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1、2023年高校教师教学质量评价指标体系的构建 高校教师教学质量评价指标体系的构建 提要:本文力图剔除不同课程及专业的差别,对教师从事教学活动的全过程进行全景式观照,对各教学环节进行科学梳理,把其中的关键点量化为评价指标,编制出具有鲜明导向性的、科学的评价指标体系。在此基础上,根据评价指标体系的特点,确定由学生评价、院系综合评价、教师自我评价的不同角度的评价主体,以期真正达到提高教学质量的目的。 一、对高校教师教学质量评价研究的意义 目前,在人才日益竞争激烈的环境下,教学质量即培养人才的质量关乎到学校的生存与发展。而教学质量的高低是经过许多教师一系列教学活动的过程并通过学生的发展变化体现出来的,

2、教师的教学质量直接影响学生的质量,评价教师的教学质量,促进教学质量不断提高,是全面提高学生质量的根本保证。被称为“现代教育评价之父”的泰勒曾提出:评价过程本质上是一个确定课程和教学计划实际达到教育目标程度的过程。有两个主要着眼点:一是评价;二是发展。因此,教学质量的评价无疑是一个非常重要的方面,评价过程旨在对被评价者做出判断。对教师教学质量评价的研究具有非常重要的意义,主要表现在以下方面: 1、促使教师不断改进教学,促进教师的专业发展。对教师教学质量评价根本目的是促使教师不断地查漏补缺、不断改进教学,以提高教学质量。此外,教师在教学中不断地丰富完善自己的专业知识,会有力地促进教师的专业发展。

3、2、可以使学校的教学管理部门了解教学情况、发现问题、总结经验,并改进工作,以达到提高教学质量的目的。评价是一种非常有效的管理手段,学校的教学管理部门可以通过对教师教学质量的评价来了解教学情况,适时进行调控,以达到人才培养的目的。 3、加强学校对教师的绩效管理工作。评价的一个重要功能就是为奖优罚劣提供依据,根据对教师教学质量的评价结果,在学校内部建立一种有效的激励机制,最终为保证教学质量奠定基础。 4、教师教学质量评价是高校教学质量监控与评估体系的重要组成部分,对教师教学质量评价的研究有助于完善高校教学质量监控与保障体系。高校对于教学质量的监控主要是通过检查和评价来实施的,教师教学质量评价是关键

4、,只有客观公正地对教师教学质量进行评价,才能进一步完善高校的教学质量监控与保障体系。 综上所述,教师教学质量评价的对象虽然是教师,对学校管理也有非常重要的意义。但我们也应该看到,对教师教学质量评价的落脚点在学生身上,根本目的是提高学生的学习能力,培养具有专业基础扎实宽厚,具有独立人格和创新精神的学生。 二、构建高校教师教学质量评价指标体系的原则 1、方向性原则。以培养“应用型”创新人才的目标为指导,遵循教育规律,体现教育改革与发展的要求,系统而全面地反映培养目标。 2、通用性原则。评价对象是承担教学任务的所有专兼任教师,即对所有承担教学任务的教师都是适用的。因此,本研究力图剔除不同课程及专业的

5、差别,对教师从事教学活动的全过程进行全景式观照,对教师从事教学活动的全过程进行科学梳理,即从教学活动开始的编制教学大纲、授课计划、选择教材到备课当中教案、课件的制作,一直到课堂教学以及辅导学生、课程考试、课程总结的所有教学环节的关键点量化为评价指标,以此来考查教师的教学质量,编制出具有鲜明导向性的评价指标体系。 3、科学性原则。借鉴国外有效教学理念及国内的研究成果,在对本校相关管理人员、教师、学生进行广泛访谈,对相关文献资料进行搜集、归纳和分析的基础上,对每条指标的内涵进行反复推敲,各指标的表述既明确又互相联系,组成一个有机整体,评价标准既符合现实又客观全面,教师通过努力可以达到要求,也得到了

6、学生的广泛认可。 4、可操作性原则。具体来说,有三个方面:一是评价指标应符合实际,切实可行,既 体现教师教学的特征又体现当前我国高等教育的特点;二是指标体系的数量适当,既能体现教师教学的过程又能抓准关节点;三是评价指标尽可能量化,以便在评价过程中操作实施。 5、动态性原则。对教师教学质量的评价是一个动态的过程,随着科学技术的发展,教育对象的变化,在教学内容、教学方法、教学手段等方面不断进行改革,其评价指标必须是动态和发展的。因此,对评价结果分析、反馈利用既是一个评教周期的结束,也是下一轮评教工作的开始。在这个过程中,教学管理者要对评价结果进行分析,根据变化的实际情况对评价指标体系进行适当的调整

7、,以保证评价的效度。 三、评价主体的确定 一个完整的评价系统应该有多元化的主体参与,从不同角度对教师教学质量进行评价,然后综合不同主体的评价结果,给教师教学质量以全面、客观、准确的评价。目前,我国高校的评价主体主要有学生、专家、同行、领导与教师自我评价。在这些信息来源中,学生评价较同事评价、教师自评和专家评价具有更好的信度和效度。 我们是对各教学环节进行科学梳理,把其中的关键点量化为评价指标的,因此,根据此指标体系的特点,最终,我们确定了由学生评价、院系综合评价、教师自我评价相结合的三维评价主体。学生是教学的对象,是教师教学的直接感受者和收益者,他们是学习的主体,是教学效果的直接体验者,对教师

8、的教学态度、教学内容、教学方法与教学效果等感受最深,对课堂教学质量最有发言权。 四、评价指标体系的构建 指标是指依据一定的价值标准,通过系统的收集资料、对评价对象的质量、水平、效益及其社会意义进行价值判断的过程。评价是以特定的目标为依据的,在实践中,我们将目标具体化。而指标就是具体的、可测量的、行为化和操作化的目标,它是评价的直接依据。指标体系是由各级各项评价指标及其相应的指标权重和评价标准所构成的集合体。一般的评价指标会从教学态度、教学内容、教学方法、教学能力、教学效果等几个方面构建评价指标体系,会产生对某几项指标的反复使用与评价,往往会造成评价主体因角度不同,结果往往相悖的结果。而我们在构

9、建指标体系时,学生评价侧重于教师的课堂教学,院系专家评价侧重于以课堂教学为中心的教学环节上的各关键点。这样,既覆盖全面又各有侧重,评价的结果会更具有可信度。 1、我们构建了9个考核点、21项指 标的学生评价指标体系。如表1所示。(表1)本指标体系的最突出特点就是加上了教师的“个性品质”与“教学技能和风格”,教师除了具备一定的知识和能力水平,心理和个性特征也是非常重要的。因此,教学质量的评价除了需要考虑知识传授和能力培养以外,还需要考虑教师教学过程中人文关怀的因素。具有人文关怀的教学可以促进学生在学习过程中保持愉快健康的心理,促进学生个性的良好发展。总之,教学质量是在一定人文关怀条件下,教师传授

10、知识与培养能力的一种效率体现。人文关怀实质是指教师在教学过程中以学生为本的教学精神, 2、构建了10个考核点、21项指标的院系综合评价指标体系。(表2)本指标体系的特点主要表现在以下几个方面:一是重视教学文件的编制与更新,因为这是保证教师教学质量的基础;二是重视师生之间的互动学习;三是重视对一个轮次结束后课程的总结与学生的反馈,对提高教师的教学水平,进而提高教学质量起到了保障作用。 教师自评也是由客观等级评价与主观评语评价两部分组成。 总之,以上评价指标体系的构建,采用“定量考核”与“定性考核”相结合,“他评”与“自评”相结合,真正做到了以评价促进教师发展,为教师发展而评价的目的。 五、评价结

11、果的应用 充分利用校园网,建立网上评价系统,学生和院系专家可以通过校园网对每位教师进行http:/ 网上评教,利用信息化网络手段,可以准确、快速、高效率地采集到评价工作所需要的信息,可以使教学管理部门在教学过程中随时掌握教师的教学状态以及学校的教学管理、教学实施和教学保障的工作状态,使教师的教学质量处于实时监控状态,以便及时决策调控。 主要参考文献: 1魏红,申继亮.高校教师有效教学的特征分析J.西南师范大学学报,2023.5. 2陈厚德.有效教学M.北京教育科学出版社,2000. 3李春玲.高校教师教学水平评价在我国的实践发展和理论探讨J.现代教育科学,2023.4. 4许传海,宋涛,张素.

12、对教师教学质量评价的思考J.中国高教研究,2023.2. Construction of the evaluation index system of teaching quality of teachers in Colleges and Universities Abstract: This paper tries to eliminate different courses and profeional difference, gives a panoramic view of the teachers engaged in teaching activities of the enti

13、re proce, scientific review of the teaching proce, the key point of the quantified evaluation index, compiled with distinctive oriented, scientific evaluation index system.On this basis, according to the characteristics of the evaluation index system, determine the different angle by the student eva

14、luation, comprehensive evaluation and teacher self-evaluation, the evaluation of the main, in order to achieve the purpose of improving teaching quality. One, the teaching quality of university teacher evaluation research significance At present, in the increasingly competitive environment, the qual

15、ity of teaching is to cultivate talents quality relates to the survival and development of the school.And the teaching quality is the proce through a series of teaching activities, many teachers and students through the development and change of the reflected, the teaching quality of teachers direct

16、ly affect the quality of the students, the evaluation of teaching quality of teachers, promoting the improvement of the teaching quality, is basic guarantee of improving students Comprehensive quality.Known as the father of modern education evaluation of Taylor was put forward: the evaluation proce

17、is eentially a set curriculum and teaching plan to the actual education.There are two main points: one is to evaluate the; the two is the development of.Therefore, evaluation of teaching quality is a very important aspect, the evaluation proce is to make judgments about people being evaluated.Study

18、on the evaluation of teaching quality is very important, mainly in the following aspects: 1, encourage teachers to improve their teaching, to promote the profeional development of teachers.On Teachers teaching quality evaluation of fundamental purpose is to promote the teachers constantly gaps, impr

19、ove teaching, to improve the quality of teaching.In addition, teachers constantly enrich and improve their profeional knowledge, will effectively promote the profeional development of teachers. 2, can make the school teaching management departments to understand teaching situation, found the problem

20、, sum up experience, and improve the work, in order to achieve the purpose of improving teaching quality.Evaluation is a very effective means of management, the school teaching management departments can understand teaching situation through the evaluation of teaching quality control, timely, in ord

21、er to achieve the aim of personnel training. 3, strengthen school teacher performance management.An important function of evaluation is to provide the basis for Jiangyoufalie, according to the teachers teaching quality evaluation results, to set up an effective incentive mechanism within the school,

22、 finally lay the foundation to ensure the quality of teaching. 4, the teachers teaching quality evaluation is an important part of college teaching quality monitoring and evaluation system, evaluation of teachers teaching quality is helpful to improve the teaching quality monitoring and security sys

23、tem.Monitoring the teaching quality in Colleges and universities is mainly implemented by examination and evaluation, teaching quality evaluation is the key, only an objective and impartial evaluation of teachers teaching quality, in order to further improve the teaching quality monitoring and secur

24、ity system. In summary, the object of teachers teaching quality aement is the teacher, also has very important significance to the school management.But we should also see, the evaluation of teachers teaching quality foothold in the student body, the fundamental purpose is to improve students learni

25、ng ability, culture has the solid specialized foundation charity, has the independent personality and creative spirit of students. Two, establishes the evaluation index system of university teaching quality principle 1, the directional principle.To develop the application innovative talents as the g

26、uidance, follow the law of education, the education reform and development, to reflect the systematic and comprehensive training objectives. 2, general principle.Evaluation object is all college part-time teachers to undertake the task of teaching, which is applicable to all the teachers to undertak

27、e the task of teaching.Therefore, this study tries to eliminate different courses and profeional difference, gives a panoramic view of the teachers engaged in teaching activities of the entire proce, scientific review of teachers engaged in teaching activities of the entire proce, that is from the b

28、eginning of the teaching activities of the compilation of teaching outline, teaching plan, selection of materials to teaching, courseware preparation, until claroom teaching and tutoring students, course, course the sum of all the teaching key point of quantitative indicators for the evaluation of t

29、eaching quality, in order to examine the teachers, developed with distinct orientation evaluation index system. 3, the scientific principle.The theory of effective teaching abroad and domestic research results, extensive interviews in the school management, teachers, students, basic collection, summ

30、ary and analysis of relevant literature, the connotation of each index was batted, the index expreion is as clear and interrelated with each other, form an organic whole, evaluation criteria not only conforms to the realistic and objective comprehensive, teachers can meet the requirements through th

31、e efforts, has been widely recognized by the students. 4, the operating principle.Specifically, there are three aspects: one is the evaluation index should be consistent with the actual, practical characteristics, embodies the teachers teaching and reflect the characteristics of the current higher e

32、ducation in China; the number two is the appropriate index system, which reflects the proce of teachers teaching and can catch the key point; three is the evaluation index quantified as far as poible in order to operate in the evaluation proce, the implementation of. 5, the dynamic principle.Evaluat

33、ion of teaching quality is a dynamic proce, with the development of science and technology, the change of education objects, in the teaching content http:/ 高校教师教学质量评价指标体系的构建 网络教师教学质量评价学生评教指标体系 教师评价指标体系 实践教学评价中指标体系的构建 高校财务风险模糊评价指标体系构建探讨 高校就业指导类课程教学质量审核评估指标体系的构建策略 关于构建高校公共体育课教学质量保障评估指标体系的研究论文 高校教师教学质量评价方案的研究论文 企业财务能力评价指标体系的构建 贷后管理评价指标体系的构建(优秀)


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