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1、交通运输部、工业和信息化部、 公安部、商务部、市场监管总 局、国家网信办令(2022年第42号)关于修改网络预约出租汽 车经营服务管理暂行办法的 决定已于2022年9月21日 经交通运输部第22次部务会 议通过,并经工业和信息化部、 公安部、商务部、市场监管总 局、国家网信办同意,现予公 布,自公布之日起施行。网络预约出租汽车经营服务管理暂行办法(2022修正)Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Taxi BookingBusiness Operations and Services (2022 Amendment)【制定机关】交

2、通运输部,工业和信息化部,公安部,商务部,国家市场监督管理总局,国家互联网信 息办公室【发文字号】交通运输部、工业和信息化部、公安部、商务部、市场监管总局、国家网信办令2022年 第42号【公布日期】【施行日期】【效力位阶】部门规章【法规类别】交通运输综合规定Issuing authority: Instrumentalities of the State Council,All Ministries,Ministry of Transport,Ministry of Industry & Information Technology,Ministry of Public Security,M

3、inistry of Commerce,All Administrations,State Administration for Market Regulation,Other Institutions,Others,AH Offices (others),Cyberspace Administration of ChinaDocument Number: Order No. 42 2022 of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Pub

4、lic Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Market Regulation and the Cyberspace Administration of ChinaDate issued: 11-30-2022Effective date: 11-30-2022Level of Authority: Departmental RulesArea of Law: Traffic and TransportOrder of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry o

5、f Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the Cyberspace Administration of China(No. 42 2022)The Decision to Amend the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Ride-Hailing Business S

6、ervices, as adopted at the 22nd executive meeting of the Ministry of Transport on September 21, 2022 and approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the Cyberspace Admi

7、nistration of China, is hereby issued and shall come into force on the date of issuance.requirements of the relevant standards for operation safety.The specific standards and operation requirements of vehicles shall be determined by the corresponding competent administrative department of taxis acco

8、rding to the principle of high-quality services and differentiated business operations and in light of the actual local circumstances.Article 13 After examining a vehicle upon application of the vehicle owner or the online taxi booking platform company according to the conditions as specified in Art

9、icle 12 herein, the competent administrative department of taxis at the place of services shall issue an Online-booking Taxi Transport Certificate to the vehicle that meets the conditions and is registered as a vehicle engaging in booking taxi passenger transport.Where the peoples government of a ci

10、ty provides otherwise for the issuance of an Online-booking Taxi Transport Certificate to online-booking taxis, such provisions shall prevail.Article 14 A driver who is to engage in online taxi booking services shall meet the following conditions:(1) He or she has obtained the drivers license for th

11、e corresponding vehicles covered by the license and possessed driving experience of more than three years.营安全相关标准要求。车辆的具体标准和营运要 求,由相应的出租汽车行政 主管部门,按照高品质服 务、差异化经营的发展原 则,结合本地实际情况确 定。第十三条服务所在 地出租汽车行政主管部门 依车辆所有人或者网约车 平台公司申请,按第十二条 规定的条件审核后,对符合 条件并登记为预约出租客 运的车辆,发放网络预约 出租汽车运输证。城市人民政府对网约车发放网络预约出租汽车运输证另有规定的,从

12、其规定。第十四条从事网约 车服务的驾驶员,应当符合 以下条件:(一)取得相应准驾车型机 动车驾驶证并具有3年以上 驾驶经历;(二)无交通肇事犯罪、危 险驾驶犯罪记录,无吸毒记 录,无饮酒后驾驶记录,最 诉建纯Q个例外国血山沿在(2) He or she has no criminal record of traffic accident or dangerous driving, no record of drug-taking, no record of driving under the influence of alcohol, and no record of 12 nnintc fn

13、r the latoct throo rnncori iti/a crnrinn r/rlcc记满12分记录;(3) He or she has no record of violent crime.(三)无暴力犯罪记录;(4) He or she meets other conditions as prescribed by the peoples government of a city.(四)城市人民政府规定的 其他条件。Article 15 After examining a driver upon application of the driver or the online tax

14、i booking platform company according to the conditions as specified in Article 14 herein and conducting an assessment on him or her as required, the competent administrative department of taxis at the districted-city level at the place of services shall issue an Online-booking Taxi Drivers License t

15、o the driver who meets the conditions and passes the assessment.第十五条服务所在 地设区的市级出租汽车行 政主管部门依驾驶员或者 网约车平台公司申请,按第 十四条规定的条件核查并 按规定考核后,为符合条件 且考核合格的驾驶员,发放 网络预约出租汽车驾驶 员证。Chapter IV Business Operations of Online Taxi Booking第四章网约车经营行为Article 16 An online taxi booking platform company shall assume carriers li

16、abilities, guarantee operation safety, and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of passengers.第十六条网约车平 台公司承担承运人责任,应 当保证运营安全,保障乘客 合法权益。Article 17 An online taxi booking platform company shall ensure that vehicles providing services have legal operation qualification, good technical conditions, r

17、eliable safety performance, and have the relevant insurance for operating vehicles and that vehicles providing online services are consistent with those actually providing offline services, and report the relevant vehicle information to the competent administrative department of taxis at the place o

18、f services for recordation.第十七条网约车平 台公司应当保证提供服务 车辆具备合法营运资质,技 术状况良好,安全性能可 靠,具有营运车辆相关保 险,保证线上提供服务的车 辆与线下实际提供服务的 车辆一致,并将车辆相关信 息向服务所在地出租汽车 行政主管部门报备。第十八条网约车平 台公司应当保证提供服务 的驾驶员具有合法从业资 格,按照有关法律法规规 定,根据工作时长、服务频 次等特点,与驾驶员签订多 种形式的劳动合同或者协 议,明确双方的权利和义 务。网约车平台公司应当维 护和保障驾驶员合法权益, 开展有关法律法规、职业道 德、服务规范、安全运营等 方面的岗前培训和日

19、常教 育,保证线上提供服务的驾 驶员与线下实际提供服务 的驾驶员一致,并将驾驶员 相关信息向服务所在地出 租汽车行政主管部门报备。网约车平台公司应当记录 驾驶员、约车人在其服务平 台发布的信息内容、用户注 册信息、身份认证信息、订 单日志、上网日志、网上交 易口志、行驶轨迹日志等数 据并备份。第十九条网约车平 台公司应当公布确定符合 国家有关规定的计程计价 方式,明确服务项目和质量 承诺,建立服务评价体系和 乘客投诉处理制度,如实采 集与记录驾驶员服务信息。 在提供网约车服务时,提供 驾驶员姓名、照片、手机号 码和服务评价结果,以及车 辆牌照等信息。Article 18 An online t

20、axi booking platform company shall ensure that drivers providing services have legal qualification. In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, an online taxi booking platform company shall, according to work duration, service frequency, and other characteristics, conclude various employme

21、nt contracts or agreements with drivers and specify the rights and obligations of both parties. An online taxi booking platform company shall maintain and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of drivers, launch pre-post training and daily education in terms of laws and regulations, professional

22、 ethics, service standards, and safe operation, and ensure that drivers providing online services are consistent with those actually providing offline services, and report the relevant information of drivers to the competent administrative department of taxis at the place of services for recordation

23、.An online taxi booking platform company shall record information released by any driver or person booking a taxi on the service platform, user registration information, identity authentication information, order logs, Internet access logs, online transaction logs, traveling track logs, and other da

24、ta and back them up.Article 19 An online taxi booking platform company shall publish and determine the metered pricing complying with the relevant national provisions, specify service items and quality commitments, establish a service evaluation system and a passenger complaint handling system, and

25、truthfully collect and record drivers service information. When providing online taxi booking services, an online taxi booking platform company shall provide the names, photographs, mobile phone numbers, and service evaluation results of drivers as well as the license plates of vehicles.第二十条网约车平 台公司

26、应当合理确定网约 车运价,实行明码标价,并 向乘客提供相应的出租汽 车发票。第二十一条网约车 平台公司不得妨碍市场公 平竞争,不得侵害乘客合法 权益和社会公共利益。Article 20 An online taxi booking platform company shall reasonably determine the fares of online-booking taxis, implement marked pricing, and provide passengers with corresponding taxi invoices.网约车平台公司不得有为 排挤竞争对手或者独占市

27、 场,以低于成本的价格运营 扰乱正常市场秩序,损害国 家利益或者其他经营者合 法权益等不正当价格行为, 不得有价格违法行为。Article 21 An online taxi booking platform company may not impede fair market competition and may not impair the lawful rights and interests of passengers and the public interests.第二十二条网约车 应当在许可的经营区域内 从事经营活动,超出许可的 经营区域的,起讫点一端应 当在许可的经营区域内。

28、An online taxi booking platform company may not operate at blow-cost prices for the purpose of excluding competitors or monopolizing the market so that the normal market order is disturbed and the state interests or the lawful rights and interests of other operators are impaired or commit other impr

29、oper price competition acts, and may not commit price-related violations of law.第二十三条 网约车 平台公司应当依法纳税,为 乘客购买承运人责任险等 相关保险,充分保障乘客权 益。Article 22 An online-booking taxi shall engage in business operations within the approved business area. Where the approved business area is exceeded, either the starting

30、 point or the destination shall be within the approved business area.第二十四条网约车 平台公司应当加强安全管 理,落实运营、网络等安全 K片布推说一四也将推方仝出Article 23 An online taxi booking platform company shall pay taxes according to the law and buy carriers liability insurance and other relevant insurance for passengers, so as to fully

31、 safeguard the rights and interests of passengers.Article 24 An online taxi booking platform company shall strengthen safety management, implement operation and network-related security protection measures, strictly rnndi irt data cari irit/ nrntartinn and adminictratinn护和管理,提高安全防范和 抗风险能力,支持配合有关 部门开

32、展相关工作。护和管理,提高安全防范和 抗风险能力,支持配合有关 部门开展相关工作。improve capabilities of security protection and increase vigilance against risks, and give support to and cooperate with the relevant departments in carrying out the work.第二十五条网约车 平台公司和驾驶员提供经 营服务应当符合国家有关 运营服务标准,不得途中甩 客或者故意绕道行驶,不得 违规收费,不得对举报、投 诉其服务质量或者对其服 务作出不

33、满意评价的乘客 实施报复行为。Article 25 The business operations and services provided by online taxi-booking platform companies and drivers shall meet the relevant national standards for business operations and services, and they may not stop in the midway or deliberately detour, may not charge in violation of re

34、gulations, and may not take revenge on any passenger who reports or complains their service quality or makes an unsatisfactory evaluation on their services.第二十六条网约车 平台公司应当通过其服务 平台以显著方式将驾驶员、 约车人和乘客等个人信息 的采集和使用的目的、方式 和范围进行告知。未经信息 主体明示同意,网约车平台 公司不得使用前述个人信 息用于开展其他业务。网约车平台公司采集驾驶 员、约车人和乘客的个人信 息,不得超越提供网约车业

35、 务所必需的范围。Article 26 An online taxi booking platform company shall, through its service platform and in an obvious way, announce the purposes, methods, and scope of the collection and use of personal information of drivers, persons booking taxis, and passengers. Without express consent of the informa

36、tion subjects, an online taxi booking platform company may not use the aforesaid personal information in launching other business.除配合国家机关依法行使 监督检查权或者刑事侦查 权外,网约车平台公司不得 向任何第三方提供驾驶员、 约车人和乘客的姓名、联系 方式、家庭住址、银行账户 或者支付账户、地理位置、 出行线路等个人信息、,不得 洲霖+出那巫琮 +出评琮古物When an online taxi booking platform company collects

37、 personal information of drivers, persons booking taxis, and passengers, it may not exceed the scope of information necessary for the provision of online taxi booking business.With the exception of cooperating with state organ in exercising the right of supervision and inspection or the right of cri

38、minal investigation according to the law, an online taxi booking platform company may not provide any third party with such personal information of drivers, persons booking taxis, and passengers as the names, contact methods, addresses, bank accounts or payment accounts, geographical locations, and

39、travel routes and ma/ nnt ravaal Honoranhiral rnnrrlinatac and rdhar等涉及国家安全的敏感信 息。发生信息泄露后,网约 车平台公司应当及时向相 关主管部门报告,并采取及 时有效的补救措施。等涉及国家安全的敏感信 息。发生信息泄露后,网约 车平台公司应当及时向相 关主管部门报告,并采取及 时有效的补救措施。sensitive information involving national security. After the occurrence of information leakage, an online taxi boo

40、king platform company shall report to the relevant competent department and take effective remedial measures in a timely manner.第二十七条网约车 平台公司应当遵守国家网 络和信息安全有关规定,所 采集的个人信息和生成的 业务数据,应当在中国内地 存储和使用,保存期限不少 于2年,除法律法规另有规 定外,上述信息和数据不得 外流。网约车平台公司不得利用 其服务平台发布法律法规 禁止传播的信息,不得为企 业、个人及其他团体、组织 发布有害信息提供便利,并 采取有效措施过滤

41、阻断有 害信息传播。发现他人利用 其网络服务平台传播有害 信息的,应当立即停止传 输,保存有关记录,并向国 家有关机关报告。Article 27 An online taxi booking platform company shall observe the relevant state provisions on network and information security and the personal information collected and business data formed shall be stored and used in the Chinese mai

42、nland, with the storage life of not less than two years. The aforesaid information and data may not be flowed out, unless otherwise as provided for in laws and regulations.网约车平台公司应当依照 法律规定,为公安机关依法 开展国家安全工作,防范、 调查违法犯罪活动提供必 要的技术支持与协助。An online taxi booking platform company may not release information

43、whose dissemination is prohibited by laws and regulations through its service platform, may not provide convenience for enterprises, individuals as well as other communities and organizations in their release of any harmful information, and shall take effective measures to filter and block the disse

44、mination of harmful information. When discovering that any other person disseminates any harmful information by using its network service platform, an online taxi booking platform company shall immediately stop the transmission, store the relevant records, and report to the relevant state organ.第二十八

45、条任何企 业和个人不得向未取得合 法资质的车辆、驾驶员提供 住自如坨在屏网妁不怒若An online taxi booking platform company shall, in accordance with the legal provisions, provide necessary technical support and assistance for the public security organ in carrying out the work of national security, and preventing and investigating illegal an

46、d criminal activities.Article 28 No enterprise or individual may provide any vehicle or driver that has not obtained legal qualification with information so as to engage in online taxi booking hi icinocc nnoratinnc and cor/irac Mn antarcrica nr服务。不得以私人小客车合 乘名义提供网约车经营服 务。服务。不得以私人小客车合 乘名义提供网约车经营服 务。网约

47、车车辆和驾驶员不得 通过未取得经营许可的网 络服务平台提供运营服务。individual may provide online taxi booking business operations and services in the name of ride-sharing of a private passenger vehicle.No online-booking taxi or driver may provide operation services through a network service platform without obtaining a business per

48、mit.第五章监督检查Chapter V Supervision and Inspection第二十九条出租汽 车行政主管部门应当建设 和完善政府监管平台,实现 与网约车平台信息共享。共 享信息应当包括车辆和驾 驶员基本信息、服务质量以 及乘客评价信息等。第二十九条出租汽 车行政主管部门应当建设 和完善政府监管平台,实现 与网约车平台信息共享。共 享信息应当包括车辆和驾 驶员基本信息、服务质量以 及乘客评价信息等。出租汽车行政主管部门应 当加强对网约车市场监管, 加强对网约车平台公司、车 辆和驾驶员的资质审查与 证件核发管理。Article 29 The competent administr

49、ative department of taxis shall build and improve the government supervision platform and realize information sharing with the online taxi booking platform. Shared information shall include basic information about vehicles and drivers, service quality, and passenger evaluation information.The competent administrative department of t


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