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1、大学英语语四六级级写作模模板辩论式式议论文文模版版1Somee peeoplle bbeliievee (aarguue, reccognnizee, tthinnk) thaat观点1. Butt ottherr peeoplle ttakee ann opppossitee siide. Thhey firrmlyy beelieeve thaat观点2. As forr mee, II aggreee too thhe fformmer/lattterr iddea.Therre aare a ddozeen oof rreassonss beehinnd mmy bbeliief. F

2、iirstt off alll,论论据1.Moree immporrtanntlyy,论据2.Mostt immporrtannt oof aall,论据3.In ssummmaryy,总结结观点. AAs aa coolleege stuudennt, I aam ssuppposeed tto表决决心.或 Frrom aboove, wee caan ppreddictt thhat预预测.模版版2Peopple holld ddifffereent vieews aboout X. Somme ppeopple aree off thhe oopinnionn thhat观观点1, ww

3、hille ootheers poiint outt thhat观观点2. As farr ass I am conncerrnedd, tthe forrmerr/laatteer oopinnionn hooldss moore weiightt.For onee thhingg,论据1.For anootheer,论论据2.Lastt buut nnot thee leeastt,论据3.To cconccludde,总总结观点点. AAs aa coolleege stuudennt, I aam ssuppposeed tto表决决心.或 Frrom aboove, wee caan

4、 ppreddictt thhat预预测.模版版3Therre iis nno cconssenssus of opiinioons amoong peooplee abboutt X(争论的的焦点)。Somme ppeopple aree off thhe vvieww thhat观观点1,whiile othherss taake an oppposiite sidde, firrmlyy beelieevinng tthatt观点2。As farr ass I am conncerrnedd, tthe forrmerr/laatteer nnotiion is preeferrabll

5、e iin mmanyy seensees. Thee reeasoons aree obbvioous.Firsst oof aall,论据1。Furttherrmorre,论论据2。Amonng aall of thee suuppoortiing eviidenncess, oone is thee sttronngesst. Thaat iis,论论据3。A naaturral conncluusioon ffromm thhe aabovve ddisccusssionn iss thhat总结观观点。As aa coolleege stuudennt, I aam ssupppos

6、eed tto表决决心.或 Frrom aboove, wee caan ppreddictt thhat预预测.大学英语语四六级级写作模模板提纲式式作文1.对立立观点式式A.有人人认为X是好事事,赞成成X,为什么?B.有人人认为X是坏事事,反对X,为什什么?C.我的的看法。Somee peeoplle aare in favvor of thee iddea of doiing X. Theey ppoinnt oout thee faact thaat支持X的第一一个原因因。Theey aalsoo arrguee thhat支持X的另一一个原因因。Howeeverr, ootheer p

7、peopple staand on a ddifffereent grooundd. TTheyy coonsiiderr itt haarmfful to do X. Theey ffirmmly poiint outt thhat反反对X的第一一个理由由。 Ann exxampple cann giive thee deetaiils of thiis aarguumennt:一一个例子子。Therre iis ssomee trruthh inn booth arggumeentss. BBut I tthinnk tthe advvanttagees oof XX ovverwweig

8、gh tthe dissadvvanttagees. In addditiion to thee abbovee-meentiioneed nnegaativve eeffeectss itt miightt brringg abboutt, XX allso mayy X的的有一个个坏处。2.批驳驳观点式式A.一个个错误观观点。B.我不不同意。Manyy peeoplle aarguue tthatt错误观点点。By sayyingg thhat, thhey meaan对这这个观点点的进一一步解释释。An exaamplle ttheyy haave preesenntedd iss th

9、hat一一个例子子。(Acccorrdinng tto aa suurveey pperfformmed by X oon aa grroupp off Y, allmosst 880% of theem赞成成这个错错误观点点或者受受到这个个错误观观点的影影响)。Therre mmighht bbe ssomee ellemeent of truuth in theese peooplees beelieef. Butt iff wee coonsiiderr itt inn deepthh, wwe wwilll feeel no resservvatiion to conncluude t

10、haat与错错误观点点相反的的观点。Theere aree a nummberr off reeasoons behhindd myy beelieef. (以下参参照辩论论文的议议论文写写法)。3.社会会问题(现象)式A.一个个社会问问题或者者现象。B.产生生的原因因C.对社社会和我我们生活活的影响响D.如何何杜绝。(如果是是问题的的话)E.前景景的预测测。Nowaadayys, theere exiistss ann inncreeasiinglly sseriiouss soociaal/eeconnomiic/eenviironnmenntall prrobllem. (XX haas

11、 iincrreassinggly beccomee a commmonn coonceern of thee puubliic). Acccorrdinng tto aa suurveey,调调查内容容说明这这种现象象的情况况。(或者是是一个例例子)。Therre aare a ccoupple of reaasonns bboommingg thhis proobleem/pphennomeenonn.下面面参照辩辩论式议议论文的的写法。X haas ccaussed subbstaantiial imppactt onn thhe ssociietyy annd oour daiily

12、liffe, whiich hass beeen artticuulatted in thee foolloowinng aaspeectss.参照照辩论式式议论文文的写法法。A doozenn off meeasuuress arre ssuppposeed tto ttakee too prreveent X ffromm brringgingg uss moore harrm.参参照辩论论式议论论文的写写法。Baseed oon tthe aboove disscusssioons, I cann eaasilly fforeecasst tthatt moore andd moore

13、peooplee wiill.五、图表表式作文文写作模模板It iis oobviiouss inn thhe ggrapphicc/taablee thhat thee raate/nummberr/ammounnt oof YY haas uundeergoone draamattic chaangees. It hass goone up/groown/falllenn/drroppped connsidderaablyy inn reecennt yyearrs (as X vvariies). AAt tthe poiint of X1, Y reaachees iits peaak

14、 vvaluue oof.(多少). WWhatt iss thhe rreasson forr thhis chaangee? MMainnly theere aree. (多少)reeasoons behhindd thhe ssituuatiion refflecctedd inn thhe ggrapphicc/taablee. FFirsst oof aall,.(第一个个原因). Morre iimpoortaantlly,.(第二个个原因). Mosst iimpoortaant of alll,.(第三个个原因). Froom tthe aboove disscusssioon

15、s, wee haave enooughh reeasoon tto ppreddictt whhat willl hhapppen in thee neear futturee. TThe treend desscriibedd inn thhe ggrapphicc/taablee wiill conntinnue forr quuitee a lonng ttimee (iif nneceessaary meaasurres aree noot ttakeen括号里里的使用用于那些些不太好好的变化化趋势).六、提纲纲式作文文写作模模板1、对立立观点式式A.有人人认为X是好事事,赞成成X,

16、为什什么?BB.有人人认为X是坏事事,反对对X,为什什么?CC.我的的看法。Somee peeoplle aare in favvor of thee iddea of doiing X. Theey ppoinnt oout thee faact thaat支持X的第一一个原因因。Theey aalsoo arrguee thhat支支持X的另一一个原因因。Howweveer, othher peooplee sttandd onn a diffferrentt grrounnd. Theey cconssideer iit hharmmfull too doo X. Thhey firrm

17、lyy poointt ouut tthatt反对X的第一一个理由由。 Ann exxampple cann giive thee deetaiils of thiis aarguumennt: Theere is somme ttrutth iin bbothh arrgummentts. Butt I thiink thee addvanntagges of X ooverrweiigh thee diisaddvanntagges. Inn adddittionn too thhe aabovve-mmenttionned neggatiive efffectts iit mmighht

18、 bbrinng aabouut, X aalsoo maay XX的有一一个坏处处。2、批驳驳观点式式A一个个错误观观点。B我不不同意。Manny ppeopple arggue thaat错误误观点。By sayyingg thhat, thhey meaan对这这个观点点的进一一步解释释。An exaamplle ttheyy haave preesenntedd iss thhat一一个例子子。(Acccorrdinng tto aa suurveey pperfformmed by X oon aa grroupp off Y, allmosst 880% of theem赞成成这个

19、错错误观点点或者受受到这个个错误观观点的影影响)。 Thheree miightt bee soome eleemennt oof ttrutth iin tthesse ppeopples bbeliief. Buut iif wwe cconssideer iit iin ddeptth, we willl ffeell noo reeserrvattionn too coonclludee thhat与与错误观观点相反反的观点点。Theere aree a nummberr off reeasoons behhindd myy beelieef. (以下参参照辩论论文的议议论文写写法)。

20、3、社会会问题(现象)式A一个个社会问问题或者者现象BB产生生的原因因C对社社会和我我们生活活的影响响D如何何杜绝。(如果是是问题的的话)E前景景的预测测。Nowaadayys, theere exiistss ann inncreeasiinglly sseriiouss soociaal/eeconnomiic/eenviironnmenntall prrobllem. (XX haas iincrreassinggly beccomee a commmonn coonceern of thee puubliic). Acccorrdinng tto aa suurveey,调调查内容容说

21、明这这种现象象的情况况。(或者是是一个例例子)。 Thheree arre aa coouplle oof rreassonss booomiing thiis pprobblemm/phhenoomennon.下面参参照辩论论式议论论文写法法。 X hass caauseed ssubsstanntiaal iimpaact on thee soocieety andd ouur ddailly llifee, wwhicch hhas beeen aartiicullateed iin tthe folllowwingg asspeccts.参照辩辩论式议议论文的的写法。 A dozzen

22、 of meaasurres aree suuppoosedd too taake to preevennt XX frrom briingiing us morre hharmm.同上Bassed on thee abbovee diiscuussiionss, II caan eeasiily forrecaast thaat mmoree annd mmoree peeoplle wwilll. 辩论式议议论文模模版(一一)Somee peeoplle bbeliievee (aarguue, reccognnizee, tthinnk)tthatt 观点1. Buut ootheer

23、ppeopple takke aan ooppoositte ssidee. TTheyy fiirmlly bbeliievee thhat 观点2. As forr mee, II aggreee too thhe fformmer/lattterr iddea. Thheree arre aa doozenn off reeasoons behhindd myy beelieef. Firrst of alll, 论据1. Moore impporttanttly, 论据2. Mosst iimpoortaant of alll, 论论据3. In summmarry,总总结观点点。 A

24、ss a colllegge sstuddentt, II amm suuppoosedd too表决心心。或Froom aabovve, we cann prrediict thaat预测测。辩论式议议论文模模版(二二)Peopple holld ddifffereent vieews aboout X. Somme ppeopple aree off thhe oopinnionn thhat 观点1. Whhilee ottherrs ppoinnt oout thaat 观观点2. As farr ass I am conncerrnedd, tthe forrmerr/laattee

25、r oopinnionn hooldss moore weiightt. FFor onee thhingg, 论据1. Foor aanottherr, 论论据2. Lasst bbut nott thhe lleasst, 论据3. To conncluude,总结观观点. AAs aa coolleege stuudennt, I aam ssuppposeed tto表决决心。或或Froom aabovve, we cann prrediict thaat预测测。辩论式议议论文模模版(三三)Therre iis nno cconssenssus of opiinioons amoong

26、 peooplee abboutt X(争论的的焦点)。Somme ppeopple aree off thhe vvieww thhat观点1. Whhilee ottherrs ttakee ann opppossitee siide, fiirmlly bbeliieviing thaat 观观点2. As farr ass I am conncerrnedd, tthe forrmerr/laatteer nnotiion is preeferrablle iin mmanyy seensees. Thee reeasoons aree obbvioous. Fiirstt off a

27、lll, 论据1. Fuurthhermmoree, 论论据2. Amoong alll off thhe ssuppporttingg evvideencees, onee iss thhe sstroongeest. Thhat is, 论据3. A nnatuurall cooncllusiion froom tthe aboove disscusssioon iis tthatt总结观观点。As a ccolllegee sttudeent, I am supppossed to表表决心。一、说明明原因型型模块Currrenttly, XXX haas bbeenn thhe oord

28、eer oof tthe dayy. TThiss dooes demmonsstraate thee thheorry - notthinng iis mmoree vaaluaablee thhan XX It is cleear thaat (1). Iff yoou (2), ass a ressultt, yyourr drreamms wwilll coome truue. On thee coontrraryy, iif yyou (3).Faailuure willl bbe ffolllowiing witth yyou. Itt tuurnss ouut tthatt al

29、ll yyourr pllan fallls thrrouggh. No onee caan ddenyy annothher facct tthatt (44).YYou donnt havve tto llookk veery farr too fiind outt thhe ttrutth, in resspecct tthatt wee alll kknoww (55).IIt wwilll exxertt a proofouund infflueencee uppon (6).Wiith reffereencee too myy sttanddpoiint, I thiink (7)

30、.注释:11、XX的第一一个优点点2、支持XX的做法法3、不支支持XX的做法法4、XX的第二二个优点点5、举例例证明优优点二66、说明XX优点三三的影响响相应作文文:The impporttancce oof sselff-coonfiidennce Currrenntlyy, sselff-coonfiidennce hass beeen thee orrderr off thhe dday. Thhis doees ddemoonsttratte tthe theeoryy - nnothhingg iss moore valluabble thaan sselff-coonfiidenn

31、ce. Itt iss cllearr thhat (seelf-connfiddencce mmeanns ttrusst iin oones aabillitiies). IIf yyou (arre ffulll off seelf-connfiddencce, it willl bbrinng yyourr crreattivee poowerr too pllay, arrousse yyourr ennthuusiaasm forr woork, annd hhelpp yoou ooverrcomme ddiffficuultiies), aas aa reesullt, you

32、ur ddreaams willl ccomee trrue. Onn thhe cconttrarry, if youu (hhavee noo coonfiidennce in youurseelf, thheree iss liittlle pposssibiilitty tthatt yoou wwoulld eeverr acchieeve anyythiing ). Faiilurre wwilll bee foolloowinng wwithh yoou。It turrns outt thhat alll yoour plaan ffallls tthrooughh. NNo o

33、one cann deeny anootheer ffactt thhat (seelf-connfiddencce ggivees yyou ligght wheen yyou aree inn daark andd enncouuraggemeent wheen yyou aree diismaayedd).YYou donnt havve tto llookk veery farr too fiind outt thhe ttrutth, in resspecct tthatt wee alll kknoww (tthe seccrett off MMMe. Currie liees i

34、in ppersseveerannce andd seelf-connfiddencce, thee laatteer iin ppartticuularr). It willl eexerrt aa prrofooundd innfluuencce uuponn (tthe achhievvemeent of onees ambbitiionss). Witth rrefeerennce to my staandppoinnt, I tthinnk (he thaat ccan havve sselff-coonfiidennce cann haave whaat hhe wwilll).二

35、、说明明原因型型模块In rreceent yeaars, XXX haas ccaussed a hheatted debbatee onn (11). Thee faactoors forr (22).FFirsst oof aall, (33).TThenn, ttherre ccomees aa caase thaat (4). Mooreooverr, (5). Esspecciallly wheen (6).Inddeedd, tthesse uuniqque poiintss caan bbe ccolllectted thee reeminnd ppeopple thaat (

36、7).In thiis wway, wee shhoulld bbehaave jusst llikee (88).相应作文文:The imppactt off Teelevvisiion In reccentt yeearss, wwithh thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof sscieencee annd ttechhnollogyy, 880 pperccentt off alll hhomees iin CChinna hhavee saatelllitte TTV, offferiing as manny aas 550 cchannnells. It hass ca

37、auseed aa heeateed ddebaate on (thhe iimpaact of telleviisioon oon cchilldreen). Maany parrentts aare worrrieed aabouut tthe imppactt off soo muuch telleviisioon oon cchilldreen. Thee faactoors forr (ppareentsswoorryy iss thhat chiildrren aree inndullge in telleviisioon aand speend tooo muuch timme

38、oon iit.).Fiirstt off alll, (wiith so manny pproggramms tto cchooose froom, chiildrren aree noot ggetttingg ass muuch exeerciise as theey sshouuld ).TThenn, ttherre ccomees aa caase thaat (somme sstuddiess haave shoow tthatt exxcesssivve wwatcchinng oof tteleevissionn byy miilliionss off chhilddrenn

39、 haas lloweeredd thheirr abbiliity to achhievve iin sschoool ). Morreovver, (tthe efffectt onn chhilddrenns minnds aree moore serriouus tthann thhe eeffeect on chiildrrens bbodiies). EEspeeciaallyy whhen (thhe cchilldreen aare tooo smmalll too juudgee whhat proograams aree suuit to theem).Inddeedd,

40、tthesse uuniqque poiintss caan bbe cconnnectted to remmindd paarennts thaat (theey sshouuld payy cllosee atttenntioon tto aand ressponnsibbiliitiees ffor suppervvisiing theeir chiildrrens TTV vviewwingg).IIn tthiss waay, chiildrren willl nnot be infflueenceed ttoo deeeplyy.三、说明明原因型型模块For mosst oof u

41、us ttodaay, (1). FFromm abbovee, wwe ccan finnd tthatt thhe rreassonss whhy (2)aare as folllowws.TThe priimarry rreasson, I thiink, iss (33).SSecoond, (44). Thee thhirdd reeasoon, acttuallly, iss (55). Thee siigniificcancce ffor (6). TTherrefoore, (77).注释:11、人们们针对XX的态度度和举措措2、归纳纳现状33、第一一个原因因4、第二二个原因因

42、5、第三三个原因因6、重申申造成现现状的最最重要原原因相应作文文:Polllutiion Mosst oof uus ttodaay (reccognnizee thhat envviroonmeentaal ppolllutiion hass beeen a ggreaatlyy seerioous proobleem. lotts oof pplannts treees corrps aree deestrroyeed bby bbad airr. mmanyy fiish diee off pooisoonouus wwateer. thoousaandss off peeoplle d

43、die froom eeatiing poiisonned fissh oor bbreaathiing in gass. ttherrefoore, ennvirronmmenttal pollluttionn shhoulld bbe rrespponssiblle ffor theese disseasses thaat aare dissabllingg, oor bbrinnginng ddeatth nnot onlly tto hhumaan bbeinngs, buut aalsoo too wiild liffe.)Froom aabovve, we cann fiind t

44、haat tthe reaasonns wwhy (ennvirronmmentt arre ppollluteed mmoree annd mmoree seerioouslly)aare as folllowws. thee prrimaary reaasonn, II thhinkk, iis (thee reeasoon oof hharmmfull suubsttancces intto eenviironnmennt. forr exxampple, too prreveent inssectts, farrmerrs mmakee usse oof ggreaat aamouun

45、tss off innseccticcidees, so as to havve bbumpper harrvessts. hoowevver, thhey polllutte aair, waaterr annd llandd ).Seccondd,(tthe gass coominng ffromm thhe ccar engginees aand facctorriess allso makke eenviironnmennt ppollluteed bbadlly ). tthe thiird reaasonn acctuaallyy iss (tthe ressultt off a

46、groowinng ppopuulattionn inn thhe wworlld. eveerydday, soo muuch littterr annd wwastte aare pouuredd ouut ffromm hoousees, alsso ppolllutee thhe eenviironnmennt ). TThe siggnifficaancee foor (conntroolliing pollluttionn) nnoteed tthatt itts higgh ttimee thhat morre eeffeectiive meaasurres shoouldd bee taakenn. TTherrefoore, (nnew lawws sshouuld be passsedd too liimitt thhe aamouunt of pollluttantts ffromm faactooriees. morreovver, inn thhe hhoussehooldss, ttherre iis aan oobviiouss neeed to redducee liitteer aand wasste. leetss maake ourr goood efffortts, a


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