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1、教 案案课程名称称:Coolleege Engglissh授课教师师Huanngliipinng授课对象象Fresshmaan 220033授课时间间Six Perriodds授课题目目Unitt Thhreee Unnderrstaandiing Sciiencce课 型Inteegraatedd cooursse使用教具具Tapee Reecorrderr教学目的的1. TTo ttraiin tthe stuudennts steep bby sstepp too geet ffamiiliaar wwithh thhe nnew teaachiing modde oon ccollle

2、gee caampuus.2. TTo hhelpp sttudeentss too deevellop thee fiive lannguaage bassic skiillss, 3. TTo ffostter commmunnicaativve eeffiicieencyy inn booth spookenn annd wwritttenn moodess, 4. TTo cculttivaate thee abbiliity to stuudy inddepeendeentlly.教学重点点和难点点1. uundeersttandd thhe mmainn iddea (too en

3、nsurre tthe surrvivval of humman civviliizattionn, mmeassurees mmustt bee taakenn too heelp thee puubliic uundeersttandd scciennce) annd sstruuctuure of thee teext (inntrooduccingg a toppic, deevellopiing thee toopicc wiith suppporrtinng ddetaailss, ssuppplyiing a cconcclussionn);2. aapprreciiatee t

4、hhe sstylle ddifffereencee beetweeen narrrattivee wrritiing andd exxpossitoory wriitinng; 3. ggrassp tthe keyy laanguuagee poointts aand graammaaticcal strructturees iin tthe texxt;4. ccondductt a serriess off reeadiing, liisteeninng, speeakiing, annd wwrittingg acctivvitiies cennterred upoon tthe t

5、heeme of thee unnit.参考教材材Colllegge EEngllishh Teeachhers BBookk; Neww Coolleege Engglissh; Surrveyy off Brritaain andd Ammeriica教学内容容时间分配配及备注注Pre-reaadinng ttaskks1. T aaskss onne oor ttwo Ss thee foolloowinng qquesstioon tto cchecck iif ttheyy haave lisstenned to thee taape reccorddingg onn Sttephh

6、en Hawwkinng:- Whhat makkes Hawwkinngs aachiieveemennt sso rremaarkaablee?2. Thee 200th ccentturyy wiitneessees tthe rappid proogreess in sciiencce aand tecchnoologgy. Morre aand morre iinveentiion havve bbeenn maade andd peeoplle hhavee acccesss tto aa grreatt vaarieety of thiingss whhichh maake ou

7、rr liife so collorfful andd coomfoortaablee annd eenjooyabble, soo maany wonnderrfull thhinggs tthatt ouur aanceestoors couuldnnt eevenn drreamm off. TT assks Ss to wriite dowwn oon aa shheett off paaperr soome of thee sccienntiffic andd teechnnoloogiccal disscovveriies thaat hhavee chhangged or wil

8、ll cchannge thee waay ppeopple livve. Wheen ttheyy fiinissh, T mmay invvitee soome of theem tto rreadd ouut tto tthe claass. T wriitess doown somme ddisccoveeriees oon tthe blaackbboarrd.3. Poiintiing at thee diiscooverriess nootedd doown on thee bllackkboaard, T askks SSs tto wworkk inn grroupp ann

9、d ddisccusss thhe ffolllowiing queestiionss:- Inn whhat wayys ddo tthesse ddisccoveeriees cchannge ourr liivess foor tthe bettterr? - Inn whhat wayys ddo tthesse ddisccoveeriees cchannge ourr liivess foor tthe worrse?Firsst pperiiodPre-reaadinng ttaskksWhille-rreaddingg taaskss- Hoow ddo yyou feeel

10、aabouut tthe liffe iin tthe moddernn woorldd? - Woouldd yoou rrathher havve lliveed iin aany of thee leess sciienttifiic aagess thhat prooceeededd ouurs? Woouldd yoou rrathher livve iin tthe futturee orr arre yyou happpy to be livvingg noow?4. T cconccluddes by sayyingg: TThe samme sscieentiificc an

11、nd ttechhnollogiicall diiscooverry ccan briing us goood tthinngs andd baad tthinngs. Acccorrdinng tto SStepphenn Haawkiing, auuthoor oof tthiss teext, itts uup tto uus tto mmakee chhangges heaad ttowaardss chhanggingg ouur llivees ffor thee beetteer.Whille-rreaddingg taaskss1. Unddersstanndinng ttex

12、tt sttruccturre1) TT exxplaainss thhat thiis ttextt woouldd bee thhe ffirsst ppiecce oof eexpoosittoryy wrritiing Ss enccounnterr inn Boook Onee. EExpoosittionn iss thhe pproccesss off maakinng aa sttateemennt aand theen ssuppporttingg itt wiith eviidennce. Thhen, T draaws Ss atttenntioon tto TTextt

13、 Orrgannizaatioon EExerrcisse 11, wwherre tthiss teext is divvideed iintoo thhreee paartss annd tthe lasst pparaagraaph is ideentiifieed aas tthe conncluusioon.2) TT exxplaainss thhat in expposiitorry wwrittingg, tthe strructturee off a parragrraphh iss ussuallly simmilaar tto tthatt off thhe ttextt

14、, ii.e., tthe toppic senntenncess arre ppressentted in thee fiirstt orr seeconnd ssenttencces of a pparaagraaph, foolloowedd byy suuppoortiing dettaills. T tthenn assks Ss to glaancee quuickkly oveer tthe firrst andd seeconnd ssenttencces of thee fiirstt foour parragrraphhs, andd annsweer tthe folll

15、owwingg quuesttionns- Whheree iss itt beest to divvideed PPartt 1 froom PPartt 2?- Whheree inn Paart 1 ddoess Haawkiing preesennt hhis vieew? - Whheree dooes Hawwkinng rraisse aa quuesttionn abboutt hoow tto ggivee thhe ppubllic a bbasiic uundeersttanddingg off scciennce?2. Lannguaage StuudyT exxpla

16、ainss thhe llangguagge ppoinnts in Parrt 11 annd ggivee Sss prractticee.1) llikeely: proobabble ( wwhenn fuuncttionningg ass ann a., tthe worrd iis oofteen uusedd inn thhe ffolllowiing pattterrns: itt iss liikelly tthatt, bbe llikeely to do sthh.Exammplee: IIt iis llikeely thaat mmy rroommmatte wwil

17、ll wiin tthe firrst-claass schholaarshhip. prrobaablyy ( wheen uusedd ass ann add., thee woord is oftten preecedded by “mosst”, “morre tthann”, oor “verry”. YYou donnt uuse it as an ad. onn itts oown. Exaamplle: We willl mmostt liikelly sstayy hoome durringg thhe SSpriing Fesstivval. 2) doo wiithoou

18、t: maanagge tto ssurvvivee, cconttinuue, or succceeed aalthhouggh yyou do nott haave sthh. yyou neeed, wannt, or usuu. hhavee3) putt/ tturnn thhe cclocck bbackk: rretuurn to a ssituuatiion thaat uusedd too exxistt, uusuaallyy beecauuse thee prreseent sittuattionn iss unnpleeasaant Exaamplle: Thee em

19、mplooymeent billl iin wwhicch wwomeen aare nottalloowedd too taake jobbs wwilll puut tthe cloock bacck ffiftty yyearrs.Secoond perriodd Laanguuagee Sttudyy教 案案课程名称称:Coolleege Engglissh授课教师师Huanngliipinng授课对象象Fresshmaan 220033授课时间间Six Perriodds授课题目目Unitt Thhreee Unnderrstaandiing Sciiencce课 型Inteegra

20、atedd cooursse使用教具具Tapee Reecorrderr教学目的的1. To ttraiin tthe stuudennts steep bby sstepp too geet ffamiiliaar wwithh thhe nnew teaachiing modde oon ccolllegee caampuus.2. To hhelpp sttudeentss too deevellop thee fiive lannguaage bassic skiillss, 3. To ffostter commmunnicaativve eeffiicieencyy inn boo

21、th spookenn annd wwritttenn moodess, 4. To cculttivaate thee abbiliity to stuudy inddepeendeentlly.教学重点点和难点点1. undeersttandd thhe mmainn iddea (too ennsurre tthe surrvivval of humman civviliizattionn, mmeassurees mmustt bee taakenn too heelp thee puubliic uundeersttandd scciennce) annd sstruuctuure

22、of thee teext (inntrooduccingg a toppic, deevellopiing thee toopicc wiith suppporrtinng ddetaailss, ssuppplyiing a cconcclussionn);2. apprreciiatee thhe sstylle ddifffereencee beetweeen narrrattivee wrritiing andd exxpossitoory wriitinng; 3. grassp tthe keyy laanguuagee poointts aand graammaaticcal

23、strructturees iin tthe texxt;4. condductt a serriess off reeadiing, liisteeninng, speeakiing, annd wwrittingg acctivvitiies cennterred upoon tthe theeme of thee unnit.参考教材材Colllegge EEngllishh Teeachhers BBookk; Neww Coolleege Engglissh; Surrveyy off Brritaain andd Ammeriica教学内容容时间分配配及备注注4) cutt off

24、f: stoop pprovvidiing (stth.) Exaamplle: Theeir phoone hass beeen cutt off f beccausse ttheyy haavennt ppaidd thhe bbilll.5) briing aboout: maake (stth.) haappeen Exaamplle: Jeaalouusy in a rrelaatioonshhip is oftten brooughht aabouut bby aa laack of truust.6) inqquirre: seeek iinfoormaatioon bby qq

25、uesstiooninng; askk ( alsso sspellledd “enqquirre”; ssomeetimmes folllowwed by aboout or wh-claausee) Exaamplle: I rrangg upp too innquiire aboout traain timmes. HHe aaskeed ffor hiss keey aand inqquirred wheetheer ttherre hhadbeenn anny mmesssagees ffor himm.7) annd hhumaan iinittiattivee annd iinv

26、eentiivennesss arre ssuchh thhat eveen tthiss wooulddnt ssuccceedd.: As humman iniitiaativve aand invventtiveenesss ddo eexisst, eveen tthiss waay tto ssupppresss aanytthinng nnew worrldwwidee woouldd faailinittiattivee: thhe aabillityy too maake deccisiionss annd ttakee acctioon wwithhoutt waaitiin

27、g forr sbb. tto ttelll yoou wwhatt too dooExammplee: TThe worrkerrs aare ablle tto ssolvve tthe proobleems on theeir ownn innitiiatiive.Thirrd pperiiodWhille-rreaddingg taaskss Ussed in thee phhrasse “takke tthe iniitiaativve” : be thee fiirs perrsonn too taake acttionn too immproove a ssituuatiion

28、or rellatiionsshipp, eesp. whhen othher peooplee arre wwaittingg foor ssb. elsse tto ddo ssth.Exammplee: WWhy donnt yyou takke tthe iniitiaativve aand arrrangge aa meeetiing?8) sloow ddownn: bbecoome sloowerr, oor mmakee sbb. oor ssth sloowerrExammplee: TTherre iis nno ccuree foor tthe disseasse, al

29、tthouugh druugs cann sllow dowwn iits ratte oof ddeveeloppmennt.9) infformmed: teell (ussed in thee paatteernss: iinfoorm sb. off/abboutt stth., innforrm ssb. + tthatt-cllausse, infformm sbb. iit iis aa faairlly fformmal worrd. In connverrsattionn yoou uusuaallyy usse ttelll. Exaamplle: Theey iinfoo

30、rmeed uus oof ttheiir aarriivall att Puudonng AAirpportt. Havve yyou infformmed thee poolicce tthatt thherees bbeenn ann acccideent?“I jjustt adddedd a litttlee sooy ssaucce,” hee innforrmedd uss.10) It is alsso aan iimpoortaant eleemennt bbehiind suppporrt ffor thee Grreenn paartiies.: TThe pubblic

31、cs ddisttrusst oof sscieencee iss allso an impporttantt faactoor lleaddingg too suuppoort forr thhe ppoliiticcal parrtiees wwhosse mmainn coonceern is to prootecct tthe envviroonmeent.11) auddiennce: a grooup of peooplee whho wwatcch aand lisstenn too sbb. sspeaakinng oor pperfformmingg inn puubliic

32、 (useed aas aa coolleectiive couuntaablee nooun) Exaamplle: Thee auudieencee beegann cllapppingg annd ccheeerinng aas ssoonn ass thhe ffilmm sttar apppearred on thee sttagee. thhe ppeopple whoo reead a wwritters bbookks (sueed aas aa coolleectiive couuntaablee nooun, ussu. sinngullar) Exaamplle: His

33、s boook reaacheed aan eevenn wiiderr auudieencee whhen it wass fiilmeed ffor telleviisioon.12) bassis: (pll. bbasees) thee faactss orr iddeass frrom whiich sthh. ccan be devveloopedd; ffounndattionn(ussu. useed aas ssinggulaar nnounn, ffollloweed bby ffor or of Exaamplle: Thee reeseaarchh wiill forr

34、m tthe bassis of a bbookk.The cirrcummstaancee thhat prooviddes a rreasson forr soome acttionn orr oppiniion (ussu. folllowwed by of or tthatt-cllausse Exxampple: Sttudeentss arre aablee, oon tthe bassis of expperiiencce, to chooosee whhichh suubjeectss too sppeciialiize in.13) Butt inn scchoools sc

35、iiencce iis oofteen ppressentted in dryy annd uuninnterresttinggmannnerr.: Butt inn scchoools sciiencce iis oofteen ttaugght in a ddulll annd uuninnterresttingg waay.14) in terrms of: ass reegarrds (stth.); eexprresssed as (stth.) EExammplee: IIn ttermms oof ccusttomeer ssatiisfaactiion, thhe ppolii

36、cy cannt bbe ccritticiizedd Fourrth perrioddWhille-rreaddingg taaskss教 案案课程名称称:Coolleege Engglissh授课教师师Huanngliipinng授课对象象Fresshmaan 220033授课时间间Six Perriodds授课题目目Unitt Thhreee Unnderrstaandiing Sciiencce课 型Inteegraatedd cooursse使用教具具Tapee Reecorrderr教学目的的1. TTo ttraiin tthe stuudennts steep bby sste

37、pp too geet ffamiiliaar wwithh thhe nnew teaachiing modde oon ccolllegee caampuus.2. TTo hhelpp sttudeentss too deevellop thee fiive lannguaage bassic skiillss, 3. TTo ffostter commmunnicaativve eeffiicieencyy inn booth spookenn annd wwritttenn moodess, 4. TTo cculttivaate thee abbiliity to stuudy i

38、nddepeendeentlly.教学重点点和难点点1. uundeersttandd thhe mmainn iddea (too ennsurre tthe surrvivval of humman civviliizattionn, mmeassurees mmustt bee taakenn too heelp thee puubliic uundeersttandd scciennce) annd sstruuctuure of thee teext (inntrooduccingg a toppic, deevellopiing thee toopicc wiith supppor

39、rtinng ddetaailss, ssuppplyiing a cconcclussionn);2. aapprreciiatee thhe sstylle ddifffereencee beetweeen narrrattivee wrritiing andd exxpossitoory wriitinng; 3. ggrassp tthe keyy laanguuagee poointts aand graammaaticcal strructturees iin tthe texxt;4. ccondductt a serriess off reeadiing, liisteenin

40、ng, speeakiing, annd wwrittingg acctivvitiies cennterred upoon tthe theeme of thee unnit.参考教材材Colllegge EEngllishh Teeachhers BBookk; Neww Coolleege Engglissh; Surrveyy off Brritaain andd Ammeriica教学内容容时间分配配及备注注15) acccuraate: exxactt EExammplee: OOn tthe whoole thee prrogrram proovidded andd acccur

41、ratee piictuure of thee efffecct oof AAIDSS.16) Mayybe I woouldd haave solld ttwicce aas mmanyy coopiees wwithhoutt itt.: If my poppulaar bbookk haad nnot inccludded Einnsteeins eequaatioon, mayybe I wwoulld hhavee soold twiice as manny ccopiies.17) preecisse: exaact EExammplee: TThe preecisse lloca

42、atioon oof tthe airr crrashh waas eestaabliisheed yyestterdday.18) suffficciennt: as mucch aas iis nneedded, ennouggh (oftten folllowwed by forr orr tto + innfinnitiive) Exaamplle: Theere wass noot ssuffficiientt evvideencee too prrovee thhat he wass guuiltty. TTherre iis ssuffficiientt foood forr e

43、vveryyonee.19) connveyy: mmakee (iideaas, feeelinngs, ettc.) knnownn too annothher EExammplee: WWordds ccannnot connveyy hoow ddeliightted I amm thhat youull comme aand speend thee weeekeend witth uus.20) putt accrosss: cauuse to be unddersstoood EExammplee: GGoodd teeachherss arre tthe onees wwho a

44、ree abble to putt thhinggs aacrooss welll.Fiftth pperiiodTextt AnnalyysissPostt-reeadiing tassks21) prooporrtioon: a ppartt off a grooup or an amoountt (uusu. siinguularr) EExammplee: AA laargee prropoortiion of thee ciitys ppopuulattionn iss agged oveer 550. TThe rellatiionsshipp beetweeen thee amm

45、ounnts, nuumbeers, orr siizess off diiffeerennt tthinngs thaat ggo ttogeetheer tto fformm a whoole ( uusu. siinguularr) EExammplee: TThe prooporrtioon oof mmen to wommen in thee meediccal prrofeessiion hass chhangged in reccentt yeearss.22) fitt innto: bee paart of a ssituuatiion, syysteem, or plaan EExammplee: TThe neww coolleege couursees ffit intto aa naatioonall edducaatioon pplann.23) entterttainn: givve ppleaasurre tto EExammplee: CC


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