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1、 2012 土木工程学院交通工程专业中英文翻译Road Design专 业:交 通 工 程英文原文The Basics of a Good RoadWe have known how to build good roads for a longtime。 Archaeologists have found ancient Egyptian roadsthat carried blocks to the pyramids in 4600 BCE。 Later,the Romans built an extensive road system, using thesame principles w

2、e use today. Some of these roads arestill in service。If you follow the basic concepts of road building, youwill create a road that will last. The ten commandmentsof a good road are:(1)Get water away from the road(2)Build on a firm foundation(3)Use the best materials(4)Compact all layers properly(5)D

3、esign for traffic loads and volumes(6)Design for maintenance(7)Pave only when ready(8)Build from the bottom up(9)Protect your investment(10) Keep good records1Get water away from the road35324 89FC 觼30582 7776 睶21205 52D5 動/34600 8728 蜨6sWe cant overemphasize the importance of good drainage.Engineer

4、s estimate that at least 90 of a roadsproblems can be related to excess water or to poor waterdrainage. Too much water in any layer of a roadsstructure can weaken that layer, leading to failure.In the surface layer, water can cause cracks andpotholes。 In lower layers it undermines support, causingcr

5、acks and potholes. A common sign of water in anasphalt road surface is alligator cracking - an interconnectedpattern of cracks forming small irregular shapedpieces that look like alligator skin。 Edge cracking, frostheaves, and spring breakup of pavements also point tomoisture problems.To prevent the

6、se problems remember that water: flows downhill needs to flow someplace is a problem if it is not flowingEffective drainage systems divert, drain and dispose ofwater。 To do this they use interceptor ditches and slopes,road crowns, and ditch and culvert systems。Divert Interceptor ditches, located bet

7、ween the roadand higher ground along the road, keep the water fromreaching the roadway. These ditches must slope so theycarry water away from the road.Drain Creating a crown in the road so it is higheralong the centerline than at the edges encourages waterto flow off the road。 Typically a paved crow

8、n should be14 higher than the shoulder for each foot of width fromthe centerline to the edge。 For gravel surfaces the crownshould be 12 higher per foot of width. For this flow pathto work, the road surface must be relatively water tight.Road shoulders also must be sloped away from the roadto continu

9、e carrying the flow away。 Superelevations(banking) at the outside of curves will also help drainthe road surface.Dispose - A ditch and culvert system carries water awayfrom the road structure。 Ditches should be at least onefoot lower than the bottom of the gravel road layer thatdrains the roadway。 T

10、hey must be kept clean and mustbe sloped to move water into natural drainage。 If waterstays in the ditches it can seep back into the roadstructure and undermine its strength. Ditches should alsobe protected from erosion by planting grass, or installingrock and other erosion control measures。 Erosion

11、 candamage shoulders and ditches, clog culverts, undermineroadbeds, and contaminate nearby streams and lakes.Evaluate your ditch and culvert system twice a yearto ensure that it works。 In the fall, clean out leaves andbranches that can block flow。 In spring, check for andremove silts from plowing an

12、d any dead plantmaterialleft from the fall。2 Build on a firm foundationA road is only as good as its foundation。 A highway wearsout from the top down but falls apart from the bottom。The road base must carry the entire structure and thetraffic that uses it。To make a firm foundation you may need to st

13、abilizethe roadbed with chemical stabilizers, large stone calledbreaker run, or geotextile fabric。 When you run intoconditions where you suspect that the native soil isunstable, work with an engineer to investigate thesituation and design an appropriate solution.3 Use the best materialsWith all road

14、 materials you “pay now or pay later。”Inferior materials may require extensive maintenancethroughout the roads life. They may also force you toreplace the road prematurely.Crushed aggregate is the best material for the basecourse。 The sharp angles of thecrushed material interlockwhen they are compac

15、ted。 This supports the pavementand traffic by transmitting the load from particle toparticle。 By contrast, rounded particles act like ballI627010 6982 概30859 788B 碋kv22460 57BC 垼bearings, moving under loads。Angular particles are more stable than rounded particles。Asphalt and concrete pavement materi

16、als must be ofthe highest quality, designed for the conditions, obtainedfrom established firms, and tested to ensure it meetsspecifications.4Compact all layersIn general, the more densely a material is compacted, thestronger it is。 Compaction also shrinks or eliminates openspaces (voids) between par

17、ticles. This means that lesswater can enter the structure。 Water in soil can weakenthe structure or lead to frost heaves。 This is especiallyimportant for unsurfaced (gravel) roads. Use gravel whichhas a mix of sizes (wellgraded aggregate) so smallerparticles can fill the voids between larger ones. G

18、oodcompaction of asphalt pavement lengthens its life。5Design for traffic loadsand volumesDesign for the highest anticipated load the road will carry。A road that has been designed only for cars will not standup to trucks. One truck with 9 tons on a single rear axledoes as much damage to a road as nea

19、rly 10,000 cars.Rural roads may carry log trucks, milk trucks, firedepartment pumper trucks, or construction equipment。If you dont know what specific loads the road will carry,a good rule of thumb is to design for the largest piece ofhighway maintenance equipment that will be used onthe road。A well-

20、constructed and maintained asphalt roadshould last 20 years without major repairs or reconstruction.In designing a road, use traffic counts that projectnumbers and sizes of vehicles 20 years into the future。These are only projections, at best, but they will allowyou to plan for traffic loadings thro

21、ugh a roads life.6 Design for maintenanceWithout maintenance a road will rapidly deteriorate andfail. Design your roads so they can be easily maintained。This means: adequate ditches that can be cleaned regularly culverts that are marked for easy locating in the spring enough space for snow after it

22、is plowed off the road proper cross slopes for safety, maintenance and toavoid snow drifts roadsides that are planted or treated to prevent erosion roadsides that can be mowed safely30413 76CD 盍28180 6E14 渔PA28627 6FD3 濓27456 6B40 歀34878 883E 蠾A rule of thumb for adequate road width is to makeit wid

23、e enough for a snowplow to pass another vehiclewithout leaving the travelled way。Mark culverts with a post so they can be located easily。7 Pave only when readyIt is not necessary to pave all your roads immediately。There is nothing wrong with a wellbuilt and wellmaintainedgravel road if traffic loads

24、 and volume donot require a paved surface。 Three hundred vehicles perday is the recommended minimum to justify paving.Dont assume that laying down asphalt will fix a gravelroad that is failing. Before you pave, make sure you havean adequate crushed stone base that drains well and isproperly compacte

25、d。 The recommended minimum depthof crushed stone base is 10” depending on subgrade soils。A road paved only when it is ready will far outperformone that is constructed too quickly。8 Build from the bottom upThis commandment may seem obvious, but it meansthat you shouldnt top dress or resurface a road

26、if theproblem is in an underlying layer. Before you do anyroad improvement, locate the cause of any surfaceproblems. Choose an improvement technique that willaddress the problem。 This may mean recycling orremoving all road materials down to the native soil andrebuilding everything。 Doing any work th

27、at doesnt solvethe problem is a waste of money and effort。9 Protect your investmentThe road system can be your municipalitys biggestinvestment。 Just as a home needs painting or a new roof,a road must be maintained. Wisconsins severe climaterequires more road maintenance than in milder places。Do thes

28、e important maintenance activities:Surface grade, shape, patch, seal cracks,control dust, remove snow and iceDrainage clean and repair ditches and culverts;remove all excess materialRoadside cut brush, trim trees and roadsideplantings, control erosionTraffic service - clean and repair or replace sig

29、nsDesign roads with adequate ditches so they can bemaintained with a motor grader. Clean and grade ditchesto maintain proper pitch and peak efficiency. After grading,remove all excess material from the shoulder。10 Keep good recordsYour maintenance will be more efficient with goodrecords. Knowing the

30、 roads construction, life, and repairhistory makes it much easier to plan and budget its futurerepairs。 Records can also help you evaluate the effectivenessof the repair methods and materials you used.Good record keeping starts with an inventory of thesystem. It should include the history and surfac

31、e conditionof the roadway, identify and evaluate culverts and bridges,note ditch conditions, shoulders, signs, and such structuresas retaining walls and guardrails。Update your inventory each year or when you repairor change a road section。 A formal pavement managementsystem can help use these record

32、s and plan and budgetroad improvements.21290 532A 匪32283 7E1B 縛w40405 9DD5 鷕37110 90F6 郶31306 7A4A 穊EResourcesThe Basics of a Good Road17649, UWMadison, 15min。 videotape. Presents the Ten Commandments of aGood Road. Videotapes are loaned free through CountyExtension offices.Asphalt PASER Manual(39 p

33、p), Concrete PASER Manual(48 pp), Gravel PASER Manual (32 pp). These bookletscontain extensive photos and descriptions of road surfacesto help you understand types of distress conditions andtheir causes。 A simple procedure for rating the conditionhelps you manage your pavements and plan repairs.Road

34、ware, a computer program which stores and reportspavement condition information. Developed by theTransportationInformationCenter and enhanced by theWisconsin Department of Transportation, it uses thePASER rating system to provide fiveyear cost budgetsand roadway repair/reconstruction priority lists.

35、Wisconsin Transportation Bulletinfactsheets, availablefrom the Transportation Information Center (T。I。C。).Road Drainage, No。 4。 Describes drainage forroadways, shoulders, ditches, and culverts.Gravel Roads, No。 5。 Discusses the characteristicsof a gravel road and how to maintain one.Using Salt and S

36、and for Winter Road Maintenance,No. 6. Basic information and practical tips on how touse de-icing chemicals and sand.CulvertsProper Use and Installation, No。 15.Selecting and sizing culverts, designing, installingand maintaining them.Geotextiles in Road Construction/Maintenance andErosion Control, N

37、o. 16。 Definitions and commonapplications of geotextiles on roadways and forerosion control.T.I。C。 workshops are offered at locations around the state.Crossroads,an 8page quarterly newsletter published bythe T.I。C。 carries helpful articles, workshop information,and resource lists.For more informatio

38、n on any of these materials, contactthe T。I。C。 at 800/442-4615.中文译文一个良好的公路的基础长久以来我们已经掌握了如何铺设好一条道路的方法,考古学家发现在4600年古埃及使用建造金字塔的石块铺设道路,后来, 罗马人使用同样的方法建立了一个庞大的道路系统,这种方法一直沿用到今天。其中的某些道路依然发挥着作用.如果我们遵照到路的基本概念铺设,将会建设一条持久耐用的道路。以下是铺设好一条道路的十点要求:(1) 尽量做好道路的排水(2) 路基的基础一定要稳固(3) 选用经济合理的铺设材料 (4) 铺设的层次要紧凑合理 (5) 设计好道路的最

39、大车辆荷载 (6) 做好设计维护 (7) 准备工作做好才能铺设 (8) 铺设从下往上开始 (9) 预算好您的投资 (10)保持良好的记录)|36833 8FE1 迡20312 4F58 佘27734 6C56 汖w1尽量做好道路的排水我们在怎么强调排水的重要性也不为过,工程师估计,至少有90的道路的问题可能与过量的道路积水或劣质的排水设施有关。过多的水积攒在道路的结构层内,这样会减弱结构层与基层的稳定性,从而导致路基的破坏。在道路的面层,水分可能引起路面开裂和裂缝内积水。在基层将引起基层的支撑能力下降导致基层的破坏,会出现裂缝和坑洞。积水的一个共同的标志是沥青路面开裂是龟裂的裂缝彼此之间相互关

40、联,形成不规则的小块看起来像鳄鱼皮。边缘的裂缝,热胀冷缩,春季路面解冻的问题。为了防止此类的问题持续:(1)水顺边坡下流(2)排到必要的地方(3)如果水分不能排出就会引起问题。有效的排水系统,水分的排出和处置.为此,他们利用拦截沟渠和斜坡,道路冠冕,沟渠和涵洞系统。转移-拦截沟渠,坐落在道路和路线较高的位置,从而使水能够远离道路。这些排水沟与边坡能够将水分及时排走.排水-建立在路上一顶王冠,因此沿中心线高于在边缘鼓励水流过马路。通常,铺设冠应该是1 / 4每页宽度脚高于“每个中心线的宽度从山脚到边缘的肩膀。砾石表面的冠应该是1 / 2高”。为此流路的工作,路面必须相对水密。路肩还必须远离公路倾

41、斜,继续承载着流走. Superelevations在曲线外(银行)也将有助于drainthe路面。处理水沟,涵洞系统进行水离路面结构。沟渠应至少有一个脚比的砾石层,道路排水巷道底低。他们必须保持清洁,必须倾斜迁入自然排水。如果在沟渠的水留它可以渗透回道路结构和削弱其力量。沟渠也应受到保护不受侵蚀,种植草,或安装岩石和其他水土保持措施。侵蚀可以破坏的肩膀和沟渠,堵塞涵洞,破坏路基,并污染附近的河流和湖泊。评估你的沟渠和涵洞制度,每年两次,以确保它可以工作。到了秋天,树叶和树枝清理掉,可以阻止流动。在春天,检查并清除耕耘任何死去的植物材料,从秋天离开淤泥。2路基的基础一定要稳固阿路也只有在良好的


43、的公司从成立的条件下获得的,设计和测试,以确保其符合规格。4铺设的层次要紧凑合理在一般情况下,更密集的物质被压缩,这是越强。缩小或消除压实也粒子间空地(空隙).这意味着更少的水可以进入的结构。土壤中水的结构可以削弱或导致霜冻眼帘。这对于unsurfaced(砾石)道路重要。使用砾石其中有一个尺寸(良好级配碎石)的组合,以便更小的颗粒可以填补较大的空隙之间。好 沥青路面压实延长其寿命。5设计好道路的最大车辆荷载设计最高负荷预计将进行的道路。一个是专为汽车的必由之路不会站起来卡车。 9吨卡车之一,在一个后轴不以道路为近万汽车造成很大损害.p33623 8357 荗29966 750E 甎39512

44、 9A58 驘农村道路可能携带日志卡车,牛奶车,消防部门消防车卡车,或施工设备。如果你不知道什么具体的道路将进行加载,一个好的经验法则是,设计为公路养护设备的最大一块将在道路上使用. 一个良好的构造和维修沥青路面应持续无大修或重建20年。道路设计,使用交通计数的项目数量和20年到未来车辆的大小。这些仅仅是预测,在最好的,但他们将允许您计划穿越道路交通负荷的生活.6做好设计维护无需维修道路将会迅速恶化并失败。设计你的道路,让他们可以很容易地维持。这意味着:可以定期清理沟渠充足 以方便用户在春季定位标记暗渠 雪足够的空间是翻耕后离开道路 恰当的安全,维修斜坡,避免交叉雪堆 是种植或处理,以防止水土

45、流失路旁 可安全地修剪路旁 一个拇指规则是足够的道路宽度,使其足够宽的扫雪机通过旅行方式,而不必离开其他车辆。7 准备工作做好才能铺设这是没有必要所有的道路铺平立即。有一个精心打造和wellmaintained砂石路没有什么错的交通负荷及数量不需要铺设表面。每天三百辆是建议的最低证明铺路。 不要以为铺设沥青碎石路面修复将是失败的。在您铺平,请确保您有足够的基础,碎石排水良好, 适当压缩。推荐的碎石基层的最低深度为10“路基土壤而定。 阿铺平道路时,才愿意将远远超越 一个是构建太快8铺设从下往上开始这似乎是显而易见的命令,但它意味着你不应该顶服饰或重铺道,如果问题出在一个基础层。在你做任何道路改

46、善,找到任何表面问题的原因。选择一个改进技术,以解决问题。这可能意味着回收或清除所有道路材料到原生的土壤和重建。做任何工作,不解决问题是一种对金钱和精力的浪费。9预算好您的投资道路系统可以是您的全市最大的投资。就像一个家庭需要油漆或一个新的屋顶,道路必须维持。威斯康星州的严重环境要求较温和的地方道路维修。做这些重要的保养活动: (1)表面等级,形状,修补,密封裂缝,控制粉尘,消除冰雪 (2)渠 - 清理和修复沟渠,涵洞;清除所有多余的材料 (3)路边 - 切刷,修剪树木和路边种植面积,控制水土流失 (4)交通服务 清洁和修理或更换的迹象10保持良好的记录 您的维护将更加具有良好的记录效率.知道

47、了道路的建设,生活和修复历史让我们更容易的未来计划和预算 维修。记录也可以帮助您评估的修复方法和材料您使用的有效性。 保持良好的记录与库存系统的一个开始.它应包括巷道的历史和表面状况,确定和评估涵洞和桥梁,注意沟条件,肩膀,标牌,并作为挡土墙及护栏等结构。 更新您的库存,每年或当您修理或更换路段.一个正式的路面管理系统可以帮助使用这些记录,计划和预算道路改善工程。资源 一个良好的路#17649,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,15分钟的基础知识。录像带。介绍了良好的道路十诫.免费租借录像带是通过县推广部门。沥青PASER手册(39页),具体PASER手册(48页),砂石PASER手册(32页).这些小

48、册子包含大量的照片和路面描述来帮助你理解窘迫状况及其原因的类型。一个简单的程序,评级的条件可以帮助您管理您的人行道和计划修理。Roadware,计算机存储和报告方案,路面状况的信息。公司开发的交通信息中心和威斯康星州的交通运输部加强,它使用PASER评级系统,提供为期五年的成本预算和道路修复/重建的优先名单.从交通信息中心(TIC)获得威斯康星州的交通情况说明公告,。 道路排水描述用于道路排水,肩膀,沟渠,涵洞。 碎石路讨论了砾石路面的特点和如何维护之一,包括利用冬季道路养护盐和沙子及如何使用除冰化学品和沙子的实用技巧。 涵洞的正确使用和安装,选择和大小涵洞,设计,安装和维护它们。 土工织物在道路建设/维护和 侵蚀控制,定义和常见的应用土工布在道路和控制水土流失。


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