1、2023年医院简介(中英文) 简介 医院始建于1937年,是市最大的一所三级综合医院。是全市医疗、教学、科研、急救、预防、保健、康复指导中心。承担着全市290万人口和中高级干部、外宾的医疗保健和重大灾害事故、突发公共卫生事件的急诊抢救任务。 医院共开设床位810张,现有职工1000余人,卫生技术人员占80%以上,拥有3个专科医院(儿童医院、骨科医院、传染病医院)和1个分院(五里分院),设有43个临床医技科室,2个省级优势和特色专科(骨科、消化内镜科),3个临床研究所(心血管、眼病、肝胆疾病),全市医学专科指导中心14个(急救、内镜、眼科、儿科、临床检验、皮肤性病、血液净化、麻醉质量、护理质量、
3、,以电子胃镜、电子肠镜、电子十二指肠镜、电子胆道镜、前列腺汽化电切镜、宫腔镜为代表的各种内镜诊治技术和肿瘤诊疗形成了我院的技术特色,多项技术填补了及省内的空白,已逐步形成区域性医院的技术优势和专科特色。全院有40名同志为省级学会专业委员会成员、25名同志担任市级学会专业委员会主任委员,1人享受国务院政府特殊津贴,1人为省“35”人才,2人为省卫生系统“215”人才,40人为市级拔尖人才。是职业技术学院附属医院,交通大学医学院、医学院、延安大学、云阳医学院教学医院。是城镇职工和居民基本医疗保险定点医疗机构,农村合作医疗定点医院。 Introduction At the level of Grad
4、e III, City Central Hospital is the largest general hospital in .The hospital was founded in 1937 and it is now the citywide guiding center of medical treatment, medical education, scientific research, first aid, rehabilitation, disease prevention and health care.The hospital is responsible for prov
5、iding health care measures for senior cadres, foreign guests and more than 2.9 million ordinary people in citywide, and it also takes the rescue and emergency treatment task in public emergency health incident, major accident and nature desaster. There are more than 1000 staff in the hospital and ov
6、er 80% of which are technical staff. City Central Hospital contains 3 special hospitals( Childrens Hospital, Orthopaedics Hospital and Infectious Diseases Hospital) ,1 branch hospital(Wu Li Hospital),and 3 clinical studies for cardiovasology, ophthalmology and hepatology, the allocation of beds is u
7、p to 810.There are 43 clinical and medical technique departments, and two of them were elected as the key departments of Provincial Outstanding and Distinctive Medical Department .In the hospital, there are 14 municipal medical instructing centers at the profeional field as following: first aid, end
8、oscope, ophthalmonogy, paediatrics, clinical laboratory, blood purification, anesthesia, nursing quality, quality of medical records, infection prevention and control, health care for pregnant and puerperal women, rehabilitation, medical imaging, dermatology and venereology.17 departments were confi
9、rmed as the municipal key departments,they are: Vasculocardiology Department, Orthopedics Department, Urology Surgery, Paediatrics Department, Digestive Endoscopy section,Neurology Department, Digestive System Department, Pathology Department, General Surgery, E.N.T.Department, Anesthesiology Depart
10、ment, Ophthalmology Department, Oncology Department, Infectious Disease Department, Clinical Laboratory,Function Department and Nuclear Medicine Department.Some of them, such as Vasculocardiology Department,Paediatrics Department, Orthopedics Department, Urology Surgery, Oncology Department, Digesti
11、ve Endoscopy Section, as well as the techniques of medical imaging and pathologic diagnosis, have enjoyed a good reputation in the south of province.The hospital is equipped with modern medical instruments such as nuclear magnetic resonance machine, spiral CT system, digital image subtracting X-ray
12、machine, ECT, linear accelerator, color ultrasound, ACA(Automatic Random Acce Biochemistry Analyzer), and the most advanced endoscopes, etc.It has developed the coronary angiography and balloon expand stents implantation, and techniques as heart disease (VSD, PDA, ASD), peripheral vascular and aorti
13、c type interlining of interventional therapy, etc.Kinds and series of endoscopes with therapies, represented by electronic gastroscope, electronic colonoscope, electronic duodenum endoscope,electronic choledochoscope, prostate resectoscope and hysteroscope, and the diagnosis of oncology,become to th
14、e technical characteristics of the hospital, which fill up to the blank of the south of , even in the whole province.That shows great dominance and speciality in the technical and profeional fields. City Central Hospital have many scholars and specialists which include 40 commiioners of provincial m
15、edical committee, 25 director-commiioners of municipal medical committee, and 1 staff enjoys the special government allowance granted by state council, 1 staff listed in provincial 35 talent plan, 2 staff listed in provincial medical system talent 215 plan, 40 staff listed as municipal top-notch per
16、sonnel.Nowadays, City Central Hospital is not only the affiliated hospital of the Vocational and Technical College, but also is the training hospital of Medical College of Jiao Tong University, Medical College, Yanan University and Yun Yang Medical College.Synchronously it is the designated hospital of rural cooperative medical system as well as the designated institution of basic medical insurance for urban workers/residents in . 医院简介(中英文) 杨振宁中英文简介 秦皇岛简介中英文 迪士尼中英文简介 公司中英文简介 公司中英文简介 公司中英文简介 春节中英文简介 戴尔中英文简介 猫 中英文 简介