1、教案教 学 系公共教学部教研室外语教研室启用时间2009年8月教 币 文畅通辽职业学院新视野英语教程读写教程3教学计划课程名称:新视野英语教程读写教程2学时/学分:4课时/周适用专业:学前教育专业三年制开课教学系:公共教学部开课教研室:外语教研室、课程性质与任务1 .课程性质:本课程是三年制普科(非英语专业)的公共课。2 .课程任务:(1)了解:要求学生对其中贴近学生生活,关注时代热点,反映时代节奏, 具有一定深意的选材有所了解。(2)掌握:课后练习紧扣课文内容,包括词汇、语法、翻译、写作、阅读技 能、完型填空等项,既注重各项能力训练之间的衔接和互补,也注重篇章层次上 的一体化技能培训。(3)
2、重点掌握:编在Section A中的Basic Writing Skills旨在巩固学生 的语法知识,提高学生的基本写作能力;Section C为Practical Writing部分, 目的在于培养学生阅读、写作、翻译应用文的能力,内容包括表格、名片、贺卡、 简历、信函、广告、公告及产品介绍等。二、课程教学基本要求理论课时68课时/班,无实践或实验成绩考核闭卷形式平时成绩占期末总分的30%,期末成绩占70統三、课程教学内容新视野英语教程读写教程3是我院08级英语班专业必修课,以大学英语 课程教学大纲及专科英语基本要求所规定的教学目标为依据,根据我院学 生的实际情况制定了职业学院新视野英语教程
3、读写教程3教学大纲。本课程内容涉及政治、经济、社会、语言、文学、文化和教育等方面,题 材和内容丰富多样,并具有定的启发性,实用性可以培养学生语言交际能力, 扩大知识面,使学生了解不同社会的文化背景及人文知识的差异。(一)每学期或每学年的教学进度参照教务处教学计划。(二)第二学期教学安排如下:完成第三册的9个单元。每单元约用8学时要注意让学生作一些英译汉和简 短答问的练习。进行听训练,教材课后练习的内容将纳入期末考试。所选用教材为周洁主编的新视野英语教程3。第三册共十个单元。分Text A, Text B和Text C三部分。Text A前有Before Reading,为开展教学作铺垫。 Te
4、xt A包括了阅读理解,语实践,词汇和结构,翻译,。Text B包含了阅读理 解,阅读技能,词汇和综合技能练习。Text C主要是练习写作的基本技巧。每 单元围绕个主题设计。全书配有教师手册、课文配套光碟。总体上教学内容属 于基础阶段。要求通过第一、二册书的学习,学生所能掌握的常用词汇3000个,应能 听懂英美人士日常生活和简单专业用语;能回答有关对话及课文问题;能读懂所 学词汇及语法范围内的浅易故事及短文;能用所学语言知识进行简单交际,无重 大语法错误。四、课程教学媒体和课程总体设计原则(一)教学媒体1、文字教材2、音像教材:教学光碟(二)总体设计原则本课程的总体设计既要从英语的教学规律,也
5、要从学生的实际水平出发, 再加以一定的多媒体手段,做到三者相结合。五、教学原则与方法(-)培养学生一定的英语交际能力。结合学生的生活实际和今后使用英语 的需要,围绕教材中的话题进行讨论和口语交流等,从而提高其语言表达和实际 运用能力。(二)听、说、读、写、译相结合,侧重培养其阅读能力,组织听、说、 读、写、译各项活动,培养和发展学生的综合语言技能。阅读有助于学生开阔视 野、丰富语言知识、扩大词汇量和了解英语国家的社会及文化等的文章,使他们 逐步获得较强的独立阅读能力,为他们专业知识的继续学习和发展奠定坚实的基 础。(三)积极使用现代教育技术手段,广泛利用和开发各种教育资源,利用 实物、图片、语
6、言、电视、电影和计算机等进行教学,形象直观,生动活泼地帮 助学生理解英语,培养他们直接用英语表达思想的能力。(四)教学与实践相结合:1、语言能力与交际能力的关系:交际能力是外语教学的最终目标,但交 际能力的基础是语言能力。交际能力的强弱依赖于语言基础的扎实与否,没有语 言能力就没有交际能力。2、准确与流利的关系:大学英语教学经历了过分强调准确而妨碍流利程 度的提高到片面追求流利而忽视准确这样个过程后,大家认识到准确与流利二者之间的关系应是既耍强调掌握和运用语言知识的准确性,又要注意应用语言时 的流利程度和得体性。六.学时分配表章和节序内容课时备注Unit OneSection A: I Am
7、HomeSection B: The EdgeSection C: E-mail MessagesA:4B,C:4听课文录音 配合多媒体Unit TwoSection A: AdvertisingA:4听课文录音 配合多媒体Unit ThreeSection A: Life Is Full of ChoicesSection B: The AccidentA:4 B 4听课文录音 配合多媒体Unit FourSection A: A Defining MomentSection B: Have a Little FaithA:4 B:4听课文录音 配合多媒体Unit FiveSection A
8、: Naming CustomsSection B: Do You Speak My Language?A:4 B 4听课文录音 配合多媒体Unit SixSection A: Cyberdating: Romance in CyberspaceA:4听课文录音 配合多媒体Unit SevenSection A: Six Keys to Success Section B: Dell Boy Made GoodA:4 B,4听课文录音 配合多媒体Unit EightSection A: Winners, Losers or Just KidsSection B: How to Plan You
9、r CareerA:4 B,4听课文录音 配合多媒体Unit NineSection A: Couple Finds Being uTwo of aKind“ Is a Recipe for HappinessSection B Business PartnersA:4 B,4听课文录音 配合多媒体Unit TenSection A: The Machine That Knows Your FaceSection B: All Play and No Work这个单元为学生自学 単元。要求学生利用假期 时间自行学习。五、教材及参考书1、教材:新视野英语教程1主编:周洁出版社:外语教学与研究出版
10、社出版时间:2004年7月2、参考书:新视野大学英语1主编:郑树棠出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 出版时间:2001年12月教学工作总结本学期我担任08级学前教育、二以及08食品卫生的英语课程教学工作,我认真地完 成了教学任务。我不但讲授了课文含义。语法知识,还结合资深专业特点向学生们介绍了英 语的学习方法。努力调动学生的积极型和自信心。山于受到相关语言和教学观念的,尽管经 验证明精读课程教学对打好学生语言基础非常有效,传统英语精读课程教学存在些弊端。 为了克服这些弊端,我们求在教学,教学模式,教学手段和教材等方面对英语精读课堂进 行改革,目的是促进学生英语的综合运用能力的提高。这其中就包括运用
11、化多媒体技术到英 语精读课教学中去。多媒体技术由于其本身的特点,能够充分发挥频率效应在英语精读课堂 教学中的作用,有助于提高英语精读课程的教学质量。要教好英语,就要让学生喜爱英语, 让他们对英语产生兴趣。否则学生对这门学科产生畏难情绪,也无法学下去。为此,我采取 了一些方法尽量多讲些关于英美国家的文化,生活故事,让他们更了解英语,更喜欢学习 英语。除了正常的教学之外,我还积极的参加了学院组织的各种活动,与其他老师大力合作, 来迎接即将到来的评建工作。此外我还多次参加了优秀教师的观摩课,吸取了大量宝贵的教 学经验,使我受益匪浅。经过个学期的努力,大部分学生在短短个学期内都取得了比较明显的进步。由
12、开 学初的不敢读,读不好转变成了现在的比较标准的发音。说明了大量的朗读和听练习发挥 了作用。此外学生的读写能力也有了很大的进步。单词量显著提高,作文也写得比较通顺。以上就是我在本学期的教学工作总结。在以后的工作和生活中,我将努力学习,不断上进, 多听课,多交流以取他人之长补己之短,成长为高素质的人民教师。2010年1月学科英语教材新视野英语教程3课题Unit 1班级2008级学前教育1, 2I食品卫生班课时8 periods时间2009.8.249.6课型New class教法讲授法练习法教具多媒体电脑投影仪教学目标1、掌握本单元教学中规定的单词和词组。2、掌握时间状语从句的用法。3、掌握应用
13、文:E-mail Messages写作技巧。4、掌握本单元教学中规定的听能力及口语交际能力。教学重点1、重点:New words and Expressions2、难点:Listening and Speaking教学过程主要教学内容Part One Section A IAmHomeI ObjectiveGo over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the passageFocus on some sentence structure.II Leading InIntroduction to th
14、e topicHave you ever seen the movie The Wizard of Oz ?In it ,thc main character, Dorothy, gets lost in a storm and spends all her time trying to get back home to her family . She makes new friends and has adventures, but she is still desperate to be back where she belongs Do you ever feel this way ?
15、 There is no place like home,Where do you feel most at home?.Exploring1. What comes to mind when you hear the word “home”?2. what does staying with your own parents mean to you?HI Detailed study of the text1) The work for us was a labor of love.Meaning: For us, this kind of physical labor is enjoyab
16、le, labor: n.2) effort or work, especially tiring physical work努力,劳动Building roads still involves manual labor.修筑铁路还需要人工劳动。The garage charged us for parts and labor.汽车修理厂向我们收取零件和人工费用。3) workers, especially those who use their hands, considered as a group or class 工人,工人阶级labor relations劳资关系There is a
17、 shortage of skilled labor.缺少熟练工人。Note that labor is AmE spelling. The BrE spelling is labour.A labor of love is a set expression, indicating that a particular activity (e.g. gardening in the greenhouse, gathering cattle, etc.) may be troublesome to other people, but you take great care to do the wo
18、rk properly because you really enjoy it hence, to them, the work is a labor of loveM .2. Falling asleep was never a problem for me.Meaning: I had no difficulty or trouble falling asleep, or 1 fell asleep easily, asleep: adj. sleeping 睡着的He was fast asleep when I entered the room.我走进房间时他正在熟睡。Note tha
19、t asleep” is a predicative adjective (表语性的形容词);that is, it cannot precede the noun it modifies. For instance, we say ”sleeping beauty”(睡天人),not * Hasleep beautyM.3. When I was 12, though, something terrible happened that would change my life forever.Meaning: Yet, when I was 12, a terrible thing happ
20、ened, which changed my life forever.Note that the word ”though” in the sentence is an adverb, equivalent to ”however”, both in meaning and in grammatical function. It appears in the mid or final, rather than initial position of a sentence.nIt is not useful. Ifs pretty, though, isnt it?“这东西没有什么用处。不过,
21、这东西很好看,对吗? ”He said he would help me; he didnt, though.M“他说他会帮我的,可是他并没那样做。”4. My father suffered a serious heart attack and was diagnosed with heart disease. Meaning: My father had a serious heart attack and the doctor said it was due to heart disease.diagnose: v. discover the nature of a disease or
22、 fault by making a careful examination诊断(疾病);判断(问题)His illness was diagnosed as a terminal disease.他的病被诊断为不治之症。The mechanics are engaged in diagnosing the fault in the engine. 机械师正在检查发动机的毛病。5. The doctors informed my dad that he would need to change his lifestyle completely, which meant no more farm
23、ing life.Meaning: The doctors told my father that he would need to have a different lifestyle, and this meant he had to stop working as a farmer.which=that he would need to change his lifestyle completely6. We were forced to sell our home and move west.Meaning: The family had to sell the house and g
24、o to the western part of the country.The word “west” is used as an adverb. Similar examples:fight north and south南征北战The window faces south.窗户朝南。7. While my surroundings were different and strange, they were also exciting and fun.Meaning: Although the environment was no longer familiar to me, it was
25、 full of excitement and fun.surroundings: n. (plural) everything that surrounds a place or person, especially that which influences the quality of life 周围的事物;环境,气氛Its important to work in friendly surroundings.在友好的环境中工作很重要。The house is situated in very pleasant surroundings.那所房子坐落在宜人的环境中。8. As fate
26、would have it, my life would soon change again, and in a very big way. Meaning: As was determined by fate, my life would soon change again, and it would change greatly.Note that the conjunction and is used here for emphasis.fate: n. U the power or force that is supposed to be the cause of or in cont
27、rol of all events, in a way that is beyond human control 命运,天命,运数Fate was against me all the time.命运一直和我作对。We mustnt submit to fate.我们决不能听天由命。9. Slowly, a dark void found its way into my heart and began to eat away at my happiness.Meaning: By and by, my heart was filled with a miserable emptiness th
28、at continuously destroyed my happiness.eat away (at): consume侵蚀:消耗The preposition at implies an on-going process that is not yet complete. This phrase can be used both figuratively and literally. In the text, it is used figuratively. Two examples to further illustrate the literal meaning of this phr
29、ase are: The river had eaten away the banks. 河水侵蚀了河岸。Rust has eaten away the hinge.铁链已被铁锈腐10. I tried working harder, then working less.Meaning: First I tried working harder, and then I tried working less, to see if I could get rid of the feeling of emptiness and unhappiness.IV. Comprehension Questi
30、onsHow did you know the writer enjoyed doing the work on the farm?What happened when the writer was at the age of 12?Why did the writer move again after setting down in Arizona?What did the writer mean by a dark void?What did the writers perfect home look like?Part Two Section B The EdgeI ObjectiveF
31、iguring out the moral lesson after reading the textLearning to preview a text book or a reading material.II Emphasized Pointsl.The EdgeThere is a common expression in English used to describe the lifestyle of someone who enjoys risk: *living on the edge. So, in this case, the text is describing how
32、the woman is off to a dangerous land (at least in her familys mind), and the use of the edge could be referring to her lifestyle and her love of risks and challenges. As well, the edge could be referring to the risk her sister took in telling her how proud of her she is, as this is something not nor
33、mally done in their family. While there are perhaps a few interpretations that could be made, the basic one is that the title refers to the writers desire to take risks, especially in the eyes of her rather reserved family.2. My sister and I are three and a half years apart in age, but a world apart
34、 in the way we live our lives.Meaning: My sister and I were bom only three and a half years apart, but our lifestyles could not be more different.The adverb apart is generally used to denote physical distance between two objects, people, etc. For example: The wife and the husband live apart.(丈夫和妻 子是
35、分开住的。)It may also be used figuratively: Any agreement is not likely, as the two sides in the dispute are a long way apart.(争论双方分歧很大,不大可能达 成任何协议。) a world apart: worlds apart; greatly different 天壤之别3. My family is not big on emotional goodbyes.Meaning: My family does not like to show emotions on occa
36、sions, like saying goodbye.be big on (something): enjoy (something) 喜欢I am not big on hot temperatures. 我不喜欢热天气。Some girls arc not big on football. 有些女孩不喜欢足球。. so with a Go to it, tiger and a quick I love you, too, my sister was gone.Meaning: .after saying Good luck, my brave girl (or have fun) and
37、I love you, too, my sister left.Go to it=Good luck4. It seemed there was a small part of her that was jealous of what 1 was doing. Meaning: No matter how happy she said she was for me, I could see she felt some envy toward my accomplishments-even if she tried her best to fight it.The writer is basic
38、ally saying that she could tell that her sister was happy for her, but that there were some feelings of envy-the small part of her reference leads the reader to believe that her sister was trying her best not to let this envy overtake her happiness for the writer.jealous: adj.1) wanting what others
39、have艳羡的,羡慕的What they have, you too will have sooner or later. There is nothing to be jealous of. 他们有的你早晚也会有,没有什么可羡慕的。Her colleagues are jealous of her success.她的同事羡慕她的成功。2) envious妒忌的,嫉妒的,吃醋的The two sisters were bitterly jealous of Cinderella.这两个姐姐极端妒忌灰姑娘。Whenever another young woman talks to her hu
40、sband, the wife feels jealous. 每当有年轻的姑娘和她丈夫讲话时,妻子就会吃醋。5. The card was blank except for what my sister had written.Meaning: There was nothing but my sisters writing on the card.except for: apart from, with the exception of除了之外Note that although both except for and except can be translated as 除了 in Ch
41、inese, the difference between them is noticeable, as is shown in the following pair of sentences:a) All except Tom are here.除了汤姆,大家都来了。b) Your composition is good except for a few mistakes here and there. 你的作文写得很好,除了个别地方还有些错误。In a), except is used because Tom and all are of equal status. Except impl
42、ies that a part is subtracted from the whole. In b), the word mistakes that follows except for is not of equal status to composition. The except for phrase partially negates or revises the preposition of the sentence (the composition is good).Occasionally, except and except for are interchangeable:
43、Except for (or except) John, the whole class passed the exam.(除约翰,全班都通过了考试。)The use of except for, however, is restricted to the context in which it occurs before a noun or a pronoun.Part Three Section CPractical Writing: Understanding and Writing Email1. New Expressions2. Sentence Structure3. Pract
44、ical Writing4. Listening and SpeakingPart Four HomeworkP9, 10, 11 translation学科英语教材新视野英语教程3课题Unit 2班级2008级学前教育1, 2.食品卫生班课时4 periods时间2009.9.7-9.13课型New class教法讲授法练习法教具多媒体电脑投影仪教学目标1、掌握本单元教学中规定的単词和词组,2、掌握“react t”,“ stay in”等结构在句子中的用法,3、掌握本单元教学中规定的听能力及口语交际能力。教学重点1、重点: New words and Expressions2、难点:Lis
45、tening and Speaking教学过程主要教学内容Section A AdvertisingI ObjectiveTopic: AdvertisingText: AdvertisingII Time ArrangementAbout two periods of class will be used fbr the analysis and discussion of the passage itself.HI Related InformationIntroduction to the TopicSince ancient Greece, people have different
46、points of view about advertising. Some regard ads as deceptive, while others see it as a useful tool fbr information. Perhaps it is because ads are used for just about anything one could imagine. Read on and explore your own feelings about advertising.Preview Questions(1) What are the merits of adve
47、rtisements?(2) What are the demerits of advertisement?IV Emphasized Pointsadvertising: n.广告业的工作让我们开展一个广告宣传活动来促销我们的新产品。-Let us launch an advertising campaign to promote the sale of our new products, e.g. -Advertising is one of the biggest businesses in America.广告是美国最大的行业之一。extended words: advertise, advertiser, advertisementleaf through:匆匆翻阅(书、杂志等)e.g. -Waiting