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1、2023年欢迎词范文英语(精选多篇) 推荐第1篇:英语欢迎词 海南大学土木建筑工程学院 14级岩土工程专业 学号:14081401210004 姓名:朱威威 1.写一篇Welcome speech.内容为:你代表海南大学园艺园林/土木建筑工程学院,欢迎新一届研究生新生的到来,并对海南大学和学院进行简介,最后表达你的祝愿。 Welcome speech Ladies and gentlemen: Its my honor to be here to give our hearty welcome to all of the new comers, on behalf of the college

2、 of civil engineering and architecture in Hainan province.Now, welcome all of you! First of all, I want to say you are the new blood of our university which is wellspring the spirit of adventure and abundant energy in it.That is to say, All of you should take the responsibility to spare no effort to

3、 show your talent and skills when you try to seek the true meaning of the campus life. Then, lets come to the point of the current state of our school. Our university is the only one included in the National Key Subject Program in Hainan province.When you step in it, dont doubt about your genius and

4、 hold your head up.Whats more, our campus is located in special economic zone the place that plenty of chance is waiting for you.However, Of course, we have plenty of weakne compare with the prestigious school.It is the fact we cannot oversee.But whether your mood is Excited or depreed, its here.Do

5、or not is depended on you.Considering all of that, what we should do is standing on the reality and trying your best.In the end, I hope all of you will enjoy your meaningful campus life.Lets give our brother and sister our sincere welcome again! 2写一篇Farewell speech.内容为:你代表海南大学园艺园林/土木建筑工程学院全体研究生,欢送来自

6、美国哈佛大学的布朗教授,对他在海大期间所作的学术演讲和给予学术研究上的指导表示感谢,并表达你的祝愿。 Farewell speech How time flies! It was here that we gave Prof.Brown a hearty welcome two weeks ago.We are now here again to bid him farewell. Its my honor to be here to give our hearty appreciation to Prof.Brown on behalf of our college of civil eng

7、ineering and architecture. During his stay Hainan university, he visited our college and gave many academic lectures on some subject that most of us may be confused in.Those will make all of us develop a more clear direction when we face some challenges in academic research and find a senior way at

8、once.At last, I want to take this opportunity to ask Prof.Brown to convey our profound friendship and best regards to his people.And I hope we will communicate with you next time. 推荐第2篇:英语欢迎词 英语欢迎词 Good morning! Ladies and gentleman! (早上好!女士们,先生们!) First on behalf of zhejiang international travel se

9、rvice and myself welcome everyone come to zhejiang province. (我仅代表浙江国际旅行社和本人欢迎大家来到浙江省。) Im very pleased to be your tour guide during your stay in zhejiang province.(在浙江游玩期间我很高兴做你们的导游) If you have just come to here I can show you around。 (如果你刚来这里我可以带你到处走走) Now please allow me introduce myself,my name

10、 is XXX. (现在请允许我介绍一下我自己,我的名字叫XXX) Sitting beside meis our driver Mr.Li he has more than ten years experience in driving so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one。 (坐在我旁边的是我们的司机李先生,他有十多年驾驶经验,使得我们的旅行安全愉快) An old chinese saying may expre our hospitality:“Here come friends afar, exceedingly how

11、happy we are!” (一个古老的中国谚语可以表达我们的热情款待:“有朋自远方来,不亦悦乎!”) Mr.Li and I will do as much as we can to make your tour pleasant and enjoyable。 (李先生和我将尽最大努力使大家的旅行更愉快、有趣。) I hope that your visit to this Beautiful Zhejiang province will be a happy and memorable experience in your life. (我希望您来到这个美丽的浙江省将在你的生活中是一次愉

12、快而难忘的体验。) 推荐第3篇:英语欢迎词 1.写一篇Welcome speech.内容为:你代表海南大学园艺园林/土木建筑工程学院,欢迎新一届研究生新生的到来,并对海南大学和学院进行简介,最后表达你的祝愿。 2.写一篇Farewell speech.内容为:你代表海南大学园艺园林/土木建筑工程学院全体研究生,欢送来自美国哈佛大学的布朗教授,对他在海大期间所作的学术演讲和给予学术研究上的指导表示感谢,并表达你的祝愿。 Ladies and gentlemen, First of all , please allow me to expre a warm welcome to you on be

13、half of our School of Civil Engineering & Architecture of hainan university.We have been looking forward to seeing you for a long time.It is a very nice day today.Located on the Island of Hainan, Hainan University is the only comprehensive university in this province.Located in the capital city of H

14、aikou in Hainan Province, Hainan University is bounded by Qiongzhou Strait to the north and Nandu Jiang River to the south.The campus is characterized by its tropical marine shoreline with coconut-scented breeze and undulating expanse of sea and lake waters rippling in the sunshine.Hainan University

15、 covers 150 hectares of land, offering an ideal surrounding for learning and growing in a domain of wisdom.Our School is relatively small between all school of our university.But it is one of the most popular profeion. Since we are already here, lets make ourselves at home.Thank you very much. Ladie

16、s and Gentlemen, The time has come for BULANG profeor to leave.Its a pity that you can not stay in Hainan university any longer.Allow me, on behalf of our School of Civil Engineering & Architecture, then, to take this opportunity to say something by way of a farewell.First of all, I wish to thank yo

17、u all for the speech you have given us in the past days.You have kept good time on all occasions, which made things a lot easier .Also, you have been kind enough to offer us suggestions on how to do better in the area of Academic research.Id like to add that you are the best friends weve ever been w

18、ith.Once again, thank you for your speech and guide.Enjoy your voyage! 推荐第4篇:欢迎词欢迎词 经典导游欢迎词 欢迎词范文-欢迎词范文 经典导游欢 迎词大全 篇一:经典导游欢迎词大全 各位女士、各位先生: 首先,对大家来泰山旅游、观光表示热烈欢迎! 希望大家在泰山逗留期间能够玩得开心,吃、住放心,同时希望大家在泰山游览当中能够得到一个较大的收获,留下一个美好的记忆。 哈楼,各位游客朋友大家好,很高兴能和大家一起到*旅游观光,首先自我介绍以下*,然后介绍司机,那么虽然我们的车厢不大,但是却能容纳五湖四海,既然我们从960万平

19、方公里 的土地上相聚到这个小小的车厢里,借用范伟一句经典名言:缘分啊。虽然我长的不是很漂亮,但是我保证大家玩的开开心心,留下最温馨的一段回忆,有一个小小的愿望,希望在您的记忆里有一个小小的我哦, 篇二:经典导游欢迎词大全 各位团友: 从现在开始,车上的各位就是我们的朋友了,你们在四川遇到什么样的困难,或者有什么样的麻烦,可以告诉我们,我们回尽全力帮助大家解决的,同时也希望各位多多配合我们的工作。今天是200x年x月x日,这是一个值得大家记住的日子,因为从这个时候开始,各位就踏上了四川之旅的行程。四川简称蜀,三国时,属国被司马昭灭掉以后,后主刘婵被安置在了魏国的首都洛阳,过着豪华而奢侈的生活,有

20、一天,司马昭问刘婵,还想不想蜀国。刘婵回答到:“此乐间,不思蜀也”。乐不思蜀这句典故后来泛指在新的环境中得到了乐趣, 而不想回到就的环境中去了。各位来至xx省,xx省简称x,在四川这x天的时间里,我希望各位能发出“乐不思x”的感叹,当然这并不是贬义,只是希望各位能在四川玩的愉快,乘兴而来,满意而归嘛。 有句古话说到了“有鹏自远方来,不亦乐呼”,我正是怀着这样的心情向大家介绍我们即将开始的行程 我们的车再走10多分钟就要到市区了。下面我问大家一个问题,又没有人知道中国的“四大城市”呢?这“四大城市”就是北京、上海、广州和我们现在到达的成都。欢迎词范文和北京、上海、广州一样,成都的发展也一样凝聚了

21、历史沉淀的势能和当前西部大开发的动力,其经济总量站了全川的30以上,人均年收入已经达到了xx万元人民币。众所周知,成都是四川的省会,总面积在10000平方公里以上,人口已经达到了1000多万人,从这个数字上大家可以看出,成都面积不大,但是人口密度是相 当高的。在中国乃至全世界,属成都人过的最另类,在北京,时间就是机遇;在上海,时间就是时尚;在广州,时间就是金钱;然而到了成都,时间就是生活。在全国各大城市中,成都人活的最潇洒,最没有压力感。有人曾经作过这样一个统计,在街上,属成都人步行最慢;早上,属成都人起床最晚;而在成都,茶馆的营业时间又是最长那么对在座的各位来说,这个中国第四城真的有如此大的

22、魅力吗? 李白来了,他说:“九天开出一成都,千户万户入画图”。像画一般的美丽;杜甫来了,他说:“晓看红湿处,花重锦官城”。这是一座花的城市;陆游来了,他说:“二十里路香不断,青羊宫到浣花溪”。花香四溢,二十里不断。怎么样?这就是答案。 成都是一座历史悠久的文明古城。据史料记载,古属国开明王朝是以陴县定都,到了九世时才牵制成都。那么这“成都”一名是怎样来得呢?北宋初年, 乐史编撰了一部太平寰宇记对这个问题作出了解释,按照乐史的说法,成都的得名是根据西周定都的经过,也就是“以周太王从梁山止歧下,一年成邑,二年成集,三年成都,故之名曰成都”。成都一名沿用至今,2000多年都没有变更过,这在中国地名史

23、上是很少见的。 非常欢迎在座的个位到哈尔滨观光旅游,我是xx旅行社的导游员我的名字是。 为了方便起见大家可以叫我小x.坐在我们车前方的是司机。师傅。师傅有多年的驾驶经验,驾驶技术高超。所以大家在行车过程中可以完全放心。我们都说到了吉林是吉开,到了蒙古是蒙开,到了上海是沪开,那到了哈尔滨就是黑白两道都能开。因为在夏天我们的马路是黑色的,到了冬天我们的马路是白色的,所以我们的师傅是黑白两道混得都熟的,大家尽可以放心。那大家在哈尔滨的这几天将由我和。师傅陪同大家一同渡过。哈尔滨是寒冷的,但哈 尔滨人是热情的,大家有什么问题尽管和我说,我会尽我最大的努力让大家满意。现在我们的车窗外是寒冷的,希望大家把

24、过去的一年中不快乐的事和工作上的压力都抛在窗外,让我们的寒冷把它暂时冰冻起来,随着春天的来临悄悄地融化,流入我们的松花江,那留下的只有开心和一年的好运气。那小。先在这里预祝大家哈尔滨之行愉快,希望大家带着对哈尔滨市的期待和憧憬而来带着对哈尔滨的满意和流连而归! 推荐第5篇:英语社团欢迎词 英语社团欢迎词 各位家长,老师,同学: 大家下午好!您现在参观的是我校的英语社团。 / 本社团成立于2023年9月,旨在培养学生学习英语的兴趣。/ 活动时间为每周四下午。 在这个社团中,我们会学唱英文歌曲,收听英语小故事, / 了解中国的传统节日中秋节; / 也会了解一些西方的重要节日万圣节。 在这里,我们很

25、开心!欢迎您的加入! 2023.12.14 Good afternoon,everyone: You are visiting our English club in our school./ It was built in September, 2023.The purpose is to cultivate students interest in learning English ./ We have the English club in every Thursday afternoon. In the club ,we can sing the English songs, list

26、en to English storties. / We can talk about the Chinese traditional holiday,for example : Mid-autumn festival; / We know the important festivals in west country,such as :Halloween. We are very happy at here.Welcome to join us! 2023.12.14 推荐第6篇:英语导游欢迎词 英语导游欢迎词 ladiesandgentlemen:好范文版权所有,全国文秘工作者的114!

27、welcometo_!mayiintroducemychinesecolleaguestou?thisismr_from(chinainternationaltravelservice).hewilltravelwithuthroughoutthetripinchina.thisismr_,ourdriver.hisbusnumberis *.mynameis_.iamfromcits.myjobistosmoothurway,careforurwelfare,trymybesttoawerurquestio,andbeurguide/interestduringurstayin_.ifuha

28、veanyecialinterest,pleasetellurtourleaderands/hewillletusknow.welltryourbesttomakeurstayin_apleasantone.wehighlyareciateurunderstandingandco-operation.好范文版权所有,全国文秘工作者的114! 推荐第7篇:英语导游欢迎词 【英语导游欢迎词】1 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.【称呼语】 Welcome to Panyu.【表示欢迎】 Please sit down and relax.Your lugga

29、ge will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you dont haveto worry about it.【稳定游客情绪】 Let me introduce my team first.Mr.Zhang is our driver.He has 25 years of driving.My name is Gao Xiaoming, your tour guide, you may just call me Mi Gao, which is my surname.Were from the China International Travel

30、 Service(CITS), Panyu Branch.On behalf of CITS Panyu and my colleagues, Id like to welcome to you all.【略作介绍,再表欢迎】 During your stay in our city, well do everything poible to make your visit a happy experience.If you have any problems or requests, please dont hesitate to let me know.【提出建议】 Youre going

31、 to stay at Panyu Hotel, a luxurious, five-star hotel.The hotel is in downtown, it is easy acce to many places of interests in Panyu.And youll be staying our city for two and a half days.【提醒入住地点和时间】 There is one thing I must warn you against.You must remember the number of our bus.The number is 8464

32、5555.let me repeat: 84645555.【提醒游巴电话】 I hope youll enjoy your stay in our city! 【英语导游欢迎词】2 Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to _!May I introduce my Chinese colleagues to you This is Mr _ from (China International Travel Service).He will travel with you throughout the trip in China.This is Mr _,our driv

33、er.His bus number is *.My name is _.I am from CITS.My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide/interest during your stay in _.If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader and s/he will let us know.Well try our best to

34、make your stay in _ a pleasant one.We highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation. 【英语导游欢迎词】3 Welcome to CHINA, Welcome to SHENZHEN Please sit back and relax, Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you do not have to worry about it. Let me introduce my team first.Mr x is

35、our driver,He has 20years of driving underhis belt, so we are in very safe hands.I always call my English name is xxx,my Chinese name is xxxx,you may call me xxxx or Mrxx, which is my family name.we are from SHENZHEN OVERSEAS INTERNATIONAL TRAVE SERVICE,On behalf of xxxand my colleagues, I d like to

36、 extend a warm welcome to you all. During your stay in our city, I will be you local guide, I will do everything poible to make your visit a pleasant experience.If you have any problems or requests,Pls do not hesitate to let me know. you are going to stay at the Crown plaza hotel, a luxurious ,five

37、star hotel, Althouth the hotel is not exactly in downtown SHENZHEN, it is strategically located with easy acce to many tourist attractions.As you will be staying in our city for two days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus and my Phone NO., the bus NO.is xxx ,my phone NO.isxxxx.let m

38、e repeat. There is one thing I must warn you against, You must not drink an tap water in the hotel, because un boiled water might make you ill. I do hope you will enjoy your time in our city. 推荐第8篇:旅游英语欢迎词 Meeting tourists at the Station (Tour guide Wang Gang is at the railway station to meet a tour

39、 group from Canada.Mr. Brown is the groups tour escort.) Wang Gang: Excuse me, are you Mr.Brown? Stranger: No, my name is Wright. Wang Gang: Im so sorry.Stranger: Never mind.Wang Gang: (seeing somebody else) Excuse me, is your name Mr.Brown? Mr.Brown: Yes.Wang Gang: Oh, Mr.Brown.Welcome to Shanghai.

40、Im Wang Gang, your local guide.Mr.Brown: Glad to meet you, Wang Gang.Wang Gang: Glad to meet you too, Mr.Brown.How was your trip? It was a quite long flight.Mr.Brown: Well, it was a bit bumpy at first, but on the whole, it was a nice trip.Wang Gang: How many pieces of luggage do you have? Mr.Brown:

41、32 altogether.And here are the luggage checks.Wang Gang: Good.Ill ask the porter to take care of them.Is everybody here now? Our bus is outside. Mr.Brown: Oh, let me see.Yes, everyone is here.Wang Gang: Shall we go now? Mr.Brown: Yes.I think so.Wang Gang: Attention please, everyone.Please follow me

42、to the bus.Note: 1 on the whole 总的来说 , 大体上 , 例如: On the whole, youve done a good job.总的来说 , 你们做得很好。 2 local guide 地陪 National guide 全陪 3 pieces of luggage 表示行李件数 ,美式英语用baggage 4 luggage check or luggage claim card 行李认领牌 Put the following into Chinese Welcome speech Good afternoon , ladies and gentle

43、men , welcome to China ! Welcome to Beijing! Confucius , our ancient great philosopher once said :“What a great joy it is to have friends from a far!” Today , with such great joy , on behalf of China Youth Travel Service Head office , Id like to extend our warm welcome to all of you, our distinguish

44、ed guests from the other side of the Pacific .I also hope that during your short stay in Beijing, you can not only satisfy your eyes and stomach, but also experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understanding of the Chinese people and its on-going reforms, which shaped the greatne of C

45、hina.Please allow me to say a few words about myself.My name is Li Ming, you can simply call me Xiao Li.And this is our driver, Mr.Liu, who has been driving for more than twenty years, almost doubled my time working in CYTS.Youll be using this vehicle during your stay in Beijing.So please take the t

46、rouble to jot down the plate number for future convenience: 31345.Ill repeat: 31345.Got that? Key to translation 下午好,女士们先生们,欢迎来到中国!欢迎来到北京! 我国古代伟大的哲学家孔子曾经说过:“有朋自远方来,不亦说乐乎!”今天,我很高兴代表中国青年旅游总公司,向来自太平洋彼岸的尊贵的客人们致以我们最热烈的欢迎。我也希望你们在北京的这短短的一段时间里,不仅能够看的满意,吃的满意,而且能够亲身体验中国文化,能够更深入地了解中国人民和正在进行的中国辉煌的改革开放。请允许我介绍一下我

47、自己,我叫李明,你们可以叫我小李。这是我们的司机,刘师傅,他已经有二十多年的驾龄,几乎是我在青旅工作时间的2倍。你们在北京就会一直坐这一辆车,为以后方便,烦请几下它的车牌号31345.我再重复一遍,31345,记下了吗? Homework: For most of you I suppose this is your first trip to China.While you are here, you will learn about our culture and history, as well as the realities of modern China.On the one hand , China is one of the oldest continuous civilizations in the world , with a history that reac


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