并并最终促使使美中两国国在19779年建立立正式外交交关系。请请看在此后后的30年年,我们取取得了多么么长足的进进展。In 19979, tradde beetweeen th

22、he Unnitedd Staates and Chinna sttood at rroughhly $5 biillioon - todday iit toops oover $4000 billlionn eacch yeear. The commmercee afffectss ourr peooples liives in sso maany wways. Ammericca immportts frrom CChinaa manny off thee commputeer paarts we uuse, the clotthes we wwear; andd we expoort t

23、to Chhina machhinerry thhat hhelpss powwer yyour induustryy. TThis tradde coould creaate eeven moree jobbs onn botth siides of tthe PPaciffic, whille alllowiing oour ppeoplle too enjjoy aa bettter quallity of llife. Annd ass demmand becoomes moree ballanceed, iit caan leead tto evven bbroadder ppros

24、pperitty.1979年年,美中贸贸易额约为为50亿美美元,今天天,年度贸贸易额已经经超过40000亿美美元。贸易易在许多方方面影响着着两国人民民的生活,美美国电脑中中的许多元元件以及我我们身穿的的服装都是是从中国进进口的,我我们向中国国出口你们们的工业需需要的机器器。这种贸贸易可以在在太平洋两两岸创造更更多的就业业机会,让让我们的人人民过上质质量更高的的生活。随随着需求趋趋于平衡,繁繁荣的范围围将进一步步扩大。In 19979, the poliiticaal coooperratioon beetweeen thhe Unnitedd Staates and Chinna waas r

25、oootedd larrgelyy in our sharred rrivallry wwith the Soviiet UUnionn. TTodayy, wee havve a posiitivee, coonstrructiive aand ccomprrehennsivee rellatioonshiip thhat oopenss thee dooor too parrtnerrshipp on the key globbal iissuees off ourr timme - ecoonomiic reecoveery aand tthe ddevellopmeent oof cl

26、lean enerrgy; stopppingg thee sprread of nnucleear wweapoons aand tthe sscourrge oof cllimatte chhangee; thhe prromottion of ppeacee andd seccuritty inn Asiia annd arroundd thee gloobe. Alll of thesse isssuess willl bee on the agennda ttomorrrow whenn Imeet withh Preesideent HHu.1979年年,美中之之间的政治治合作主要

27、要立足于双双方共同面面对的竞争争对手苏联联。如今我我们享有积积极的、建建设性的、全全面的关系系,为我们们在当今时时代的关键键性全球问问题上建立立伙伴关系系打开了大大门,这些些问题包括括:经济复复苏和清洁洁能源开发发、制止核核武器扩散散和气候变变化的影响响、在亚洲洲及全球各各地促进和和平与安全全。所有这这些问题都都是我明天天与胡主席席会谈的内内容。And iin 19979, the connnectiions amonng ouur peeoplee werre liimiteed. TTodayy, wee seee thee curriosiity oof thhose pingg-pon

28、ng pllayerrs maanifeestedd in the tiess thaat arre beeing forgged aacrosss maany ssectoors. Thee seccond highhest numbber oof fooreiggn sttudennts iin thhe Unnitedd Staates comee froom Chhina, andd weve sseen a 500 perrcentt inccreasse inn thee stuudy oof Chhinesse ammong our own studdentss. TTheree

29、 aree neaarly 200 friiendsship citiies drawwing our commmunitties togeetherr. AAmeriican and Chinnese scieentissts ccoopeeratee on new reseearchh andd disscoveery. Andd of courrse, Yao Mingg is justt onee siggnal of oour sshareed loove oof baaskettballl - Im onlyy sorrry tthat I woont be aable to ss

30、ee aa Shaanghaai Shharkss gamme whhile Im visiitingg.1979年年,我们两两国人民的的联系十分分有限。今今天,我们们看到当年年乒乓球队队员的好奇奇心已经化化为许多领领域的纽带带,中国留留学生在美美国的人数数名列第二二,而在美美国学生中中,学中文文的人数增增加了500%。我们们两国有近近200个个友好城市市,把我们们的社区连连接在一起起。美中科科学家合作作进行新的的研究与发发现。而姚姚明是我们们两国人民民都热爱篮篮球的仅仅仅一个标志志而已令我遗憾憾的是,此此行中我不不能观看上上海大鲨鱼鱼队的比赛赛。It iss no coinncideence

31、 thatt thee rellatioonshiip beetweeen ouur coountrries has accoompannied a peeriodd of posiitivee chaange. Chhina has liftted hhundrreds of mmilliions of ppeoplle ouut off povvertyy - an aaccommplisshmennt unnparaallelled iin huuman histtory - wwhilee plaayingg a llargeer roole iin glloball eveents.

32、 Annd thhe Unnitedd Staates has seenn ourr ecoonomyy groow allong withh thee staandarrd off livving enjooyed by oour ppeoplle, wwhilee briinginng thhe Coold WWar tto a succcessfful cconcllusioon.我们两国之之间的关系系相伴着一一个积极变变化的时期期,这不是是偶然的。中中国实现了了亿万人民民脱贫,这这一成就史史无前例,同同时,中国国在全球问问题中也在在发挥更大大的作用。美美国在促使使冷战顺利利结束的同同时

33、,经济济也取得了了增长,人人民的生活活水平提高高。Theree is a Chhinesse prroverrb: Connsideer thhe paast, and you shalll knnow tthe ffuturre. Sureely, we hhave knowwn seetbaccks aand cchalllengees ovver tthe llast 30 yyearss. OOur rrelattionsship has not beenn witthoutt dissagreeemennt annd diifficcultyy. BBut tthe nnotioon

34、 thhat wwe muust bbe addverssariees iss nott preedesttinedd - not whenn we conssiderr thee passt. IIndeeed, bbecauuse oof ouur coooperratioon, bboth the Unitted SStatees annd Chhina are moree proosperrous and moree seccure. Wee havve seeen wwhat is ppossiible whenn we builld uppon oour mmutuaal innt

35、ereests, andd enggage on tthe bbasiss of mutuual rrespeect.中国有句名名言:“温故而知知新。”当然,过过去30年年中我们也也曾遇到挫挫折和挑战战,我们的的关系不是是没有分歧歧和困难。但但是,“我们必然然是对手”的概念并并非是注定定不变的回顾过过去不会是是这样。由由于我们的的合作,美美中两国都都更加繁荣荣、更加安安全。我们们已经看到到我们本着着共同的利利益和相互互的尊重去去努力所能能取得的成成果。And yyet tthe ssucceess oof thhat eengaggemennt deependds uppon uunderrs

36、tanndingg - on ssustaaininng ann opeen diialoggue, and learrningg aboout oone aanothher aand ffrom one anotther. Foor juust aas thhat AAmeriican tablle teenniss plaayer poinnted out - wwe shhare muchh in commmon aas huuman beinngs, but our counntriees arre diifferrent in ccertaain wways.可是,这种种接触的成成功

37、取决于于理解,取取决于继续续进行开诚诚布公的对对话,相互互了解,相相互学习。正正如前面提提到的那位位美国乒乓乓球队员所所说作为人人,我们有有着许多共共同之处,但但是我们两两国在某些些方面存在在着差别。I bellievee thaat eaach ccounttry mmust charrt itts owwn cooursee. CChinaa is an aancieent nnatioon, wwith a deeeplyy roooted cultture. Thhe Unnitedd Staates, by compparisson, is aa youung nnatioon, w

38、whosee cullturee is deteerminned bby thhe maany ddiffeerentt immmigraants who havee comme too ourr shoores, andd by the founndingg doccumennts tthat guidde ouur deemocrracy.Thosee doccumennts pput fforwaard aa simmple visiion oof huuman affaairs, andd theey ennshriine sseverral ccore prinnciplles -

39、thhat aall mmen aand wwomenn aree creeatedd equual, and posssess certtain funddamenntal righhts; thatt govvernmment shouuld rrefleect tthe wwill of tthe ppeoplle annd reesponnd too theeir wwishees; tthat commmercee shoould be oopen, infformaationnfreelly acccesssiblee; annd thhat llaws, andd nott si

40、mmply men, shoould guarranteee thhe addminiistraationn of justtice.我认为每个个国家都必必须规划自自己的前进进方向。中中国是一个个文明古国国,文化深深远。而美美国相对而而言是一个个年轻的国国家,它的的文化由来来自许多不不同国家的的移民以及及指导我国国民主制度度的建国纲纲领所形成成。这些纲纲领中提出出了对人类类事务的简简单明了的的瞩望,并并包含了一一些核心原原则不论男男女人人生生而平等,都都享有某些些基本权利利;政府应应当反映民民意,并对对人民的愿愿望作出回回应;商贸贸应该是开开放的,信信息应该自自由流通;司法保障障应该来自自法治

41、而不不是人治。Of cooursee, thhe sttory of oour nnatioon iss nott witthoutt itss diffficuult cchaptters. Inn manny waays - ovver mmany yearrs - we havee strrugglled tto addvancce thhe prromisse off theese pprincciplees too alll of our peopple, and to fforgee a mmore perffect unioon. We ffoughht a veryy paii

42、nfull civvil wwar, and freeed a porttion of oour ppopullatioon frrom sslaveery. It tookk timme foor woomen to bbe exxtendded tthe rrightt to votee, woorkerrs too winn thee rigght tto orrganiize, and for immiigrannts ffrom diffferennt coornerrs off thee gloobe tto bee fullly eembraaced. Evven aafterr

43、 theey weere ffreedd, Affricaan Ammericcans persseverred tthrouugh ccondiitionns thhat wwere sepaaratee andd nott equual, befoore wwinniing ffull and equaal riightss.当然,我国国的历史也也并非没有有困难的篇篇章。在很很多方面,在在很长的时时间里,我我们要通过过斗争去实实现这些原原则对全体体人民的承承诺,缔造造一个更趋趋完善的联联邦。我们们曾打过一一场很痛苦苦的南北战战争,将我我国的一部部分人口从从奴役下解解放出来。妇妇女获得投投票

44、权、劳劳工赢得组组织权、来来自世界各各地的移民民得到完全全的接纳这些都都是经过了了一段时间间才实现的的。非洲裔裔美国人即即使在获得得自由后依依然生活在在被隔离和和不平等的的条件下,他他们经过不不懈努力才才最终赢得得全面、平平等的权利利。None of tthis was easyy. BBut wwe maade pprogrress becaause of oour bbelieef inn thoose ccore prinnciplles, whicch haave sserveed ass ourr commpasss thrroughh thee darrkestt of storr

45、ms. Thatt is why Linccoln coulld sttand up iin thhe miidst of ccivill warr andd decclaree it a sttrugggle tto seee whhetheer anny naationn, coonceiived in lliberrty, and deddicatted tto thhe prropossitioon thhat aall mmen aare ccreatted eequall coould longg enddure. Thaat iss whyy Dr. Marrtin Luthhe

46、r KKing coulld sttand on tthe sstepss of the Linccoln Memooriall andd askk thaat ouur naationn livve ouut thhe trrue mmeaniing oof itts crreed. Thhatss whyy immmigraants fromm Chiina tto Keenya coulld fiind aa homme onn ourr shoores; whyy oppportuunityy is avaiilablle too alll whoo wouuld wwork for it; and why someeone likee me, whoo lesss thhan 550 yeears ago woulld haave hhad ttroubble vvotinng inn somme paarts of AAmeriica, is nnow aable to sservee as its Pressidennt.所有这些都都不曾轻而而易举。但但是,由于于我们对这这些核心原原则的坚定定信念,我我们取得了了进步,这这些原则指指引我们冲冲过了最黑黑暗的风暴暴。这就是是为什么林林肯能在南南北战


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