1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.To me March 28th was a lucky day. It was on that particular evening that I found myself at central stage, in the spotlight. Winning the 21st CenturyEricsson Cup Seventh National English Speaking Competition is a memory that I shall
2、 treasure and one that will surely stay. More impoortannt thhan wwinniing tthe CCup iis thhe frrienddshipp thaat haas beeen eestabblishhed aand ddevellopedd amoong tthe cconteestannts, and the channce tto coommunnicatte offfstaage iin addditiion tto coompetting onsttage. Alsso thhe coompettitioon he
3、elps boosst puublicc speeakinng inn Chiina, a skkill hithhertoo unddervaaluedd.For mme, tthouggh, tthe ccompeetitiion iis a moree perrsonaal exxperiiencee. Haabituuallyy shyy, I had beenn relluctaant tto taake ppart in aany ssuch actiivitiies. Encoouragged bby myy friiendss, hooweveer, II madde a la
4、stt-minnute deciisionn to givee it a trry. IIn thhe cooursee of prepparattion I soomehoow reedisccoverred mmysellf, aa truuer mme.I fouund tthat, aftter aall, I liike ccommuunicaatingg witth otther peopple; thatt excchangging viewws caan bee so muchh funnand so mmuch rewaardinng, bboth emottionaally
5、 and inteellecctuallly; thatt pubblic speaakingg is mostt efffectiive wwhen you are leasst guuardeed; aand tthat it iis esssenttial to ssucceess iin evvery walkk of lifee.At a moree praacticcal llevell, I reallizedd knoowingg whaat yoou arre gooing to ssay aand hhow yyou aare ggoingg to say it aare
6、eequallly iimporrtantt. Too takke thhe orriginnal iideass outt of yourr heaad annd trranspplantt theem, sso too speeak, to tthat of ootherrs, yyou nneed to hhave an oorgannizedd minnd. TThis abillity imprrovess witth trrainiing.Yet ttheree shoould not be aany lloss or aaddittion or ddistoortioon inn
7、 thee proocesss. Thhose ideaas thhat ffinallly ffind theiir waay innto aanothher hhead needd to be rrecoggnizaably yourrs. LLanguuage is aa meaans tto trransmmit iinforrmatiion, not a meeans to oobstrruct commmuniccatioon. IIt shhouldd be luciid too be peneetratting.In Chhina, cerrtainn pubblic spea
8、akingg skiills havee beeen unndulyy empphasiized. Willl itt reaally helpp, wee aree commpellled tto assk, tto baang aat thhe poodiumm or yelll at the top of yyour lunggs, iif yoou haave ccome withh a ppoorlly orrganiized speeech, a muuddleed miind, and unwiillinngnesss too truuly ssharee youur viiew
9、s?Abovee alll, thhe siinglee mosst immporttant thinng I learrnt wwas tthat as aa pubblic speaaker, youu neeed too payy atttentiion, firsst annd fooremoost, to tthe cconteent oof yoour sspeecch. AAnd sseconnd, tthe sstruccturee of yourr speeech: howw onee ideea reelatees annd prrogreessess to anotthe
10、r.Only afteer thhese comee delliverry annd noon-veerball commmuniicatiion: speeed coontrool, pplatfform mannner, and so oon. PPronuunciaationn is impoortannt, yyet oof grreateer immporttancee is thiss: Iss youur laanguaage ccompeetentt enoough to eexpreess yyour ideaas exxactlly thhe waay yoou innte
11、ndd theem too be undeerstoood?I wass infformeed affterwwardss thaat I was chossen tto bee thee winnner for my apprropriiatelly woordedd speeech, exccelleent ppreseence and quicck-wiittedd ressponsse. In sso reemarkking, thee juddges cleaarly showwed ttheirr preefereence: theey coome tto liistenn for
12、r meaaninggful ideaas, nnot ffor lloosee juddgmennts, nor easyy lauughteers.Some conttestaants failled tto adddresss thheir quesstionns heead oon. SSome weree ablle too, buut diid noot knnow wwheree to stoppthe dragggingg on betrrayedd theeir llack of cconfiidencce. TThe rroot causse waas thhat tthe
13、y did not listten aattenntiveely tto thhe quuestiions. Or theyy werre thhinkiing oof whhat tthey had prepparedd.As I saidd in my sspeecch, It iis viitallly immporttant thatt we younng peeoplee do moree serriouss thiinkinng . too takke thhem issuues llike globbalizzatioon oon annd giive tthem honeest
14、 tthinkking is tthe ffirstt steep too be prepparedd forr botth oppporttunitties and challlengges ccominng ouur waay. We nneed to rrespoond hhonesstly.A commpetiitionn likke thhis ddrawss tallenteed sttudennts ffrom all overr thee couuntryy. Annd off couurse, I llearnnt moore tthinggs thhan jjust abo
15、uut puublicc speeakinng. SSincee in the finaal annalyssis, publlic sspeakking is aall aaboutt efffectiive ccommuunicaationn. Annd thhis ggoes truee forr alll commmuniicatiions, whaateveer thheir settting.And tthe ffolloowingg is the finaal veersioon off my speeech:GLOBAALIZAATIONN: OPPPORTTUNITTIES
16、AND CHALLLENGGESFOOR CHHINAS YOOUNGEER GEENERAATIONNThirtty yeears ago, Ameericaan Prresiddent Richhard Nixoon maade aan eppoch-makiing vvisitt to Chinna, aa couuntryy stiill iisolaated at tthat timee. Prremieer Zhhou EEnlaii saiid too himm, YYour handdshakke caame oover the vasttest oceaan inn thee
17、 worrldtwennty-ffive yearrs off no commmuniccatioon. Thirrty yyearss sinnce, Chinna annd Ammericca haave eexchaangedd manny haandshhakess. Thhe fuundammentaal immpliccatioon off thiis exxamplle iss thaat thhe neeed tto coommunnicatte accrosss difffereencess in cultture and ideoologyy is not onlyy fe
18、llt byy thee twoo couuntriies bbut bby maany ootherr nattionss as welll.As wee cann seee todday, enviironmmentaalistts frrom ddiffeerentt couuntriies aare mmakinng jooint effoorts to aaddreess tthe iissuee of globbal wwarmiing, econnomissts aare sseekiing ssoluttionss to finaanciaal crrisess thaat r
19、aage iin a partticullar rregioon buut noonethhelesss crripplle thhe woorld econnomy, andd polliticcianss andd dipplomaats aare ggettiing ttogetther to ddiscuuss tthe iissuee of combbatinng teerrorrism. Peaace aand pprospperitty haas beecomee a ccommoon gooal tthat we aare sstrivving for all overr th
20、ee worrld. Undeerlyiing tthis mighhty ttrendd of globbal ccommuunicaationn is the echoo of E. MM. Foorsteers wordds OOnly connnect!With the IT rrevollutioon, ttradiitionnal bbounddariees off humman ssocieety ffall awayy. Ouur cuulturre, ppolittics, soccietyy andd commmercce arre beeing slosshed into
21、o onee larrge mmeltiing ppot oof huumaniity. In tthis inteerlinnked worlld, ttheree aree no outssiderrs, ffor aa dissturbbancee in one placce iss likkely to iimpacct otther partts off thee gloobe. We hhave beguun too reaalizee thaat a worlld diivideed caannott enddure.Chinaa is now actiivelyy intteg
22、raatingg intto thhe woorld. Ourr reccent entrry too thee WTOO is a goood eexampple. For decaades, we havee takken ppridee in beinng seelf-rreliaant, but now we rrealiize tthe iimporrtancce off parrticiipatiing iin annd coontriibutiing tto a broaader econnomicc ordder. Fromm a pprecaariouus roole iin
23、 thhe woorld arenna too ourr preesentt WTOO memmbersship, we havee comme a longg wayy.But wwhat doess thee wayy aheead llook likee? Inn somme paarts of tthe wworldd peoople are demoonstrratinng aggainsst glloballizattion. Aree theey juustiffied, theen, iin crriticcizinng thhe glloballizinng woorld?
24、Inssteadd of narrrowinng thhe gaap beetweeen thhe riich aand tthe ppoor, theey saay, gglobaalizaationn enaabless thee devvelopped nnatioons tto swwalloow thhe deeveloopingg nattionss weealthh in debtts annd inntereest. Globbalizzatioon, tthey arguue, sshoulld bee aboout aa commmon inteerestt in ever
25、ry otther natiionss ecoonomiic heealthh. We arre reemindded bby Kaarl MMarx thatt cappitall goees beeyondd nattionaal boorderrs annd elludess conntroll froom anny otther entiity. Thiss hass beccome a reealitty. MMultiinatiionall corrporaationns arre seeekinng thhe loowestt cosst, tthe llargeest mmar
26、keet, aand tthe mmost favoourabble ppoliccy. TThey are ofteen poowerfful llobbyyistss in goveernmeent ddecission-makiing, ruthhlesss exppansiionissts iin thhe glloball marrket and a deevasttatinng prresennce tto loocal busiinessses.For CChinaa, sttill moree chaallennges exisst. HHow aare wwe gooing
27、to eensurre a smoooth ttranssitioon frrom tthe pplannned eeconoomy tto a markket-bbasedd onee? Hoow too connstruuct aa leggal ssysteem thhat iis soound enouugh aand bbroadd enoough to rrespoond tto thhe neeeds of aa dynnamicc soccietyy? Hoow too maiintaiin ouur cuulturral iidenttity in aan inncreaas
28、inggly hhomoggeneoous wworldd? Annd hoow too deffine greaatnesss inn ourr risse ass a ppeacee-lovving natiion? Globbalizzatioon enntaills quuestiions thatt conncernn us all. Like manyy youung ppeoplle myy agee in Chinna, II wannt too seee my counntry get prossperoous aand eenjoyy resspectt in the in
29、teernattionaal coommunnity. Butt it seemms too me thatt merre paatriootismm is not justt enoough. It is vvitallly iimporrtantt thaat wee youung ppeoplle doo morre seeriouus thhinkiing aand bbroadden oour mmind to bbiggeer isssuess. Thhere mighht neever be eeasy answwers to tthosee isssues suchh as globbalizzatioon, bbut tto taake tthem on aand ggive themm honnest thinnkingg is the firsst sttep tto bee preepareed foor booth oopporrtuniitiess andd chaallennges comiing oour wway. Thiss is alsoo onee of the thouughtss thaat caame tto mee whiile pprepaaringg thiis sppeechh.