1、人类与饥饿课程教学大纲课程基本信息(Course Information)课程代码(Course Code)*学时(Credit Hours)32*学分 (Credits)2*课程名称(Course Name)(中文)人类与饥饿(英文)Feeding the world课程性质(Course Type)summer course for overseas scholars授课对象(Target Audience)undergraduate students授课语言(Language of Instruction)English*开课院系 (School)School of Agricultur
2、e and Biology先修课程 (Prerequisite)*课程简介(Description)目前全球有近10亿人口每日都处于饥饿状态。随着人口增长,水资源、能源的 日益消耗,全球饥饿人口数量将继续处于上升趋势。本课程主要围绕全球食物供 给、食品生产、食品物流等方面深度解析全球饥饿水平,从科学技术、经济、政 策等多角度分析全球食物供给危机。培养学生了解与日常生活息息相关的现代农 业科学知识、食品营养与食品安全的知识。*课程简介(Description)Continuing human population increases, competition for water supplies
3、, and concern about energy prices have led to great pessimism about long-term food supplies. Already a billion people go hungry every day. This course will offer an in-depth look at key issues in global food sufficiency, food production, food distribution, prospects and constraints. It is accessible
4、 to students from all fields of study and academic backgrounds. You will develop an integrated technical, economic and political understanding of the global food supply crisis. You will be equipped to understand and appreciate media reports related to this issue in your lives as informed and influen
5、tial citizens.课程教学大纲(Course Syllabus)*学习目标(Learning Outcomes)1. To understand the technological, political, economic and ethical dimensions of the global food supply enterprise2. To examine the capacity of modern agriculture to produce food, and the capacity of the political system to distribute foo
6、d globally3. To go across disciplinary boundaries and develop analytical skills and general understanding of an important topic*教学内容进度安排及要求(ClassSchedule&Requirements)教学内容学 时教学方 式作业及 要求基本要求考查 方式GlobalProduction4LectureLiterature readingFood production and population trends: an introduction to the pr
7、oblems inherent in agricultural activity and the relationships among production, population and import/export of foodDiscussionFocus on China4LectureLiterature readingThe special problem of China, the worlds biggest producer and consumer of food; can and should China aim for self-sufficiency? As dem
8、and increases, who can feed China?DiscussionEnergy4LectureLiterature readingAgriculture is an energy-intensive business. Where do the resources to support agriculture come from? What are the energy demands of agricultural chemical production, equipment, farm operations, and distribution?Discussionwa
9、ter4LectureLiterature readingWater and agriculture. Industrialization and urbanization compete with agriculture for limited water supplies. Salinization and pollution of water limit agricultural productivity and impact on the healthfulness of the food supply.DiscussionThe Green Revolution4LectureLit
10、erature readingThe wheat revolution in Mexico and India; the Asian rice revolution.DiscussionInteraction of technical and social factors. Role of biotechnology - promising or limited?Chemical inputs4LectureLiterature readingHow are fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics and other
11、 agricultural chemicals used to sustain high production agriculture?DiscussionGeneticModification4LectureLiterature readingWhat are genetically modified crops? What are their potential benefits and risks? Why is this such an emotional and political topic?DiscussionWaste4LectureLiterature readingLook
12、ing at the agricultural supply chain from farm to dinner-plate, there are many sources of loss, waste, damage and deterioration of products. Remember, half the grain in India is eaten by rats. Storage, recycling, reduced packaging, and waste reduction efforts will be discussed.Discussion*考核方式(Grading)Written quizzes in class (20%)Class participation (15%)Project and presentation (65%)*教材或参考资料 (Textbooks & Other Materials)Materials will be provided其它(More)备注(Notes)备注说明:1 .带*内容为必填项,英语授课课程需另提交一份英文填写版本。2 .课程简介字数为300-500字;课程大纲以表述清楚教学安排为宜,字数不限。