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1、坡头区第一中学高三英语一轮复习坡头区第一中学高三英语一轮复习Book6 unit3A Heathy Life James grandfather wrote a letter to tell James that he used to be a heavy smoker when he was young.As he was addicted to nicotine,he believed he felt happier and more relaxed after having a cigarette.Later her girl friend said he smelt terrible

2、and he was taken out off the school football team because he was unfit.So he decided to quit smoking.It was difficult,but he did finally manage.In his letter,he told James the bad effect of smoking and encouraged him to stop smoking.Ask some questions and answer them.1你年轻时吸过烟吗?你年轻时吸过烟吗?Q:Did you smo

3、ke when you were young?A:Yes.I used to be a heavy smoker.2.你是怎样吸烟成瘾的?你是怎样吸烟成瘾的?Q:How did you become addicted to smoking?A:At the beginning,I was physically addicted to nicotine.If I didnt smoke for a while,I felt bad-tempered and sometimes even in pain.Then I began to smoke automatically.At last,I b

4、ecame mentally addicted.I believed I felt happier and more relaxed after having a cigarette.3戒烟困难吗?Q:Was it difficult for you to stop smoking?A:Yes.It was very difficult to quit.But I did finally manage.4.我怎样才可以戒烟成功呢?Q:How can I quit smoking?A:There are something you should keep in mind.You should k

5、now the benefits you will get from stopping smoking.Choose a suitable date to quit.But the most important is that you should be determined.Always remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker.Never give up trying.You will succeed eventually.abuse sexual stress adolescence ban addicted embarrass embarrass

6、ed withdraw mental effect strengthen desperate disappointed ashamed illegal survival survive quit prejudice judgementawkward ban abused infections stressed due to addicted to used on/upon spite like take into for with/in A healthy life is due to good habits.If you are addicted to smoking or drinking

7、,you will be infected with illnesses.You shouldnt take the risk of beingtry them.You should be accustomed to getting upearly to take exercise.You should often remind yourself ofdeveloping good habits,which is thekey to success.ill to.重点句型I knew it was time to quit smoking(P18)我知道是我该戒烟的时候了。句型:It is t

8、ime.的句型常有以下几种延伸:aIt is time(for sb.)to do sth.该是(某人)做某事的时候了。如:It is time for us to have class.该是我们上课的时候了。bIt is(high/about)time that sb.did/should do sth.It is high time that we told him the bad news.该是我们告诉他这个坏消息的时候了。模仿造句(1)他的演讲结束了,他该走了。His speech is over;it is time _ be off.(2)现在,我认为你该睡觉了。Now,I thi

9、nk its time that you went to bed/for you to go to bed.for him to(3)现在是周六了,你该把工作放下了。Its Saturday already.Its high time for you to put down your work.(4)我们该为自己的未来做打算了。Its about time that we should plan for our future.does not long before He does look tired.It will be a long time before we finish the task.She did at least write to say thank you.Before they reached the station,the trainhad gone.


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