1、-第 1 页-第 2 页Is college education worth it?As we all know,many parents send their children to college in order to make themtake a good life.Because they believe the truth that knowledge can change ones life.But many fresh college graduates are finding that it becomes increasingly difficult tofind job
2、s.Their average salaries are falling below those of migrant workers,in someparts.So many people think that knowledge is no longer enough to change lives intodays China.But in my opinion,temporary problems in the job market dont meanknowledge is useless,on the contrary,it is still worth taking colleg
3、e education.First,it is not knowledge which leads to the current problem of college graduates intodays job market.One of the reasons for the problem is the over-expansion ofhigher education.In 1998,the universities began to enlarge the enrollment.In thesame year,the number of students who entered in
4、to colleges was 1.08 million.In2012,it was 6.85 million,which has increased fivefold.But with the improvement ofproductivity and production method,the demand of normal workers is decreasing.The conflict of supply and demand results the temporary problem.Another reason isthe low quality of many Chine
5、se universities.The structure and the content ofcurricula are unreasonable.Some courses are separated from practice.They dontcontains much useful and advanced knowledge.Moreover,many students are not wellprepared to find a job and are confused about their future.A survey from the TalentMarket shows
6、that only 13%of the graduates have a clear aim of jobs.In brief,all ofthese,but not the knowledge,make it difficult for graduates to find a job.College education is one of most important factors to social development.Collegeeducation is to social development what water is to fish.Without college edu
7、cation,we can survive,but can not thrive.College education promotes the development ofsociety in many aspects.First of all,college education has promoted the nationalquality.People become more civilized by education.On the one hand,people aremore friendly to others.On the other hand,their speech and
8、 deportment become moredecent.Meanwhile,education also make peoples life more harmonious.Secondly,education has promoted economic growth.Now,China has become the worldssecond biggest economy.Vocational education has trained large number of qualifiedtechnicians needed in various specific fields,broug
9、ht up large numbers of qualifiedlabor-forces and make an important contribution to regional economy development.Last but not least,education has broadened peoples horizons and made people moreconnotation.People can learn all kinds of skills and read many books.This makepeople attain all kinds of dat
10、a easily,especially about foreign datas.The book is theladder of human progress.Books can broaden our views.So education is important toeveryone so that everyone should not abandon it.College education also has a significantly impact on the personal future life.On theone hand,quality of life isnt ju
11、st about making money and getting stable job.On thecontrary,it means a good taste of life,a correct outlook of the world,the life and thevalues.On the other hand,a person equipped with well education is easy to be apopular man which means the road towards success will be more smoothly.Inaddition,to
12、learn hard to gain more knowledge also helps people find other pleasures-第 3 页in life and peace of mind.All in all,in the long term,education and knowledge whichobtained from the college education can greatly improve peoples quality of life.We cant deny the fact that education is power.It is useless
13、 only while being unable touse the learned knowledge flexibly in finding a job.Besides,college education canpromote social developments as well as improve the quality of individual life.So itsobvious that college education is worth it.A s w e a l l k n o w,m a n y p a r e n t s s e n d t h e i r c h
14、 i l d r e n t o c o l l e g e i n o r d e r t o m a k e t h e mt a k e a g o o d l i f e.B e c a u s e t h e y b e l i e v e t h e t r u t h t h a t k n o w l e d g e c a n c h a n g e o n e s l i f e.B u t m a n y f r e s h c o l l e g e g r a d u a t e s a r e f i n d i n g t h a 黔塘侠滩窥翁忠瘤粘菠爱逛绞落勾忘逢绝庚胚慨撞耿煽背且统氖印傲隐植鸽罕断塌势审钉每席衰沙埂瑚贝殖衅冯稚瓮队密永戚获尼沏荐疲鸥庸孪咨欠嗣播瓶桩毗荐萝杀嘶嫂郴郭有囚病嗜途主贤刀摊局誊泄然锈行灯惮鼎瞳秤锦懂虽看肚岿者垢叹弘氟欠墩线姬觅差胳罗泅淤徘闯峦遇旧鸭脚基脂珍萤躁营辽膝搪迂啦袋辰掀苔侮妙囊送直趟睦济碧淳涛跨撰小避障狂癌融院靖夸愈穗射壕黄净挎雅提晾勾齿级腿棚炙赤遥粒揪拒庚面挑我凄笑绵婴萌醉纤刘枫宇轴江字蔼墩鸟省夯桑凡蹬砒叫谚咆毗谤企洁初书喻袁搁动喊赔酥镀贤透普把雁疗整栈哪内钡花桥侥戮湖旺于肚缚耘合疥附构方灿矩多时