1、职位说明书(英文)Contrrolleer / Direectorr / VVPJob DDescrriptiion: Work clossely withh thee commpanyys CCFO, and ensuure tthat all of tthe rrespoonsibbilitties perttainiing tto thhe acccounntingg deppartmment are met Devellop aand ddirecct thhe acctiviitiess of the proffessiionall staaff iinvollved withh t
2、hee finnanciial aaspeccts oof (rregioonal) opeeratiions, inccludiing fforeccastiing, plannningg, buudgetting, creedit and colllectiions, cosst acccounntingg, annd fiinanccial conttrol systtems Reporrt too thee CFOO (Prresiddent) andd be respponsiible for all accoountiing ffuncttionss Proviidingg ana
3、alytiical, buddgetaary & finnanciial pplannningaanageementt/repportiing ssuppoort tto seeniorr m Estabblishhing and mainntainning inteernall conntrolls, eexterrnal finaanciaal reeportting Interrfacee witth exxternnal aaudittors, hanndlinng alll coorporrate tax mattters Coorddinatte annd ovverseee th
4、he annnuall proofit plannningg proocesss Introoducee neww metthodoologiies aand ttechnniquees foor thhe usse inn plaanninng annd annalyssis Evaluuate busiinesss oppportuunitiies aand ttheirr pottentiial iimpacct onn thee strrateggic ggrowtth off thee commpanyy Introoducee andd preeparee finnanciial
5、aanalyysis to bbe prresennted to ssenioor maanageementt andd devvelopp intterimm andd lonng-teerm ffinannciall forrecassts Respoonsibble ffor sstafff devveloppmentt andd mannagemment Perfoorm sspeciial aanalyyses and pressentaationns too sennior manaagemeent rrelatting to cchangges iin acccounntingg
6、 rulles aand aaccouuntinng / repoortinng immpactt of channges in bbusinness condditioons Interrfacee witth reegionnal ccontrrolleer inn thee areeas oof fiinanccial repoortinng annd acccounntingg Ensurre coompliiancee witth taax reegulaationns inn alll jurrisdiictioons Conceeive and impllemennt pooli
7、cyy andd prooceduure Overssee eexpannsionn intto otther regiionall offficess, acctingg as projject manaager for new offiice bbuildd-outts inn finnancee sidde Be a key busiinesss parrtnerr in the orgaanizaationn to ensuure ppropeer fiinanccial conssiderratioons aare ttakenn intto alll buusineess ddec
8、issionss Coorddinatte, sscheddule and manaage rresouurcess acrross deveelopmment and impllemenntatiion tteamss Devellop tthe sshortt-terrm annd loong-tterm finaanciaal sttrateegic planns annd poossibble ppubliic liistinng inn 3-55 yeaars Ensurre acccuraacy aand ttimellinesss off alll finnanciial rre
9、porrtingg andd Acccountting operratioons Improove ffinannciall mannagemment tooll Lead and suppport the finaanciaal annalyssis oof thhe buusineess tto suupporrt deecisiion mmakinng Managge a smalll teeam wwith the highhest effiicienncy Managge deesignn, deeveloopmennt, ttestiing aand iimpleementtati
10、oon off gloobal finaanciaal syystemm Prepaare rreporrt off cusstomeer peerforrmancce annd sttaff perfformaance Reenggineeer fiinanccial and accoountiing ooperaationns prrocessses and infoormattion systtems Respoonsibble ffor FFinannce, Accoountiing, Admiinisttratiion, Logiisticcs inn Asiia Paacifiic
11、 Suppoort bbusinness and reveenue growwth iinitiiativves Direcct thhe whhole accoountiing ooperaationn to ensuure mmainttenannce oof soound finaanciaal acccounntingg sysstemss meeetingg staatutoory rrequiiremeents Devellop aand mmainttain sounnd innternnal ccontrrol pproceedurees, aand iimpleementt
12、andd effficieent aand ttimelly reeportting systtem Superrvisee acccountting teamm, loogisttic tteam and IT ppersoonnell Estabblishh annnual planns annd moonthlly foorecaasts meetting tighht deeadliine Liaisse wiith aaudittors and bankkers Accouuntinng Maanageer Job DDescrriptiion: Superrvisiion oof
13、alll acccounntingg andd intternaal annd exxternnal rreporrtingg funnctioon, iincluudingg alll reqquireed puublicc fillingss Handlles aall aaspeccts oof Acccounnts PPayabble, Accoountss Recceivaable, Gennerall Leddger, andd finnanciial sstateementt preeparaationn Overssee aall ppayrooll ffuncttionss
14、andd cooordinnate infoormattion withh outtsidee payyrolll serrvicee Prepaare aaccurrate montth-ennd annd yeear-eend cclosiings Complletess speeciall proojectts peer thhe diirecttion of tthe CCEO Superrvisee staaff aaccouuntannt too enssure thatt alll enttriess andd anaalysiis arre acccuraate aand cc
15、omplletedd in a tiimelyy mannner Ensurre thhat aall ssysteem innterffacess to the geneeral ledgger aare ppropeerly recoordedd Prepaare vvarioous bbalannce ssheett andd inccome stattemennt acccounnt reeconcciliaationn Underrstannd annd asssistt thee maiintennancee andd monnthlyy proocesss of the comp
16、panys geeneraal leedgerr andd repport writting systtems Assisst wiith ccoorddinattion of mmonthh endd andd yeaar ennd acctiviitiess andd auddits Assisst inn speeciall proojectts ass asssigneed Handlle alll asspectts off finnanciial aaccouuntinng: ffinannciall staatemeents, buddgetiing, and alloocati
17、ing ggrantt monney Will overrsee the AP ddeparrtmennt annd ovverseee thhe acccounntingg/monnth eend cclosee proocesss Work withh xxxx sysstem, inccludiing rreporrt maainteenancce, aaccouunt mmainttenannce aand rreporrt wrritinng Partiicipaate iin moonth end closses iincluudingg preeparaationn andd e
18、nttry oof joournaal enntriees, rrun mmonthh endd finnanciial rreporrts Coorddinatte innclussion of ddiffeerentt datta sttreamms suuch aas Paayrolll, AAccouunts Receeivabble aand CCircuulatiion AAccouunts Receeivabble Analyyze rrevennue aand eexpennse aaccouunts; asssist in bbalannce ssheett anaalysi
19、is Corpooratee acccountting funcctionns: cconsoolidaationns, aauditt, maanageementt repportiing, finaanciaal annalyssis, and bankk recconciiliattion Streaamlinne opperattionaal exxpendditurre annalyssis, deveelop annuual ooperaatingg buddget, proovidee finnanciial aand aanalyyticaal innformmatioon t
20、oo mannagemment, andd perrformm ad-hoc projject anallysess as needded Workiing ccloseely wwith collleaguues tthrouughouut thhe orrganiizatiion tto maanagee a ccompllex oorgannizattion withh botth maanufaacturring requuiremmentss andd thee delliverry off e-sserviices Impleementting the finaanciaal in
21、nfrasstruccturee neeeded to ssuppoort aan orrganiizatiion wwith plannned annuual rrevennues of xxxx bby fiiscall yeaar xxxxFinannciall Anaalystt (Acccounntingg Supperviisor / Asssisttant Manaager) Job DDescrriptiion: Finannciall anaalysees annd coomparrativve, ddetaiiled anallysess of busiinesss pla
22、an annd acctuall ressultss, buusineess ddevellopmeent aand ccompaany ooperaatingg andd exppansiion pprojeects Impleementt andd maiintaiin fiinanccial repoortinng syystemm andd preeparee, annalyzze annd reevieww connsoliidateed fiinanccial resuults Proviide iinforrmatiion aand vvaluee-addded aanalyys
23、is to bbusinness manaagerss at all leveels, inclludinng thhe coorporrate offiice aand tthe bboardd of direectorrs Prepaare ffinannciall repportss, prrovidde addvicee on trannsacttionss, deefinee acccountting poliiciess, annd orrganiize/cconsoolidaate mmultii-yeaar pllans and annuual bbudgeets Monitt
24、or ffinannciall conntrolls annd maaintaain/eenhannce ffinannciall repportiing iinfraastruucturre Assisst inn monnthlyy finnanciial cclosee andd buddget reviiew pproceess Mainttenannce oof saalaryy infformaationn worrkingg witth Huuman Resoourcees too recconciile aany ddiscrrepannciess Analyysis of b
25、balannce ssheett acccountts, ffixedd assset aaccouunts and expeense accoountss Dailyy intteracctionn witth buusineess ooperaationns sttaff requuiredd to suppport theiir buusineess ddemannds aand aad hooc prrojeccts bbasedd on seniior mmanaggemennt neeeds to ffacillitatte fiinanccial reviiews Proviid
26、e ssuppoort tto meeetinng pllanneers iin thhe prreparratioon off buddget foreecastts annd thhe reeportting of aactuaal meeetinng exxpendditurres Proceess vvendoor innvoicces ffor ppaymeent Respoond tto reequesst foor innformmatioon/sppeciaal prrojeccts ffrom depaartmeentall mannagerrs Analyyze tthe
27、ffinannciall staatemeent oof thhe diivisiion, partticullarlyy forr eacch prroducct beeing prodducedd Prepaaringg connsoliidatiions packkagess Prepaare aand aanalyyze pperfoormannce rreporrts Prepaare aannuaal buudgetts, fforeccast & pllanniing & anaalysiis foor deesignnatedd bussinesss unnit Analyyz
28、e mmonthhly eexpennse vvariaance withh commmentts annd reesearrch qquesttionss/commmentts frrom sspeciific busiinesss uniit Produuce mmonthhly pprofiit & losss andd funnds fflowss pacckagees foor vaariouus buusineess uunitss Creatte reeportts inn varriouss sofftwarre paackagges; perfform ad hhoc aan
29、alyysis as rrequiired Superrvisee cassh maanageementt sysstem, oveerseee daiily ccolleectioons, disbburseementt, shhort termm invvestiing aand bborroowingg, annd moonthlly caash rreporrtingg Capittal eexpenndituure fforeccast proccess, anaalyzee, annd reeportt Prepaare, reviiew, and anallyze of qqua
30、rtterlyy revvenuee forrecassts aand ooperaatingg exppensees Adminnistrratioon off bonnus pplanss forr alll empployeees Trackk andd repport overrheadd exppensees, hheadccountt, annd caapitaal addditiions vs. budggets Revieew prropossed ppurchhasinng foor coompliiancee to budgget; preppare weekkly cca
31、sh floww forrecasst Prepaaratiion oof coonsollidatted eexplaanatiions of vvariaance to bbudgeets aand fforeccastss forr exppensee andd cappitall exppendiiturees Prepaaratiion oof coonsollidatted mmajorr acccountt anaalysiis whhich willl inccludee preepaidd asssets, fixxed aassetts, iinvesstmennts, i
32、ntaangibble aassetts, aaccruued lliabiilitiies aand eequitty Conduuct mmonthhly mmeetiings withh deppartmment headds too revview actuual eexpennses verssus bbudgeet/foorecaastedd exppensees annd too revvise the depaartmeent fforeccastss appproprriateely Revieew paayrolll grross to ggrosss recconciil
33、iattion and the payrroll jourrnal entrries Prepaare tthe ppayrooll bbank recooncilliatiionOfficce Maanageer Job DDescrriptiion: Proviides anallyticcal aand sspeciializzed aadminnistrrativve suupporrt asssociiatedd witth offficee opeeratiions Dealss witth seensittive depaartmeentall orgganizzatioonal
34、 issuues Workss inddepenndenttly wwith latiitudee to idenntifyy isssues and recoommennd soolutiions Coorddinattes oongoiing mmultiiple projjectss, orrchesstrattes mmeetiings, devvelopps tiimeliines, ressearcches agennda iitemss, neegotiiatess worrk sppace, proocurees daata/ccommuunicaationns eqquipm
35、ment, furrnituure, supppliess andd mayy dirrect clerricall staaff ffor oon-siite ssuppoort aas neeededd Reseaarchees, ccompiiles and formmats infoormattion intoo dattabasse annd sppreaddsheeets Monittors projject costts, ttimelliness, sttaffiing, spacce annd eqquipmment needds Analyyzes dataa andd m
36、akkes rrecommmenddatioons tto coorrecct vaariannces, disssemiinatees innformmatioon too proojectt teaams/sstafff Interrpretts pooliciies aand pproceedurees inn ressponsse too inqquirees Mainttainss connfideentiaal coompanny fiiles and recoords, andd enssuress thaat alll innternnal aand eexterrnal re
37、poorts and recoords are keptt currrentt, coompleete aand ttimelly Oversseeinng thhe daaily admiinisttratiive ffuncttionss andd worrkfloow off thee deppartmment Actinng ass a lliaisson bbetweeen ddeparrtmennt, ffuncttion, cliientss andd enggagemment teamm Managge thhe daaily offiice bbusinness detaai
38、ls; supperviise xxxx sstafff High degrree oof auutonoomy, and is eexpeccted to aaccommplissh alll kiinds of sspeciial pprojeects as rrequiired Analyyzingg andd cooordinnatinng offficee serrvicees suuch aas peersonnnel, buddget prepparattion and conttrol , fiiscall afffairss, eqquipmment utillizattio
39、n, andd reccord conttrolss Prepaare mmemorranduums ooutliiningg andd expplainning admiinisttratiive pproceedurees annd pooliciies tto suupervvisorry woorkerrs, aand mmonittor ccomplliancce Organnize and stanndarddizess of recoords suchh as offiice ssupplly reequissitioons aand bbookkkeepiing, filiin
40、g ssysteems, equiipmennt maainteenancce coontraacts, andd othher sserviices With operratioons tteam and HR, planns annd prreparres ffor nnew eemplooyeess joiiningg thee firrm wiith rregarrd too staandarrd eqquipmment set-up Trainning on oofficce eqquipmment, asssign phonne exxtenssion, asssigniing d
41、desk/workk areea, oorderring busiinesss carrds, addiing tto emmployyee rrosteers, etc. Devellop oofficce buudgett andd suppportts fiiscall ressponssibillity and costt conntroll witth reegardd to offiice eequippmentt andd opeeratiions purcchasees Mainttainss conntactt andd nurrturees reelatiionshhips
42、 withh intternaal cuustommer aand ooutsiide vvendoors Formuulatees annd cooordiinatees sppecifficattionss andd reqquireementts foor veendorr prooposaal annd coontraacts, andd othher aassocciateed doocumeents for faciilitiies mmanaggemennt Managge peerforrmancce wiithinn opeeratiions teamm (peerforrm
43、ancce reeviewws, ggoal settting, couunselling, coaachinng, ttrainning) Mentoor annd addvisee teaam meemberrs ass reggularr poiint oof coontacct Partiicipaate iin caareerr devveloppmentt andd empployeee reetenttionExecuutivee Seccretaary Job DDescrriptiion: Arrannge ttraveel sccheduules, apppointtmen
44、tts, aand mmeetiings Handlle phhone systtems Take caree of the CFO scheedulee, coonducctingg ligght rreseaarch, atttendiing mmeetiings and hearringss Prepaare oofficcial corpporatte doocumeents and corrrespoondennce, and provvidinng prrotoccol ssuppoort ffor ddistiinguiishedd vissitorrs Proviide aad
45、minnistrrativve suupporrt too Preesideent Coorddinatte trravell arrrangeementts annd coonferrencee callls Mainttain meetting and appoointmment scheedulee Proviide ggenerral ccleriical suppport: (tyype ccorreesponndencce, ffaxinng, mmail, phoones, phootocoopyinng, eetc.) Prepaare ppreseentattion mate
46、eriall usiing PPowerrPoinnt Compiile sseverral mmonthhly rreporrts Proviide ddeparrtmennts ssuppoort aas neeededd Assisst wiith ffolloow-upp andd ressoluttion of mmisceellanneouss cusstomeer seervicce isssuess Assisst inn thee invventoory ccontrrol oof deeparttmentt supppliees Prepaare mmainfframee commputeer reeportts, aad-hooc reeportts (ssuch as sshipmment reviiews) salles bbulleetinss andd preeparees annd annswerrs rooutinne coorressponddencee Interractss witth cuustommers via teleephonne annd e-maill makking proffessiionall deccisioons rregarrdingg cusstomeer reequessts aand