1、考研英语历年真题例句详解含译文翻译catch kaetjv.捕捉,捕获;赶上;感染;理解,听到【同义词】grasp ; capture真题例句First two hours, now three hours - this is how far in advance authorities are recommending people show up to catch a domestic flight.参考译文:起先是两小时,如今是三小时这是官方建议搭乘国内航 班的乘客需提前抵达机场的时间。(2017考研英语阅读textl)caterkeit9vi.(for/t。)满足,迎合;(for)提供
2、饮食及服务【同义词】satisfy.Among the commission s 51 members are top-tier-university presidents, scholars, lawyers, judges, and business executives, as well as prominent figures from diplomacy, filmmaking/ music and journalism. ( 2014 考研英语阅读 Test4 )参考译文:该委员会的51名成员均为美国顶级大学的校长、学者、律 师、法官、商业领袖以及来自外交、电影制作、音乐和新闻领域
3、的杰出 人士。1. cablekeibln.电报;电缆;缆,索,钢丝绳v.拍电报2. carrykaeriv.运送,搬运,传送,传播,领,带【同义词】transport; convey真题例句The administration was in essence asserting that because it didn t want to carry out Congress s immigration wishes, no state should be allowed to do so either.参考译文:政府其实声称因为自己不想执行国会的移民意愿,任何州也 不允许执行。(2013考研
4、英语阅读text4 )carriage kaeridsn.(四轮)马车,(火车)客车厢carrier kaerisn.搬运人,载体真题例句Next year, after a series of mergers is completed, just four railroads will control well over 90 percent of all the freight moved by major rail carriers.参考译文:到明年,一系列合并活动完成之后,四家铁路公司将控制 90%以上的铁路运输市场。(2003考研英语阅读text3 )carrotkaeratn.胡萝
5、卜真题例句With them,theres not the same embarrassment as when buying one carrot in a little g reeng rocer.和他们在一起参考译文:没有什么比买一根胡萝卜的时候更尴尬的了菜贩。(2011考研英语完型填空)3. cartka:tn.(二轮货运)马车,手推车真题例句cartoon ka:tu:nn.漫画,幽默画,动画片真题例句Those forced to exercise their smiling muscles reacted more enthusiastically to funny cartoo
6、ns than did those whose mouths were contracted in a frown.参考译文:那些被迫锻炼笑肌的人比那些绷着嘴不笑的人对滑稽的卡通 画册反应更为热烈(2011考研英语完形填空)carpet ka:pitn.地毯The carpets are starting to wear.参考译文:地毯渐渐磨坏了。( 2008考研英语阅读text)carpenterka:p9nt9n.木工,木匠carve ka:vv.(雕)刻【同义词】sculpture真题例句The new land was carved into 13 states.参考译文:这块新购置的
7、土地变成了 13个州。(2008考研英语阅读 text4 )care kEon.小心;关怀;照料v.(about)关心,介意,计较真题例句 Its the hardest thing to take care of a teenager, have a job, pay the rent, pay the car payment, and pay the debt.参考译文:照顾一个十几岁的孩子,还要上班,付房租,还汽车贷款, 还债,没有比这些更艰难的了。( 2008考研英语阅读textl)careful ksafula.小心的,仔细的,细致的,精心的【同义词】cautious ;真题例句Mo
8、st archaeological sites have been located by means of careful searching, while many others have been discovered by accident.参考译文:大多数考古遗址是通过仔细搜寻被找到的,但也有一些遗址 的发现纯属偶然。(2014考研英语新题型)careless4. career karia n.(个人的)事业;专业,生涯,职业,经历【同义词】occupation ; vocation真题例句With thousands of career-related sites on the In
9、ternet, finding promising openings can be time-consuming and inefficient.参考译文:有了成千上万的求职网站,找到较好的工作可能既费时又低 效。(2004考研英语阅读textl)caressk9resvt.n.爱抚,抚摸carbonkocbanm碳真题例句They found that the aircraft consumed as much as 15% less fuel (coupled with a reduction in carbon-dioxide output).参考译文:他们发现,这架飞机消耗的燃料少了
10、15%(同时减少了二氧 化碳的排放)。(2011考研英语新题型)5. carbohydrate zka:b8uhaidreitn.碳水化合物;糖类;(plural)淀粉质或糖类真题例句Also, not all of the carbon dioxide that enters the leaf is synthesized into carbohydrates.参考译文:此外进入树叶的二氧化碳并非全部合成为碳水化合物Q990 考研英语阅读text3)cardka:dn.卡片;名片;纸牌;纸片cardinalka:din8ln.(天主教的)红衣主教a.首要的,基本的【同义词】elementar
11、y ; fundamentaldiscarddiska:dz diska:dvt.丢弃,抛弃,遗弃同义词Abandon desert真题例句Physics and biology once followed similar practices and advanced only when they discarded them. ( 2002 翻译)参考译文:物理学和生物学一度使用类似的方法,而且当它们放弃这些 方法后才得以向前发展。6. postcardpostkardn.明信片7. scarska:n.疤,疤痕;创伤v.使留下伤痕,创伤【真题例句】scarce skeasa.缺乏的,不足的
12、;稀少的,罕见的【同义词】rare short【真题例句】2017完形8. scarcelysk9sliad.几乎不,简直没有,勉强【同义词】ill barely【真题例句】These changes were gradual and at first scarcely visible. ( 2015 翻译)参考译文:这些变化是渐进的,起初并不怎么明显。9. scare skEan.惊恐,恐慌V.惊吓,受惊【同义词】panic pavor【真题例句】Scared? (2016 PartB 阅读)参考译文:害怕了 ?10. scarf ska:fn.围巾,头巾,领巾,领带11. garagega
13、era:d3 , gar-n.车库,飞机库;修车厂12. cigarsiga:n.雪茄烟真题例句There were Pickwick coats and Pickwick cigars, and the plump, spectacled hero, Samuel Pickwick, became a national figure.参考译文:当时出现了 Pickwick外套、雪茄,而体型丰满、佩戴眼镜 的英雄Samuel Pickwick则成了全国名人。(2017考研英语新题型)cigaretsig8ret, sig-n. ( cigarette )香烟,纸烟,卷烟真题例句 Demand
14、comes mainly from two sources: independent mom-and-pop grocery stores and food service operators that cater to consumers when they don t eat at home.参考译文:市场需求主要来自两方面:一是独立经营的夫妻式杂货铺, 其次是饮食服务经营者,他们满足不在家吃饭的消费者的需求。(2010 考研英语新题型)cattlekaetln.牛;牲口,家畜catastrophekd taestrofin.大灾难;(悲剧)结局catalogkaet8logn. ( ca
15、talogue )目录(册)v.编目(录)categorykaetig9rin.种类,部属,类目;范畴,类型【同义词】class In South Carolina, a state-sponsored antismoking program called Rage Against the Haze sets out to make cigarettes uncool.参考译文:在南卡罗莱纳州,一项由州政府资助的名为怒对烟雾的 反吸烟活动旨在让吸烟成为落伍行为。(2012考研英语阅读textl)真题例句While still catching up to men in some spheres
16、 of modern life, women appear to be way ahead in at least one undesirable category.参考译文:尽管女性在现代生活中的不少领域仍在努力追赶男性,但至 少在一个不利的方面女性似乎遥遥领先。(2008考研英语阅读textl)cathedralkaei:draln.大教堂真题例句“日ectricity: Bertrand Russell says, s not a thing, like St. PauT s Cathedral; it is a way in which things behave.参考译文:伯特兰罗素
17、说:电和圣保罗大教堂不一样;这是事物的一种 行为方式。Q987考研英语翻译)Catholickae09lika.天主教的;n.天主教徒真题例句 Think of Galileo7 s 17th-century trial for his rebelling belief before the Catholic Church or poet William Blake s harsh remarks against the mechanistic worldview of Isaac Newton.参考译文:想想看,17世纪伽利略为他叛逆性的信仰而遭受天主教会 的审判,还有诗人William B
18、lake对Isaac Newton的机械论世界观所 发表的严厉的批判。( 1998考研英语阅读text3 )acid aesidn.酸,酸性物质a.酸的,酸味的;尖酸刻薄的【真题例句】High overhead in the carbon dioxide (C02) that passes for air is a layer of clouds, perhaps 10 to 20 miles thick, whose little drops consist mostly of sulfuric acid(H2SO4).(1990 考研英语阅读 Text 2)参考译文:在大气中二氧化碳(CO
19、2)的上空是一层云,大概有10到20 英里厚,它的小水滴主要由硫酸(H2s04)组成。6. accidentfaeksidantn.意外遭遇,事故;意外(因素)【真题例句】Most archaeological sites have been located by means of careful searching, while many others have been discovered by accident. (2014新题型)参考译文:大多数考古遗址都需要通过仔细搜寻才能定位,但也有一些 遗址是偶然间发现的。7. accidental,aeksidentala.偶然的;意外的;无
20、意中的8. incident insidsntn.事件,事变【同义词】event; incident【真题例句】Last year Japan experienced 2,125 incidents of school violence. (2000考研英语阅读Text 4 )参考译文:去年日本发生了 2.125起校园暴力事件。9. incidence insidansn.影响程度,影响范围;发生率【真题例句】Other identifiable causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the inc
21、reased availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growing incidence of child abuse and child neglect. (2004考研英语完形)参考译文:其他可确定的攻击性行为的原因包括在学校的挫折或失败, 毒品和酒精的供应增加,以及虐待儿童和忽视儿童的发生率增加。10. incidentally Jnsidentsliad.附带地,顺便提及11. coincidebkouinsaidvi.同时发生;巧合;一致;相符;【同义词】accord;correspond12. coincidencekauinsid9n
22、sn.巧合;同时发生,共同存在;符合,一致真题例句参考译文:Can this merely be coincidence?难道这仅仅是巧合吗?( 2004考研英语阅读text2 )decide disaidv.决定,下决心;解决,裁决同义词resolve真题例句I decided to quit my full-time employment. ( 2001 考研英语阅读Test5 )参考译文:我决定辞去自己的全日制工作。13. decisivedisaisiva.决定性的同义词critical真题例句Sexual confusion, economic frustrations, and r
23、eligious hope - all came together in a decisive moment. ( 2009 考研英语阅读 Test4 )参考译文:性困惑、经济受挫、宗教希望都在那个关键时刻汇集到一起。14. suicide sjuisaidn.自杀;自杀行为;自杀者a.自杀的vt.自杀vi.自杀【同义词】dutch act self-destruction【真题例句】There is another way to commit evolutionary suicide. ( 2000 阅读2)参考译文:另一种进行进化性自杀的方法。15. concisek9nsaisa.简明的
24、,简洁的16. cut kAt n./v.切,割,削;削减,删节n.切口,伤口同义词wound真题例句No clear-cut distinction can be drawn between professionals and amateurs in science: exceptions can be found to any rule. ( 2001 考研英语阅读Testi)参考译文:在科学领域内,专业人员与业余人员之间没有绝对的区分: 任何规则都有其例外。17. executeeksikju:tv.实行;实施;执行;完成;履行;处死同义词implement18. executive igzekjutivn.总经理,董事,行政负责人a.执行的,实施的真题例句