1、 我冒了严寒,回到相隔两千余里,别了二十余年的故乡去。时候既然是深冬;渐近故乡时,天气又阴晦了,冷风吹进船舱中,呜呜的响,从篷隙向外一望,苍黄的天底下,远近横着几个萧索的荒村,没有一些活气。我的心禁不住悲凉起来了。啊!这不是我二十年来时时记得的故乡?我所记得的故乡全不如此。我的故乡好得多了。但要我记起他的美丽,说出他的佳处来,却又没有影象,没有言辞了。仿佛也就是如此。于是我自己解释说:故乡本也如此,虽然没有进步,也未必有如我所感的悲凉,这只是我自己心情的改变罢了,因为我这次回乡,本没有什么好心绪。我这次是专为了别他而来的。我们多年聚族而居的老屋,已经共同卖给别姓了,交屋的限期,只在本年,所以必
2、须赶在正月初一以前,永别了熟识的老屋,而且远离了熟识的故乡,搬到我在谋食的异地去。摘自鲁迅故乡 Braving the bitter cold,I traveled more than seven hundred miles back to the old home I had left over twenty years ago.It was late winter.As we drew near my former home the day became overcast and a cold wind blew into the cabin of our boat.While all o
3、ne could see through the chinks in our bamboo awning were a few desolate villages,void of any sign of life,scattered far and near under the somber yellow sky I could not help feeling depressed.Ah!Surely this was not the old home I had been remembering for the past twenty years?The old home I remembe
4、red was not in the least like this.My old home was much better.But if you asked me to recall its peculiar charm or describe its beauties,I had no clear impression,no words to describe it.And now it seemed this was all there was to it.Then I rationalized the matter to myself,saying:Home is always lik
5、e this,and although it has not improved,still it is not so depressing as I imagine;it is only my mood that has changed,because I am coming back to the country this time with no illusions.This time I had come with the sole object of saying goodbye.The old house our clan had lived in for so many years
6、 had already been sold to another family,and was to change hands before New Years Day to say good bye for ever to the familiar old house,and to move my family to another place where I was working,far from my old home town.在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会、冷餐会是广交朋友的好机会。在这种场合陌生人相识,如果是亚洲人,他们往往开口之前先必恭必敬地用双手把自己的名片呈递给对方,这好像是不可
7、缺少的礼节。然而,法国人一般却都不大主动递送名片,双方见面寒暄几句,甚至海阔天空地聊一番也就各自走开,只有当双方谈话投机,希望继续交往时,才会主动掏出名片。二话不说先递名片反倒有些勉强。(TEM8,1996)In Paris,cocktail parties and buffet dinners in honor of this or that provide an excellent opportunity to make a lot of friends.When strangers meet on such occasions,an Asian tends to present his
8、name card respectfully with both hands before the conversation,which seems to be required by etiquette.However,the French usually are not so ready with such a formality that they will excuse themselves after exchanges of a few words of greetings or even after a rambling chat about everything under t
9、he sun.They will offer cards only when they find each other agreeable and hope to further the relationship.And it seems somewhat unnatural for them to do so before getting into conversation.如果静思太久,觉得孤独了,不妨翻开你可爱的书,书会使你轻松让你充实。在静静的空间里读一本好书,如同冬日里围坐一盆炭火与挚友谈心。平日,因工作太忙,或交际太繁,你难得与古今中外的智者交谈。而今,你却可以凝神倾听他们的教诲了