1、新版新视野大学英语【听说教程】第四 册答案!iunitlWarming Up l.F 2. T 3. NGUnderstanding Short Conversations 1. A 2.C 3. B. 4. B 5. D 6. B. 7. A 8. C 9. C. 10. DUnderstanding a Long ConversationABACBUnderstanding a PassageAADBCIUnderstanding a Radio Program1. married in St. Paul,s Cathedral.2. was a guest at the wedding
2、cerem ony.3. wore a hat with flowers at the w edding4. is remembered as having been na ughty.5. was one of the designers of thewedding dress.东林英语教学网丨文典英语教学网欢迎 您!点击这里注册成为东林英语教学网会员广告东林翻译中心是东林英语教学 网旗下权威翻译服务机构!jodie (上将)b期发表于2010TT711:08:58资料留编辑引用评帖X头衔:未定义E 币:6224帖数:159金钱:49754注册:2009-1-3zjfam (新兵)unit2
3、Warming Up1. For writing an original book. 2.Originality 3.Understanding Short ConversationsDDDCBAABCDUnderstanding A Long ConversationDABBAUnderstanding a PassageBCDACUnderstanding a Radio ProgramCAACD东林英语教学网丨文典英语教学网欢迎 您!广告东林翻译中心是东林英语教学 网旗下权威翻译服务机构!总发表于2010-3-619:49:39 资料留编辑引 3JIJ比帖X好贴,我正需要头衔:未定义E币
4、:0帖数:1金钱:100注册:2010-3-6东林英语教学网丨文典英语教学网欢迎 您!jodie (上将)E广告东林翻译中心是东林英语教学 网旗下权威翻译月難机构!量发表于2010-3-816:15:35诩量缠辑1I出狂帖unit3头衔:未定义E币:6224帖数:159金钱:49754注册:2009-1-3Warming Up1.god of mercy 2. money, strength and health 3.lucky onesUnderstanding Short ConversationsCDCBBBACABUnderstanding AABDCBUnderstanding aA
5、BDBCUnderstanding a 1.An Australian the Noble PrizeLong ConversationPassageRadio Program scientist who won2. The mysterious field of infectio us disease.3. By accident.4. It was probably extremely signif icant.5. He couldn,t handle all that.东林英语教学网丨文典英语教学网欢迎 您!广告东林翻译中心是东林英语教学 网旅权威翻译服务机构!jodie (上将)b翻
6、头衔:未定义E 币:6224帖数:159金钱:49754注册:2009-1-3員发表于2010-3-816:24:16资料留言编辑引甩正贴2.unit4Warming Up1.Xerox,s Palo Alto Research Center 2. Verizon 3 AmazonUnderstanding Short ConversationsBADDADCCAAUnderstanding A Long ConversationCBBBCUnderstanding a PassageACBACUnderstanding a Radio ProgramBFHADG东林英语教学网丨文典英语教学网
7、欢迎 您!广告东林翻译中心是东林英语教学 网旗下权威翻译服务机构!头衔:未定乂E 币:6224帖数:159金钱:49754注册:2009-1-3jodie (上将)仃果发表于2010-3-816:47:15资料留言编辑引 用评帖Xunit5Warming Up1 .F 2. NG 3.TUnderstanding Short ConversationsADDDBCDCADUnderstanding a Long ConversationBBACCUnderstanding a PassageDABBAUnderstanding a Radio Program2 .how they are tu
8、rning men off3 . an idea in ones head about whatversionyoursedatingrelationshipsburning东林英语教学网丨文典英语教学网欢迎Warming头衔Whether帖数society.years注册expensive未定义6224159 49754 2009-1-3looks likefrom prison/returnneed moneymuch youngerenjoy life without working hardcommit crimes wantmore adviceman shouldperfect m
9、an checkliperfect man广告东林翻译中心是东林英语教学 网旗下权威翻译服务机构!星发表于2010-3-816:50:48资料招,;编辑|Understanding Short ConversationsCBCDBCADDBUnderstanding a Long ConversationABCCDUnderstanding a PassageCDDABUnderstanding a Radio ProgramAHCFED东林英语教学网丨文典英语教学网欢迎 您!广告东林翻译中心是东林英语教学 网旅下权威翻译服务机构!jodie (上将)b盘发表于2010-3-816:53:50
10、资料 留编辑 引5皿unit7Warming Up头衔:未定义E 币:6224帖数:159金钱:49754注册:2009-1-31. T2. F3.NGUnderstanding Short ConversationsBCAADCBDABUnderstandinga Long ConversationDACCBUnderstandinga PassageCCDBBUnderstandinga Radio ProgramAGCHDF-%-东林英语教学网丨文典英语教学网欢迎 您!广告东林翻译中心是东林英语教学 网旗下权威翻译服务机构!jodie (上将)*0豊发表于2010-3-816:56:03
11、 资料留编辑引用聴unit8头衔:未定义E 币:6224 帖数:159 金钱:49754 注册:2009-1-3Warming Up1. going to quit2. work harder3. majority raceUnderstanding Short ConversationsCAABCDDACBUnderstanding a Long ConversationDAABAUnderstanding a PassageDABBAUnderstanding a Radio ProgramDAGCHE东林英语教学网丨文典英语教学网欢迎 您!告东林翻译中心是东林英语教学网旅下权威翻译服务机
12、构!jodie (上将)E头衔:未定义E 币:6224帖数:159金钱:49754注册:2009-1-3員发表于2010-3-817:02:45资料留言编辑引用迷帖X10 unit 9Warming Up1. Whether its Chinese enough to a ppeal to Chinese people.2. American cultures.3. There are many concerns that sh ould be taken into consideration.First of all, the park should be a clean place for
13、 people to have fun. Therefore laws against littering should be strictly enforced. As for worker, they should be neat in appearance. Also, the park should refect the culture in which it is located.Understanding Short ConversationsACBDCDAABCUnderstanding a Long ConversationDABBAUnderstanding a Passag
14、eDBBCCUnderstanding a Radio Program1. His brother,s two daughters.2. They drove there.3. Children under three.4. They watched the parade.5. He sat down and had a rest for a few minutes.unitlOWarming Up1 NG 2, T 3. FUnderstanding Short ConversationsDBACBBBCBAUnderstanding a Long ConversationDBCABUnderstanding a PassageCBDDAUnderstanding a Radio ProgramBHAGCF文典英语教学网 www. yingyujiaoxue. com