1、2011年全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试模拟试题(卫生类)考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分第1部部分:词汇汇选项(第第1155题,每题题l分,共共15分)下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。1 In 1840 Lucretia Most and Elizabeth Stanton were excluded from. The Worlds Anti-slavery Convention merely because they were women.A con
2、sulted by B elected to C kept out of D applauded by2 The measures taken by the administration failed to reduce unemployment.A helped to B did notC were not intended to D were necessary to3 Mary said that she was fed up.A disgusted B satisfied C ravenous D full4 The mayor refused to give in to the de
3、mand of the group.A reply to B yield to C acknowledge D publicize5 Mr. Jackson wants to give out this news as soon as possible.A furnish B announce C emit D abandon6 Some forms of arthritis may develop when the bodys ability to fight disease goes awry.A takes over B comes upC is interrupted D become
4、s faulty7 The man in a rage was dead last night.A narrative B laudable C outraged D patentable8 Sand is found in abundance on the seashore and is often blown inland td form sand hills and dunes.A at random B at high tideC in dry mounds D in great quantities9 Some varieties of shorthorns, the most co
5、mmon breed of beef cattle, are in fact hornless.A credibly B actually C reportedly D potentially10 Due to his carelessness, he was left out of an opportunity.A included in B excluded fromC superior to D exhausted by考试大全国最大教育类网站(wwwExamda。com)11 The leaders of modern architecture have characteristica
6、lly been vigorous and articulate thinkers in whose minds architectural theory is linked to ideas of social reform.A defined by B related to C applied to D reinforced by12 If a foreign object becomes lodged in the eye, medical help is necessary.A deposited in B invisible to C blurred to D isolated in
7、13 James Was oblivious to the noise around him.A nervous about B furious aboutC irritated by D Unaware of14 In the early days of baseball, the game was played by young men of means and social position.A with skill B with equipment、C with money D with ambition15 Summer weather of ninety degrees or mo
8、re has been reported off and on in Fort Yokon, Alaska.A back and forth B as of lateC now and then D on the spot第2部分:阅读判断断(第16622题题,每题ll分,共77分)阅读下面面这篇短文文,短文后后列出7个个句子,请请根据短文文的内容对对每个句子子做出判断断。如果该该句提供的的是正确信信息,请在在答题卡上上把A涂黑黑;如果该该句提供的的是错误信信息,请在在答题卡上上把B涂黑黑;如果该该句的信息息在文章中中没有提及及,请在答答题卡上把把C涂黑。Water ResourceMore
9、than half of the water used for drinking, washing and irrigating comes from under the ground. This subterranean (地下的) water is known as groundwater.It is generally taken for granted that the groundwater drawn from wells is present every where and will always be available and clean and safe to drink.
10、 But experts are reporting that groundwater sources can dry up through overuse, or become contaminated as a result of pollution, poor sanitation (卫生) or salt water intrusion.This invisible resource一as groundwater was described by the United Nations for its 1998 observance (纪念) of World Day for water
11、is slowly emerging in political, economic and personal affairs.With demand growing and supply presenting greater difficulties, groundwater is on the way to becoming a boom business. The World Bank estimates that the developing countries will require investments totaling $ 600 billion to repair and i
12、mprove water systems. Of the investments that are actually made, a substantial amount will be devoted to extracting and piping groundwater, primarily for agricultural use and secondarily for industry and household consumption. With a trend towards privatization of public services, it can be expected
13、 that a growing portion of investments in water will come from the private sector; requirements that governments privatize water utilities are already being written into the terms of multilateral loans. One consequence of growing privatization may be that access to water will not be re-graded as a r
14、ight, hut as a function of economic markets.Groundwater, which in its natural state is more protected than surface water, is the preferred source of drinking water for cities. But pressure is being placed on groundwater resources lying close to urban areas by exploding populations, as the portion of
15、 the worlds peopie residing in citied balloons from 31 percent in l995 to a projected 50 percent in 2005. And there is also the pressure of dollars to purchase land lying above groundwater sources and to keep it in a natural state, in order to protect aquifers (蓄水层) from contamination. In the develo
16、ping countries, where urban population growth is surpassing sewage systems, the problem of untreated human waste is extremely serious.Alongside the problems of public groundwater sources is the increased consumption of privately bottled water, most of which is named spring water, i.e. groundwater. C
17、onsumption of bottled water in the United States, for instance, has risen from virtually nil (零) in the1950s t0 843 million gallons in l984 and 2.95 billion gallons in l997. But drinking bottled water is not just a trend for the middle classes. In developing countries, water pipes rarely extend to t
18、he poorer neighbourhoods, and residents have no choice but to pay high prices for bottled water.Political leaders and analysts are talking more frequently about the possibility that increasing demand for precious groundwater will lead to crossborder conflicts, even wars. It is not easy to resolve di
19、sputes over the highest groundwater rights, since many aquifers and underground streams cross national borders; and a well drilled vertically within the boundaries of one country may very well be drawing water from the same aquifer, also chosen by a neigh-bouring nation. Inclined and even horizontal
20、 drilling further complicates this issue.16 The passage mainly talks about the privatization of groundwater.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned17 Groundwater is omnipresent.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned18 Groundwater is a preferred source of drinking water.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned19 Access to w
21、ater will be regarded as a function of economic markets.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned20 Compared with developed countries, the biggest problem in developing countries is cross-border conflicts and wars.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned21 The middle classes drink bottled water because water pipes rar
22、ely extend to their neigh-bourhoods.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned22 Bottled water is more convenient.本文来源:考试大网A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned第3部分:概括大意意与完成句句子(第223300题,每题题l分,共共8分)阅读下下面这篇短短文,短文文后有2项项测试任务务:(1)第第23226题要求求从所给的的6个选项项中为第225段每每段选择11个正确的的小标题;(2)第第27330题要求求从所给的的6个选项项中选择44个正确选选项,分别别完成每个个句子。请
23、请将答案涂涂在答题卡卡相应的位位置上。Howw We Formm Firrst IImpreessioon11 We all havee firrst iimpreessioon off sommeonee we justt mett. Buut whhy? WWhy ddo wee forrm ann opiinionn aboout ssomeoone wwithoout rreallly knnowinng annythiing aaboutt himm or her-asidde peerhapps frrom aa feww remmarkss or readdily obseerv
24、abble ttraitts.2 Thhe annswerr is relaated to hhow yyour braiin alllowss youu to be aawaree of the worlld. YYour braiin iss so senssitivve inn picckingg up faciial ttraitts, eeven veryy minnor ddiffeerencce inn howw a ppersoons eyess, eaars, nosee, orr mouuth aare pplaceed inn rellatioon too eacch o
25、tther makee youu seee himm or her as ddiffeerentt. Inn facct, yyour braiin coontinnuoussly pproceessess infformaationnthee sigghts and sounnds oof yoour wworldd. Thhese incoomingg siignalls aare ccompaared agaiinst a hoost oof mmemorries stoored in tthe bbrainn areeas ccalleed thhe coortexx sysstem
26、to ddeterrminee whaat thhese new signnals meaan.3 IIf yoou seee soomeonne yoou knnow aand llike at sschoool, yyour braiin saays famiiliarr andd saffe. If yyou ssee ssomeoone nnew, it ssays, neewpootenttiallly thhreatteninng. Thenn youur brrain starrts tto maatch featturess of thiss strrangeer wiith
27、ootherr knnown memmoriees. TThe hheighht, wweighht, ddresss, etthniccity, gessturees, aand ttone of vvoicee aree alll mattchedd up. Thee morre unnfamiiliarr thee chaaractterisstiess, thhe moore yyour braiin maay saay, Thiss is new. 1 ddontt likke thhis ppersoon. or eelse, Im inntriggued. Orr youur b
28、rrain may percceivee a nnew fface but famiiliarr cloothess, etthniccity, gesstureesliike yyour otheer frriendds; sso yoour bbrainn sayy, II likke thhis ppersoon. But thesse prrelimminarry iimpreessioons can be ddead wronng.4 Whhen wwe sttereootypee peoople, we use a leess mmaturre foorm oof thhinkii
29、ng (not unliike tthe iimmatture thinnkingg of a veery yyoungg chiild) thatt makkes ssimpllistiic annd caategooricaal immpresssionns off othhers. Ratther thann leaarn aaboutt thee deppth aand bbreaddth oof peeopleetheeir hhistoory, inteerestt, vaaluess, sttrenggths, andd truue chharaccterwe ccateggor
30、izze thhem aas joocks, geeeks, or ffreakks.5 Hooweveer, iif wee ressist inittial sterreotyypicaal immpresssionns, wwe haave aa chaance to bbe awware of wwhat a peersonn is trully liike. If wwe sppend timee witth a persson, hearr aboout hhis oor heer liife, hopees, ddreamms, aand bbecomme awware of t
31、the ppersoons charracteer, wwe usse a diffferennt, mmore matuure sstylee of thinnkingg-andd thee mosst coompleex arreas of oour ccorteex, wwhichh alllow uus too be humaane.23 Paraagrapph 2 _244 Parragraaph 33 _225 Paaragrraph 4 _26 PParaggraphh 5 _A WWays of DDeparrturee froom Immmatuure aand SSimpl
32、listiic ImmpresssionnsBB Commmentt on Firsst ImmpresssionnC Illuustraationn of Firsst ImmpresssionnD Compparinng Inncomiing SSensoory IInforrmatiion AAgainnst MMemorriesE TThreaateniing AAspecct off Firrst IImpreessioonsF Diifferrencees Ammong Jockks, GGeekss andd Freeaks27 Senssory infoormattion is
33、 oone tthat is pperceeivedd thrroughh _.28 YYou iinterrprett _ byy commpariing iit aggainsst thhe meemoriies aalreaady sstoreed inn youur brrain.299 Thee wayy we sterreotyype ppeoplle iss a lless matuure fform of tthinkking, whiich iis siimilaar too _.30 WWe caan usse ouur moore mmaturre sttyle of t
34、thinkking thannks tto _.A aa strrangeers lesss matture typee of thinnkinggB the mostt commplexx areeas oof ouur coortexxC the immaaturee forrm off thiinkinng off a vvery younng chhildD tthe mmeaniing oof inncomiing ssensoory iinforrmatiionE thhe siightss andd souunds of tthe wworlddF an oopporrtunii
35、ty tto annalyzze diifferrent formms off thiinkinng第4部分:阅读理解解(第31145题题,每题33分,共445分)下面有有3篇短文文,每篇短短文后有55道题,每每题后面有有4个选项项。请仔细细阅读短文文并根据短短文回答其其后面的问问题,从44个选项中中选择1个个最佳答案案涂在答题题卡相应的的位置上。第一篇 A New FindingBritish cancer researchers have found that childhood leukaemia is caused by an infection and clusters of cas
36、es around industrial sites are the result of population mixing that increases exposure. The research published in the British Journal of Cancer backs up a 1988 theory that some as yet unidentified infection caused leukaemia-not the environmental factors widely blamed for the disease.Childhood leukae
37、mia appears to be an unusual result of a common infection, said Sir Richard Doll, an internationally-known cancer expert who first linked tobacco with lung cancer in 1950. A virus is the most likely explanation. You would get an increased risk of it if you suddenly put a lot of people from large tow
38、ns in a rural area, where you might have peopie who had not been exposed to the infection. Doll was commenting on the new findings by researchers at NewcastleUniversity, which focused on a cluster of leukaemia cases around the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant in Cumbria in northern England. Sci
39、entists have been trying to establish why there was more leukaemia in children around the Sellafield area, but have failed to establish a link with radiation or pollution. The NewcastleUniversity research by Heather Dickinson and Louise Parker showed the cluster of cases could have been predicted be
40、cause of the amount of population mixing going on in the area, as large numbers of con- struction workers and nuclear staff moved into a rural setting. Our study shows that population mixing can account for the, (Sellafield) leukaemia cluster and that all children, whether their parents are incomers
41、 or locals, are at a higher risk if they are born in an area of high population mixing, Dickinson said in a statement issued by the Cancer Research Campaign, which publishes the British Journal of Cancer.Their paper adds crucial weight to the l988 theory put forward by Leo Kinlen, a cancer epidemiol
42、ogist at Oxford University, who said that exposure to a common unidentified infection through population mixing resulted in the disease.31 Who first hinted at the possible cause of childhood leukaemia by infection? _A Leo Kinlen.B Richard Doll.C Louise Parker.D Heather Dickinson.32 Which statement c
43、an be supported by Heather Dickinson and Louise Parkers new findings? _A Radiation has contributed to the disease.B Putting a lot of people from rural area in a large towns increases the risk of childhood leukaemia.C Population mixing is the most important reason for leukaemia cluster.D Childhood le
44、ukaemia is caused by an unusual infection.33 According to the passage, which of the following is true? _A Most people believe childhood leukaemia is due to environmental factors.B Population mixing best explains the cause of childhood leukaemia.C Radiation has nothing to do with childhood leukaemia.
45、D Children born in a large town are at higher risk of leukaemia.34 Cancer Research Campaign is most possibly a _.A medical journalB research instituteC private companyD governmental agency35 This passage is mainly about _.A the cluster of leukaemia eases around the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing pa
46、rtB the kind of infection that causes childhood leukaemiaC the causes of childhood leukaemiaD a new finding by British scientists第二篇 MMobille Phhone and DiseeasessA studdy byy sciientiists in FFinlaand hhas ffoundd thaat moobilee phoone rradiaationn cann cauuse cchangges iin huuman cellls thhat mmig
47、htt afffect the braiin, tthe lleadeer off thee ressearcch teeam ssaid.Buut Daariuss Lesszczyynskii, whho heeadedd thee 2-yyear studdy annd wiill ppreseent ffindiings nextt weeek att a cconfeerencce inn Queebec(魁北克), saaid mmore reseearchh wass neeeded to ddeterrminee thee serriouss-nesss off thee chaangess andd theeir iimpacct onn thee braain oor thhe boody.Thee st