1、 Syllepsisslepss 一语双叙一语双叙Syllepsis is a figure in rhetoric by which a word does duty in a sentence in the same syntactical relation to two or more words but has a different sense in relation to each.A combination of grammatical parallelism and semantic incongruity,offen with a witty or comical effec
2、t.syllepsis是指用一个词(如动词、形容词、是指用一个词(如动词、形容词、介词等)同时与两个或更多的次搭配,在与介词等)同时与两个或更多的次搭配,在与一个词搭配时用一种意义,而在与另一个词一个词搭配时用一种意义,而在与另一个词搭配时则用另一种意义,这种搭配在句法规搭配时则用另一种意义,这种搭配在句法规则和与以上都是正确的,并产生不同的字面则和与以上都是正确的,并产生不同的字面 意意 义和比喻意义。义和比喻意义。He lost the game and his temper.She opens the door and her heart to the homeless child.Sh
3、e went home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair.。Yesterday he had a blue heart and coat.Types of syllepsis1.One verb governs two nouns(v+ns)2.One adjective modifies two or morenouns(adj+ns)3.One prep.governs two or more objects(prep+ns)4.One verb shares two subjects1.One verb governs two nouns The
4、 newly elected member for Central Leekstook the oath and his seat.那位新当选的里慈中心区的委员宣誓就职。那位新当选的里慈中心区的委员宣誓就职。The senator pick up his hat and his courage.参议员拾起了帽子的同时鼓起了勇气。参议员拾起了帽子的同时鼓起了勇气。.The bald old man lost his temper and his hat before the whole audience.这老头在大庭广众之下,大发脾气,把帽这老头在大庭广众之下,大发脾气,把帽子一抛。子一抛。.H
5、e caugh a cold and a bus.他感冒了饼干上了公共汽车他感冒了饼干上了公共汽车2.One adjective modifies two or more nouns形容词带起的形容词带起的“一语双叙一语双叙”,有事可以,有事可以把一些表现人情感的修饰语转而修饰把一些表现人情感的修饰语转而修饰事物事物.Yesterday he had a blue heart and coad.昨天他穿着一件蓝色的上衣,昨天他穿着一件蓝色的上衣,而且心情忧郁。而且心情忧郁。.Their taunts were more cutting than knives.他们的嘲笑比喜爱到更锋利他们的嘲笑
6、比喜爱到更锋利3.One prep.governs two or more objects Old people gathered in the social hall for comradeship and a hot lunch.老年人相老年人相聚在宴会大厅里,一是为了友谊,二是为了聚在宴会大厅里,一是为了友谊,二是为了一顿热气腾腾的午餐。一顿热气腾腾的午餐。一语双叙刻画老人的心理,解释了老人相聚一语双叙刻画老人的心理,解释了老人相聚的目的,语言栩栩如生,合情合理。的目的,语言栩栩如生,合情合理。She looked at the faded photo with suspicion an
7、d a magnifying glass.她带着满腹孤疑借助放大镜看了看那张退了颜色的她带着满腹孤疑借助放大镜看了看那张退了颜色的照片照片with suspicion:to indicate mannerwith a magnifying glass:to indicate istrument作者借助上下文的语义关照与衬托,把任务的心理和行动有机的联系起来,把所要表达的意思有效的传达给读者。4.One verb shares two subjects Ten minutes laters,the coffee and Commander Dana of Naval Intelligence a
8、rrived simultaneously十分钟后,咖啡和海军情报指挥官戴纳同时十分钟后,咖啡和海军情报指挥官戴纳同时到了。到了。The ink,like our pig,keeps running out of the pen.墨水从钢笔里源源不断的流出来,就像我们墨水从钢笔里源源不断的流出来,就像我们的小猪从猪圈里跑出来一样。的小猪从猪圈里跑出来一样。ParallelismDefinition:Similarity of structure in a pair or series of related words,phrases,or clauses.Also called paralle
9、l structure.Examples.When you are right you cannot be too radical;when you are wrong,you cannot be too conservative.(Martin Luther King,Jr.).Some of the people said that the elephant had gone in one direction,some said that he had gone in another,some professed not even to have heard of any elephant
10、.founctions of parallelism1.Parallelism gives emphasis,clarity and coherance of ideas as well as the rhythm of the language.E.g I speek as a Republican.I speek as a woman.Ispeak as a United States senator.Ispeek as an American.founctions of parallelism2.Parallelism is often used in persuasive speech
11、.It is either within a sentence across sentences,within a paragraph or across paragaphs.Within a sentence1).and that government of the people,by the people and for the people,shall not perish from the earth.(Abraham Lincoln)Across sentencesThe seed ye sow,another reaps;The wealth ye find,another keeps;The robe ye weave,another wears;The arms ye forge,another bears.(Shelley)Across paragraphsWe know it because democracy alone,of all forms of government,enlists the full force of mens enlightened will.Thank you!