1、Chapter 11The Endocrine SystemEndocrine SystemComposition:the endocrine system is composed of endocrineglands,which are ductless glands,including endocrine organsand endocrine tissues or cells,surrounded by a large number ofcapillariesandlymphaticcapillaries.Secretions,calledhormones,are transmitted
2、 to the whole body through thecirculation of the blood.Endocrine functionEndocrine gland is an important regulatory system in the body,through itssecretion of hormones,in the way of humoral regulation,plays an importantrole in the regulation of body metabolism,growth and development andreproduction.
3、The functional activities of various endocrine glands are relatedto each other,and the endocrine glands are also affected by the activities ofthe nervous system and immune system,which interact and regulate eachother to form a network,namely neuro-endocrine-immune network(Neuro-endocrin-immune netwo
4、rk).Endocrine organ1.Thepituitary(Hypophysis):isconnected to the hypothalamus withthe help of the pituitary stalk and islocated in the dorsal pituitary fossa ofthe sphenoid bone of the skull basebehind the optic chiasma.Endocrine organDistal partAdenohypophysisNodular part.Pituitary glandIntermediat
5、e partNerve partNeurohypophysisEndocrine organStructural pattern of pituitary gland of livestock(cited from Dyce et al.,2010).A.Horse B.Cattle C.Pig D.Dog.1.Adenohypophysis 2.The middle part 3.Neurohypophysis 4.Pituitary stalk.The third ventricleEndocrine SystemSchematic diagram of pituitary structu
6、re(cited from Liebich.,2004)1.Ventromedial nucleus of funnel nucleus.Supraoptic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus.Anterior pituitary artery 4.Pituitary hilum.Vein 5.Adenohypophysis(distal part)6.Chromophils(eosinophils)7.Pituitary vein 8.Neurohypophysis(funnel part)9.Portal veinsystem 10.Neurohypo
7、physis(nerve part)11.Adenohypophysis(intermediate part)12.Pituitarycavity 13.Chromophilic cell(basophilic)Endocrine organ1.Olfactory triangle 2.Optic chiasma.3.Pituitary gland 4.Oculomotor nerveCalf pituitary(cited from Chen Yaoxing et al.,2013)Pineal glandLocated between the thalamus and the quadra
8、ngle,reddish brown,oval.Secretemelatonin,which can inhibit the release of gonadotropin and prevent precociouspuberty.Light can inhibit the secretory activity of the pineal body,which can promotethe function of the gonad.Pineal glandSagittal plane of bovine brain1.Brain 2.Corpus callosum 3.Lateral ve
9、ntricle 4.Pineal gland 5.Quadruple 6.Cerebellum7.Olfactory bulb 8.Pituitary gland 9.Midbrain 10.Pons 11.Medulla oblongataThyroid3.Thyroid(Glandula thyreoidea):is located at the junction of the head and neck,behind thelarynx and next to the thyroid cartilage.It consists of the left and right lateral
10、lobes and themiddle glandular isthmus.Secrete thyroxine and calcitonin.Bird Cattle PigThyroidThyroidLiver thyroid position(side)(Chen Yaoxing et al.,2011)A.Dog B.Horse C.Cow D.Pig1.Glandularisthmus2.Trachealcartilage3.Circulatory muscleThyroidSchematic diagram of thyroid of different domestic animal
11、s(Quoted from Chen Yaoxing et al.,2009)A.Pig B.Dog C.Horse D.Cow1.Posterior(tip)2.Left lobe 3.Glandular isthmus 4.Right lobeParathyroid gland4.Parathyroid gland(Glandulaeparathyreoideae):oval or round,small(2pairs of horse and cow,1 pair of pig),located near the thyroid or buried inthethyroidparench
12、ymaSecreteparathyroidhormone(Parathyroidhormone),regulatecalciumandphosphorusmetabolism,maintain normal blood calcium levels.Parathyroid glandPatterns of thyroid and parathyroid glands in different domestic animalsA.Horse B.Pig C.Cattle1.Circular cartilage 2.Thyroid 3.Parathyroid gland 4.Tracheal ca
13、rtilage 5.NeckCommon artery 6.Thyroid cartilageAdrenal glands5.Adrenal gland(Glandulasuprarenalis):a pair,located on the medial edgeof the front of the kidney,showing an oval or heart shape.The cortexsecretes mineralocorticoid,glucocorticoid,and sex hormones;the medullasecretes epinephrine and norep
14、inephrine.Adrenal glandsBovine kidney and adrenal glands(quoted from Popesko,1985)1.Right adrenal gland 2.Left adrenal gland 3.Right kidney4.Left kidney 5.Posterior vena cava 6.Aorta 7.Right ureter 8.Left ureter 9.Right kidney movement,Vein 10.Left kidneyartery and vein 11.Right kidneyArterial adren
15、al branch 12.Left renal artery kidneyPosterior branchEndocrine SystemMorphological patterns of adrenal glands in different domestic animalsA.Pig B.Dog C.Cat D.Small ruminant E.CattleF.HorseEndocrine tissue or cellEndocrine cellsCells are scattered and transported through capillaries,with little secr
16、etionand great effectEndocrine tissueTesticular seminiferous tubules,interstitial cells,follicular endometrial cells,corpus luteum,islets,etc.Pancreasseroli cellThe cell body is tapered,the bottom is attached to the basement membrane,and the top extends to the lumen.Unclear cell boundaries.The nucle
17、i are large,oval-shaped,lightly colored,and the nucleoli are obvious.The head of sperm is often embedded in the top of the cell,and spermatogenic cells of various developmental stages are attached around the cell.Sertoli cells have nutritional and supportive effects on spermatogenic cells.Corpus luteum(CL)Endocrine System5-HT positive cells(brown)in the duodenum(refer from Yulan DONG)Endocrine SystemFundus glandEndocrine cellsMaster cellCervical mucus cellParietal cell