1、学术英语交际一写作与发言课程教学大纲课程基本信息(Course Information)课程代码(Course Code)*学时*学分EN908362(Credit Hours)(Credits)*课程名称(CourseName)(中文)学术英语父际一与作与发言(英文)Academic communications in English- Writing and Presentation课程性质(Course Type)通识核心课授课对象(Audience)通过大学英语六级考试的本科个专业学生/ All students of scientific, engineering and socia
2、l studies (Pass CET 6)授课语言 (Language of Instruction)英语 English*开课院系 (School)外国语学院 School of Foreign Languages先修课程(Prerequisite)大学英语(通过交大水平考试)(Pass Proficiency test of SJTU)*课程简介 (Description)(中文300-500字,含课程性质、主要教学内容、课程教学目标等)课程性质该课程是以任务为导向的课程,要求学生在课程中模拟学术论文写作和会议发言的 整个过程,以研究项目为指导,合作进行研究、写作和发言。该课程适合有较高
3、英语基 础(过大学英语六级或交大水平考试),尤其适合有志于出国留学、或在国际期刊上发表 论文,希望与国际同行进行学术交流的学生。主要教学内容课程包含学术英语写作和会议发言两个部分。前者包含如何选择研究题目,如何进 行文献搜索,如何使用图书馆资源,如何写标题、主题句、摘要。如何撰写论文开头,如 何做文献综述,如何写研究方法、研究结果和讨论、如何写结论、如何引用和列出参考 文献,如何进行同伴互评,如何对论文修改以及如何将论文转化为发言内容并介绍发言的 技巧。课程内容包含教学目标本课程试图通过对学术英语交际策略的教授和实践应用,帮助学生更好地使用英语参 与国际学术交流,提升学术交流信心和能力,了解和
4、掌握学术英语写作和会议发言的方法、 技巧和策略,提升思辨能力,促进不同学科间的交叉渗透,并将所学内容应用于今后真实 的学术英语与作与发言活动中,从而有效地促进国际合作与交流。*课程简介 (Description)Academic communications in English is a course focusing on task-based academic writing and oral presentation. The course is designed for developing students skills of researching in their academ
5、ic discipline. Students are required to finish series of tasks of research projects and present to the class collaboratively.The course is designed to provide you with the methods to plan, research, organize, write, edit, and evaluate various forms of academic communication. It is also intended for
6、improving your ability of presentation for seminars and conferences in the academic world. The process of writing and editing academic research paper on the basis of literature review and research work will be presented. Strategies and skills for oral presentations will be introduced, with a number
7、of examples to illustrate how to start, organize, conclude and deliver a speech most effectively. Cooperation in academics will be manifested and highlighted all through the course. The coursework will include writing and editing exercises, discussions on ethics and writing styles and techniques, ev
8、aluation of information resources, a group research paper, and group oral presentations based on the research paper, etc.This course will involve the following sections: choosing a topic, finding source materials, using library database, formulating the thesis, composing the title, writing an outlin
9、e, writing an abstract, writing an introduction, doing literature review, writing the methods, results and discussions, writing a conclusion, doing peer review, presenting the research and delivering a speech.课程教学大纲(Course Syllabus)*学习目标 (Learning Outcomes) Produce quality technical papers totaling
10、1200 words (3 students about 3600 words) of finished work. Function effectively on multidisciplinary teams to accomplish common goals. Demonstrate an understanding of professional responsibility in ethical and social issues. Create oral presentations using appropriate media. Plan, organize, prepare,
11、 and deliver effective academic reports in written, oral, and other formats appropriate to the discipline and goals of the program. Demonstrate the ability to make appropriate decisions regarding the form, format, and style of a proposed academic document based on the target audience. Use effective
12、methodologies for reviewing, editing, and revising a technical document to communicate effectively with a range of audiences. Identify the key elements that form the basis for effective academic writing, public speaking and sound scientific research. Develop ability of cooperation in research work b
13、y finishing tasks in a team.*教学内容、进 度安排及要求 (Class Schedule & Requirements)教学内容 Content学时ClassHour教学方式 Method作业及要求Task and Requirements基本要求BasicRequirements考查方式 Evaluation MethodAn introduction to academic communications2Lecture discussionregarding writing and making oral presentations. Overview of t
14、he course goals and expectations in the Course Syllabus.Teacher introduction.Discuss preparing the self-introduction.Organize team members according to students majors (social science & art/science & engineering).Brainstorming your topic for team research. (Chapter 1) Library and Internet research m
15、ethods: Use library and online resources. Citing & Documenting Sources (APA format). (Chapters 2,12)Team Research Project (TRP)Brainstorming sheet2Lecture discussionPreparing for self-introductionSelf-introduction in turn2presentationOutline for self-introductionpresentationFormulating the thesis (C
16、hapters 3), Writing an outline (Chapters 4) Understanding the “Writing Process,2Lecture discussionBrainstormingTitleThesisOutlineOnline submission before the deadlineWritinghaving a Healthy Writing Attitude. (Chapter 12)Writing an abstract and an introduction (Chapters 5, 6)2Lecture discussionAbstra
17、ctOnline submission before the deadlineWritingDoing literature review 14Lecture discussionWriting research method and result2Writing research discussion and conclusion (Chapters 10,11),2Lecture discussion1 draft of research paperOnline submission before the deadlineWritingEditing, re-writing and pro
18、ofreading of drafts Peer review2Lecture discussionPeer review 2 draft of research paperOnline submission before the deadlineWritingPresenting your research 14Lecture discussionTeacher feedback of second draft in groups4discussionPreparing for presentationPresentation ofTeam ResearchProject4presentat
19、ionFinal researchpaperOnline submission before the deadlinePresentation writing*考核方式 (Grading)(成绩构成)平时15%+发言30%+论文55%(Score composition) Daily Performance 15%+ speaking 30% + paper 55%*教材或参考资 料(Textbooks & Other Materials)学术英语交流一写作与发言 作者张荔(上海交通大学出版社)Academic Communications in English- Writing and Presentation Li Zhang其它(More)备注(Notes)备注说明:1 .带*内容为必填项。2 .课程简介字数为300-500字;课程大纲以表述清楚教学安排为宜,字数不限。