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1、Wu jinshan Middle schoolShan zhenliUnit 13 We are trying to save the earth.(Section A 3a)What animals are endangered?sablesnow leopardblack yakTibetan antelopewarming up and lead-inWhats this?what do you know about them?Sharks are at the top of the food chain in the oceans ecosystem.A food chainshar

2、ksWhat happens to sharks?Are they endangered?Save the sharks!Learning objects学习目标1.learn some new words and language points.2.improve reading ability(能力)by using different reading strategies(策略)3.master(掌握)the main idea of the passage.Save the sharks!Read and MatchPara1.endangered sharksPara2.shark

3、fin soupPara3.Help save the sharks!Skimming 扫读,略读扫读,略读Reading Tip Find out the key words(关键词)关键词)in each paragraph.Where shark fin soup is popularNumber of sharks caughtand traded every yearHow much the numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen in the last 20 to 30yearsTwo environmental groups whi

4、ch are against(反对反对)“finning”in southern China around 70 millionover 90 percent WildAid and the WWF3aRead the passage about sharks and complete the fact sheet below.Scanning 寻读寻读in the south of China1.Are we killing a whole shark when we enjoy a bowl of shark fin soup?Why or why not?2.Is killing sha

5、rks harmful to the ocean ecosysterm?Why or why not?3.What have the two environmental protection groups done to fight against(反对)反对)finning?4.Is shark fin soup good for health?5.What do you think might cause a fall in the number of sharks?careful readingRead the passage again and answer the questions

6、.1.Are we killing a whole shark when we enjoy a bowl of shark fin soup?Why or why not?2.Is killing sharks harmful to the ocean ecosysterm?why or why not?careful readingYes,we are.Because a shark can no longer and sloely dies.Yes,it is.Because sharks are at the top of the food chain in the ocean ecos

7、ystym.If their numbers drop too low,it will bring danger to all ocean life.3.What have the two environmental protection groups done to fight against(反对)反对)finning?4.Is shark fin soup good for health?No,it isnt.there are no scientific studies to support this.1.They have taught the public about finnin

8、g.2.They have asked governments to develop laws to stop the sales of shark fins.3.What have people done to fight against(反对)反对)finning?4.Is shark fin soup good for health?No,there are no scientific studies to support this.5.What do you think might cause a fall in the number of sharks?I think on the

9、one hand,people kill the sharks.On the other hand,the environment is polluted.3b Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.so although if but when1.Many people do not realize they are killing a whole shark _ they enjoy a bowl of shark fin soup.2.Sharks are at the top of the food chain,_ if their

10、numbers drop,the oceans ecosystem will be in danger.whensoexercise 3.Many think that sharks are too strong to be endangered,_ they are wrong.4._ there are no scientific studies to support this,a lot of people believe that shark fins are good for health.5.Sharks may disappear one day _ we do not do s

11、omething to stop the sale of shark fins.butAlthoughifSave the sharks!reading aloudLets do this to review the text!Some people like to eat shark fin soup,especially _.But getting the s harks fin is very _.When people catch sharks,they _ and _ _.The shark _ because it cant _ without the fin.And it is

12、also _.Sharks are _ _.If the _of sharks drops too low,it will _.Please say no to eating _,and take action to save the sharks.in southern China cruel cut off their fins throw the sharks into the ocean will slowly dies swim harmful to environment at thetop of the food chain number bring danger to all

13、oceans life.the shark fin soupWhat can we do to save the sharks?Discussing in groupFor ourselves,we are supposed to./we are not supposed to.For the public,they should./shouldntFor the government,it shouldenjoying the pictures Protecting animals is protecting ourselves.We live in the same world.Lets

14、take action to help save the animals.I hope our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future.Nowadays,many kinds of animals are endangered.We should do something to protect the animals and the environment!Firstly,_Homeworka:Draw a poster about animals to ask people to save animalsb:Write an article about how to save the animalsThanks lead-in


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