1、2023年野生动物园导游词(精选多篇) 推荐第1篇:杭州野生动物园导游词 (上高速后20分钟开始欢迎词)亲爱的朋友们,很高兴在这个风和日丽的早上见到大家!首先,感谢各位参加由我们欢乐假期组织的这次杭州野生动物园一日游。同时也很荣幸与大家同行。我是今天的导游,我叫胡郡妲,大家可以叫我小胡或者胡导,怎么亲切怎么叫。小胡我呢是身高保密,年龄保密,体重保密,唯一不保密的就是我的电话号码了,我的电话号码是187677598,随时开通,朋友们在今天的游览当中有什么难处,可以找我,这就叫:排忧解难,请打导游热线。今天同我一起为各位服务的还有司机马师傅,马师傅的驾龄有20多年了,经验丰富,大家尽管放心! 下面
3、人就非常多了。动物园里的马戏表演在蓝宝石剧场,建议大家12点40就可以过去占位子了,不然就只能坐在后面了。动物园里还有很多游乐设施,是自费的。 在这里呢,我特别强调安全问题。旅游固然重要,但是安全问题才是第一。在行车途中,请各位家长,特别是小朋友坐在自己的座位上,不要再车里随处走到,以免刹车造成意外。各位朋友现在坐什么位置,回来还是做这个位置。再次强调我们这辆车是1号车,车牌号码是XXX。车子的颜色是XX色。在景区里也要注意安全,小朋友不要攀爬假山,不要拿石头扔野生动物。咱们平安的去,平安的回来!等下我会发给每个朋友一顶帽子,请大家下车后都带上,景区里游客众多,戴上帽子也方便我点清人数,那小胡
4、我呢也是“以帽取人”的啊。最后呢,祝各位朋友度过一个欢乐的旅程! (下车前再次强调集合时间与地点!)让他们准时! (车子开到义乌时可以开始结束词了)各位亲爱的朋友!到这里呢,咱们今天的行程就圆满结束了。小朋友们,你们今天看到的动物和电视里的一样吗.。在这里,我要送给大家4个字,第一个字是缘,缘分的缘,俗话说“百年修得同船渡”,咱们是“百年修得通车行”,那么和大家今天的共处,算算也是百年的缘分了!第二个字是原谅的原,在今天的游览中,小胡有做的不好的地方,希望大家多多包涵!第三个字是圆满的圆,今天的行程圆满结束,和大家的配合是分不开的,在这里,谢谢大家!第四个字还是源,财源的源,祝大家财源滚滚,工
5、作顺利,家庭幸福!也欢迎大家下次还能报名参加我们欢乐假期旅行社组织的活动,到时候,小胡我还给各位当导游。好的,谢谢大家! 推荐第2篇:杭州野生动物园导游词 杭州野生动物园导游词 富阳市实验小学 五(5)班 章舒扬 各位游客大家好,欢迎来到著名的杭州野生动物园游玩。我叫章舒扬,今天很荣幸能为大家当一回导游,带大家一览野生动物园的风光,让我们一起度过今天的快乐时光吧! 杭州野生动物园里有来自世界各地的几百种珍奇异兽和国家一级、二级保护动物近万只,园内共有三个演艺场,有大象演艺场、飞禽演艺场等,并分为车行游乐区和步行游览区,在这里我们将会看到动物朋友们的精彩纷呈的表演,现在请大家跟我来。 首先我们看
6、到的是飞禽馆,这里的鸟花样重多,如厚嘴巨嘴鸟、红喙巨嘴鸟等。现在我来提个问题,为什么它们的嘴那么大呢?呵呵!各位游客请看边上的食物表,由于它们经常吃一些浆果和核桃,嘴巴不大的话根本咬不动,由此可见,动物适应自然的能力是很强的。 再往前走我们来到白犀牛馆,这些可爱的白犀牛们是食草动物,个头是现有五种犀牛种体型最大的,仅此于大象,它们生活在开阔的平原地带,喜欢在泥水里打滚,由于它们遭到大量捕杀,现在已经极度濒临灭绝了。 看完白犀牛,让我们走进边上的鳄鱼馆,与鳄鱼先生打个招呼吧!不过鳄鱼可不是鱼哦!它可是爬行动物,鳄鱼这个名字是因为它像鱼一样在水中玩耍而得名,与白犀牛一样,它也是国际保护动物。鳄鱼可
7、是跟恐龙是同时代的动物,居然可以活到现在,真了不起。岸上的鳄鱼看起来一动不动,像是假的,这可是它们的捕食方法,趁猎物不注意时,猛地扑上去,将猎物吃掉。不过这里的鳄鱼是经过驯养的,我六岁那年还抱着它留过影呢!有胆大的也可以跟鳄鱼先生合个影哦! 看过鳄鱼,大家觉得有点累吧,那让我们坐上游览车轻松一下,还可以领略美丽的草原风光。游览车缓缓前行,现在我们即将进入猛兽动物区,有凶猛的老虎、威武的狮子和残暴的狼,它们隐藏在树丛中,一般不轻易露面。只有喂食时,它们才会以迅雷不及掩耳之势扑向猎物。大家有兴趣的话,也可以买些肉、活鸡喂喂它们,见识一下它们捕食的厉害。看完凶猛的,我们再去看看温顺的食草动物,请大家
8、准备好它们爱吃的食物,这里的动物们已经习惯了吃游客们手中的树叶,只要看到有车来了,它们就会围上来,与你来个亲密接触,请大家注意安全,不要害怕。 好了,时间差不多了,我们去大象表演场看看吧!表演马上就要开始了,别看这大象笨头笨脑的,但表演起来却有模有样。大象表演场内还设有与观众互动的项目,幸运的观众可能会被抽中与大象一起上台表演哦!瞧!表演开始喽! 游客们,接下来的时间是自由活动,两个小时后在门口集合。祝大家玩得开心! 推荐第3篇:秦皇岛野生动物园导游词 各位游客: 你们好,欢迎你们来到秦皇岛野生动物园,我是你们的导游*。 位于北戴河海滨区内,面积334公顷,是我国目前面积最大,森林覆盖率最高,
9、自然环境最优美的野生动物园。园内放养着80余种5000多只动物,有世界珍禽名兽和我国 一、二级保护动物,如东北虎、非洲狮、长颈鹿、斑马、棕熊、黑天鹅等,置身其间,您会得到回归自然界的全新感觉。 秦皇岛野生动物园充分利用林海、绿地为各类野生动物提供休养生息的乐园,模仿各种动物的原生环境,在充分保护和利用现有资源的条件下,将动物分区隔离散放,营造返朴归真、回归自然的氛围,形成人与自然相融的旅游特色。100余种5000多头(只)野生动物在模拟的原生环境中悠然自得,尽显它们的野性和活力,游人或与动物直接接触或乘车穿梭于各类动物生活小区,人在游车上,车在兽中行,十分新奇、刺激。“从前人看笼中兽,今日兽看
10、车中人”正在秦皇岛野生动物园的生动写照。 秦皇岛野生动物园总投资1.6亿元,已建成园门景区、笼养动物区、猛兽区、非洲动物区、猴园、娱乐中心广场、草食动物区、动物幼儿园、孔雀园、百花园、游禽园、涉禽园、走禽园等景区二十多处。经过几年的运营,在取得良好的经济效益和社会效益的同时,野生动物园的知名度和美誉度也逐年提高,先后荣获“秦皇岛市科普教育基地”、省市两级“文明旅游风景区(点)示范点”、“三星级文明窗口单位”和“河北省优秀企事业单位”等光荣称号,并于2000年底被国家旅游局评为全国首批“AAAA级旅游区(点)”,2023年4月秦皇岛野生动物园又成功通过了ISO9002国际质量体系认证,使企业在管
11、理和档次上都上了一个新台阶。 为提高景区品位,丰富展出内容,2023年底,野生动物园又投资1200多万元对园区进行改造扩建,新增白虎园、小狮虎园、袋鼠园、动物大巡游等项目。这些项目的完成,极大地丰富了野生动物园的展出内容,增强了观赏效果,提高了景区的档次和品位,使之在规模和档次上都成为全国动物园行业之最。 秦皇岛野生动物园以保护野生动物为企业宗旨,以“游客至上,服务第一”为服务理念,引发人们热爱自然、热爱动物的情趣,培养人们关爱自然、保护动物的意识,营造人与自然相融、人与动物和谐相处的乐园,给人们提供接近自然、了解动物的良好机会,带给您回归自然、返朴归真的感觉,圆您一个久远的梦 好,游客朋友们
12、,秦皇岛野生动物园就为大家讲解到这儿,谢谢各位的支持! 推荐第4篇:秦皇岛野生动物园英文导游词 Qinhuangdao Safari Park Qinhuangdao Safari Park is located in the seashore national forest park of Beidaihe, covering more than 5000 acres.It maintains over 5000 wild animals more than 100 kinds.Currently it is the biggest safari park that is in the ci
13、ty in China, and the rate of the forest overlay is also the highest.Safari Park, just as its name implies, is providing a suitable living environment for animals, where animals mainly are scattered in a big circle.If we drive into the park, there will be a tiger or a bear to beckon to us.But the bla
14、ck bear is not like me! There is a saying to describe this zoo exactly: Formerly people see beasts in the cage, while today beasts look at us in the car.Now it is we who spend money to be visited by those wild beasts.Yangzi crocodile: Yangtze crocodile is the biggest reptile in the existing ones.The
15、y have a very long history.As early as the end of dinosaur times, they had appeared.The body of a grown Yangzi crocodile can reach about 2 meters.They live near rivers and ponds usually, and their temper is fierce.Please look at here! Even when they sleep, their sharp teeth also can be seen, letting
16、 us feel terrified. Gorilla generally is called “the advanced anthropoid”.The English name of gorilla means “forest savage” coming from Malay.Seeing from the name, we can find they are kindred to human being.Their two big forelegs are like the persons hands very much.Gorilla can make use of them to
17、tidy up the garbage in its cage; even can shed peanut shell such a difficult action.Please look at the expreion that gorilla eats, do you think it isnt like an old woman? Asian Elephant: Everyone should recognize this huge animal that is an elephant.These are Asian elephants in keep of this field.As
18、ian elephants mainly live at south Yunnan in our country, and it can live for 70 to 80 years generally.It is the protected animal of the first national cla.The long nose of Asian elephant can reach two meters.It is hard to think that such a huge nose is very agility.Elephant sometimes uses it to pic
19、k up a small embroider needle! For the convenience and safety of the tourists, there has also been a railway going through the woods.Please follow me and get on board.We are going to visit the wild beasts zone.We have now arrived at the Wild Beasts Zone, where there are African lions and Manchurian
20、Tiger, as well as bears.Please sit tight and be watchful.Lion Park: Lion is a kind of animal living in groups.They hunt and eat collectively.Their rush speed is not very quick, so the way of their preying on quarry is to follow it up relentlely.They converging attack the quarry in-group for 3 or 5,
21、making the quarry unprepared.It is the lione that mainly is in charge of preying in a group.Lions lead a vagrant life, having no fixed den and bumming everywhere.Friends! I will tell you a way to recognize the gender of lion.The male lions head is big and face is round, and it has mane from the head
22、 to the neck.But the lione has no mane.The quantity of lion in the world is very little now, and it has been listed on the brink of the extinct animal in the world.Tiger Park: Northeast tiger lives in Tiger Park, which has the biggest physique in all tigers.Northeast tiger likes the bachelordom life
23、.They have their own scope, and like the activities in the nighttime.Friends! You maybe do not know that northeast tiger is also a good swimmer.They like the water, being good at the swimming, and they can pa through the river for 6 to 8 kilometers wide easily.The tiger is called the king of the for
24、est because of it is fierce and have the “king” word in the head.Today the tigers that we see are all low-preure or napping under the tree, having already lost their great king manner apparently, but we shouldnt be puzzled by the superficial phenomena.A few days ago a woman visitor found a tiger was
25、 motionle, so she got off personally.While the tiger rushed up to her suddenly, she was stunned by it.Luckily the workers saved her in time avoiding any casualty.So we should cherish the life because there is a proverb in china: The bottom of tiger mustnt be stroked! Bear Park: What the bear park ke
26、eps is the palm bear and the black bear.The bear is very greedy, so if you take the food to hint toward them, the naive bear will bow toward you, making a bow with hands folded to beg the food.Its appearance is very lovely.However I want to remind friends, please not throw the food with the plastics
27、 packing, because the plastics will not be digested and would bring tremendous dangers to bears life and healthy.The black bear is good at climbing, which can climb up a very high tree to take the fruit and honeys.They have a high sense of smell and hearing, but their sense of vision is very bad, so
28、 they are called “the black blind”.The black bear is an expert of climbing tree, but they can climb up the tree only, and will not climb down the tree.Sometimes they will fall on the ground from getting down the tree.It looks very funny! White tiger: There are 3 white tigers living in the white tige
29、r park.White tiger is very precious which has the alternate stripe of black and white in the body.Its temperament is rather gentle, and the physique is elegant, so it is called “young lady” tiger. After leaving the fierce beasts area, we can open the car window to relax a little.Now we enter the Afr
30、ican animal area, where lives giraffe, zebra, African antelope etc.The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world currently.Its characteristics are long legs and long neck.The female and the male all have horns that will not fall off all the life.As I have known, giraffe naturally has high blood pre
31、ure.Its blood preure is two or three times to a normal persons, even its heart can get more than 11 kilograms.So giraffe can promote its blood to the brain about 3-meter high.The zebra has the alternate tripe of black and white as people have known.The zebras digest ability is especially strong.It c
32、an digest the gra that other herbivores cannot eat or dont love to eat.The zebra is so strong because of not fastidious about food.There are many species in African antelope.For example, Jumping antelope is known by its jumping behavior; Black-tail-ox antelope is called gnu but it looks more like gu
33、rus; Glove antelope has fierce outward appearance with horns like glove; Big-curved-horn antelope has the elegantly curving horns etc.We can recognize the species of theses antelopes according to my words.Now we arrive at the entertainment center square in the safari park.The amusement items here co
34、ntain Kading racing cars, riding horse, and so on.If you think these items are all very common, you can see the cruelty demi-wolves do the arithmetic, the very naughty monkeys marry like persons, the clumsily small elephant blow the harmonica deftly, the black bear wrestle, act.Having seen these you
35、 will get a wonderful felling.So we shouldnt mi it, please follow me! What the monkey park maintains are macaques, which live in our country widely.Their quantity is much and like living together.Generally there are 30 to 50 macaques in a group, and a big group can have more than 200.The strong male
36、 monkey occupies the king status, who dominates and commands the groups activities.Macaques are good at clambering and jumping.They can swim, imitate the persons actions, and have the facial expreion of happine, anger, sadne and cheer.At the end of spring or early summer, the monkeys like to swim in
37、 the pond very much, playing around.Several naughty monkeys that like swimming will actually throw the reluctant ones into the water and force them to swim.Friends! We entered the herbivore area now, where lives many the national-cla or the world-cla herbivores, such as sika deer, red deer, elk, wil
38、d donkey, pony, and so on.Deer likes to stay in the cool place, particularly sika deer.Sika deers physique is elegant, and its posture of running is like dancing very much.Please look at the left side.There is a sika deer in drinking now.Sika deers body has the gorgeous color and the obvious spots t
39、hat are like beautiful plum bloom.The name of sika deer is just from this.Red deers physique is slightly bigger than sika deers, but its hair is rougher, presenting the brown color, having le spots that are not obvious.After they have grown up these spots almost cannot be seen.Friends! Here I will t
40、ell you a small knowledge about deer.In addition to reindeer which all have buckhorns regardle of the females or the males, in other deer there are only the males having buckhorns.Their buckhorns are a very precious Chinese herbal medicine-antler. The pheasant park lives rare pheasant more than ten
41、genera, such as brown equine chook, white equine chook, and act.The cocks feather is gorgeous and they are pugnacious at breed period.Sometimes they could wrestle to die because of begging courtship, while the female one is unconcerned.Today we have no chance to enjoy that stimulating scene.Here liv
42、es ostrich coming from Africa and Erma coming from Australia.Ostrich is the biggest bird in the world, and it rushes most quickly in birds, but it cant fly.The ostrich egg is also the biggest egg at present, and its average weight amounts to 1,350 grams.Emus are called Australia ostrich, which is in
43、ferior to ostrich on the physique and the rushing speed.Peacock is divided into the green peacock and blue peacock.The color of blue peacock is a gloy cyan, while the green peacock is ferruginous.The male peacock has a 150-centimeter-long tail.When they pursue the females their tails will be unfurle
44、d and they will take big strides shaking the feather.This is highly praised peacock tails opening. Crane is to be seen as the symbol of longevity and good luck.You will see various cranes in this park, such as red-crowned crane, white-pillow crane, straw-feather crane, and so on.We can see in distan
45、t place those elegant onshore birds just strut toward us.Most people had heard the story of the ugly duck in childhood, and all dream of becoming the swan in the heart.In this park, you not only can see the big swan and cygnet, but also see their relatives from far-away place, which is black swan co
46、ming from Africa.The swan physique is elegant.Worldwide people love a famous ballet named Swan Lake is because it shows the beautiful and elegant physique of swan.Friends! We can see this safari park is a paradise of wildlife, and is a home for rare and imminent extinct animals.Here human beings get
47、 along well with animals and the happine is everlasting.In fact the animals living in the nature faced more and more dangers coming from mankind social.For the sake of all lovely animals, I appeal to everyone to love nature, protect animals, and really realize mankind and animal love each other.The
48、tour of this safari park will end, what we take is thinking and what we leave behind is a wish: Ble the great nature, and ble lovely animals! 推荐第5篇:沈阳森林野生动物园导游词 各位嘉宾、游客朋友,您们好!欢迎您来参观沈阳森林野生动物园。我们将为您提供热情真诚的服务。我是XX号导游号,今天是由我为您作讲解,如有不足之处请您谅解。为了保证您的安全,请您在观光游览中不要敲打车窗玻璃,谢谢您的合作! 我园占地面积240万平方米约合3600亩,一是由日本东京濑
49、户内造园株式会社风景堂担任设计,是目前东北最大的一家森林野生动物园。园区分野生放养车行观赏区、步行观赏区、湖滨游乐场三大区域组成。现在我们一期对外开放的是野生车行观赏区,其它两区域将在今年9月份陆续竣工,对外开放。 野生放养车行观赏区出虎山、熊拗、狼谷、食草动物区、狮岭、湿地区、水禽湖六个区组成,展出动物93种3000余只。 范文网(FANWEN.CHAZIDIAN.COM) 现在第一次映入我们眼帘的是虎区雄伟壮丽的大门。 虎共有八个亚种,我国占三个亚种,即东北虎、华南虎及孟加拉虎。我园展出动物为东北虎,是所有虎种中体态最大的一种。 东北虎:食肉目,猫科动物 产地:俄罗斯远东及太平洋沿岸及朝鲜、中国东北小兴安岭和长白山一带。据最新