1、语言与大脑课程教学大纲课程基本信息(Course Information)课程代码(Course Code)EN912*学时 (Credit Hours)32*学分 (Credits)2*课程名称(Course Name)(中文)语言与大脑(英文)Language and Brain课程性质(Course Type)通识核心课程General Core Course授课对象 (Target Audience)对大脑、语言、文化和交流感兴趣的学生,包括语言学,心理学,社会学,医学(尤 其是神经科学,包括电生理学,脑成像技术和基因科学),计算机科学,生物工程,和 生物统计学等相关专业学科。For
2、students interested in brain, language , culture and communication, as well as relevant majors including linguistics, psychology, sociology, medicine (especially neuroscience, including electrophysiology, brain imaging technology and genetic science), computer science, bioengineering, and biostatist
3、ics.授课语言(Language of Instruction)英文 English*开课院系(School)外国语学院 School of Foreign Languages先修课程 (Prerequisite)无特殊规定。可以具有一定语言学,心理学,认知神经科学方面的知识。如果没有的 话,授课教师将会给额外的阅读材料和视频学习资料。No special limits. Students with basic knowledge of linguistics, psychology and cognitive neuroscience will be welcomed. If studen
4、ts have little relevant knowledge, professor will provide extra reading and video materials.*课程简介 (Description)语言与大脑”基于语言以及与之相关的文化、思维、认知心理,结合神经科学等 领域的前沿发现,深入浅出地介绍人类语言交流的神经学原理、以及语言与大脑如何 相互影响。本课程旨在:1)介绍语言、交流、文化、认知以及神经科学之间的相互关 系;2)有关语言学习、言语交流困难的神经科学前沿发现;3)介绍本领域当前的热 点话题。语言是交流是人类生活和社会交流的核心,而先天或后天的语言缺陷和沟通
5、 障碍深刻影响个人的生活质量以及人际之间的社会关系。本课程首先介绍语言学、人 类学、心理学、哲学、人际交流以及认知神经科学的基本概念。授课重点在于言语, 语言,听觉和认知所必需的生理结构和功能关系,同时也讲述其他相关领域的重要思 想和发现。在此基础上,将探索一系列热点话题,如语言学习和习得的神经基础、言 语感知的神经机制、概念表征机制、语言与认知的关系、语言学习对大脑的影响等。*课程简介 (Description)This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the brain bases of language
6、. Its goals include (1) to weave together basic concepts regarding the relationships among language, communication, culture, cognition, and neuroscience; (2) to introduce findings from the study of brain and language; and (3) to present topics of special interest in this field. Language exists in th
7、e human mind and is at the core of human communication, while communication disorders profoundly affect social relations among people, and have their neurological and biological base in the brain. The course will begin with introductory lectures discussing basic issues in linguistics, anthropology,
8、cultural psychology, philosophy, human communication and cognitive neuroscience. Emphasis is on structural and functional relationships necessary for speech, language, hearing, and cognition. Ideas and findings from various disciplines will be brought together. Then a wide range of topics will be ex
9、plored, including: the neural bases of (first and second) language acquisition, of speech perception, and of conceptual representations; the relationship between language and cognition; the impacts of language learning on brain; aphasia (acquired language impairments); reading and alexia (acquired r
10、eading impairments); the neural bases of written language; developmental dyslexia, etc.课程教学大纲(Course Syllabus)*学习目标 (Learning Outcomes)本课程的培养目标是帮助学生能够:1 .理解语言、交流、文化以及神经科学之间的重要联系;2 .理解大脑和语言行为之间的相关关系,包括正确描述与听说读写和使用手势 语言相关的大脑活动区域和脑功能组织。3 .解释语言交流障碍和疾病的神经学基础。At the conclusion of this course, students wil
11、l be able to:1. Demonstrate understanding of the important links between language, human communication, cognition, cultural psychology, and cognitive neuroscience.2. Demonstrate understanding of basic brain/behavior correlates; describe functional organization of brain activity during language behav
12、iors, etc.3. Explain the neurological basis for common pathologies in neurogenic communication disorders across the life-span.*教学内容 进度安排及要求 (Class Schedule & Requirements)教学内容学 时教学方式作业及要 求基本要求考查方式Language, Cognition, and Culture4LecturesReading;attendance;In-class activitiesQuizlReading, Listening a
13、nd Speaking; the Nature of the Problem4LecturesReading;Lab assignmentattendance;In-class activitiesBasicResearch LabSystematicity, the Brain, and Language2LecturesReadingattendance;In-class activitiesQuiz 2The Brain and Nervous System: Anatomy and Physiology2LecturesReadingattendance;In-class activi
14、tiesExam 1Functional Organization of the Brain2LecturesReadingattendance;In-class activitiesQuiz 3Language Acquisition and Brain2LecturesReadingattendance;In-class activitiesQuiz 4Second Language Learning and Brain3LecturesReadingattendance;In-class activitiesQuiz 5Autism3LecturesReadingattendance;I
15、n-class activitiesClinical LabAphasia3LecturesReadingattendance;In-class activitiesQuiz 6Developmental Dyslexia3LecturesReadingattendance;In-class activitiesExam 2Student Project4StudentPresentationReadingattendance;In-class activitiesFinal project presentation*考核方式 (Grading)2 exams: 60%10 In-class
16、activities/quizzes: 20%2 Lab exercises: 10%1 Final project presentation: 10%*教材或参考资料 (Textbooks & Other Materials) Elisabeth Ahlsen. ( 2006) Introduction to Neuiolinguistics. John Benjamins Publishing Company. David Kemmerer. (2015). Cognitive Neuroscience of Language. Psychology Press. (1st Edition) Bhatnagar, S. (2012). Neuroscience for the Study of Communicative Disorders, 4rd Edition Revised. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.其它(More)Class Time: 60% lecture, 40% demos, exercises, and discussion备注(Notes)备注说明:1 .带*内容为必填项,英语授课课程需另提交一份英文填写版本。2 .课程简介字数为300-500字;课程大纲以表述清楚教学安排为宜,字数不限。