1、Building industry opens up new world of entrepreneurial struggle to build a three provinces of regional central cities-in the Communist x counties the six plenary session members and comrades:today,I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standing Committee,reports to the General Assembly.Co
2、nsideration of all members and alternates,and comrades attending advice.A,and this year yilai of work recalled this year yilai,in municipal of right led Xia,County solidarity led County people,to science development views for guide,to good activities for mainline,according to a city four modernizati
3、ons three more of development thought,concentrated poly force,work hard,political,and economic,and culture,and social and party of construction are made has new progress,County rendering out wind fresh are,and career prosperity,and social settled,and people mind into of good situation.(A)facilitatin
4、g the construction of the project.Firmly establish the scratch project is economic,grasping development project is to hold philosophy,toextraordinary efforts to promoting the construction of key projects.Plot 108 key projects for the year,with a total investment of 29.3 billion yuan,iron plate,Josh
5、stone cement waste heat power generation and 13 projects completed,worship of 1.2 million tons of pellets,Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicken farming,47 projects under construction,completed investment of 3.95 billion yuan,annual plan of 69.3%.The first half of the Countys gross domestic produ
6、ct is expected to reached 8.5 billion yuan,and total revenue of 943 million Yuan.(B)structural adjustment achieved remarkable results.Actively transforming the pattern of economic development,industrial ecology,and agricultural modernization and industrialization of services.High x-County•Tin
7、iron circular economy demonstration area,and further expand economic development zone Jing Dian recycle economy ecology industry Park,Park,circular economy and rapid economic development.Focus more on the dialectical relationship between development and environmental protection,energy saving and emi
8、ssion reduction projects play an important role.Vigorously developing agriculture,ecological agriculture,agriculture,modern agricultural clearing along the RiverPromenade begins to takeshape.Key tourism projects is going well,WA Palace area was named top ten most influential cultural relics in Hebei
9、 province landscape.Develop new services,and services with new developments.(C)urban-rural integration process.Promoting three-year differencecampaign,battle of two largedemolition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters,exceeded the annual Task 7 months in advance.General big building jiangjun r
10、oad,bridge and highway bridges,the green heart of the city and other urban construction projects,and focus on building new countryside and new housing model villages,urban and rural areas improve.Highway opened to traffic,Liu Zhang,Qing LAN high-speed x-Countysection completed by the end of August.U
11、rban and rural人教版一年级下册语文教案西夏区第十六小学晶Building industry opens up new world of entrepreneurial struggle to build a three provinces of regional central cities-in the Communist x counties the six plenary session members and comrades:today,I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standing Committee
12、,reports to the General Assembly.Consideration of all members and alternates,and comrades attending advice.A,and this year yilai of work recalled this year yilai,in municipal of right led Xia,County solidarity led County people,to science development views for guide,to good activities for mainline,a
13、ccording to a city four modernizations three more of development thought,concentrated poly force,work hard,political,and economic,and culture,and social and party of construction are made has new progress,County rendering out wind fresh are,and career prosperity,and social settled,and people mind in
14、to of good situation.(A)facilitating the construction of the project.Firmly establish the scratch project is economic,grasping development project is to hold philosophy,toextraordinary efforts to promoting the construction of key projects.Plot 108 key projects for the year,with a total investment of
15、 29.3 billion yuan,iron plate,Josh stone cement waste heat power generation and 13 projects completed,worship of 1.2 million tons of pellets,Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicken farming,47 projects under construction,completed investment of 3.95 billion yuan,annual plan of 69.3%.The first half
16、of the Countys gross domestic product is expected to reached 8.5 billion yuan,and total revenue of 943 million Yuan.(B)structural adjustment achieved remarkable results.Actively transforming the pattern of economic development,industrial ecology,and agricultural modernization and industrialization o
17、f services.High x-County•Tin iron circular economy demonstration area,and further expand economic development zone Jing Dian recycle economy ecology industry Park,Park,circular economy and rapid economic development.Focus more on the dialectical relationship between development and environment
18、al protection,energy saving and emission reduction projects play an important role.Vigorously developing agriculture,ecological agriculture,agriculture,modern agricultural clearing along the RiverPromenade begins to takeshape.Key tourism projects is going well,WA Palace area was named top ten most i
19、nfluential cultural relics in Hebei province landscape.Develop new services,and services with new developments.(C)urban-rural integration process.Promoting three-year differencecampaign,battle of two largedemolition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters,exceeded the annual Task 7 months in adva
20、nce.General big building jiangjun road,bridge and highway bridges,the green heart of the city and other urban construction projects,and focus on building new countryside and new housing model villages,urban and rural areas improve.Highway opened to traffic,Liu Zhang,Qing LAN high-speed x-Countysecti
21、on completed by the end of August.Urban and rural识字一学习目标:1、认识“万、复、苏、柳”等 13 个生字,引发学生识字的兴趣。2、正确、整齐、规书写“万、冬、齐、丁、百”5 个生字。3、正确、流利地朗读词语。4、主动收集积累春天的词语。5、认识并了解春天给大地带来的变化,使学生产生好奇,激发学生了解、观察大自然的兴趣。教学重点:识字写字教学难点:留心观察周围事物,丰富自己的见闻和感受。教学过程:一、创设情景,激趣导入。1、小朋友,春姑娘悄悄来到了我们身边,她给大地万物带来了生机。春天在哪里呢?今天,老师和你们去找找春天,好吗?2、播放春天在哪
22、里的歌曲,学生闭上眼睛边拍手,边唱歌。二、图文结合,认知词语1.语言过渡:睁开眼睛看看插图上春天的景色,美吗?是呀,春天给大地披上了绿装,到处生机勃勃,春意盎然。小朋友,春天在哪儿,你能找到吗?2.认识词语。随机学习四组词语。(教师随着学生的回答相机出示词语卡片,让学生读一读字音,在图上认一认,唱一唱有关小动物的歌儿,说一说花儿的颜色,有关事物的特征等)3.揭示课题,巩固字音。刚才这些词语是语文书上识字 1的容。(板书:识字 1),你们看,它们正排着队,等着小朋友去认识呢!请小朋友读一读这些词语,比较难读的可以多读几遍,也可以请小组中的同学帮帮忙。(学生自由读)三、读中悟情,读中积累1.语言渲
23、染:春天来了,春风轻轻地吹,春雨淅淅地下,柳丝吐翠,小草茵茵,嫩芽.3/17破土,大地葱绿;燕子、布谷、蜜蜂飞来了,为春天增添了几多生趣;梨花、杏花、桃花开笑脸,为春天增色添彩!你愿意美美地读一读吗?让小朋友们感受一下春天多美呀!2.学生诵读韵文,边诵读边想象,达到熟记积累。四、总结全文,延伸拓展1.师总结。2.课后,小朋友去找一些有关“春天”的诗歌或成语,读一读。五、分析字形,指导书写1.认读要求书写的生字并口头组词。2.认识 3 个新偏旁。(“日”字底,“木”字旁,草字头)3.学生看笔顺图自学生字,描红课本上的生字。4.说说是怎么记住生字的。(全班交流)5.说说书写注意点。6.教师在田字格
24、示书写。7.学生在课堂生字本上描红、仿影、临写生字。教师巡视指导。六、课堂作业设计背诵课文。写好生字。板书设计识字一冬百齐Building industry opens up new world of entrepreneurial struggle to build a three provinces of regional central cities-in the Communist x counties the six plenary session members and comrades:today,I was commissioned by the County party Co
25、mmittee Standing Committee,reports to the General Assembly.Consideration of all members and alternates,and comrades attending advice.A,and this year yilai of work recalled this year yilai,in municipal of right led Xia,County solidarity led County people,to science development views for guide,to good
26、 activities for mainline,according to a city four modernizations three more of development thought,concentrated poly force,work hard,political,and economic,and culture,and social and party of construction are made has new progress,County rendering out wind fresh are,and career prosperity,and social
27、settled,and people mind into of good situation.(A)facilitating the construction of the project.Firmly establish the scratch project is economic,grasping development project is to hold philosophy,toextraordinary efforts to promoting the construction of key projects.Plot 108 key projects for the year,
28、with a total investment of 29.3 billion yuan,iron plate,Josh stone cement waste heat power generation and 13 projects completed,worship of 1.2 million tons of pellets,Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicken farming,47 projects under construction,completed investment of 3.95 billion yuan,annual pla
29、n of 69.3%.The first half of the Countys gross domestic product is expected to reached 8.5 billion yuan,and total revenue of 943 million Yuan.(B)structural adjustment achieved remarkable results.Actively transforming the pattern of economic development,industrial ecology,and agricultural modernizati
30、on and industrialization of services.High x-County•Tin iron circular economy demonstration area,and further expand economic development zone Jing Dian recycle economy ecology industry Park,Park,circular economy and rapid economic development.Focus more on the dialectical relationship between d
31、evelopment and environmental protection,energy saving and emission reduction projects play an important role.Vigorously developing agriculture,ecological agriculture,agriculture,modern agricultural clearing along the RiverPromenade begins to takeshape.Key tourism projects is going well,WA Palace are
32、a was named top ten most influential cultural relics in Hebei province landscape.Develop new services,and services with new developments.(C)urban-rural integration process.Promoting three-year differencecampaign,battle of two largedemolition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters,exceeded the an
33、nual Task 7 months in advance.General big building jiangjun road,bridge and highway bridges,the green heart of the city and other urban construction projects,and focus on building new countryside and new housing model villages,urban and rural areas improve.Highway opened to traffic,Liu Zhang,Qing LA
34、N high-speed x-Countysection completed by the end of August.Urban and rural1、柳树醒了学习目标:1.认识“醒、雷”等 8 个生字,会写“说、话”等 6 个字。2.正确流利地朗读课文,背诵课文。能通过朗读去感知和感悟春天的美。3.能展开想象,用自己的眼光发现春天里事物的变化。重点难点:识字写字、朗读课文。教学课时:两课时。教学过程:第一课时(一)激趣,引入新课1.小朋友,你们喜欢春天吗?板书“春”字,说说你看见这个字想到什么?2.做“一字开花”游戏,看谁说得多。3.出示课文插图,老师这儿也有一幅美丽的图画,想看看吗?你看
35、到了什么?(感受春天大地复苏的情景)。(二)初读,了解短文1.同学们,春天来了,到处都是春天的气息,你们看这幅图上的小朋友们在干什么?(有的在拍照;有的在寻找春天;有的在唱歌。)师总结:是的,他们唱呀跳呀,在歌唱春天,歌颂美好的大自然,请同学们打开书读一读课文第 1 课。借助拼音,读准字音。2出示字词卡片,反馈读音。(1)板书课题:1柳树_了(2)谁来读课题,柳树怎么啦?(醒)谁能从字卡中找到“醒”字贴上去?(补题后让这位学生带着大家再读课题)(3)除“醒”字外,你们还会认儿歌中的哪些汉字?下面老师考考大家,请看字卡。(老师出示字卡,请学生读字并组词)3分节读文,了解容。.5/17(1)读第一
36、节,说说你知道了什么?(春雷跟柳树说话,柳树就醒了)教师板书:说话醒了柳树在谁的帮助下醒了?(春雷)教师板书:柳树春雷春雷怎样跟柳树说话,小柳树睡醒了又是什么样?你能想像着再读一读第一小节吗?(2)春雷的朋友们还和柳树在一起做什么啦?分小组学习第二、三、四小节。以小组形式汇报,老师板书:春雨 洗澡 柳枝 软了春风 梳头 柳梢 绿了春燕 捉迷藏 柳絮 飞了(3)春天里的景物那么可爱,让我们一起读读最后一个小节,看看着急了的柳树在干什么?齐读第五小节。请同学说一说又知道什么啦?教师板书:柳树玩耍小朋友长高了。哪些同学愿意跟柳树做朋友站起来,看着板书背一背。(4)同学们,春天万物都在生长,除了柳树醒
37、了,还有什么也醒了呢?(5)春天真的是太美了,让我们再欣赏这美丽的图画,读一读课文吧!(自由读)(三)巩固生字,写好字1看板书再读词。2指导书写。同学们,这节课我们要写好两个相同偏旁的汉字,你们看田字格表里是哪两个字这两个字的偏旁谁认识?(言字旁)写言字旁时第一笔点起笔不能太低,横要向上斜一点,折要向左斜一点,注意左边偏旁窄一些,右边部分宽一些。描红。自己练写,老师巡视。成果展示。(四)课堂作业设计1、背诵课文。2、写好“说、话”两个字。Building industry opens up new world of entrepreneurial struggle to build a thr
38、ee provinces of regional central cities-in the Communist x counties the six plenary session members and comrades:today,I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standing Committee,reports to the General Assembly.Consideration of all members and alternates,and comrades attending advice.A,and t
39、his year yilai of work recalled this year yilai,in municipal of right led Xia,County solidarity led County people,to science development views for guide,to good activities for mainline,according to a city four modernizations three more of development thought,concentrated poly force,work hard,politic
40、al,and economic,and culture,and social and party of construction are made has new progress,County rendering out wind fresh are,and career prosperity,and social settled,and people mind into of good situation.(A)facilitating the construction of the project.Firmly establish the scratch project is econo
41、mic,grasping development project is to hold philosophy,toextraordinary efforts to promoting the construction of key projects.Plot 108 key projects for the year,with a total investment of 29.3 billion yuan,iron plate,Josh stone cement waste heat power generation and 13 projects completed,worship of 1
42、.2 million tons of pellets,Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicken farming,47 projects under construction,completed investment of 3.95 billion yuan,annual plan of 69.3%.The first half of the Countys gross domestic product is expected to reached 8.5 billion yuan,and total revenue of 943 million Yua
43、n.(B)structural adjustment achieved remarkable results.Actively transforming the pattern of economic development,industrial ecology,and agricultural modernization and industrialization of services.High x-County•Tin iron circular economy demonstration area,and further expand economic developmen
44、t zone Jing Dian recycle economy ecology industry Park,Park,circular economy and rapid economic development.Focus more on the dialectical relationship between development and environmental protection,energy saving and emission reduction projects play an important role.Vigorously developing agricultu
45、re,ecological agriculture,agriculture,modern agricultural clearing along the RiverPromenade begins to takeshape.Key tourism projects is going well,WA Palace area was named top ten most influential cultural relics in Hebei province landscape.Develop new services,and services with new developments.(C)
46、urban-rural integration process.Promoting three-year differencecampaign,battle of two largedemolition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters,exceeded the annual Task 7 months in advance.General big building jiangjun road,bridge and highway bridges,the green heart of the city and other urban cons
47、truction projects,and focus on building new countryside and new housing model villages,urban and rural areas improve.Highway opened to traffic,Liu Zhang,Qing LAN high-speed x-Countysection completed by the end of August.Urban and rural板书设计:1 柳树醒了春雷 说话 柳树 醒了春雨 洗澡 柳枝 软了春风 梳头 柳梢 绿了春燕 捉迷藏 柳絮 飞了柳树 玩耍 小朋友
48、 长高了第二课时(一)复习1开火车抽读字卡:醒、雷、澡、枝、软、梳、梢、耍2完成课后说一说。3请同学领读词语:(老师出词语,同学领读)(二)读背课文指名分小节朗读课文,学生齐背。(三)实践活动仿照课文编诗句,说一说。(四)指导写字1、学生观察,说说怎样才能写好这些字。2、教师写。3、学生书写,师生评议。(五)课堂作业设计1、完成练字作业。2、词语连线练习。春雷 说话 柳树 醒了春雨 洗澡 柳枝 软了春风 梳头 柳梢 绿了春燕 捉迷藏 柳絮 飞了柳树 玩耍 小朋友 长高了板书设计:1 柳树醒了春雷 说话 柳树 醒了春雨 洗澡 柳枝 软了.7/17春风 梳头 柳梢 绿了春燕 捉迷藏 柳絮 飞了柳树
49、 玩耍 小朋友 长高了2、春雨的色彩教学目标:1、认识“线、论”等 11 个生字,会写“你、们”等 6 个字。2、正确流利地朗读课文,感受春雨给大地带来的变化。3、有主动积累词语的意识。教学重点、难点1、识字、写字。2、正确、流利地朗读课文,感受春天。第一课时一、音乐导入,激发兴趣1、播放歌曲小雨沙沙2、同学们,刚才的歌你们听过吗?今天呀,老师不仅给大家带来了歌曲,还带来了好听的音乐和童话故事。3、朗读春雨的色彩二、初读课文,认识生字1、请学生自读课文,把拼拼音才会读的字圈起来。2、这些圈起来的字都是我们的新朋友,看看你有什么好办法记住这些字。3、同桌互读课文,如果有不认识的字,就教教他,还可
50、以问其他同学,每人读一遍。4、出示这些字,请会读的同学展示读。5、愿意给哪个生字组词就给哪个组词。6、出词给学生读。三、读通课文,感知容Building industry opens up new world of entrepreneurial struggle to build a three provinces of regional central cities-in the Communist x counties the six plenary session members and comrades:today,I was commissioned by the County p