1、BRAF基因与黑色素瘤主要参考文献:1.David A.Tuveson,Barbara L.Weber and Meenhard Herlyn(2003).BRAF as a potential therapeutic target in melanoma and other malignancies.Cancer cell.4,95-98.2.Mathew J.Garnett and Richard Marais(2004).Guilty as charged:B-RAF is a human oncogene.Cancer cell.6,313-319.黑色素瘤(黑色素瘤(melanoma
2、):别名:黑色素细胞瘤,色素病,脱疽,厉疽;是由异常黑素细胞过度增生引发的常见的皮肤肿瘤,恶性程度极高,占皮肤肿瘤死亡病例的极大部分。多发生于皮肤或接近皮肤的黏膜,也见于软脑膜和脉络膜。其发病率随人种、地域、种族的不同而存有所差异,白种人的发病率远较黑种人高,居住在澳大利亚昆士兰州的白种人其发病率高达17/10万。我国虽属黑色素瘤的低发区,但近年来发病率却呈不断上升趋势。braf基因基因:是一种癌基因,位于染色体7q34,与鸟类的c-Rrnil原癌基因同源,属于由raf-1、araf和braf组成的raf基因家族,编码一个6700099 000的丝苏氨酸蛋白激酶(BRAF蛋白),后者即MAPK
3、激酶的激酶(MAPKKK)。BRAF在黑素细胞特异的丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)途径中起着关键作用,它参与黑素刺激素活化细胞表面黑素皮质激素-1受体,进而参与黑素细胞的增殖、分化过程。Figure 2.Structure of the braf gene,denoting the three conserved regions by thick blue barsThe Ras-GTP binding site is shown,as is the kinase domain.Common oncogenic mutations are denoted by triangles and co
4、rresponding amino acid changes.Figure 1.The RAS-ERK signaling pathway The classical RAS-ERK signaling pathway is depicted.Growth factors bind to and activate receptor tyrosine kinases(RTKs),which,through a series of adaptor proteins and exchange factors,stimulate RAS activation.RAS proteins are atta
5、ched to the inner surface of the plasma membrane.In their active form,they bind to and recruit RAF proteins from the cytosol to the plasma membrane,which is where RAF is activated.RAF then phosphorylates and activates MEK,which in turn phosphorylates and activates ERK.ERK phosphorylates proteins in the cytosol,and it also translocates to the nucleus,where it phosphorylates proteins such as transcription factors.The RTKs,RAS,and RAF are highlighted in red to reflect the fact that they are all mutated in cancer.五行天 http:/