1、LOGOThemeGallery PowerTemplateContentsClick to add Title1Click to add Title2Click to add Title3Click to add Title4LOGOHot TipvHow do I incorporate my logo to a slide that will apply to all the other slides?On the View menu,point to Master,and then click Slide Master or Notes Master.Change images to
2、the one you like,then it will apply to all the other slides.Image information in product Title Image -School life_PHOTODISC(MULTIBITS),School Days_EYEWIRE(NFINE)Note to customers:This image has been licensed to be used within this PowerPoint template only.You may not extract the image for any other
3、use.LOGODiagramClick to add TextClick to add TextClick to add TextClick to add TextClick to add TextClick to add TextClick to add TextClick to add TextClick to add TextThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.LOGODiagram Add your title in here Add your tit
4、le in hereLOGODiagramAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextTextTextTextLOGOYour text in hereYour text in hereYour text in hereYour text in hereYour text in here Click to add Title Click to add Title Click to add Title Click to add Title Click to add Title Clic
5、k to add Title Click to add Title Click to add Title Click to add Title Click to add Title ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.DiagramLOGODiagramTitleTitleThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.TitleTitleT
6、hemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.TitleTitleThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.LOGODiagramYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour Text2001200220032004LOGODiagramA GroupB Gr
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9、Text in hereText in hereText in hereText in hereLOGODiagramText in here 01.Title01.TitleAdd your text in hereAdd your text in hereAdd your text in here 02.Title02.TitleAdd your text in hereAdd your text in hereAdd your text in here 03.Title03.TitleAdd your text in here Add your text in hereAdd your
10、text in hereThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.LOGODiagramAdd your text in hereA
11、dd your text in hereTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.LOGOText1Text2Text3Text4Text53-D Pie ChartAdd your text in hereAdd your text in hereAdd your text in hereAdd your text in hereAdd your text in hereLOGODiagramTitle
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13、ur text in hereYour text in here Your text in here Your text in hereLOGODiagramThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.LOGODiagramAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextA
14、dd Your TextLOGOText in hereText in hereText in hereText in hereText in here ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mal
15、l developed by Guild Design Inc.ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.DiagramLOGODiagramClick to add TextAdd your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in hereThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.Click to add TextClick to add TextAdd your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in hereAdd your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in hereLOGOLOGOAdd your company slogan