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1、 中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译 学 院 工程技术学院学生姓名 郭建阳专 业电气工程及其自动化学 号043130127 2017 年 3 月 1 日翻译译文 短路电流1 电流分类三相系统中发生的短路有4种基本类型:三相短路,两相短路,单相对地短路和两相对地短路。其中,除三相短路时,三相回路依旧对称,因而又称对称短路外,其余三类均属不对称短路。在中性点接地的电力网络中,以一相对地的短路故障最多,约占全部故障的90%。在中性点非直接接地的电力网络中,短路故障主要是各种相间短路。发生短路时,电力系统从正常的稳定状态过渡到短路的稳定状态,一般需35秒。在这一暂态过程中,短路电流的变化很复

2、杂。它有多种分量,其计算需采用电子计算机。在短路后约半个周波(0.01秒)时将出现短路电流的最大瞬时值,称为冲击电流。它会产生很大的电动力,其大小可用来校验电工设备在发生短路时机械应力的动稳定性。短路电流的分析、计算是电力系统分析的重要内容之一。它为电力系统的规划设计和运行中选择电工设备、整定继电保护、分析事故提供了有效手段。供电网络中发生短路时,很大的短路电流会使电器设备过热或受电动力作用而遭到损坏,同时使网络内的电压大大降低,因而破坏了网络内用电设备的正常工作。为了消除或减轻短路的后果,就需要计算短路电流,以正确地选择电器设备、设计继电保护和选用限制短路电流的元件。2 计算目的计算短路电流

3、的目的是为了限制短路的危害和缩小故障的影响范围。在变电所和供电系统的设计和运行中,基于如下用途必须进行短路电流的计算:(1)选择电气设备和载流导体,必须用短路电流校验其热稳定性和动稳定性。(2)选择和整定继电保护装置,使之能正确的切除短路故障。(3)确定合理的主接线方案、运行方式及限流措施。(4)保护电力系统的电气设备在最严重的短路状态下不损坏,尽量减少因短路故障产生的危害。3 计算条件1.假设系统有无限大的容量.用户处短路后,系统母线电压能维持不变.即计算阻抗比系统阻抗要大得多.具体规定:对于335KV级电网中短路电流的计算,可以认为110KV及以上的系统的容量为无限大.只要计算35KV及以

4、下网络元件的阻抗.2.在计算高压电器中的短路电流时,只需考虑发电机、变压器、电抗器的电抗,而忽略其电阻;对于架空线和电缆,只有当其电阻大于电抗1/3时才需计入电阻,一般也只计电抗而忽略电阻.3.短路电流计算公式或计算图表,都以三相短路为计算条件.因为单相短路或二相短路时的短路电流都小于三相短路电流.能够分断三相短路电流的电器,一定能够分断单相短路电流或二相短路电流.4 短路电流主要内容4.1 术语和定义 以下术语和定义对应IEC 标准60 909。 未出现在本书中的术语可以在该标准中查询。短路和接地故障主要是操作设备的带电部分被分流而导致绝缘损坏的结果。l 原因1. 温度过高导致强烈的过电流;

5、2. 火花放电导致过电压3. 由于水分和污秽空气混杂导致的电弧作用,特别是在绝缘体上。l 后果:1. 供电中断2. 系统部件瘫痪3. 在电气操作设备中产生不可接受的机械力和热应力。l 短路:根据IEC 60 909,短路是经历一段相对低电阻或在两个或更多不同电位之间的电阻间意外或故意的导电连接。l 短路电流:根据IEC 60 909,短路电流是在电力网络中短路的结果。在这里有必要区分在短路过程中产生的短路电流和在网络分支中的转移电流。l 初始对称短路电流:这是在短路出现瞬间,短路阻抗从零开始变化时的对称短路电流的有效值。l 初始对称短路视在功率:短路功率代表了一个虚构的参数。在网络规划中,短路

6、功率是一个合适的典型参数。 最大短路电流:短路时可能的最大电流瞬时值。 稳态短路电流:初始对称短路电流在暂态过程中衰减完毕之后的电流有效值。l 短路电流非周期分量:慢慢衰减的短路电流上下包络曲线的平均值。l 对称断路电流:联络开关第一次接触分离时流过短路电流的有效值。l 等效电压源:被转移到正序系统作为唯一有效的短路位置的电压,并且主要用于短路电流的计算。l 叠加方法:叠加法考虑到在发生短路前网络的负荷情况。因此很必要知道负荷留了和变压器开关的设定。l 电压因素:等效电压源和网络电压之间除以三的比例。l 等效电路:网络描述的模型采用等效电路。l 远离发电机短路:对称交流周期分量维持原本不变的量

7、的短路形式。l 靠近发电机短路:对称交流周期分量不保持不变的值的短路。同步机首先会产生一个大于两倍额定电流的初始对称短路电流。l 正序短路阻抗:短路位置正序系统的短路阻抗。l 负序短路阻抗:短路位置负序系统的短路阻抗。l 零序短路阻抗:短路位置零序系统的短路阻抗。就是中性点到短路位置阻抗的三倍。l 短路阻抗:计算短路位置的短路电流所需要的阻抗。4.2 正序系统的短路路径 对于相同的外部导体电压,三相短路允许同一数量级的三相电流在三相导体中发展。所以在进一步计算中只需要考虑一相导体的情况。根据短路位置到发电机的距离,这里有必要将远离发电机短路和靠近发电机短路这两种情况分开考虑。对于远离和靠近发电

8、机短路的情况,短路路径可以用一个有交流电压源,电抗X,电阻R构成的网络图表示。(图1.2)这里X和R替代所有的原件,如电缆,导体,变压器,发电机和电机。 图1.2 短路电流路径在正序系统中的等效电路 下面的微分方程可以用来描述短路过程 + =, (1.1) 是短路点的相位角。这是假设电流在S关闭(短路)之前是零。非线性一阶微分方程可以通过决定齐次解ik和特解ik求解。 =+ (1.2)齐次解有一个时间常量=,方程式为: = (1.3)对于特解,我们得出: = (1.4)总短路电流由两部分构成: = (1.5)根据以上方程,单相短路电流的短路角为: = (1.6) 对于远离发电机形式的短路,短路

9、电流是由一个不变的交流周期分量和一个衰减的直流非周期分量构成。从简化计算,我们可以得出以下结论: (1)短路电流总是由一个固定的交流周期分量和一个衰减的直流非周期分量构成; (2)短路电流的大小取决于电流的工作角,最大值为90(纯电感负载)。这种情况作为进一步计算的基础。 (3)短路电流都是感应的。4.3 短路电流计算方法三相系统中的短路电流有三种计算方法: 1.在故障位置计算等效电压源; 2.叠加法确定负载流量情况;3.瞬态计算。4.4 等效电压源 这里的等效电压源主要作为发电机或投入电网的短路电流计算的唯一有效电源。发电机和投入电网的内部电压是短路的,短路地点(故障位置)的值就作为唯一有效

10、电压。(图1.4)l 电压因素考虑35(表1.1)l 不同电压值取决于时间和地点的不同l 变压器开关的阶跃变化l 等效电压源的计算中负荷和容量都可忽略不计l 发电机和电机的起始状态该方法假设以下条件:l 被动负荷和导体容量可以忽略不计l 变压器的步骤设定可以不需考虑l 发电机的激励不需要考虑l 前负荷的负荷状态的时间和位置可以忽略不计 图1.4 具有等效电压源的网络电路 a)三相系统 b)正序系统的等效电路 表1.1 根据E DIN IEC 73/89/CDV (VDE 0102, Part 100):1997-08的电压因素网络电压 电压因素 Un 最大短路电流 最小短路电流 Cmax Cm

11、in低压 1.05 0.95100V至1000V(IEC38 表1) 中压 1.10 1.001KV至35KV高压大于35KVCmaxUn不能超过网络中操作设备的最大工作电压Um在低压网络有+6%的公差在低压网络有+10%的公差4.5 叠加法 叠加法是一种精确的计算短路电流的方法。该方法包含三个步骤。在短路发生前变压器的变压比和网络负荷条件必须已知。在第一阶段,稳态允许下的电流,电压,稳态电压在短路前都要先计算出来(图1.5b)。计算考虑了阻抗,电源和有源元件的节点负荷。第二步,在短路前故障位置处的电压和电流分配要加以符号确定(图1.5c)。电压源是网络中唯一的。内部电压时短路的。在第三阶段两

12、种状态会叠加起来。我们最终在故障点获得零序电压。电流的叠加同样也会导致零值。这种方法的缺点是稳定状态必须被指定。网络参数(有功功率和无功功率,节点电压和变压器的步骤设定)往往是很难决定的。问题同时出现,这将导致工作状态时出现最大的短路电流。 图1.5 叠加法原理 a) 稳定系统 b) 故障处运行电压 c) a和b的叠加4.6 瞬态计算 用瞬态方法计算每个设备时,整个网络被一系列的微分方程所表示。计算过程非常乏味。拥有等效电压源的这种方法相比其他方法比较简单。自1988年以来已经在IEC 60 909中被国际化规范。运算和当前运行状态是独立的。所以在这本书中我们将解决和讨论有等效电压源的这种方法

13、。4.7 参考变量的计算 有很多方法根据绝对的和参考抗值进行短路计算。一些在这儿已经总结出来,还有实例加以比较。为了定义相对值,有两种可能的参考变量。为表征电工关系,我们要求四个参数:l 单位为V的电压Ul 单位为A的电流Il 单位为KW的阻抗Zl 单位为VA的视在功率S以下三种方法可以用来计算短路电流:1. 欧姆系统:单位:kV, kA, V, MVA2. 标幺值系统:这种方法主要用于发电机系统:所有四个参数,u,i,还有s都被给定了值(单位=1)。参考容量是100MV。系统的两个参考变量分别是UB和SB。例如:同步机的电抗Xd,XdXd都以标幺值的形式被给定,或者乘以100%以百分比标幺值

14、形式给定。3. %/MVA系统这种方法特别适用于短路阻抗的快速测定。作为正式单位用%加以补充。外文资料Short-circuit current1 The current classification There are 4 basic types of short-circuit occurs in a three-phase system: three-phase short-circuit, two-phase short circuit, single phase short circuit and two relatively short. Among them, in additi

15、on to the three-phase short circuit, three-phase circuit is symmetrical, which is also called symmetrical short circuit, the other three are asymmetric short circuit. In the neutral point grounding of the power network. In a relatively short circuit fault the most, accounting for all the 90%. fault

16、in neutral non direct grounded power network, short-circuit fault is the main variety of short. When the short circuit occurs, the power system short circuit transition from steady state to stable state of normal, generally takes 3 to 5 seconds. In this transient process, the change of short-circuit

17、 current is very complex. It has a variety of components, the calculation by computer. In the short circuit after about half a Zhou Bo (0.01 seconds) will the maximum instantaneous short-circuit current value, called the impact current. It will generate electric power greatly, its size can be used t

18、o check the dynamic stability of electrical equipment in short circuited mechanical stress. Analysis of short-circuit current calculation, is one of the important content of power system analysis. Electrical equipment selection and operation for electric power planning and design in the system,The s

19、etting of relay protection, accident analysis provides an effective means. Short circuit in the power supply network, a lot of short-circuit current will make electrical equipment overheating or electrodynamicaction damage, while the voltage in the network is greatly reduced, thus undermining the no

20、rmal work of electrical equipment in the network. In order to eliminate or mitigate the consequences of short circuit, it requires the calculation of short-circuit current, with the correct choice electrical equipment, relay protection design and selection of limiting short circuit current component

21、s.2 To calculate The calculation of short-circuit current in order to limit the short-circuit fault and reduce the harm of the affected range. In the design and operation of substation and power supply system, calculated as follows must be based on the use of short circuit current: The selection of

22、electrical equipment and current carrying conductor, must use the short-circuit current check its thermal stability and dynamic stability. The selection and setting of relay protection device, which can correct the removal of short-circuit fault. It determines the main wiring scheme is reasonable, o

23、peration mode and current limiting measures. The electrical equipment of power system protection is not the most serious damage in the short circuit state, to minimize the harm caused by the fault.3 Calculation conditions The system is assumed to have infinite capacity. Users after a short circuit,

24、system bus voltage can remain unchanged. The calculated impedance impedance is much larger than the system. Specific provisions: for the calculation of short-circuit current level 335KV in grid, can be considered more than 110KV and the capacity of the system is infinite. As long as the calculation

25、of 35KV and below the network impedance of the element. In the calculation of short circuit current in high voltage electrical appliances, only need to consider the generator, transformer, reactor reactance, and ignore its resistance; for overhead lines and cables, only when the resistance is greate

26、r than 1/3 will be included in the reactance resistance, generally only the reactance and ignore the resistance. The calculating formulas and calculation chart, the short-circuit current in the three-phase short circuit calculation conditions. Because the short-circuit current of single-phase short

27、circuit or short circuit phase are less than the three-phase short-circuit current. To break the three-phase short-circuit current of electrical appliances, will be able to break the single-phase short-circuit current or two-phase short-circuit current.4 main content of short-circuit current4.1 Term

28、s and Definitions The following terms and definitions correspond largely to those defined in IEC 60 909. Refer to this standard for all terms not used in this book. The terms short circuit and ground fault describe faults in the isolation of operational equipment which occur when live parts are shun

29、ted out as a result. Causes:1. Overtemperatures due to excessively high overcurrents.2. Disruptive discharges due to overvoltages.3. Arcing due to moisture together with impure air, especially on insulators.Effects:1. Interruption of power supply.2. Destruction of system components.3. Development of

30、 unacceptable mechanical and thermal stresses in electrical operational equipment. Short circuit: According to IEC 60 909, a short circuit is the accidental or intentional conductive connection through a relatively low resistance or impedance between two or more points of a circuit which are normall

31、y at different potentials. Short circuit current: According to IEC 60 909, a short circuit current results from a short circuit in an electrical network. It is necessary to differentiate here between the short circuit current at the position of the short circuit and the transferred short circuit cur

32、rents in the network branches. Initial symmetrical short circuit current: This is the effective value of the symmetrical short circuit current at the moment at which the short circuit arises, when the short circuit impedance has its value from the time zero. Initial symmetrical short circuit apparen

33、t power: The short circuit power represents a fictitious parameter. During the planning of networks, the short circuit power is a suitable characteristic number. Peak short circuit current: The largest possible momentary value of the short circuit occurring. Steady state short circuit current: Effec

34、tive value of the initial symmetrical short circuit current remaining after the decay of all transient phenomena. DC aperiodic component: Average value of the upper and lower envelope curve of the short circuit current, which slowly decays to zero. Symmetrical breaking current: Effective value of th

35、e short circuit current which flows through the contact switch at the time of the first contact separation. Equivalent voltage source: The voltage at the position of the short circuit, which is transferred to the positive-sequence system as the only effective voltage and is used for the calculation

36、of the short circuit currents. Superposition method: The superposition method considers the previous load of the network before the occurrence of the short circuit. It is necessary to know the load flow and the setting of the transformer step switch. Voltage factor: Ratio between the equivalent volt

37、age source and the network voltage Un,divided by 3.Equivalent electrical circuit: Model for the description of the network by an equivalent circuit. Far-from-generator short circuit: The value of the symmetrical AC periodic component remains essentially constant. Near-to-generator short circuit: The

38、 value of the symmetrical AC periodic component does not remain constant. The synchronous machine first delivers an initial symmetrical short circuit current which is larger than twice the rated current of the synchronous machine. Positive-sequence short circuit impedance: The impedance of the posit

39、ive-sequence system as seen from the position of the short circuit. Negative-sequence short circuit impedance: The impedance of the negative-sequence system as seen from the position of the short circuit. Zero-sequence short circuit impedance The impedance of the zero-sequence system as seen from th

40、e position of the short circuit. Three times the value of the neutral point to ground impedance occurs here. Short circuit impedance: Impedance required for calculation of the short circuit currents at the position of the short circuipt.4.2 Short circuit path in the positive-sequence system For the

41、same external conductor voltages, a three-pole short circuit allows three currents of the same magnitude to develop between the three conductors. It is therefor only necessary to consider one conductor in further calculations. Depending on the distance from the position of the short circuit from the

42、 generator, here it is necessary to consider near-to-generator andfar-from-generator short circuits separately. For far-from-generator and near-to-generator short circuits, the short circuit path can be represented by a mesh diagram with AC voltage source, reactances X and resistances R (Figure 1.2)

43、. Here, X and R replace all components such as cables,conductors, transformers, generators and motors.Fig. 1.2: Equivalent circuit of the short circuit current path in the positive-sequence system The following differential equation can be used to describe the short circuit processwhere w is the pha

44、se angle at the point in time of the short circuit. This assume that the current before S closes (short circuit) is zero. The inhomogeneous first order differential equation can be solved by determining the homogeneous solution ik and a particular solution ik.The homogeneous solution, with the time constant g = L/R, solution yields: For the particular solution, we obtain: The total short circuit current is composed of both components: The phase angle of the short circuit current (shor


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